View Full Version : working out a new routine

11-24-2009, 11:37 PM
I'm just working a new workout routine, i've plateaued hard on my bench(plus it's the weakest part about me) and thats why im trying to workout chest twice a week just so i can build it up. Let me know what i need to add or remove or whatever!. I respect all of your opinions so feel free to criticize.

Oh and my goal right now is to get bigger/ get in shape


incline(barbell) 3x8
decline(barbell) 3x8
flat(barbell) 3x8
chest flys(machine) 3x8


Barbell Rows 3x8
Pullups 3x10
Deadlifts 5x8
Skull Crushers 3x8
Tricep extension 3x8


Military Press 5x8
Barbell Shrugs 3x8
Shoulder Extension 3x8
Barbell curls 3x8


Squats 5x8
Deadlifts 5x8
Glute Hamstring Raise 3x8
Calf raise 3x8
Hamstring curls 3x8

incline dumbbell 3x8
decline barbell 3x8
flat dumbbell 3x8
dumbbell flys 3x8

11-24-2009, 11:44 PM
So to clarify, are you working out 5 days a week going by this routine?

11-25-2009, 07:18 AM
yeah taking two days off

11-25-2009, 11:25 PM
What are your stats?
What do you bench currently?

You have chest/tris/shoulders back to back....(hint, they all work the same/similar muscle group)
Then you have the most CNS taxing exercise, then back to chest... oops I missed that you are deadlifting twice in one week... you will overtrain in a month if that.

If you want to get strong, ditch the 8 rep scheme. Do some reading.. Ironaddicts is a place I would suggest you READ, don't post, do lots of reading, Wes has a ton of great plans that would work for you.

Check Darkanes post on 5/3/1 also.

Even a 5x5 would work better.

11-25-2009, 11:55 PM
Scrap that routine :eek: wayyy to much workload.

If you follow that routine with some decent intensity (1 rep short of failure on all sets) you will be run into the ground in a matter of weeks.

11-26-2009, 12:11 AM
I agree with the above posters, which was why I wanted to clarify through my earlier post. I currently do 5x5 for most of the compound workouts such as the bench press, deadlift, squats and shoulder press. Although I don't believe I am experienced and knowledgeable enough to give you any advice. Maybe someone else like darkane can chime in later. Whatever your new workout routine ends up being, hope it goes well :thumbsup:

11-26-2009, 03:01 PM
Right now my main goal is to gain size, and I don't know if I'm at that point where i should be still doing strength or trying to gain size. I haven't tested any of my max's because i've always been trying to hit 6-8 so this is what i usually do

flat bench 135x6-7
deadlift 245x7-8
squat 245x6-7
military press 95x6

im at 5'10 140lbs and thats a huge reason why i want to gain size.

11-26-2009, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by dandia89
Right now my main goal is to gain size, and I don't know if I'm at that point where i should be still doing strength or trying to gain size. I haven't tested any of my max's because i've always been trying to hit 6-8 so this is what i usually do

flat bench 135x6-7
deadlift 245x7-8
squat 245x6-7
military press 95x6

im at 5'10 140lbs and thats a huge reason why i want to gain size.
Based on those figures, assuming form is correct, you are in good shape as it is. Switch to a basic 5 x 5 routine, keep lifting, and EAT. Size comes from food!

11-26-2009, 06:25 PM
what would be involved in a basic 5x5 routine? a few posters above said the exercises would end up making me over train, but what do you suggest i should do for a 5 day split?

11-26-2009, 08:46 PM
Just go three times a week. Something like M/W/F then take the weekends off. Do 5 sets of 5 reps with weights heavy enough that five reps is about all you could do.

11-26-2009, 10:20 PM
Like some have said before 1) you are trying to doing way to much, 2) over training and burning yourself out quicker, and 3) not utilize the fact that some exercises should be done in conjunction (ie. chest and triceps, etc).

I recently started a 5 x 5 program and it seems to be pretty good. Here is the routine that is done every 2nd day (at least try to):

Day 1
ME Squat (3/3/3/1/1/1)
Chinups (5x5)
Curl (3x8)
Deadlifts - Ramped (5x5)

Day 2
Bench - Ramped (5x5)
Dumbbell Skullcrushers (3x10)
Laterial Raises (5x10)

Day 3
Row (5x5)
Squats - Static (5x5)
Calfs (3x10)

Day 4
Bench - Static (5x5)
Dips (3x10)
Military Press (4x10)

Do enough weight for each set so that you still can do 1-2 reps till failure.

Diet is very important (or just eating if you want to gain size). Been working out off and on for about 10 years. The first 2 years I gained ok strength but no size. Went to college and started eating 7 good meals at school and about 9 total during the day. Working out 4 times a week, I gained 20 pounds of muscle in 3 weeks. No supplements or anything.

In 10 years I have learned alot about what works for me and that does not necessarily mean that it will work for you. But, I recommend you try this routine for a month or two and see how it goes. Keep the intensity high and increase the weight every time you do an exercise. Deload after 4 weeks. If it doesn't work or you don't enjoy it, move on and try something else.

11-26-2009, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by dandia89
what would be involved in a basic 5x5 routine? a few posters above said the exercises would end up making me over train, but what do you suggest i should do for a 5 day split?

Why do you need a 5 day split?

What you need is a simple 2-3 day/wk routine... more isint always better.

I personally had some great success with this routine when i started out. You should be able to slap on 2.5-5lbs every workout on each major lift.

This routine looks like nothing, but as long as you eat your protein and train to 1 rep short of failure you will make progress - its that simple. When you stall change up your lifts or change to a different rep scheme Eg. 5x5
Day One:
Dips or Bench Press 2 x 6-8

Incline Press, or incline Fly 2 x 10-12

Military Press, Or Hammer Shoulder Press 2 x 6-8

Tricep (skull crushers) Extensions or Tricep Pushdowns 2 x 10-12

Day Two:

Pull-Up 3 sets to failure

Barbell Row 2 x 8

EZ-Bar Or Dumbell Curl 1 x 10

Heavy Abs 3 x 10

Day Three

Squats 2 x 10

Deadlifts, or Stiff-Legged Deadlift 1 x 10

Pull-Troughs, Glute/Ham Raises, or Reverse Hypers 2x12

11-28-2009, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by dandia89
what would be involved in a basic 5x5 routine? a few posters above said the exercises would end up making me over train, but what do you suggest i should do for a 5 day split?

Why do you need a 5 day? You understand that you grow/repair when you rest right?

2-3 day/week kill it, rest and EAT.
Your lifts are good for your size, lifting heavy will make you bigger if you EAT.