View Full Version : SECN Investigation into City's Lease Offer to Race City is Indefensible

11-25-2009, 04:39 PM
Hey guys

Just posted another story on Race City. Did some digging on the lease offer, it's even worse than I thought. How does City Hall get away with treating private businesses like this?

Read for yourself:



11-25-2009, 07:30 PM
It's the government.

The government wants the land.

The government alwways gets what it wants in the longrun.

Simple? :dunno:

11-25-2009, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by 2EFNFAST
It's the government.

The government wants the land.

The government alwways gets what it wants in the longrun.

Simple? :dunno:

Thats bullshit, it shouldnt be that way. WE vote them in, they should be doing what the majority says, NOT having agendas and doing whatever the fuck they want. This isnt comunism, but its getting damn close to it these days.

11-25-2009, 07:49 PM
Its not bullshit, its what is best for the majority of people. If 90% of people needed race city, it would stay. Probably only 1-2% of the population use it. The city needs the land for waste and recycling expansion. It sucks it has to go but catering to a very small minority of the population isn't really the best way to run a city.

11-25-2009, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by 2EFNFAST
It's the government.

The government wants the land.

The government alwways gets what it wants in the longrun.

Simple? :dunno:
No it's not that simple, this isn't Cuba.

11-25-2009, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by FraserB
Its not bullshit, its what is best for the majority of people. If 90% of people needed race city, it would stay. Probably only 1-2% of the population use it. The city needs the land for waste and recycling expansion. It sucks it has to go but catering to a very small minority of the population isn't really the best way to run a city.

Do your research, the landfill apparently from reading other things in the past, is good beyond 2015 for sure, i forget who said that, i would have to dig to find it. Its not that race city needs to go for public well-being, it has to do with the mayor being a cocksucker, and taking his grudge for it as far as he can. For the people who dont want race city, well, they will see what happens....

who cares of 1-2% use it, its a recreational facility, you tell me this, how much of the population uses ANY rec facility.......why is a track different from your local ymca?

11-26-2009, 01:26 AM
Originally posted by sr20s14zenki

why is a track different from your local ymca?

Because, to the majority of society, ymca = good/useful ; track = useless place for hoodlums.

Btw, using your majority logic, they're doing just that - the majority of the people out there don't care about Race City. The majority of this board might, but we don't represent the majority of society.

11-26-2009, 01:52 AM
Maybe people should start linking it to their facebook profiles so maybe it spreads and gets picked up by more people.

Just an idea. It's on my fb now. Just one more avenue to get this heard.

11-26-2009, 01:54 AM
Originally posted by 2EFNFAST

Because, to the majority of society, ymca = good/useful ; track = useless place for hoodlums.

Btw, using your majority logic, they're doing just that - the majority of the people out there don't care about Race City. The majority of this board might, but we don't represent the majority of society.

read the story. It points out that alot of un-interested people are now becoming interested not in race city but in the fact that they are being muscled out of there unfairly. This is definitely going to get alot of support from people who still don't care about race city but care about the principle of the thing.