View Full Version : Court for speeding (HELP)

12-03-2009, 11:59 PM
hey guys,

hopefully i can get some advice/help

So I was driving on the highway tonight and the speed limit is 100km/hr. I was doing abut 150km/hr casue it was night and i felt like i had the highway to my self. Anyways a cop is on top of the bridge and ends up pulling me over and he says he got me doing 154km/hr in a 100 zone.

I was expecting a ticket but i got a court date.

So my question is, what will happen in court?

I mean iam a student and this is my first time i have ever been pulled over by the police before and i dont know what the consequences of this will be.

and lastly does anyone have any tips for when iam in court??


12-04-2009, 12:05 AM
Excessive speeding usually means a mandatory court appearance, but technically it should be that case for over 50 kph. I suppose it's up to the cop to make that judgment. Perhaps for you, it appeared careless enough that it would have warranted a mandatory appearance.

Show up to court (I would suggest shirt and tie as well), and tell them that you messed up. Tell them as well that you're also a student and anything true that may help your case (i.e. never had tickets before, working student, etc.).

Chances are you'll get off with a ticket of lower fines/demerits (i.e. speeding over 30 or less, or maybe minor suspension?)

12-04-2009, 12:15 AM
k, all i hope for is i dont get a suspension
and i dont want my insurance to sky rocket over some stupid thing like this

12-04-2009, 12:24 AM
Honestly just call up POINTTS or Traffic Cops or one of those guys (I've used POINTTS, they def seem like good guys, they tell you flat out what they can do for you and they handle everything)

Not that expensive and it gets it out of your hair.

Otherwise just show up for court, dress nice, don't look like a douche and be real sorry for what you did. Highlight the fact that its your first offence and your a good kid, student etc.

12-04-2009, 01:05 AM
^ listen to these guys.

Make sure you check any attitude at the door ie. dont say "I was speeding because it was late and I was alone", instead say "I was driving, and I made a mistake of going too fast".

Dont try to underplay the seriousness of the situation.

12-04-2009, 01:23 AM
Originally posted by themitch89
k, all i hope for is i dont get a suspension
and i dont want my insurance to sky rocket over some stupid thing like this

Because you sure deserve cheap insurance doing 150 on winter roads, right?

12-04-2009, 02:25 AM
Originally posted by themitch89
k, all i hope for is i dont get a suspension
and i dont want my insurance to sky rocket over some stupid thing like this

Well, the ticket you're going to get from court will increase your insurance (unless your insurance doesn't count your first ticket or something). It will be a speeding ticket and it will have demerits. However, your actions in court will determine the ticket you receive. Remember, you drove in a manner that could cost lives. Many cops out there will give you a spiel about how many accidents they've seen on Deerfoot where it could have been absolutely preventable. You have to let the judge acknowledge that you know this and you would never EVER do it again.

It's good that it's your first offense as you've stated so it should help you in first court appearance.

Good luck, and please don't do it again.

12-04-2009, 08:06 AM
Originally posted by ReflexFX

Because you sure deserve cheap insurance doing 150 on winter roads, right?

well i have been driving for 2 and a half years and have never been even a fender bender, iam apretty damn good driver if u ask me. dont try and act like you never went past 140 buddy.

and it is winter but the roads are clean here in edmonton

12-04-2009, 08:50 AM
2.5 years withour a fender bender? You deserve a medal!

Seriously though, listen to the guys above.

12-04-2009, 08:51 AM
2 1/2 years? And F1 hasn't called?

12-04-2009, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by themitch89

well i have been driving for 2 and a half years and have never been even a fender bender, iam apretty damn good driver if u ask me. dont try and act like you never went past 140 buddy.

and it is winter but the roads are clean here in edmonton

Check this attitude. Listen to the advice.

12-04-2009, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by themitch89

well i have been driving for 2 and a half years and have never been even a fender bender, iam apretty damn good driver if u ask me. dont try and act like you never went past 140 buddy.

and it is winter but the roads are clean here in edmonton

Holy fucking attitude :banghead:

I hope your insurance goes up. I have driven 7 years and over 250,000km since my last (not-at-fault) accident, been licensed 9 years (not counting learner's) and never had an at-fault accient, yet I still don't consider myself a "damn good driver". If you are young, have only been driving for 2 years and go 150+ on the highway then you deserve to have high insurance.

12-04-2009, 09:40 AM
Every moving violation comes with a court date, even if you're going 1 over the speed limit. They're just not all mandatory.

12-04-2009, 09:42 AM
Wow people in here should check their attitude at the door. Your necks must be sore looking down all the time.....

12-04-2009, 09:49 AM
Actually so far this is one of the milder threads concerning something speeding. Trust me OP, you're getting off lightly.

12-04-2009, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by HyperZell
Trust me OP, you're getting off lightly.

Suprisingly light. 2.5 whole years of driving? Tell the judge that, let him/her know you are a damn good driver too. Your insurance will go up and you will get a decent fine. :thumbsup:

12-04-2009, 10:19 AM
I love how much attitude Beyonders give people who get caught speeding. Even though I KNOW 99% of us have done something similar. (150 in a 100)

I don't make a habit of it, but on clear roads on a straight stretch with no cars around I've been up to 220. Maybe more. I'm sure most of you have "tested" out your cars here and there as well.

This guy was doing something similar. Clear roads, nobody around. And we all know how straight that highway is. He was only putting himself at risk, so I'm not going to lay the hammer down on him for what he was doing. (Though it is pretty silly for a newer driver to risk his license to do this)

Should he just suck it up and take the penalty? Sure. But he's trying to save his license, and I can understand that.

OP: The advice in here is pretty good, imo. Dress fairly dressy (don't overdo it) and look presentable. As suggested, don't downplay what you were doing. Say you realize you were going way too fast, and it was a mistake you have now learned from. Promise you will not repeat it.

Be sincere, and not cocky. Though I understand your attitude on here in the face of adversity, that will NOT fly with the judge, so leave it at the door. View yourself as a little boy asking for forgiveness, because that is more or less how you are viewed by the judge. Be polite. Address the judge properly. Whatever you do, do not interrupt the judge.

Good luck, and I do hope you actually *do* learn to take it a little easier on the roads. For your own safety, if nothing else.

12-04-2009, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by Kloubek
I love how much attitude Beyonders give people who get caught speeding. Even though I KNOW 99% of us have done something similar. (150 in a 100)

Actually, The last time I remember driving that fast was in Germany, on the Autobahn, doing 180 in my ford fiesta :D

12-04-2009, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by Kloubek
I love how much attitude Beyonders give people who get caught speeding. Even though I KNOW 99% of us have done something similar. (150 in a 100)

I don't make a habit of it, but on clear roads on a straight stretch with no cars around I've been up to 220. Maybe more. I'm sure most of you have "tested" out your cars here and there as well.

This guy was doing something similar. Clear roads, nobody around. And we all know how straight that highway is. He was only putting himself at risk, so I'm not going to lay the hammer down on him for what he was doing. (Though it is pretty silly for a newer driver to risk his license to do this)

Should he just suck it up and take the penalty? Sure. But he's trying to save his license, and I can understand that.


This is true, to a point. It seems the circumstances that the OP was driving in were valid, the problem is coming on here looking for advice; forget the flame suit, just douse yourself with gasoline and let people huck matches at you.
I normally come on here and shit on people for driving like this, but the OP didn't really put anyone else at risk, except maybe the police and EMS personnel that may have attended to him had his superb driving skills,(aquired after 2.5 years of hard driving) eluded him.:thumbsup:

12-04-2009, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by themitch89

well i have been driving for 2 and a half years and have never been even a fender bender, iam apretty damn good driver if u ask me. dont try and act like you never went past 140 buddy.

and it is winter but the roads are clean here in edmonton

Everyone is damn good driver if you ask them..... Seriously, Take the advice, hang your head in shame, if you're going to post here don't expect everyone to jump on your bandwagon.

12-04-2009, 11:22 AM
if i was you and this was my first ticket i would be heading to first appearance court. my first ticket was for doing 50 over and as well got a court date. I went to first appearance and i didnt even have to go to court and got a 170 dollar ticket with 3 demerits. But remember you only getting this once.

12-04-2009, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by DayGlow
2 1/2 years? And F1 hasn't called?

See now that's just funny right there. :)

To the OP. You have to pay to play.

12-04-2009, 12:50 PM
lol at some of the comments here by overall some good advice.

thanks guys I appreciate it.


12-04-2009, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by themitch89

well i have been driving for 2 and a half years and have never been even a fender bender, iam apretty damn good driver if u ask me. dont try and act like you never went past 140 buddy.

and it is winter but the roads are clean here in edmonton

HOLY SHIT GUYS!! We got a genuine pro driver here! Sick props.

12-04-2009, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by atgilchrist
2.5 years withour a fender bender? You deserve a medal!

Originally posted by DayGlow
2 1/2 years? And F1 hasn't called?


12-04-2009, 11:12 PM
I would like to see how well Mitch would do on some of these back roads, A true test on how 'good of driver' he is :confused: :rofl:

12-05-2009, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by FraserB

HOLY SHIT GUYS!! We got a genuine pro driver here! Sick props.

Just tad bit late there, but don't worry, you'll get it next time I bet. ;)

12-05-2009, 12:40 AM
Yo Buddy i might have some advice for you cause I went through the same thing about 3 years ago.
I got caught speeding 143km/hr(actual speed 160km/hr but i broke..) in a 70km/hr zone, john laurie...
if you can imagine about 10 cars perfectly spaced between the two lanes like pylons me blazing through the pack and after i pass the last car i see the cop in the distance...
I was young and stupid and it was my first ticket...

But regardless the cop reamed be out for 5 minutes and told me to expect to get suspended. I talked to the points guy and he told me that i'd probably get a fine, and likely not suspended and not to hire him cause it would be too expensive. Well fast forward to court I reamed out again by the judge for 10minutes, she just ripped me a new one. I got suspended for 2 weeks and fined 1000$...

So my suggestion is you hire points for 300$ and hopefully you can get off with less than I did.