View Full Version : buying second car: advice on impreza wagon vs. V6 sonata vs. malibu maxx?

12-04-2009, 03:33 PM
need to buy a second car and have been doing pretty thorough internet research for a couple of months now. won't be starting to test drive for a couple of weeks, but thought i've narrowed down my choices and thought i'd see what you guys had to say.

want to stay under 15k. also, i really LOVE torque haha, so i probably wouldn't want anything less than a V6. Also would really love a hatch/mid-sized wagon. Here is what I'm thinking:

1) 2008-2009 Hyundai Sonata SE, V6. mileage is usually about 50k. Love this cause of the options, warranty, price and reviews. It looks kinda generic, but on the other hand there are shitloads available so it would be easy to find a used one with options and color that I want.

2) 2007 Chevrolet Malibu Maxx LTZ, V6. mileage around 50k. Really love the design of this car, inside and out. Amazing, super creative features - like the sliding and reclinable rear seats, the rear sunroof, etc. etc. etc. The LTZ is very well appointed with features, even though we'll never use the rear seat dvd player haha. Has awesome reviews.

3) 2006 Impreza wagon 2.5i. mileage around 80k. love the sporty look of these little cars, and the AWD. my only concern is that the 2.5 is a tiny engine and won't have enough power. also, a bit concerned about build quality (these have always seemed really "cheap" to me).

what do you guys think?

12-04-2009, 04:11 PM
I had a Malibu Maxx for a rental and was really impressed with its versatility and power. It was a good car.

As for the Impreza, yeah it's a big sluggish in auto but AWD is nice, good utility and maintenance is cheap.

12-04-2009, 04:16 PM
I might as well, if you like the 2.5i but worried about power, get the WRX. Done. haha

12-04-2009, 04:18 PM
^^i think that would be out of my price range, though. unless i get a really old/high mileage one.

i think i'd rather have a newer, lower mileage maxx or sonata than an old shitty subaru haha

12-04-2009, 06:19 PM

12-04-2009, 06:40 PM
the '06 subaru i'm considering apparently has turbo. is there an easy way to tell if it has turbo just by looking at it?

and sugarphreak - thanks for your advice. really appreciated, especially given our back and forth in the climate thread :thumbsup:

EDIT: and nope, not planning to race, but I drive and accelerate like a motherfucker and would hate to not be able to do that going up hills, etc. on crowchild :D

12-04-2009, 08:25 PM
^ i wouldnt buy that 2.5i with a turbo on it.. those engines wont last long boosted. hell you dont even know if its installed right, hell i dont even know what bolt on kits are available for the ej25's anymore. they all went out of business.

12-04-2009, 10:03 PM

12-04-2009, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by nonlinear
the '06 subaru i'm considering apparently has turbo. is there an easy way to tell if it has turbo just by looking at it?

and sugarphreak - thanks for your advice. really appreciated, especially given our back and forth in the climate thread :thumbsup:

EDIT: and nope, not planning to race, but I drive and accelerate like a motherfucker and would hate to not be able to do that going up hills, etc. on crowchild :D

If it's factory (WRX) they all have hood scoops the non turbo ones don't. Unless the one you're looking at had the turbo installed aftermaket? :dunno:

12-05-2009, 02:07 AM
if you can live with the looks of the malibu, then yes, it is a great car. our 2005 sedan (first model year) has had few problems.

12-05-2009, 02:12 AM
I had most domestics but my parents rented a Malibu once and it was really exceptional. If I had to choose between that and the others I would pic the Subaru because it would be fun to try. They look really fun zipping around...

:barf: How did the Sonata even make your list?

12-05-2009, 03:47 AM
Originally posted by narou

:barf: How did the Sonata even make your list?

cheap reliable and practical? :dunno:

oh i mean...hyundai...gross...etc

12-05-2009, 05:54 PM
hyundai sonata made the list because they have GREAT reviews, best warranty in the industry, awesome options, sweet interior fit and finish, and are awesome value for the money. And out of those three, Sonatas are by far the most powerful car.

I'm a HUGH hyundai fan. if they made a mid-size hatch I'd buy that in a second.

12-05-2009, 09:52 PM
It depends on what type of car you're used to. The stock 2.5i is abit sluggish in auto like max_boost said, but I didn't think it was all that bad, especially if you're just using it for some city driving. The hatch can actually hold alot as well. Just fold down the back seats and you'd be surprised how much you can cram in there. The AWD is really nice and they handle great.

Personally, I'd shop around for a manual Impreza though, if that is an option. The auto seemed extremely sluggish compared to the manual.

This is subjective.. but I think they look the best out of the three you listed :)

12-05-2009, 09:55 PM
if it was up to me i would have a manual no question, however the other person who will be driving is a female who can't drive manual and unfortunately doesn't have any interest in learning :(


12-06-2009, 04:52 AM
yea that's too bad haha. I guess it really comes down to what you want/prefer. The sonata is larger, has more power and will probably be a more confortable ride than the subaru, but the subaru will probably handle better and the AWD will come in use (especially with the blizzards we've had in the past few days).

I think your worries about the imprezas power is abit unfounded though. It has less horsepower than the other two you listed, but I've had no problems going on deerfoot or any other road in calgary.