View Full Version : Men's Health

12-04-2009, 10:57 PM
I'm doing a paper on men's health the research about men's health is overwhelmingly negative. Guys do not only die earlier, but are more prone to heart disease, diabetes, lung cancer, obesity etc. Guys engage in more risky behaviours (like smoking, drinking, unprotected sex etc), are more reluctant to seek help even when it is needed, and are less likely to engage in preventative health care procedures. It's pretty much common knowledge that guys are less healthy than girls so I wanted to know why? The theories on this vary, so I decided to look beyond the lab and see what real life says.

I wanted to see if I could find anything about what guys really think about health and health care, but so far I have come up with no results. Since this is a pretty male dominated forum, I decided to try my luck here to see if I can get a general idea about the types of things guys do/don't do/think about when it comes to health care. So I would like to know (this is going to be long):

What do you think of the research on men's health?
What do you think of when you hear "health"?
What do you think is the cause of the gender disparity in health?
Do you think that girls are actually healthier? why?
Are you a healthy person? What makes you think that you are/are not?
When was the last time you saw a doctor for an illness?
When was the last time you saw a doctor for a physical?
When was the last time you saw a dentist?
When was the last time you checked yourself for prostate cancer?
Are your vaccination records up to date?
Do you usually get the flu shot? Did you get the H1N1 shot?
Do you smoke? drink? do drugs?

Honest answers appreciated, thanks!

btw, sorry for the personal nature of some of the questions, i do not expect answers to all my questions.

Masked Bandit
12-07-2009, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by PsychNerd
I'm doing a paper on men's health the research about men's health is overwhelmingly negative. Guys do not only die earlier, but are more prone to heart disease, diabetes, lung cancer, obesity etc. Guys engage in more risky behaviours (like smoking, drinking, unprotected sex etc), are more reluctant to seek help even when it is needed, and are less likely to engage in preventative health care procedures. It's pretty much common knowledge that guys are less healthy than girls so I wanted to know why? The theories on this vary, so I decided to look beyond the lab and see what real life says.

I wanted to see if I could find anything about what guys really think about health and health care, but so far I have come up with no results. Since this is a pretty male dominated forum, I decided to try my luck here to see if I can get a general idea about the types of things guys do/don't do/think about when it comes to health care. So I would like to know (this is going to be long):

What do you think of the research on men's health?
What do you think of when you hear "health"?
What do you think is the cause of the gender disparity in health?
Do you think that girls are actually healthier? why?
Are you a healthy person? What makes you think that you are/are not?
When was the last time you saw a doctor for an illness?
When was the last time you saw a doctor for a physical?
When was the last time you saw a dentist?
When was the last time you checked yourself for prostate cancer?
Are your vaccination records up to date?
Do you usually get the flu shot? Did you get the H1N1 shot?
Do you smoke? drink? do drugs?

Honest answers appreciated, thanks!

btw, sorry for the personal nature of some of the questions, i do not expect answers to all my questions.

I think I can answer your questions with one general paragraph.

I would guess that on the average, guys are less likely to take care of themselves due to a perceived invincibility. We (males) are taught / told by our peers & society from the time we are born that we are to be stronger / tougher / not scared of anything. Hell, I'm guilty of projecting that same ideal onto my own son compared to my daughter. We are told to suck it up and fight through, if it doesn't kill you it will only make you stronger.

As for the destructive behavior (alcohol, drugs, whatever) again some of that goes back to being told we are invincible. Now perhaps that is compounded by the higher levels of testosterone that males have which feeds the aggressive / destructive behavior?

12-09-2009, 05:58 PM
What do you think of the research on men's health?

I don't know much about the research of health for men specifically, most the studies I read are not bias towards a particular sex. Then again the research i look at is all food related.

What do you think of when you hear "health"?

Propaganda and fear. The media has created such fear for us that we are afraid of everything. Don't eat nitrates, cause cancer, protein - cancer, oxygen - cancer, it seems like everything these days cause cancer. Yes there are a ton of things that cause cancer (just picking on this one because its the biggest fear for so many) but we don't need to hear about every little study and confuse the hell out of everyone.

What do you think is the cause of the gender disparity in health?

This started at the dawn of time. Men work women didn't. Things have changed in the past century greatly. The gap between men and women is getting smaller. Whatever the name of the present generation is, i think i heard somewhere there may only be a year difference in the average life expectancy.

Do you think that girls are actually healthier? why?

From what I have seen no. Women in general have incredibly weak immune systems. Men however have the ego that they should eat tons of meat and whatever they can fit in their mouth. So acute health goes to men, long term the hand goes to women.

Are you a healthy person? What makes you think that you are/are not?

I am a very healthy person, as mentioned in the other questions, no smoking, little drinking, etc. I eat as healthy as you could possibly do. Little if any red meat, only whole grains, next to no processed food (guilty with the bird seed bars from costco). I analyze everything that enters my body, and as Hippocrates said " Let food be thy medicine". On top of the food I lead an active lifestyle with physical activity of some sort every day and strength training 5 days per week. I have busted ass hard enough to had an incredibly low resting heart rate.

When was the last time you saw a doctor for an illness?

2 years ago, I had developed asthma from the use of whey protein supplement. Doc through a script at me then I made the decision to eliminate whey and adios asthma.

When was the last time you saw a doctor for a physical?

Its been a shade over a year for a physical. I regard myself as being in the pinnacle of health, but still try and make the once a year habit, but scheduling these with a doctor are impossible.

When was the last time you saw a dentist?

I go about once per year. I am big on the brushing and since my last few checkups flossing. Haven't encountered a cavity since I had baby teeth.

When was the last time you checked yourself for prostate cancer?

I have yet to check. I am still young (22). I have yet to feel concern for this and no family history. But this is in the back of my mind.

Are your vaccination records up to date?

No, as mentioned in the next question, not answering in order, I haven't had a needle other then blood test for 14 years.

Do you usually get the flu shot? Did you get the H1N1 shot?

No. No. The last time I had a flu shot was 14 years ago. Which directly coincides with the last flu I had over the winter. And developement of chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia, gluten intolerance, dairy intolerance and many other food sensitivities. However, I do have that one flu shot to thank because it pushed me in the direction of studying nutrition and working where i do today.

Do you smoke? drink? do drugs?
Never smoked a cigarette in my life. I drank fairly average during university, and presently drink about 2-4 drinks per week. Usually a mix between red wine and premium beer. As for drugs no dice.

One thing I have noticed is that men in general carry more stress. Stress is so taxing on our body. This is most likely one of the major contributors to the lower degree of mens health.

This may be a little controversial as well, but will throw it out anyway. Protein. Men consume epic proportions of protein. And various studies have found a link to protein and many of our developed world diseases and conditions.

12-09-2009, 06:24 PM
Masked Bandit actually stated what most research has said about men's health -- that the reason why men do not take care of themselves is due to their masculine ideal. Apparently, those who rated higher in "traditional masculinity" also rated lower in general good health behaviours. What do you think of that?

To wintonyk: actually, the life expectancy gap between women and men in most countries are INCREASING as life expectancy overall is increasing. In the past however, life expectancy in most countries between men and women were actually about the same.
(info from Statistics Canada and from the WHO)

I don't know about women's weaker immune systems but they do have higher rates of less harmful illness, but the statistics show that men have higher rates of many chronic and fatal diseases.

You're on to something when you say protein is linked to many diseases in the developed world. Research actually confirmed that eating too much red meat has a DIRECT link to prostate cancer and other types of cancers.

So Masked Bandit thinks is masculine ideals.
wintonyk thinks its stress.
anyone else?

12-09-2009, 06:32 PM
What do you think of the research on men's health?
I read men's Health magazine and theres a lot of good articles in it.

What do you think of when you hear "health"?
Everyday health as in food and medical issues.

What do you think is the cause of the gender disparity in health?
No Idea

Do you think that girls are actually healthier? why?
To me now a days no. women seem to be a lot more stuborn about there health.

Are you a healthy person? What makes you think that you are/are not?
Im a tad over weight, but I eat good. Working in a Office does not help at all.

When was the last time you saw a doctor for an illness?
14-15 years ago.

When was the last time you saw a doctor for a physical?
8 years ago.

When was the last time you saw a dentist?
4 years ago I think.

When was the last time you checked yourself for prostate cancer?
Dont think I ever have. I grab my nuts a lot though, so im sure I would know if something is different.

Are your vaccination records up to date?
My what?

Do you usually get the flu shot? Did you get the H1N1 shot?
Never have, never will.

Do you smoke? drink? do drugs?
Never smoked or did drugs. Casual drinking.

12-09-2009, 06:56 PM
I find this a very interesting topic. Here is statscan life expectancy.

Life expectancy at birth, by sex, by province
Males Females
1920 to 1922 59 61
1930 to 1932 60 62
1940 to 1942 63 66
1950 to 1952 66 71
1960 to 1962 68 74
1970 to 1972 69 76
1980 to 1982 72 79
1990 to 1992 75 81
2000 to 2002 77 82

2000 to 2002
Newfoundland and Labrador 75 81
Prince Edward Island 75 82
Nova Scotia 76 81
New Brunswick 76 82
Quebec 76 82
Ontario 77 82
Manitoba 76 81
Saskatchewan 76 82
Alberta 77 82
British Columbia 78 83
Source: Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 84-537-XIE.
Last modified: 2009-03-30.