View Full Version : whats the longest i can leave a dog in a kennel

12-09-2009, 01:18 AM
i got a rotti/pitty 2yrs old when im gone how long an i leave her in her kennel for?

12-09-2009, 01:32 AM
Like for the day or for a trip?

12-09-2009, 01:32 AM
it prolly varies on the kennel... so call around!

12-09-2009, 02:07 AM
^^i think he means he has a portable dog kennel, like this


EDIT: I wouldn't leave it in for too long. how would you like being locked up in a tiny room where you have just enough room to rotate yourself? can't you devote a bedroom or basement to the dog, at least? you shouldn't have a dog if you can't provide a happy, comfortable life for it.

12-09-2009, 08:09 AM
No right or wrong answer here - you should know your dog best. Properly trained - probably for while you're at work though I know many people who let their dogs have the run of their houses/condo's/apartments as they've got a very well trained dog. nonlinear's last statement above speaks volumes - right on the mark.

12-09-2009, 08:21 AM
Kennel, as in boarding kennel? Or a crate, as in small box?

12-09-2009, 08:25 AM
I have 2 dogs and they just hang out around the house when I am not around. They walk around, drink water, sleep, wander, etc. I didn't think people actually left their dogs in their kennels during the day. It's pretty harsh and unfair for the dogs to be confined in such a small area for any prolonged period of time. If I couldn't devote my time to train my dog to behave around the house while I am away, I wouldn't make the choice to purchase a dog in the first place. I can understand if the dog is a puppy and still learning, but.....

Is it possible to section off a portion of your home for the dog instead of leaving it in a kennel?

12-09-2009, 08:53 AM
To be couped up in a crate, I would at most leave them alone for 2-3 hours. The crate was an indispensable trainig tool when my dog was still a puppy - she'd be in there to sleep, when we went out, etc... But once she got older, then no, I would not lock her up there. These days, the max that I would leave my dogs alone is about 5 hours at home free to roam. Back when they were a puppy, max 3 hours in her crate.

Cooked Rice
12-09-2009, 09:05 AM
don't tell me you got a dog and expect to keep it in it's kennel every time you leave the house?

12-09-2009, 10:59 AM
Any dog kept in a crate all day will have behaviour issues, which of course the owner will blame the dog and so goes the cycle. These crates are not meant to be your gimp box (ref to Pulp Fiction).

At the max. I would say from experience no more than four hours, dogs need to take a leak, drink, exercise, etc. How long can you stay in your car on a road trip?

12-09-2009, 11:09 AM
Our dogs sleep in their kennels at night for about 7 hours. But during the day, max I would put them in there is 2 hours but that's only if because they are accustomed to their kennel and associate good things with it (ie. treats). If you don't use a kennel often, I wouldn't put them in there for more than an hour.

12-09-2009, 12:11 PM
jesus I hate threads like this, this is why I bust peoples balls when they say "I think I want a puppy??!!!"

I had someone at the SPCA ask me if it was ok to leave their dog for a week if they left out lots of food and left the toilet seat up for water. I had to walk away before assault charges were laid.

Here is my advice friend, and of course I may be jumping to conclusions from your question, but ask around on facebook, kijijji ect to see if anyone has it in there heart to salvage what's left of your dogs existence. You accepted ~12-15 years of responsibility and care for an animal, please act like an adult and fix this.

Of course if you are just asking if it's ok to leave a dog for a few hours, I apologize.

12-09-2009, 12:26 PM
hour or two max! You don't want to leave them too long otherwise they may pee or crap in the kennel. Not so nice for the dog to smell, nor is it fun to clean-up. :thumbsdow

Just let them roam the house and keep anything valuable locked up or in a another room (remote controls, jackets with fur, shoes, mittens/gloves, etc.) so they can't chew it up!

12-09-2009, 12:36 PM
when i frist adopted my 2 year old dog, he stay in his kennel for maybe 5hrs awhile i was at work. My ex would goto my place for lunch(i lived 5mins from her work) and let him out and what not. After 3 days of that, i let him lose around the house. I felt bad everytime i had to put him in there. I know he hates that kennel, i wont even go near it.

12-09-2009, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by xorina
when i frist adopted my 2 year old dog, he stay in his kennel for maybe 5hrs awhile i was at work. My ex would goto my place for lunch(i lived 5mins from her work) and let him out and what not. After 3 days of that, i let him lose around the house. I felt bad everytime i had to put him in there. I know he hates that kennel, i wont even go near it.

Exactly my situation also. After putting them in there a couple times and seeing the look on their face, I just couldn't do it anymore. My pooch isn't a puppy anymore, but it was a small price to pay to cleanup after him, rather than come home and see him depressed sitting in a small cage.

12-09-2009, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by teknical
hour or two max! You don't want to leave them too long otherwise they may pee or crap in the kennel. Not so nice for the dog to smell, nor is it fun to clean-up. :thumbsdow

Just let them roam the house and keep anything valuable locked up or in a another room (remote controls, jackets with fur, shoes, mittens/gloves, etc.) so they can't chew it up!

uh wat?

if your dog shits and pisses in its kennel then you a) never take the dog out or b) the dog is retarded.

I kennel trained our dog from when it was a puppy and he never not once, shat or pissed in his kennel.

Dogs don't shit where they sleep

On another note, i was getting tired of putting my dog in the kennel and one night left him out while we were sleeping, he actually didn't get into any trouble and thus we started to leave him out. Sure he has the occasional slip up.. (TOILET PAPER, GARBAGE).. Never shits or pisses though..We trust him when we aren't home and while we are sleeping. I think the way we got to this point was to make him understand that when we are away (him in kennel) its quiet time/time to behave.. Once this was set hes 100% trustworthy

Its all about being the alpha dog

12-09-2009, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by xxxazntigerxx
i got a rotti/pitty 2yrs old when im gone how long an i leave her in her kennel for?

My Dad runs one of the largest pet kennels in the interior BC, he holds dogs and cats for sometimes months at a time. But they have a large area to run and play, and are not cooped up in a cage all the time.

12-09-2009, 04:47 PM
Our dog is kennel trained. He only goes in their at night to sleep (he is a trouble maker at nights). During the day he is free to do what ever he want's. We never put him in the kennel when we are not home.

12-09-2009, 05:17 PM
LIke others, one of my dogs, her Kennel is her panic room.

She goes there to sleep everynight and if she does something bad, she actually wants to go into the kennel and sulk.

We don't lock the door and she's got her bed in there. During the day, both dogs usually just stay in the house. They're trained to stay in the kitchen.

When the one was a puppy, we would lock her in the kennel to sleep at night and for her afternoon naps. But nothing like a whole day while at work.
Block off a room and use that but really, if you don't have time, don't get one!!

12-09-2009, 05:26 PM
i always take her in my suv everywhere i go, but im saying if i coudnt bring her i would leave her at home i prob just leave her free to do w.e she wants. i have a problem she always bark when she see black people no offence and people in hoodys and hats why does she do that does she want to attack them or just warn them not to come close to me she is very smart dog and protective just i dunno some times she is protective or wants to bite people.

big A
12-09-2009, 10:35 PM
Dogs are bad for stereotyping, your dog probably had a bad incident with a black person some time. I wouldn't think she wants to do any harm its just she sees someone she feels the need to display her power to. The person leaves without causing harm everytime and she thinks its because of what she did. Its a cycle that will continue unless you stop it. Maybe carry treats and if you can get her to stop barking give her a treat.

12-09-2009, 11:32 PM
Talk to a trainer that is an expert. When our dog was a puppy she stayed in for 3 hours plus for the first couple months. She would go in when we left for work then let out at lunch, then back in until after work. My wife and I worked different schedules so it usually wasnt to much past 3 hours.

She now is well trained and runs the house when we are gone no problems. Depending on how the kennel is used in training some dogs prefer it as they feel more secure.

I understand peoples opinions however what is right for your dog might not be for the next.

12-09-2009, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by clem24
To be couped up in a crate, I would at most leave them alone for 2-3 hours.
But what if the little guy was 89couped up, as in take it to a tailor, get it fitted for a nice suit, then buy it a $150 lunch before shoving it in the crate? Should be good for at least 4-5 hours.

cancer man
12-12-2009, 01:39 PM
Depending on the breed of dog 8 hrs is no problem.
Our Lab will hold it 10 hours no problem and she has free rain of the house.
Only mistake she made was puking out some food by the back door.
Hunting dogs generally hold it alot longer than most breeds.

12-12-2009, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by cancer man
Depending on the breed of dog 8 hrs is no problem.
Our Lab will hold it 10 hours no problem and she has free rain of the house.
Only mistake she made was puking out some food by the back door.
Hunting dogs generally hold it alot longer than most breeds.

worst advice evar.

cancer man
12-12-2009, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by nonlinear

worst advice evar.

Every once in a while she has to stay in the house for an extended period of time like twice a year.
It's not everyday.

12-12-2009, 08:35 PM
A fully grown dog can stay in a crate for 8 hours.

Dogs sleep around 16 hours a day total.

12-13-2009, 10:14 AM
Im not sure I would crate my dog for 8-10 hours a day but the fact is dogs are den animals and if properly trained will probably be most at ease in their crates. Its totally normal for large dogs to hold their baldders for 8 or more hours (ive no experiance with small breeds, but id guess they can do it too). My personal vote is to properly house train your dog walk them before you leave and let them out as soon as you get home and give them the run of the house in the day.

12-13-2009, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by cancer man
Depending on the breed of dog 8 hrs is no problem.
Our Lab will hold it 10 hours no problem and she has free rain of the house.
Only mistake she made was puking out some food by the back door.
Hunting dogs generally hold it alot longer than most breeds.

Your post makes no sense...

The question is how long can a dog be kept in a kennel, as in, locked up in the kennel.

You say 8-10 hours, but then you also say she has free reign of the house... is your whole house her kennel?

12-13-2009, 12:01 PM
I just want to share my experience with my dog and his kennel. A year ago, my fiance and I got a puppy (Bichon x Lhasa Apso - 20 lbs now) and initially, I had built a dog run (approx. 30 sq ft) in the basement for him for the time we are at work and he would stay in the kennel at night.

For the first 2-3 weeks, I would get up every 3 hours or so and let him out of the kennel at night and bring him outside. He never had an accident in his kennel with the exception of one time because I slept in. In the daytime, he would have the run to play in. I would put water, pee pad, his bed and some toys. Every morning when I left him in there, he would whine and cry and when I got home from work, he would bark, be all excited and jump up and down and I would find some of his stuff teared to shit. So I wonder what's he doing while I'm away so I set up a webcam aimed at the area of the run so I can watch him at work. He didn't do much. He slept, drank some water, maybe play with some toys, went to the bathroom, occasionally jump up on the fencing and bark but 95% of the time he slept. What I found was that he started tearing stuff up only after 7-8 hours or so. I asked my vet what I can do and she advised that I make the pen smaller because dogs get seperation anxiety and like post above, dogs are den animals. I made the pen the size of his bed and put a wall with a walkway up to his bathroom area so it went from 30 sq ft to about 4 sq ft. He didn't bark when I came in the door but he did jump up and down. He was calmer overall in the reduced sized pen.

During the week he got neutered, I didn't want to keep him in his pen so I kept him in his kennel the times I wasn't around. I had taken work off that week so it was only for a couple of hours at a time. When I got back and let him out of the kennel, he wasn't jumping around, he was really calm, and he just walked out of his kennel, yawns and stretches. From this point on, I had kept him in the kennel when we're not home.

We keep him in the kennel when we bring him to the dog park so he's not running around the car. We've brought him along with us to vacation because he is able to go in the kennel on the plane. Now everytime I bring out the travel kennel, he would just go in and sit there. He's been to the U.S. twice and Vancouver twice now and we take him to the dog beaches. (You can imagine the attention you get from chicks walking along Robson Street or at English Bay) Because he is able to behave in the kennel and it makes it so much easier to travel with. I bring him to the office on the weekends and when he's tired of running around, he would go into his kennel and sleep. At home, when he's tired of playing, he walks into his kennel and sleeps. It's now his home and he loves being in there and it makes it easier for us to do such things as when we need to clean and don't want him running around.

Sorry for the long post but I just wanted to share a postive experience where a dog can stay in a kennel all day when you're at work. They can't hold it as long when they're puppies but when they're > 6 months old, an 8 hour day at work should be good. I would take him out every morning before going in and right when I get home, I take him out. Sometimes he takes a long leak right away, sometimes he walks 5 minutes before he takes one. I would take him to the dog park at least 3 times a week (with the exception of the last couple of weeks) to get exercise and walk him everyday around the block.

A reason why I don't want him to run free of the house unsupervised is that dogs, like people, can make mistakes, and chew on a electrical cord or choke on something so it's more comforting for me when I'm at work to not have to worry about things like that.

12-13-2009, 01:36 PM
I haven't read every post in this thread so forgive, if I repeat.
Any professional dog breeder/trainer will tell you to have your dog get used to his kennel. A dog should always travel in its kennel, yes even in the car. The kennel should be securely strapped down. It acts like a seat belt in case of accidents.
As for night time..there too, they encourage you to get your dog used to its kennel. We have a 1.5 yr old black lab. she loves her kennel. she goes in there throughout the day to nap, the door stays open. As well as stay in there overnight to sleep. We take her everywhere though, and she is outside a lot. Two or three times every day. As for how long during the day, we might put her in there for a couple of hours tops, if we have to go somewhere longer we take her with us.
A dog should never have to crap inside its kennel...if it does then its been in there WAY too long!!!

That being said, a properly trained, healthy dog should be able to do a long travel (ie: an 8 hour plain ride) without "crapping" inside its crate. He/she wont like it..but it wont harm them.

12-13-2009, 01:49 PM
i know why the caged bird sings.

just because a dog *can* stay in a kennel for extended periods of time doesn't mean it's happy in there, or it's a humane way to keep your dog. humans can live confined in a 6x6" jail cell, too, but I wouldn't advocate that for anyone.

12-13-2009, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by nonlinear

wrt the post above: ..... I don't think they would ever advocate caging a dog up in a small cage for extended period of time. (sure, traveling is one thing - for safety, as noted above - but not on a daily basis)..

I never advocated that...read the post again. Overnight and travel are one thing. Keeping a dog cooped up is never a good thing on a regular basis. Your average dog owner doesn't have access to proper outside kennels. Letting a dog roam the house freely over night might not be the wisest. Sleeping in a kennel overnight is not harmful to a dog. A dog should enjoy having her own little "retreat" or "cave" to get away from it all (hahaha...sounds like a mexican riviera) Some dogs are fine roaming the house alone..others are not. But if a dog gets comfortable with a kennel (like I said ours loves her kennel...when the cats bug her she goes in there and just hangs out). If its comfortable in a crate, then when you HAVE to have it in there, travel, visiting friends,hotel, etc, it wont go nuts being inside one.