View Full Version : More Energy?

12-10-2009, 12:32 PM
I was wondering if you guys can offer tips on feeling more energetic throughout the day. I know that obviously the best way to do that is get an ample amount of sleep (~8+ hours) but I'm wondering if there's anything else I can do to feel more energetic without having to resort to caffeine? Exercising is obviously another plus, but what about certain foods? any specfic exercises or sports?
I'm asking because my life this year is demanding a lot more daily energy out of me than I'm used to. Thanks for the help

12-10-2009, 12:34 PM
multi vitamin and drink juice in the morning.

make sure you eat breakfast, i dont like to drink anything with caffeine until its past 12 pm.

12-10-2009, 03:38 PM
Do a shit ton of cardio and make sure your heart is in really good shape. You'll sleep better, require less sleep, and wake up feeling ready to go.

12-10-2009, 04:03 PM
actually juice will give you a boost for maybe an hour then a crash. Spike in your blood sugar.

Breakfast is the most obvious key. Whole grains, fruit are your best bets.

Example of a key breakfast would be:

2 slices of Whole grain or Sprouted Grains Bread
1 Apple
3/4 Cup yogurt

The other key is you vegetables. You can consume all the calories you want but if you don't have the proper vitamins and minerals its useless. Think of vegetables as the key to your car and protein fat and carboyhydrates as the gas. You can fill you car with gas. Hell you could put it in neutral and push it slowly. But until you actually get the car started you will never be able to utilize the fuel you are putting in.

We begin to get lethargic when blood sugar gets low. So eating something every 2.5-3.5 hours will help you out the most. Whether you do fruit, nuts or a whole grain snack like ryvita crackers in between meal or not can be the difference between falling asleep on the couch in the later hours and going non stop til 10 or 11

Caffeine and energy drinks are a crutch in my opinion.