View Full Version : Anyone driven the QE2 today?

12-10-2009, 12:32 PM
Going to be heading out tonight to the farm, and checked the AMA road reports, and it says roads are in poor shape, but in the past, this has meant fuck all, as most times in the past, the roads have been a-ok.

so, having said that, anyone traveling the QE2 today north of calgary? how are the roads, traffic ect?

12-10-2009, 12:45 PM
Check the cameras. The road reports are completely useless.
Up here (near Red Deer), there were patches of black ice this morning, and sections with blowing snow. A couple semis passed me this morning and enough snow was blowing that I couldn't see anything past my hood for a couple km.
Most traffic was moving at about 80-90, but there were a few cars in the ditch that weren't there yesterday evening.

12-10-2009, 12:50 PM
yesterday from countryhills onwards it was a parking lot, around 4pm.

12-10-2009, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by TKRIS
Check the cameras. The road reports are completely useless.
Up here (near Red Deer), there were patches of black ice this morning, and sections with blowing snow. A couple semis passed me this morning and enough snow was blowing that I couldn't see anything past my hood for a couple km.
Most traffic was moving at about 80-90, but there were a few cars in the ditch that weren't there yesterday evening.

yeah i took a look at the cameras, saw that the shoulders are snow covered, but that the lanes seemed bare. was wanting to know if there were icy sections and such.


12-10-2009, 05:07 PM
I've been driving in from cross field for the last couple days. QE2 is better then any road in calgary, at 2pm today it was actually dry. still there were people doing 70km/h but it's less hazardous to pass them. it really depend what time you are going to your farm, if the sun is still up you'll be fine, if it's after dark then you'll have to worry about black ice,