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12-11-2009, 12:07 PM
Before anybody gets too excited, this is NOT a thread regarding "how do I get out of this ticket", "he misspelled my middle name", etc. I got a ticket for a valid offence, and accept that - however the way it was issued was enough to make me want to punch a wall.

I went to McDonalds on 130th ave last night to grab a late dinner around 10pm. I go inside, order my bigmac, and come back out to my car to enjoy it before it gets cold. As I'm sitting there in the lot minding my own business, eating a burger, a cop/explorer drives by on the road between the HomeDepot and the McDonalds and I think nothing of it. No more than two minutes later he slowly drives by again, then rips into the parking lot and pulls up right behind me and puts his lights on. I'm sitting there thinking, is this guy f-ing serious? Pulled over (not even) for eating a burger.. So I roll down my window before he gets out and stick both hands out the window with a big mac in one hand, and the box for it in the other - thinking he would understand that I'm not a suspicious vehicle or anything like that, rather just a hungry guy and perhaps piss off and be on his way. Rather, he starts walking up to the car and I ask him before he even opens his mouth "is work honestly that slow that you are stopping people in parking lots for eating burgers now?". He replies with "I'm here to give you a ticket for your window tint". I, angrily, pulled out my license/reg/ins and waited in my car for ten minutes finishing my burger and surfing beyond on my phone. Comes back, gives me a ticket, and I wish him a "merry christmas, dickhead" and off he went.

More of a rant than anything, but my god - find something better to do CPS. :facepalm:

12-11-2009, 12:10 PM
you might have been let off if you didn't say anything right away.

sucks though

12-11-2009, 12:12 PM
I'm kind of surprised you can get a ticket when he never saw your vehicle on a public road.

Normally I'm on the side of the "You screwed up so shut up and pay your ticket" camp, but that is just ridiculous.

I can't tell you how many times I've been pulled over with front tints and not even gotten a warning.

12-11-2009, 12:12 PM
And that's why people hate CPS.

12-11-2009, 12:13 PM
I'm going to get a big mac now, but that one is to slow, douglas glen ftw

and you spelled ridiculous wrong lol

12-11-2009, 12:21 PM
Bad weather means the CPS isn't reaching their useless quota as people aren't speeding, they are on the hunt for anything this month. You were on a private lot and not operating your vehicle on a public road. Easy to fight and win.

12-11-2009, 12:23 PM
Thats thats just ignorant, he probably wanted a bite out of your burger..

12-11-2009, 12:23 PM
you should have eat that burger inside McDonalds!

12-11-2009, 12:29 PM
Fight it. CPS = Tits on a bull.....;...........USELESS

12-11-2009, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by JfuckinC
I'm going to get a big mac now, but that one is to slow, douglas glen ftw

and you spelled redonkulous wrong lol


12-11-2009, 12:36 PM
I think that proves that you shouldnt be having mcdicks anymore!

12-11-2009, 12:36 PM
During a roadside, many (NON TRAFFIC) cops will have two mindsets when they step out of their vehicle:

a) if driver is cooperative, verbal/written warning for infraction given

b) if driver is a dbag, ticket issued for infraction

I think you might have brought this upon yourself, but the ticket is a case where it might have been a slow night for the member.

12-11-2009, 12:36 PM
I see so many cars with tinted windows all around, I didn't think cops cared about that anymore.

12-11-2009, 12:41 PM
Yeah, usually I'd be pissed off about this but you admitted you were a douche to the guy before he even opened his mouth. I would have just told him it was dark out and the tint was factory. That or rolled my windows down and say my window regulators were busted.

12-11-2009, 12:43 PM
I find it hard to believe that you didn't get another ticket for the dickhead comment.

12-11-2009, 12:47 PM
I admitted I was a douche, but wouldn't you be angry if you walk out of a store and as soon as you start your car a cop flies in the lot and starts giving you tickets? I felt like he went out of his way to give me trouble, and I just happen to be the type to speak my mind.

On another note, if I fight this then, should I plead g or ng?

12-11-2009, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by The_Rural_Juror
I find it hard to believe that you didn't get another ticket for the dickhead comment.

Haha yeah, same here actually. I know someone who got slapped a stunting ticket for calling a cop an asshole after he got his ticket.

12-11-2009, 12:49 PM
^ Agreed, especially before the cop even made a statement.

Being cocky or smart with someone that knows every rule in the book and that can issue tickets for whatever he wants off the top of his head is not smart.

There is just some people you don't begin conversations with an attitude.

That said... total bs ticket, but what can you really do about it?

12-11-2009, 12:49 PM
That is a pretty brutal ticket man - you still shouldn't have mouthed off the cops. I understand that you were angry, but where did you think that was going to get you??


""merry christmas, dickhead"



"Listen man, I have just had a really rough day, I was the first on scene for a couple of serious car accidents, got spit on, had to direct traffic in -30.. its just been a tough day/week. I don't know what I was thinking giving you a ticket for something that is against the law, I have been really on the edge you know? I should have realized that no criminal would realistically eat Mcdonalds. Give me back that ticket, lets forget about it, and grab some a few Double Cheeseburgers, what do you say? My treat?"

12-11-2009, 12:51 PM
You had it coming to you. Should have stuffed that burger in your mouth instead of out the window, might have saved you a ticket.

12-11-2009, 12:52 PM
ya you really shouldn't have been such a jerk... I have always been reasonably pleasant with the dicks in blue and have usually been sent on my way with absolutely nothing.

12-11-2009, 12:52 PM
Man that IS a shitty call. I don't think you would've gotten out of it even if you had been as polite as a Nun. For him to do the whole double-drive by and then pull in he had his mind made up. He was probably looking for a particular person matching your vehicle description and then was annoyed that he couldn't see inside.
Are you younger? I find that makes a huge difference...sucks and its not fair, but its true. I had all-around window tint for years..even went through a few stops and pulled over for un-related offences...never a problem. One cop even tapped on the glass and said "you know thats illegal, eh?"
"yeah I know" and chuckled. Still no ticket.
Only once in Saskatoon I got pinched for it.

The whole window tint legislation is a joke. I actually asked this officer "WHY" is it illegal? He said "cuz its unsafe...it doesn't let in enough light for you to see"
"You mean like sunglasses?"
"Window tint is darker"
"uhhh...I bet if I took a light meter it would show no less light than a factory tint or dark sunglasses"
"Well you might be right..but for now its a law...here's your $175 fine" *shrug* what can you do......

12-11-2009, 12:53 PM
When you fight it, if the cop brings up the fact that you were rude to begin with your case will be hard to make.

If you were polite, you could go into court saying you were very polite to the officer and he gave you a ticket that wasn't called for.

But you're in a bad spot right now.

12-11-2009, 12:53 PM
That's one of the lamest things I've heard about the CPS. Their traffic division or whatever division handles giving out tickets suck...

12-11-2009, 12:54 PM
Well, you didn't have to be a dick to the cop. Doing so may or may not have been the reason you got a ticket instead of a warning.

But true enough - that's a pretty damn lame-ass ticket.

12-11-2009, 12:57 PM
I assume you have your front side windows tinted.. isnt that againt the law here in Alberta? In BC it is.

Do they make you take it off here or just pay the ticket? In BC they dont fine you, but give you a ticket to take it off. You then have 30 days to remove it. With this though you have to have a inspection done. If not you dont get your insurance renewed. I had this happen and it sucked, but I didnt complain.

12-11-2009, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by TimeAttack
When you fight it, if the cop brings up the fact that you were rude to begin with your case will be hard to make.

If you were polite, you could go into court saying you were very polite to the officer and he gave you a ticket that wasn't called for.

But you're in a bad spot right now.

The cop won't bring that up....as its totally irrelevant to the citation. And he knows that.

Fact: its illegal to have after-market tint on driver and passenger window

Fact: Your car has said tint.

Anything else is moot. Pretty hard to fight this one. Unless you've got nothing better to do on the court date, I wouldn't waste a half day taking it to court. But good luck if you do.

12-11-2009, 01:02 PM

12-11-2009, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by snoop101
I assume you have your front side windows tinted.. isnt that againt the law here in Alberta? In BC it is.

Do they make you take it off here or just pay the ticket? In BC they dont fine you, but give you a ticket to take it off. You then have 30 days to remove it. With this though you have to have a inspection done. If not you dont get your insurance renewed. I had this happen and it sucked, but I didnt complain.

BC and Alberta are the same. The "warning" infraction is discretionary. Which means the cop CAN give you a ticket, no warning. Just like a broken headlight. A cop can issue a citation to get it fixed and then provide proof...or he can ticket/fine you on the spot.
But a smart ass response will pretty much guarantee the latter lol

12-11-2009, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by C_Dave45

The cop won't bring that up....as its totally irrelevant to the citation. And he knows that.

Fact: its illegal to have after-market tint on driver and passenger window

Fact: Your car has said tint.

Anything else is moot. Pretty hard to fight this one. Unless you've got nothing better to do on the court date, I wouldn't waste a half day taking it to court. But good luck if you do.
How is this hard to fight? Car is on private property and wasn't being operated on public roads. As always it has to proven without a doubt that the OP was breaking the law and in this case there are many doubts. Back in the day if you were chilling in a parking lot and your car had illegal mods people would actually call tow trucks to come get their vehicles and take them home so that they wouldn't be pulled over as soon as they drove out of the lot by police waiting for them.

12-11-2009, 01:05 PM
That sucks man for getting a tint ticket in a parking lot. I myself am starting to give up on being nice to cops, everytime i get pulled over i am polite calling him officer or sir, but in the end i never get a break or a warning always a ticket and a have a nice day drive safe.

12-11-2009, 01:05 PM
watch them start to knock on homeowners front doors asking who is the registered owner of the vehicle with the tinted front windows. :guns:

12-11-2009, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by C_Dave45

The whole window tint legislation is a joke. I actually asked this officer "WHY" is it illegal? He said "cuz its unsafe...it doesn't let in enough light for you to see"
"You mean like sunglasses?"
"Window tint is darker"
"uhhh...I bet if I took a light meter it would show no less light than a factory tint or dark sunglasses"
"Well you might be right..but for now its a law...here's your $175 fine" *shrug* what can you do......

Its has nothing to do with safety (or at least, very little).

Its has everything to do with being able to see the person who is operating the vehicle.

12-11-2009, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak

Normally I would agree; but considering the guy went out of his way to pull into a parking lot to hassle a car because he noticed the guy was in it eating a burger... he was going to get a ticket no matter what.

Originally posted by C_Dave45
For him to do the whole double-drive by and then pull in he had his mind made up.
Precisely, I knew this as soon as he pulled up that I was getting a ticket. Some people here make it sound as if I should've invited him into the car for a cup of coffee or something, but rather I felt a bit attacked and didn't feel like greeting him with complete respect or poise. To be honest, I only said what I wrote in the original post. I asked if he was seriously giving me a ticket for eating a burger, he said he was giving me a ticket for window tint. License/reg/ins came out and no other words were issued from either of us other than "ill be back sir" from him after I passed my documents.

Originally posted by C_Dave45

Are you younger? I find that makes a huge difference...sucks and its not fair, but its true.
Yea, it doesn't help being 22 and driving a tinted out Mercedes.

12-11-2009, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by Redlyne_mr2

How is this hard to fight? Car is on private property and wasn't being operated on public roads. As always it has to proven without a doubt that the OP was breaking the law and in this case there are many doubts.

LOL...well I guess its a slam dunk "not guilty" verdict. OP...take it to court and you'll win. LOL.

A car whether on private property or not still has to meet certain requirements in order to be licensed and driveable.
Obviously the car GOT to the parking lot on public roads. If you really think you're going to get a judge to believe "well you see, your honour, I had the car TOWED there so I could get a burger and sit in the lot and then have it towed home...."
Well then I'd say you haven't spent much time in an actual courtroom. But like I say...OP: good luck if you want to try and fight it. In fact I say.....take it to court and let beyond know how it goes.

12-11-2009, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by Nitron88
watch them start to knock on homeowners front doors asking who is the registered owner of the vehicle with the tinted front windows. :guns:

This is somewhat the thought that came to mind to me as well. I hate to sound like a complete geek, but he reminded me of all the campers that piss me the fuck off in Call of Duty.

12-11-2009, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by Redlyne_mr2

How is this hard to fight? Car is on private property and wasn't being operated on public roads. As always it has to proven without a doubt that the OP was breaking the law and in this case there are many doubts. Back in the day if you were chilling in a parking lot and your car had illegal mods people would actually call tow trucks to come get their vehicles and take them home so that they wouldn't be pulled over as soon as they drove out of the lot by police waiting for them.

I assumed when he said "lot" that he ment parking lot. Im not sure the location, but i thought that parking lots are considered public in a sense that the police can issue tickets on it. A lot different then lets say driving around in your backyard.

12-11-2009, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by snoop101

I assumed when he said "lot" that he ment parking lot. Im not sure the location, but i thought that parking lots are considered public in a sense that the police can issue tickets on it. A lot different then lets say driving around in your backyard.

I myself don't know the rules with regards to public/private property, but just to make it clear I was parked right out front of the McDonald's in the lot that is shared with Edo Japan and Taco Del Mar.

12-11-2009, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by revelations

Its has nothing to do with safety (or at least, very little).

Its has everything to do with being able to see the person who is operating the vehicle.

thats what I think too...but Im just telling you what the cop said to me. *shrug* I dont know. all I know is its an infraction in the motor vehicles act...or whatever its officially called.

each province is different, I guess:


- For driver’s compartment, right and left, the minimum visible light transmittance, net, is 50%. The maximum visible light transmittance, net, is 35%. For windows behind the driver’s compartment, the minimum Visible Light Transmittance, net, is 35%. Where film is installed behind the driver’s compartment, 2 external rear view mirrors are required. The net figures that are allowed are enforced at plus or minus 5%.


For the driver’s compartment, right and left, the minimum Visible Light Transmittance is 70% on automotive net basis. Any film may be installed behind the driver’s compartment, provided the vehicle is outfitted with 2 exterior rear view mirrors.

12-11-2009, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by JfuckinC
I'm going to get a big mac now, but that one is to slow, douglas glen ftw

and you spelled ridiculous wrong lol

Spelling lessons coming from you! Thought I'd never see the day lmao.

Tough luck Paul - I'm kind of glad I don't have tint on my current car, makes life a litter easier than watching for cops/wondering why you roll down your window in the freezing cold.
(yes I know I opened myself up for jokes)

12-11-2009, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by C_Dave45

LOL...well I guess its a slam dunk "not guilty" verdict. OP...take it to court and you'll win. LOL.

A car whether on private property or not still has to meet certain requirements in order to be licensed and driveable.
Obviously the car GOT to the parking lot on public roads. If you really think you're going to get a judge to believe "well you see, your honour, I had the car TOWED there so I could get a burger and sit in the lot and then have it towed home...."
Well then I'd say you haven't spent much time in an actual courtroom. But like I say...OP: good luck if you want to try and fight it. In fact I say.....take it to court and let beyond know how it goes.
Again it has to be proven without a doubt, who's to say that's not how it went down? What you're saying then is that technically the police could go to all these car shows held on private property and ticket all the vehicles in the show for illegal mods and traffic infractions although they may have arrived there and were leaving on a trailer.

You're also saying that the police could begin issueing stunting and speeding tickets to those driving in autox and drifting events on private lots.

12-11-2009, 01:21 PM
What percentage is your front and back tints?

At night, they also would look much darker.

Is it kinda like this?

http://img209.imageshack.us/i/6686388006002591fa8rd5.jpgcl (http://img209.imageshack.us/i/6686388006002591fa8rd5.jpg/)

12-11-2009, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by Redlyne_mr2

Again it has to be proven without a doubt, who's to say that's not how it went down? What you're saying then is that technically the police could go to all these car shows held on private property and ticket all the vehicles in the show for illegal mods and traffic infractions although they may have arrived there and were leaving on a trailer.

You're also saying that the police could begin issueing stunting and speeding tickets to those driving in autox and drifting events on private lots.

You're right....but, like I said, good luck in this particular instance. Try pulling a smoke show on a parking lot in front of a cop...see if the "private property" thing will get you off.
You may have a lot of experience fighting things like this in court, I dunno.

Im by no means any type of lawyer (although I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night) lol....but I have been in court about 8 times now...success rate about 50/50. I know how judges are.

12-11-2009, 01:30 PM

12-11-2009, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by Nitron88
What percentage is your front and back tints?

At night, they also would look much darker.

Is it kinda like this?

http://img209.imageshack.us/i/6686388006002591fa8rd5.jpgcl (http://img209.imageshack.us/i/6686388006002591fa8rd5.jpg/)

5%, one step short of black paint. Flame suit ON.



12-11-2009, 01:32 PM
I was thinking about this, and I put myself in the shoes of the cop, I know i'm about to issue a ticket for a retarded offense, and i'm feeling a bit guilty and pissed off that the state is making this a positive for my self-interest as far as my job goes.

When I pull up to that car, I am hoping the driver is totally pissed off, then my heart rate goes up a bit and I can lie to myself and live in a delusional world that makes it seem like the ticket is warranted because of how I am judging this person based on first impressions.

If the person I pull up to is polite, I will feel kinda crappy about giving a ticket to a polite reasonable person and will have a harder time issuing the ticket.

The cop would rather you act upset (or in other words appropriately) - that way they will feel like they are giving your attitude a ticket rather than facing the reality that they are slaves to their quota.

12-11-2009, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by Pollywog

5%, one step short of black paint. Flame suit ON.



Wow, that's super dark, close to limo. I'm thinking their reason is because they could not see you at all in the car. Tough call, talk to a prosecutor and reduce the fine.

12-11-2009, 01:40 PM
Haha well it sucks that you got a ticket and all, but you were asking for it with that.

12-11-2009, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by Nitron88

Wow, that's super dark, close to limo. I'm thinking their reason is because they could not see you at all in the car. Tough call, talk to a prosecutor and reduce the fine. 5% is limo tint. ;)

Originally posted by Kardon
Haha well it sucks that you got a ticket and all, but you were asking for it with that. Lol, I know, I hate to admit it but it is pretty much impossible for anyone to see me in it.

Originally posted by scat19
makes life a litter easier than watching for cops/wondering why you roll down your window in the freezing cold.
Bwahaha, I thought I was one of the only people who actually do this.

12-11-2009, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by Nitron88
What percentage is your front and back tints?

At night, they also would look much darker.

Is it kinda like this?

http://img209.imageshack.us/i/6686388006002591fa8rd5.jpgcl (http://img209.imageshack.us/i/6686388006002591fa8rd5.jpg/)

It does not matter what % it is, any tint is illegal. I'm just stating that, not that I agree he should have got the ticket. I think it's bullshit what the cop did and I hope you get it tossed the fuck out.

12-11-2009, 01:45 PM

but 15-20% would be the absolute darkest that I'd do the fronts otherwise, it catches attn from the cops.

12-11-2009, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by Redlyne_mr2
What you're saying then is that technically the police could go to all these car shows held on private property and ticket all the vehicles in the show for illegal mods and traffic infractions although they may have arrived there and were leaving on a trailer.

From the traffic safety act:

(p) “highway” means any thoroughfare, street, road, trail, avenue, parkway, driveway, viaduct, lane, alley, square, bridge, causeway, trestleway or other place or any part of any of them, whether publicly or privately owned, that the public is ordinarily entitled or permitted to use for the passage or parking of vehicles and includes

a sidewalk, including a boulevard adjacent to the sidewalk,

if a ditch lies adjacent to and parallel with the roadway, the ditch, and

if a highway right of way is contained between fences or between a fence and one side of the roadway, all the land between the fences, or all the land between the fence and the edge of the roadway, as the case may be,

but does not include a place declared by regulation not to be a highway;

12-11-2009, 02:02 PM
^ That pretty much has made me decide its almost pointless to fight it. Anybody else have any thoughts on this?

12-11-2009, 02:07 PM

12-11-2009, 02:09 PM
Lets say he went to court about this. could the judge let him off for the ticket but demand a inspection to be done?

12-11-2009, 04:00 PM
excuse me but



probably karma from acting like such a d0uche on here.


12-11-2009, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by Pollywog
^ That pretty much has made me decide its almost pointless to fight it. Anybody else have any thoughts on this?

yep - he can ticket you in a parking lot for that. My thoughts, had you not said :

I ask him before he even opens his mouth "is work honestly that slow that you are stopping people in parking lots for eating burgers now?".
You probably would not have had a ticket and just got off with a warning.

He was probably just making sure you weren't getting it on with some chick in your car or doing something shady. I have had a cop check up on what I was doing before when I parked in a church parking lot at the wee hours of the night.

12-11-2009, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by hampstor

He was probably just making sure you weren't getting it on with some chick in your car or doing something shady. I have had a cop check up on what I was doing before when I parked in a church parking lot at the wee hours of the night.

Had the same thing happen to me. Shined a flashlight through the tint and asked me to roll down the window, thought for sure I was getting a tint ticket but just wanted to see if we were 'OK' :rofl:

12-11-2009, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by hampstor

He was probably just making sure you weren't getting it on with some chick in your car or doing something shady. I have had a cop check up on what I was doing before when I parked in a church parking lot at the wee hours of the night.

Doing a chick in your car at a church parking lot. :thumbsup:

12-11-2009, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by snoop101

Doing a chick in your car at a church parking lot. :thumbsup:


12-11-2009, 04:13 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

OP, what the fuck did you expect? Wow..

12-11-2009, 04:34 PM
Don't know, cop could be a complete dick or not. If I was bored and cruising around I would be trying to find a bad guy to throw in jail. But since we have the Charter Rights here I can't go demanding people produce their ID just cause. So I would need lawful grounds, such as a BS tint infraction so I can run them and if I'm luck they are wanted. That would be the more important thing j would be doing, and if the driver is a dick I just maybe a dick back.

12-11-2009, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by nonlinear
I used to really, really respect police officers until just about a few months ago, when I told these fucking PIGS that there was visitor parking in our lot and this old fat Brit pig turns around screaming and threatening to arrest me for talking to them. fuck that, YOU serve ME, asshole.

Ok dude... don't bring that issue up again. I remember you bitching about that before several months ago. You were being a shithead too.

12-11-2009, 04:43 PM
I've heard stories of the Officers making you peel off your tint? True or bs? If he was a real dick, could he have made you do that or do it himself? Just wondering.

Your comment probably pissed the shit out of him and he was going to get you for sure man. You need to be more chill next time, can't hurt your chances! You should have made that comment after he gave you the ticket haha

12-11-2009, 04:48 PM
Dont listen to anyone.. cops will not let you off .. they are all fucking assholes.. and as soon as i get pulled over from now on, the first thing am going to say to them " WHAT ASSHOLE"

12-11-2009, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by DayGlow
Don't know, cop could be a complete dick or not. If I was bored and cruising around I would be trying to find a bad guy to throw in jail. But since we have the Charter Rights here I can't go demanding people produce their ID just cause. So I would need lawful grounds, such as a BS tint infraction so I can run them and if I'm luck they are wanted. That would be the more important thing j would be doing, and if the driver is a dick I just maybe a dick back.

hahahah, totally this:thumbsup:

nice work, pollywog :rofl:

12-11-2009, 04:57 PM

12-11-2009, 05:05 PM
He sees you idling in a blacked out car in a parking lot late at night, circles around to see if you have moved and sees you haven't. Pulls in because there is a chance you are doing something illegal, you act like a douche, he gets pissed and you get a tint ticket.

I think the main reasoning behind the front window tint is so people are able to see who is operating the vehicle and what they are doing. If I was a cop I wouldn't want to roll up on a traffic stop and have to approach a blacked out window that could be hiding someone waiting with a gun.

12-11-2009, 05:05 PM
Is it me or wasent Pollywog the guy that always thought that the CPS was gods gift to us?

12-11-2009, 05:06 PM
yah I don't get all this cops are nice to you if you are polite at first crap... that or I have the worst luck with this... only had one nice cop before, when I was 17 pulled an illegal U-turn up on bow trail to pick up parents (they were drinking) and cop followed me into parking lot, lady cop came out and just REEEEMED me a new one, and cussed me out about not immediately stopping and was like give me your license/reg now bla bla

she walks inside the van, guy cop walks over "soo what are you up to tonight there?"

"oh just picking up my parents at Aussie Rules(?) they are drunk"

"I take it this vehicle doesn't belong to you?"

"nope its my moms"

"where about in the city do you live?"

"mckenzie lake, i don't know this area"

"hmm well i'll brb".. a minute later he comes up and gives me all my info, tells me to be safe about not making illegal u-turns in the future and have a good night, apologizes for his partners outburst and chuckles

but since then my speeding tickets and the infamous "pulled over for being a young kid in an escalade excuse" I have run into nothing but assholes

12-11-2009, 06:02 PM
Good idea nonlinear. You are now added. Thx.

I'm not harping on ya man. But the cops had good reason to get pissed with you in that incident - and almost everyone agreed. You don't seem to get it that you were out of line.

cancer man
12-11-2009, 06:31 PM
Sorry but the op is right that ticket was utter B.S.

12-11-2009, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by revelations
During a roadside, many (NON TRAFFIC) cops will have two mindsets when they step out of their vehicle:

a) if driver is cooperative, verbal/written warning for infraction given

b) if driver is a dbag, ticket issued for infraction

I think you might have brought this upon yourself, but the ticket is a case where it might have been a slow night for the member.
Yeah right.... the douchebag cop went out of his way to "pull him over" lmao....

There was no getting out of that even if you ate the corn out of his asshole.

Were the keys in the ignition? I DON'T THINK they can give you the ticket unless you were 'operating the vehicle', but that may have changed.... hell , at one time they couldn't give you a ticket in a parking lot... but....


12-11-2009, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by sr20s14zenki
Dont listen to anyone.. cops will not let you off .. they are all fucking assholes.. and as soon as i get pulled over from now on, the first thing am going to say to them " WHAT ASSHOLE"


(A)latest strategy is to pull you over for something, then threaten to ticket you with 3 things, then only ticket you for 2 cause he is being nice.

Cops are as useless as tits on a bull.

I used to be nice, but the result was always the same, UNLESS I was doing something REALLY stupid, like roasting the tires at 60 mph lol... the old school guys were cool, thought your car was kick ass, gave you a warning. New guys will go with plan "A".

12-11-2009, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by snoop101
Is it me or wasent Pollywog the guy that always thought that the CPS was gods gift to us?

When have I ever said anything close to that?

12-11-2009, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by Toma


Faggots. OH HAY, I can tuck my cock between my legs, so that you suck it while sniffing my asshole, if you wish.

12-11-2009, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by DayGlow
Don't know, cop could be a complete dick or not. If I was bored and cruising around I would be trying to find a bad guy to throw in jail. But since we have the Charter Rights here I can't go demanding people produce their ID just cause. So I would need lawful grounds, such as a BS tint infraction so I can run them and if I'm luck they are wanted. That would be the more important thing j would be doing, and if the driver is a dick I just maybe a dick back.

THANK YOU SIR . Great to read that you are trying to clean up the hood . Our city is already overrun by wanna be thugs and idiots .

OP ... you admit to being a douche ... Karma's a BITCH eh ? Did you learn anything ? You know tinting is illegal and just begging for trouble , so why whine about it ?? Did you think the cops wouldn't see you in the mcdonalds parking lot ? Is that supposed to be the sanctuary for tinted cars or something ? Did someone tell you that ???

As for the rest of you cop haters , grow up and learn to respect everyone first . Judging people by their uniform or skin color or occupation etc is for small minded people . In the end , the only ones that gets screwed is you .

Just my two ...

12-11-2009, 07:35 PM
should of hid in the trunk. your tint is so dark you might of been able to make it :)

being polite is not they key to getting out of a tickets.

being overly nice works alot of the time. crack a story about how you hate the tint because you cant see shit backing up and almost hit a pole once. and you were going to have it removed soon.

ask him how his night is. the idea is to be friend the officer no one wants to ticket a friend:)

also if its a female cop just fucking bend over and take it.
your a man and she is a woman with power. it does not matter what you do. because bill didnt fucking -- call her back , do the dishes, pay enough attention to her last night at super with his friends , get her off .
If you pay close enough attention anytime a female gets authority over a man she abuses the fuck out it not just police.
things ive tried on saftey officers in the past (not police to scared lol) that have worked are.

Wow your a lil young for this your like 21.
God your pretty.
-wink at her when you talk-

12-11-2009, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by blueToy

THANK YOU SIR . Great to read that you are trying to clean up the hood . Our city is already overrun by wanna be thugs and idiots .

OP ... you admit to being a douche ... Karma's a BITCH eh ? Did you learn anything ? You know tinting is illegal and just begging for trouble , so why whine about it ?? Did you think the cops wouldn't see you in the mcdonalds parking lot ? Is that supposed to be the sanctuary for tinted cars or something ? Did someone tell you that ???

As for the rest of you cop haters , grow up and learn to respect everyone first . Judging people by their uniform or skin color or occupation etc is for small minded people . In the end , the only ones that gets screwed is you .

Just my two ...

Read much?

I wrote this in the first post.

Originally posted by Pollywog
I got a ticket for a valid offence, and I accept that.
Followed by:

Originally posted by Pollywog
I admitted I was a douche

Originally posted by Pollywog
Yea, it doesn't help being 22 and driving a tinted out Mercedes.


Originally posted by blueToy
OP...Karma's a BITCH eh ?
Are you being serious or just trolling? Im sure if I greeted him with a warm smile and a hug he would've forgotten why he rounded me twice in a parking lot to slap me with a tint ticket.
:facepalm: Nice try, thanks for playing the game.

12-11-2009, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by wes_v
That sucks man for getting a tint ticket in a parking lot. I myself am starting to give up on being nice to cops, everytime i get pulled over i am polite calling him officer or sir, but in the end i never get a break or a warning always a ticket and a have a nice day drive safe.

:werd: fuck that noise

12-11-2009, 07:46 PM
:facepalm: Nice try, thanks for playing the game. [/B]

Hey , no problem . Thanks for giving the government more money .
Oh , and next time , try just throwing your licence and papers out the window on the ground and tell the cop to pick it up . Someone told me that will get you out of almost any ticket . :clap:

12-11-2009, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by blueToy
Did you think the cops wouldn't see you in the mcdonalds parking lot ? Is that supposed to be the sanctuary for tinted cars or something ? Did someone tell you that ???

Actually, believe it or not, I was hungry and felt like eating something.

Originally posted by blueToy

try just throwing your licence and papers out the window on the ground and tell the cop to pick it up . Someone told me that will get you out of almost any ticket . :clap:
When did I say I tried to get out of the ticket? Have you read ANYTHING in the 4 pages previous to this one? Your trolling is mindless - did I step on your shoes in the past or something? lol

12-11-2009, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by blueToy
Oh , and next time , try just throwing your licence and papers out the window on the ground and tell the cop to pick it up . Someone told me that will get you out of almost any ticket . :clap:

I wonder what would actually happen if you "dropped" your papers "by accident"?

12-11-2009, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by FraserB

I wonder what would actually happen if you "dropped" your papers "by accident"?
Perhaps i'll try it if I get pulled over in the drive-thru instead next time.

12-11-2009, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by traviswithaG

also if its a female cop just fucking bend over and take it.
your a man and she is a woman with power. it does not matter what you do. because bill didnt fucking -- call her back , do the dishes, pay enough attention to her last night at super with his friends , get her off .
If you pay close enough attention anytime a female gets authority over a man she abuses the fuck out it not just police.
things ive tried on saftey officers in the past (not police to scared lol) that have worked are.

Wow your a lil young for this your like 21.
God your pretty.
-wink at her when you talk-

HAHAHAH, that would be the last thing I would EVER say to a female cop.

12-11-2009, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by Pollywog

Actually, believe it or not, I was hungry and felt like eating something.

When did I say I tried to get out of the ticket? Have you read ANYTHING in the 4 pages previous to this one? Your trolling is mindless.

My remark about being in the McCrap's parking lot was sarcasm . Why do you expect them not to nail your ass for illegal tinting while you were in a parking lot ? You should , by now , expect to get hassled anywhere , anytime if you're driving a car that's not legal . Don't want the attention of the police while stuffing your piehole , keep your ride legal .
Simple as that .
OR ... oh , I get it . You were whining . My Bad . You were looking for sympathy from the not-so-mindless-trolls and haters .

Again , thanks for adding to the government tax fund and it's giving the police something to do . Hey , in a way , I guess they were trolling too , eh ? On some level , they did catch one . Just a small one though .

12-11-2009, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by FraserB

I wonder what would actually happen if you "dropped" your papers "by accident"?

If it was a accident , or the wind etc , probably nothing . If you throw them out , they might take that as being disrespectful , and it would probably escalate from there . At that point though , it probably would turn out crappy for the person doing the throwing .
I wonder if this has happened to anyone here ?

12-11-2009, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by blueToy

My remark about being in the McCrap's parking lot was sarcasm . Why do you expect them not to nail your ass for illegal tinting while you were in a parking lot ? You should , by now , expect to get hassled anywhere , anytime if you're driving a car that's not legal . Don't want the attention of the police while stuffing your piehole , keep your ride legal .
Simple as that .
OR ... oh , I get it . You were whining . My Bad . You were looking for sympathy from the not-so-mindless-trolls and haters .

Again , thanks for adding to the government tax fund and it's giving the police something to do . Hey , in a way , I guess they were trolling too , eh ? On some level , they did catch one . Just a small one though .
Cool! :thumbsup:

Remember, a troll uses all the negative attention he generates to inflate his otherwise small and flaccid ego. So getting mad and cursing him out or telling him to leave doesn't make him want to leave - just the opposite, in fact, since he was going for that result in the first place. Trying to reason with him is not very effective, either, since he is still generating the attention from you that he craves.

12-11-2009, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by visualk
you should have eat that burger inside McDonalds!


12-11-2009, 08:45 PM
Well Pollywog, I must admit - that is a horseshit ticket. Absolutely, and utterly. Whether or not it's against the law, and the reasons being, we have discretion and I think alot more guys should use it. Unfortunately the ticket will stand, as parking lots (private or not) are considered part of the highway and accessible to the public therefore all laws still apply. You understand that and don't dispute it, so that isn't the issue.

That being said, the minute I saw "Explorer" in there, it made me think of a traffic guy. They use alot of those vehicles. Or, given the location, some bored ass 8 District guy with fuck all to do. As Dayglow said, sometimes we do that kind of thing to dig up stuff, but I'm sure he could have queried your plate and found out that you aren't a bad guy and that maybe he should leave you alone. However; some guys don't subscribe to this school of thought, which is unfortunate.

Playing devil's advocate for a second, it's possible your vehicle was called in as suspicious and he found a lawful reason to interact with you. Perhaps he would have explained things if you hadn't been.. well, "abrasive" off the hop. I understand it's inconvenient, but sometimes some of these guys like when people get that way - it's make it easier for them to give you a ticket. I'm not saying bend over and take it, just something to be aware of.

Edit - as a counter to what you are talking about, I know most of the guys I work with have a very strict "don't give good people tickets unless absolutely necessary" rule. I did quite a few traffic stops today for what I would deem to be hazardous and downright ignorant offences, but I didn't write a single ticket because people appreciate being educated and warned. I guess things are different depending where you work.

12-11-2009, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by Toma

Yeah right.... the douchebag cop went out of his way to "pull him over" lmao....

There was no getting out of that even if you ate the corn out of his asshole.

Were the keys in the ignition? I DON'T THINK they can give you the ticket unless you were 'operating the vehicle', but that may have changed.... hell , at one time they couldn't give you a ticket in a parking lot... but....


We don't make the laws. Go cry about it at the legislative level of government.

By the way, care and control of a vehicle doesn't mean having the keys in the ignition. It has always been that way, and no, we didn't make that rule either.

12-11-2009, 09:03 PM
i was warned not to tint my front windows because it will always give a cop a reason to pull you over.. and being greated with a big fuck you. im not surprised the cop gave you a ticket..

12-12-2009, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by phil98z24

We don't make the laws. Go cry about it at the legislative level of government.

By the way, care and control of a vehicle doesn't mean having the keys in the ignition. It has always been that way, and no, we didn't make that rule either.

True. You can be charged with "impaired" even if you're "sleeping it off" in the back seat, with the keys in your pocket, if I'm not mistaken?

12-12-2009, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by phil98z24
Well Pollywog, I must admit - that is a horseshit ticket. Absolutely, and utterly. Whether or not it's against the law, and the reasons being, we have discretion and I think alot more guys should use it. Unfortunately the ticket will stand, as parking lots (private or not) are considered part of the highway and accessible to the public therefore all laws still apply. You understand that and don't dispute it, so that isn't the issue.

That being said, the minute I saw "Explorer" in there, it made me think of a traffic guy. They use alot of those vehicles. Or, given the location, some bored ass 8 District guy with fuck all to do. As Dayglow said, sometimes we do that kind of thing to dig up stuff, but I'm sure he could have queried your plate and found out that you aren't a bad guy and that maybe he should leave you alone. However; some guys don't subscribe to this school of thought, which is unfortunate.

Playing devil's advocate for a second, it's possible your vehicle was called in as suspicious and he found a lawful reason to interact with you. Perhaps he would have explained things if you hadn't been.. well, "abrasive" off the hop. I understand it's inconvenient, but sometimes some of these guys like when people get that way - it's make it easier for them to give you a ticket. I'm not saying bend over and take it, just something to be aware of.

Edit - as a counter to what you are talking about, I know most of the guys I work with have a very strict "don't give good people tickets unless absolutely necessary" rule. I did quite a few traffic stops today for what I would deem to be hazardous and downright ignorant offences, but I didn't write a single ticket because people appreciate being educated and warned. I guess things are different depending where you work.

Phil for Chief of Police

12-12-2009, 06:02 PM
I'm going to diverge slightly to make a comment on this- because I get annoyed when I cant see a driver through his limo-tint side windows as I dont know where he is looking to know what his next move may be.

Part of driving is knowing what the next guy is going to do before he does it, so if I dont know whether he saw me or not then I dont know if he's going to pull out in front of me and I may be liable for rear-ending him should I not have enough time to stop. Same goes for merging, I always look at the driver in the face to predict what he is going to do, and I know many fellow drivers do too.

Originally posted by C_Dave45

The whole window tint legislation is a joke. I actually asked this officer "WHY" is it illegal? He said "cuz its unsafe...it doesn't let in enough light for you to see"
"You mean like sunglasses?"
"Window tint is darker"
"uhhh...I bet if I took a light meter it would show no less light than a factory tint or dark sunglasses"
"Well you might be right..but for now its a law...here's your $175 fine" *shrug* what can you do......

12-12-2009, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by Redlyne_mr2

Phil for Chief of Police

:werd: x2

'dont give good people tickets' is a good philosophy...its a shame it doesnt seem to be a popular ideology among CPS.

whenever i get a warning from police I always feel so grateful, realize what a shithead i was for whatever reason and make a conscious effort to be better and respect the officer for doing a good job. i mean yea a ticket is warranted in some cases and if handled in a professional manner and communicated; not just acting the tax collector part. and if i really truly deserve one i know it and take it like a man.

and in reality yes, the appreciation for the warning and conscious effort may only last a couple months and eventually face away but that's better than the bitter spite i have after getting the:

me: morning si...
officer: license registration please.
*hand paperwork
officer: i'll be right back
*2min - 30min
officer: youre getting a ticket for ______. See the back for options to pay. Have a nice day.

12-12-2009, 09:24 PM
^^ Haha, that happened in ~80% of all my tickets.

Originally posted by scat19

Spelling lessons coming from you! Thought I'd never see the day lmao.

Tough luck Paul - I'm kind of glad I don't have tint on my current car, makes life a litter easier than watching for cops/wondering why you roll down your window in the freezing cold.
(yes I know I opened myself up for jokes)

Hey I finally saw the commercial your sig is from. I was always like.. ".. The fuck is that.."

12-12-2009, 09:25 PM
Double post.

12-13-2009, 01:30 PM
You know every time you get pulled over is not always a brand new infraction starting from the beginning right? If you get pulled over/warned often enough, or even if a cop sees you do something stupid, they might put a note on your file with your license plate. Cop sees you with tinted windows, looks you up on the first pass, sees all the idiot things you've done (if you have) and decides enough is enough.

Then they see me with tinted windows, look me up, find nothing and move on. But by you putting your hands out the window makes me think you've done this before. I'm usually elbow deep in the glove box looking for papers when the cops comes to my window.

12-13-2009, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by C_Dave45

True. You can be charged with "impaired" even if you're "sleeping it off" in the back seat, with the keys in your pocket, if I'm not mistaken?

I was under the impression (its been a while) that one had to occupy the operators seat of a motor vehicle to have care and control... kinda hard to do in the back seat..... but my memorized sections of the CCC is rusty.