View Full Version : office cleaning

12-12-2009, 03:56 PM
Hey guys i have been operating a small commercial cleaning company in the calgary area for the last 5 years and have recently decided to expand, to ensure my services exceed anyones expectations i would like to know what everyone thinks about their office cleaners.

what do they do wrong?
what do they do right?
what would you like them to do?

12-12-2009, 11:26 PM
High turnover rate. Lack of loyalty & accountability.

The two of them make for a very frusterating combination towards meeting contract details.

If you dont meet the contracts in question, then you may lose them which essentially nullifies any need for cleaners in question.
Quite frusterating really. :banghead:

12-13-2009, 01:17 AM
I remember the last office I was at, the cleaning staff didn't show up half the time, never vacuumed, but claimed they did (I was working 14 hour days, I never saw them vacuum once in months).

The nastiest thing was they would use their dusting wands to scoop out the garbage from the waste baskets, then dust the cubicles with the same wands. They'd smear pizza sauce everywhere if it happened to be in there.

I think if yoiu approach the job with a professional manner, own up to mistakes, and hold your staff accountable, then you'll see results.

12-13-2009, 01:57 AM
My only complaint is regarding the cubicle/office garbage can.

They reuse the garbage bag way too many times. Of course it's not necessary to replace the bag every day but don't leave it for weeks at a time.

I also find the garbage can is sometimes put back in the wrong place. Annoying and small detail but it's something I shouldn't have to do if they do their job properly.

12-13-2009, 02:14 AM
don't touch the shit on my desk, mind the sign i leave!!!!

12-13-2009, 02:49 AM
My building has a lot of card locked doors. Don't ask me to open the doors for you because you're too lazy to go to security and get a key!!
This really pisses me off actually.

cancer man
12-13-2009, 08:26 AM
Fired my cleaning staff when i found out they were stealing
office supplies.
I'd hire people in early retirement at least they were brought up with ethics and know how to clean.

Don't touch my desk.........
This lady thought she would do me a favor and she stacked all
my paper work up!! in a pile!! 8 diffrent estimates that i had to re-sort.

D. Dub
12-13-2009, 10:46 AM
Annoying attempts to get free advertising on car forums?

12-13-2009, 10:52 AM
They don't wear deodorant... :(

12-13-2009, 03:53 PM
D Dub... Please explain how my post is an anvertisment. Even further how is my post annoying? i think it would be quite dificult for any potential client to contact me given the lack of contact infomation. Please understand some people simply value other peoples imput. .... go home D Dub

12-13-2009, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by citrusservices
D Dub... Please explain how my post is an anvertisment. Even further how is my post annoying? i think it would be quite dificult for any potential client to contact me given the lack of contact infomation. Please understand some people simply value other peoples imput. .... go home D Dub

No, not at all?

Look at your name. Look at your join date. Look at your advertisement's on the internet, at places such as craigslist. Buddy give us a break, we were not born yesterday.

12-13-2009, 04:27 PM
so you would rather be bombarded by advertisements from major companies then read a post submitted by a couple students trying to make their small business a success? do write beyond and tell them to give you a break for the over 20 advertisements they have? you must be a very sad person.

"give us a break, we were not born yesterday"
why do you fell you must express yourself as representing a group of people such as the "us" and "we" I think it comes from a deep ceded insecurity issue probably stemming from a lack of attention.

12-13-2009, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by citrusservices
so you would rather be bombarded by advertisments from major companys then read a post sumitted by a couple students trying to make their small business a sucess? do write beyond and tell them to give you a break for the over 20 advertisments they have? you must be a very sad person.

Actually i'd rather have none at all...

Reality is, theres very few advertisement related posts from business owners.
Theres restaurant review, shop reviews etc.

Serious man.
Every single site has banner ads though. You live with it.

12-13-2009, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by citrusservices
so you would rather be bombarded by advertisements from major companies then read a post submitted by a couple students trying to make their small business a success? do write beyond and tell them to give you a break for the over 20 advertisements they have? you must be a very sad person.

"give us a break, we were not born yesterday"
why do you fell you must express yourself as representing a group of people such as the "us" and "we" I think it comes from a deep ceded insecurity issue probably stemming from a lack of attention on the home front or you were played with by someone who shouldn’t have played with you.

With such poor english, i find myself not capable of responding any further in regards to this subject.

12-13-2009, 04:50 PM
most cleaning employees view the job as a series of checks in a check list without really taking the time and care to complete their tasks appropriatly.

also i was going to ask how does everyone feel about the door to door sales? i have been told the best way to promote my company is in this manner, but is it too invasive? Most of my clients have been attained through friends of friends and so on. Also does anyone have any tips on how to work up leads?

12-13-2009, 04:57 PM

12-13-2009, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by citrusservices
capital S, capital d, missed you, capital y, capital w, period, capital O. Their you go buddy now you can reply.



12-13-2009, 05:29 PM
Gotta say, your overly defensive attitude is kind of suggesting you guys would not own up to anything. Rather than acknowledge the dozen or so good posts, you chose to rack on the one that went against you.

Check the attitude.

12-13-2009, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by citrusservices
D Dub... Please explain how my post is an anvertisment. Even further how is my post annoying? i think it would be quite dificult for any potential client to contact me given the lack of contact infomation. Please understand some people simply value other peoples imput. .... go home D Dub

Actually in your original thread made on beyond you clearly did advertise your company, how to contact your company and all sorts of tidbits. I would know, I got rid of it - nice try though.

12-13-2009, 11:09 PM
One thing that I like about the office cleaning staff in my building is that they wash the dishes and put them back in the cupboards after being cleaned.

I remember a few years ago I worked with the same company but in another one of the buildings, the cleaning crew only did the very bare minimum of required work every night. We called them on it when they didn't vacuum for a few weeks straight. The idiots came back about an hour later and vacuumed during office hours with us working. Don't pull that....

12-14-2009, 01:41 PM
The cleaners I have now are awesome!

They are always friendly when I run into them. They always go the extra mile when needed.

These are the first cleaners that did dishes (even if it is my coworkers responsibility).

I always give them a heads up when there is an event being held at my office so they can come prepared for extra duties that may need to be done.

Only complaint I have once in a while is the dusting. They rarely dust (maybe once a month is noticeable).

12-14-2009, 10:05 PM
I was working at a bodyshop, they hire cleaner once a week. (weekend)

Well, a customer dropped off a vehicle, put their keys through the door slot... (the cleaners throw it out; as found out later)

So on Monday, the bodyshop owner called the customer (cuz their vehicle is in the lot) asking where the keys to the vehicle was, then the customer said he dropped them in the door slot.

So the bodyshop owner spent 2-3 hours dumpster diving in hopes to find the keys (cuz at that point customer's pissed being told this over the phone right)... Anyways, at the end, yea, the cleaners through it in with one of the office garbage.

Man was the owner pissed off that day, good thing I'm only an outside contractor so I just stayed the hell outta his way.

12-14-2009, 11:28 PM
Originally posted by TomcoPDR
I was working at a bodyshop, they hire cleaner once a week. (weekend)

Well, a customer dropped off a vehicle, put their keys through the door slot... (the cleaners throw it out; as found out later)

So on Monday, the bodyshop owner called the customer (cuz their vehicle is in the lot) asking where the keys to the vehicle was, then the customer said he dropped them in the door slot.

So the bodyshop owner spent 2-3 hours dumpster diving in hopes to find the keys (cuz at that point customer's pissed being told this over the phone right)... Anyways, at the end, yea, the cleaners through it in with one of the office garbage.

Man was the owner pissed off that day, good thing I'm only an outside contractor so I just stayed the hell outta his way.

I dont care who you are, what nationality/culture you are, what level of education you have, your religion... whatever.

Who the F*** throws out a set of keys?
Even if its on the ground and you dont know whos it is etc. You put it somewhere and hope the person comes back for it, or whatever.

Holy eff. would i be livid at the cleaners.

Going back to my hate for security asking for me to open the security doors for the cleaners (because theyre too damn lazy to get a key themselves)..

A colleague lent a cleaner his key once, in hopes to get it back right away. Time passes, more time passes, he wants to go home by now, and it turns out the cleaner dropped his key down the elevator shaft (down that little gap between the doors).
He wasn't impressed to say the least.