View Full Version : Almost Died?

12-14-2009, 12:48 AM
Tonight I had a near death experience, and was wondering if anyone else has, if so what happened?

Mine involved H2S...

12-14-2009, 12:49 AM
Share the story

12-14-2009, 12:56 AM
I was fixing a flow meter on a 4" line that had only been designed with one drain valve. Bypassed it, blocked, and bled the drain, but the line was plugged AFTER the drain and the pipe was still pressurized with gas and oil at the meter (this was in a meter shack too, btw). Started loosening off the bolts and the whole thing let go, missed getting hit by the faceplate by inches, and the whole shack got coated with oil, as did I, head to toe.

12-14-2009, 12:57 AM
almost got ran over by a 400t haul truck

12-14-2009, 12:59 AM
no such thing as almost dying; either you do or you dont :)

12-14-2009, 01:24 AM
Don't fear death , we're all die anyways in the future..

12-14-2009, 01:30 AM
Originally posted by turbotrip
no such thing as almost dying; either you do or you dont :)

Please explain.

12-14-2009, 01:32 AM
Originally posted by preludez
Don't fear death , we're all die anyways in the future..

if we all had grammar like that, it would be sooner than later.....

12-14-2009, 01:32 AM
Dude.. Glad to hear your alright... H2S is nasty.. Was not something I'd ever hope to have to go back to but its out there, they say its the silent killer eh... Back last year working the patch, and how cheap last year was, being all the cost cutting they were trying to do... I will not name companies, but sure glad I do not work there today....

12-14-2009, 01:36 AM
Originally posted by G-Suede

Please explain.

don't do if it is risky...

12-14-2009, 01:38 AM
Originally posted by preludez
don't do if it is risky...

Corky, please stay off of Becca's computer.

12-14-2009, 01:38 AM
Originally posted by preludez

don't do if it is risky...


12-14-2009, 01:39 AM
Originally posted by 03ozwhip

if we all had grammar like that, it would be sooner than later.....

for me its better to die working than die doing nothing..

12-14-2009, 01:49 AM
Originally posted by stealth
Tonight I had a near death experience, and was wondering if anyone else has, if so what happened?

Mine involved H2S...

i had near death experience , u cant imagine this is my fifth life..

12-14-2009, 02:04 AM
Originally posted by turbotrip
no such thing as almost dying; either you do or you dont :) Don't explain this. You didn't get the part when never said he was "sort of dead" or something.

Mine: Was nearly smoked by an SUV on McLeod trail while I was pulling a guy who fell off of his motorcycle out of traffic and onto the sidewalk. I'm sure I felt the mirror graze my hair.

12-14-2009, 02:07 AM
lost control going 130 k, hit the side of the bridge, slid across the railing rolled 400 feet into a ditch.. woke up backwards with the car still running and music still playing.. now was that ever fucked up

12-14-2009, 02:50 AM
Originally posted by 03ozwhip

if we all had grammar like that, it would be sooner than later.....


12-14-2009, 02:54 AM

12-14-2009, 03:51 AM
heh well mines kinda different, its pretty similar. today i took a nap at 1pm, and when i woke up at 4pm, i felt that i needed sleep for a bit, when i just layed back on the bed i felt a cold breeze and my eyes rolled backwards and i started to shake rapidly, it felt like i was being possessed or my body being taken over, it was so overwhelming that i felt the need to scream for my dad, but then it stopped only a minute passed. it was like the weirdest shit that ever happened to me.. talked to a buddy about it. he said it might been that you were in between a dream and reality.

12-14-2009, 05:14 AM
I have survived one extremely close call, all down to reflexes and a sixth sense I never knew I had. This happened in October 2002.

I was walking from college to the bus stop when I witnessed a crash between a massively speeding camaro trying to beat a red light and a mom in a volvo that had just dropped her kid off at the highschool just before MRC, coming from the north. The crash happened maybe 30 feet from where I was standing (I had stopped walking when I heard the first screech of tires). The stop I took to get home was down by the MRC rez area. So, I watch the crash and almost immediately something inside me screams to move to the right, as fast as possible. Adrenaline spiked, and I pretty much did a 3 meter sideways jump from a standstill. Something, I'm not really sure what, but it was thin and buzzing so I guess a piece of metal spinning like a frisbee, tore through the air where I had been. The camaro was easily going over 120 kph on a 60 kph road, and the entire front of it pretty much disappeared in the crash, so my best guess to this day is some shrapnel from the destruction of the camaro was launched by the inertia of the camaro.

I really can't explain what it felt like, it was like my brain stopped thought and my instinct and reflexes took over and moved me. I don't remember seeing it, but I guess my brain did and my survival instinct kicked it. I am pretty sure that if I had been hit by the metal, it would have done massive damage to my abdominal area, potentially fatal. To this day, thinking about it still gives me the chills :cry:

12-14-2009, 05:35 AM
Originally posted by Suey
heh well mines kinda different, its pretty similar. today i took a nap at 1pm, and when i woke up at 4pm, i felt that i needed sleep for a bit, when i just layed back on the bed i felt a cold breeze and my eyes rolled backwards and i started to shake rapidly, it felt like i was being possessed or my body being taken over, it was so overwhelming that i felt the need to scream for my dad, but then it stopped only a minute passed. it was like the weirdest shit that ever happened to me.. talked to a buddy about it. he said it might been that you were in between a dream and reality.

sleep paralysis

12-14-2009, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by Vagabond142
I have survived one extremely close call, all down to reflexes and a sixth sense I never knew I had. This happened in October 2002.

I was walking from college to the bus stop when I witnessed a crash between a massively speeding camaro trying to beat a red light and a mom in a volvo that had just dropped her kid off at the highschool just before MRC, coming from the north. The crash happened maybe 30 feet from where I was standing (I had stopped walking when I heard the first screech of tires). The stop I took to get home was down by the MRC rez area. So, I watch the crash and almost immediately something inside me screams to move to the right, as fast as possible. Adrenaline spiked, and I pretty much did a 3 meter sideways jump from a standstill. Something, I'm not really sure what, but it was thin and buzzing so I guess a piece of metal spinning like a frisbee, tore through the air where I had been. The camaro was easily going over 120 kph on a 60 kph road, and the entire front of it pretty much disappeared in the crash, so my best guess to this day is some shrapnel from the destruction of the camaro was launched by the inertia of the camaro.

I really can't explain what it felt like, it was like my brain stopped thought and my instinct and reflexes took over and moved me. I don't remember seeing it, but I guess my brain did and my survival instinct kicked it. I am pretty sure that if I had been hit by the metal, it would have done massive damage to my abdominal area, potentially fatal. To this day, thinking about it still gives me the chills :cry:

Your spider-sense tingled!

12-14-2009, 09:07 AM
H2S... That shit has almost killed me more than once. The worst was back in 2004. I was in my office trailor plugging away at some paper work when I hear a vac truck start sucking. Nothing out of the norm really, then I get a whif of gas and check my monitor, but as I look Down at it, it starts to go off. I grab my co worker by the collar of his covies and yank him out the door and we both start running.

Turns out the vac truck operator put his vent line out and pointed it right towards our shack. I tore a strip off that guy six ways from sunday. I would say another ten seconds in there and both me and my co worker would have Been dead. Sour content of the well was 6%. For those wondering

12-14-2009, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by turbotrip
no such thing as almost dying; either you do or you dont :)

Guess you've never fought to stay concious after repeatedly passing out while trying to walk/crawl and then felt yourself slipping away as you passed out for good, KNOWING you were dying and weren't going to wake up again. According to the emergency personnel that revived me and the er doc's later, I lost over 30% of my blood and would have finished bleeding out in +/- 20 minutes. If they wouldn't have revived me, the last thing I ever would have felt was myself dying.

I'd call that almost. :)

12-14-2009, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by RecoilS14
H2S... That shit has almost killed me more than once. The worst was back in 2004. I was in my office trailor plugging away at some paper work when I hear a vac truck start sucking. Nothing out of the norm really, then I get a whif of gas and check my monitor, but as I look Down at it, it starts to go off. I grab my co worker by the collar of his covies and yank him out the door and we both start running.

Turns out the vac truck operator put his vent line out and pointed it right towards our shack. I tore a strip off that guy six ways from sunday. I would say another ten seconds in there and both me and my co worker would have Been dead. Sour content of the well was 6%. For those wondering

What did you smell?

Dave P
12-14-2009, 09:13 AM

12-14-2009, 09:14 AM
I've been inside a house on fire doing a search and felt like I was on a trampoline - on a hardwood floor. We backed out and within about 5 minutes the floor went into the basement. Turned out the fire had been going in the basement unseen for hours in the unoccupied house before anyone called it in, and the floor joists were all but gone.. would have dumped me and my partner into a giant fire pit if we'd stayed in.

12-14-2009, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE

What did you smell?

Thats the fucked up thing. If you can smell it, usually the concentration isnt strong enough to kill you.

It will kill your sense of taste and smell in higher concentrations. One whif and your down.

But in small doses it smells like rotten eggs.

12-14-2009, 09:38 AM

I didn't think you could smell it at all, even in minute concentrations. Just thought there was maybe something else as well. That is lucky then, close call indeed. :eek:

12-14-2009, 09:44 AM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE

I didn't think you could smell it at all, even in minute concentrations. Just thought there was maybe something else as well. That is lucky then, close call indeed. :eek:

Every time i take H2S alive, the teach usually has a piece of foam glass insulation that he breaks up and lets us smell. This is the type of insulation that they put on gas pipelines. The H2S leaches through the pipe material and is stored by the cells of the foam glass.

That can give you an idea of how small the amount is. Here is a wiki entry on it....

At some threshold level, the oxidative enzymes will be overwhelmed. This threshold level is believed to average around 300–350 ppm. Many personal safety gas detectors, such as those used by utility, sewage and petrochemical workers, are set to alarm at as low as 5 to 10 ppm and to go into high alarm at 15 ppm.

An interesting diagnostic clue of extreme poisoning by H2S is the discoloration of copper coins in the pockets of the victim. Treatment involves immediate inhalation of amyl nitrite, injections of sodium nitrite, inhalation of pure oxygen, administration of bronchodilators to overcome eventual bronchospasm, and in some cases hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO). HBO therapy has anecdotal support and remains controversial.[6][7][8]

Exposure to lower concentrations can result in eye irritation, a sore throat and cough, nausea, shortness of breath, and fluid in the lungs. These symptoms usually go away in a few weeks. Long-term, low-level exposure may result in fatigue, loss of appetite, headaches, irritability, poor memory, and dizziness. Chronic exposures to low level H2S (around 2 ppm) has been implicated in increased miscarriage and reproductive health issues amongst Russian and Finnish wood pulp workers, but the reports have not (as of circa 1995) been replicated. Higher concentrations of 700–800 ppm tend to be fatal.

-0.0047 ppm is the recognition threshold, the concentration at which 50% of humans can detect the characteristic odor of hydrogen sulfide [1], normally described as resembling "a rotten egg".
-Less than 10 ppm has an exposure limit of 8 hours per day.
-10–20 ppm is the borderline concentration for eye irritation.
-50–100 ppm leads to eye damage.
-At 150–250 ppm the olfactory nerve is paralyzed after a few inhalations, and the sense of smell disappears, often together with awareness of danger,
-320–530 ppm leads to pulmonary edema with the possibility of death.
-530–1000 ppm causes strong stimulation of the central nervous system and rapid breathing, leading to loss of breathing;
-800 ppm is the lethal concentration for 50% of humans for 5 minutes exposure(LC50).
-Concentrations over 1000 ppm cause immediate collapse with loss of breathing, even after inhalation of a single breath.

12-14-2009, 09:49 AM

Guess I've forgotten, I only worked service rigs one winter a few years ago so I've only ever taken that course once. :)

12-14-2009, 09:51 AM
(91-92)when i was 5 years old, i ran accross the street and my foot was hit a car. It sent me flying/spining in the air. lol, i came out fine.

(2000ish)when i was fourteen, my parents were into the whole growOp thing. Me and my borther where home alone...and we were home invaded, We came out okay.

(2004)my brother was mixed up with the worng type of people, he was kidnaped at gun point, we were all told to face down on the ground. In the end we were all fine.

i wouldnt call this, "almost died"

more of a life experiences, or whatever.

12-14-2009, 10:30 AM
For me, I caught mono when I was in college. That and strep throat went nuts in my system and I got really sick. ICU sick. In retrospect, I pretty sure I was half dead. Alive enough to know that I was hurting really really bad, but too dead to do anything about it. My fondest memory was waking up after they tried to take a blood sample, looking to the right and seeing a tracheotomy kit on the nightstand, and looking left to see the IV fluid bag with a compression strap on it to force fluids into me.

My mom told me when they tried to take the blood, I crashed and they had to bring in the cart and everything.

12-14-2009, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE

What did you smell?

Originally posted by spike98

Thats the fucked up thing. If you can smell it, usually the concentration isnt strong enough to kill you.

It will kill your sense of taste and smell in higher concentrations. One whif and your down.

But in small doses it smells like rotten eggs.

Yeah i smelled the rotten eggs. I have worked in the patch as a well tester for about 7years. I got used to checking my monitor every time i smelled a hint of it. If it wasnt for my own natural paranoia of not wanting to die from H2S out there, i probably would have been dead more than i can count.

12-14-2009, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by xorina
(91-92)when i was 5 years old, i ran accross the street and my foot was hit a car. It sent me flying/spining in the air. lol, i came out fine.

(2000ish)when i was fourteen, my parents were into the whole growOp thing. Me and my borther where home alone...and we were home invaded, We came out okay.

(2004)my brother was mixed up with the worng type of people, he was kidnaped at gun point, we were all told to face down on the ground. In the end we were all fine.

i wouldnt call this, "almost died"

more of a life experiences, or whatever.

Um, seems like you have had some pretty interesting life experiences so far.

12-14-2009, 11:16 AM
I once survived being married to a useless cunt from Texas.

Almost near death.

12-14-2009, 11:16 AM
Couple years ago when I wasworking at a pharmaceutical warehouse on Barlow and 72nd Ave. I was driving to work in the morning as usual. Was sitting at a red light changing a cd and the light turned green. I heard a honk from behind to go and when I was about to go, a semi truck flew through the intersection (he had a red) with some granny tailgating him through. I usually take off right away at a green light, thank god I didn't that day. I wouldn't be here to type about it now.

12-14-2009, 11:30 AM
Wrapped a car around a light post during the summer of 2005. I was stone sober and was the sole occupant of the only vehicle involved.

Shattered left femur, fractured right femeur, shattered pelvis, every rib on my left side was shattered/fractured/cracked, all but 4 on the right side were fractured or cracked in some way shape or form, fractured left humerus, Hairline spinal fracture (lumbar region...cannot remember which vertebrae).

Internal injuries included multiple lung punctures in both lungs, collapsed thoracic diaphragm, partially crushed kidneys, lacerated bladder and a torn left mitral valve. Additionally, there was severe internal bleeding (~4 Litres lost before I arrived at the hospital) and this bleeding continued at a decreased rate for about 4 days straight before it could all be stopped. Additionally, there were several peripheral nerve injuries in my left hand and right leg and most severely, my entire left leg.

Luckily through all of that, there were no head injuries or central nervous injuries. Everything was physicial and likely could be fixed. However my survival was not expected...like, at all. From the hundreds of people that were involved in saving me (including department heads, very experienced surgeons and the Calgary Police Traffic Unit) not one expected me to actually survive it.

I spent 8 days on full life support, with just about every organ failing with the exception of my kidneys. I was also in a drug induced coma for about 3 weeks.

Long story short, I've spent about 6 months as an inpatient in various units of the FMC and Rockyview (ICU, Trauma, Cardiac ICU, Plastics/Burns, Musculoskeletal Rehab) and about 2 years as an outpatient at the FMC and Sheldon Chumir for physical rehab.
I've had about 12 serious operations and dozens of medical procedures that resulted in the implantation of 5 titanium plates along with 4 or 5 dozen screws, a mess of wire in my chest and a mechanical mitral valve and in total, these procedures required the use of approximately 550 stitches, sutures and staples.

I just thought i'd share my experience in this thread with you guys...I'm not trying to say mine was better than or worse than any of your own experiences...nothing like that at all. I just wanted to share :)

12-14-2009, 11:39 AM


12-14-2009, 12:00 PM
I thought I had it bad, till I read some of your guys stories, pretty fucking nuts!

Mine's kinda tame... racing quads in Mexico in the middle of nowhere, like 30 mins away from civilization. Chasing the guy down in front of me, who drove over a pretty sharp piece of wood. It got kicked up and flew towards me like a fucking arrow. Went through the headlight glass, past the back of the headlight and put a dent in the whole housing. A few more inches higher, that would stabbed me good haha.


12-14-2009, 12:03 PM
I went into anaphylactic shock and didn't have my epi-pen with me. We were driving like fucking retards to get to the hospital but when we were fairly close, my breathing turned into tiny spurts of air. Needless to say I got in right away and got my shot, but fuck was I ever scared. On a brighter note, I never forget my epi-pen now haha...

Also, believe it or not, that crosswalk by the university where that child got killed by the chick in the BMW. Even with flashing lights, people just choose not to stop for you. If any traffic cop wants to park themselves in the bushes, you could probably ticket over 100/day, no joke. Hell I'd pay you to be there.

12-14-2009, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by XylathaneGTR

Crazy, i read the thread by scat19 "do you ever read your old posts" and it brought me to the one thread i made about your crash.

That shit was crazy man. My heart sank and i was sad that night cause it looked so bad. I was so jacked when you gave us an update. :thumbsup:

12-14-2009, 12:20 PM
My heart didn't beat for 10 seconds and I heard the heart monitor flatline as I was losing consciousness. Woke up to like 10 doctors and nurses around my bed yelling at me to stay with them... lol. I turned out to be fine.

happy tree
12-14-2009, 12:28 PM
A couple years after highschool a friend of mine bought a 1981 corvette. It wasn't super fast but it would do over 200km/h. So we're heading east on 17th ave out by Chestermere and see a 5.0 Mustang, and start to follow. We merge on to highway one east bound and my buddy drops a gear and hammers the gas. As we are going around the big curve my buddy looks back at the mustang. As he is looking back a car pulls out in front of us at a notoriously bad intersection for accidents. We are doing about 180km/h at this point, and I yell CAR! My buddy yanks the wheel to the right and then over corrects to the left, throwing the vette into a spin. We do about 4 or 5 spins into the ditch just missing the car, a large info sign and luckily not rolling the car either. We slid for about 500m before nudging the front end up against a fence. We missed the car by a foot, the sign by about 6 inches and dug some pretty deep gouges in the grass as well. The guy we almost hit didn't even see us, and the guy in the mustang got to witness all of it. He pulled over but my buddy didn't want to stick around, so we got the fuck out of there. All I remember seeing is the rear quarter window on the car we were going to hit. :burnout:

12-14-2009, 12:29 PM
About 10 years ago... Delivering lost luggage - had to run some up to jasper that night... Nice snow storm on the go (one of those nights you're stopping every 30 to clear the ice buildup off the wipers). 3-4 in the morning; getting into the twisties just north of the columbia glacier center; doing 50-60km/h minivan's back end weathervanes right at the top of that nice long twisty descent... (Yes, I was running REALLY good winters)

That whole (what 3-4km?) long hill, I bounced off the plowed bank on the cliff drop side; I'd bounce off the snow on the cliff side; every time I'd just about get her back under control; she'd weathervane again start sliding...

Pinball the whole way down; hit with every corner side and edge of the van - wondering the whole way if there was a break in the plow fodder or guard rail - knowing the drop on the side was >1000ft. Whole time the truck was picking up speed - didn't dare touch the brakes; shifted into neutral right away...

Longest 2-3 minutes of my life... finally slid to a stop at the bottom - parked the truck... Polished off a full pack of smokes sitting on the hood. Truck luckily was fine - few nicks and scrapes, nothing worth talking to a bodyshop about...

Didn't see another vehicle on that highway for the rest of the night (8+ hrs of driving)

Even a decade later - I can still remember it in minute detail; every bounce, every turn of the wheel, every recovery and relief then panic as it'd slide out again, even the song playing on the radio (golden earring - radar love).

Dropped the truck off and had studs put on that morning when I got back to calgary...

12-14-2009, 12:57 PM
in bc i got hit by a city truck biking on my way to school ( i was 11) the guy hit me T-bone style and crushed the back tire of my bike, luckly i just fell over and didnt get ran over, he got out walked me to my house with a crushed bike i had no scrapes or bruises and a free ride to school LOL:clap:

12-14-2009, 12:59 PM
I was in the Philippines, on the island of Leyte. We got a Taxi-van drive 4 of us back to our place a few hours south of Tacloban City. It was about 9pm, pitch black, no street lights, the driver was flying down this crappy rural road. we rounded a corner and there was a motorcyle full of people (they convert motorbikes into taxis, this one held about 7 people) turning ontot the road from a side road. We T-boned the motorbike full of people going about 90km/hr. All I remember seeing is everyone ont he bike go flying up and over the van, and we went off into the ditch and hit a tree. We came out, bruised and bumped up, but there was carnage all over road from the poor people on the motorbike. No blood and guts, but everyone was out. I went to this poor woman who what bleeding from the ears. She kept saying how tired she was, I just kept telling her not to go to sleep. The 45min it took to get tothe amnbulance there was the longest duration in my life.

I guess it wasn't really a near-death for me, but it was for everyone on the bike. Still haunts me to this day.

12-14-2009, 01:09 PM
September 2002

Slipped in the kitchen and pummeled my chest into the ground. Got back up with no hesitation, then lost consciousness and fell back down. Parents took me into the hospital. It ends up the impact stopped my heart. No idea how long I was out for.

April 2003

Contracted multiple illnesses. Scarlet fever, Strep throat, and mono. I was put into hospital after my liver failed. I was out for 3 days. I lost over 20lbs that week. Who ever thought kissing girls was so dangerous?? lol

October 2005

Being young and dumb, I crashed my car into a parked car on Deerfoot going 130km/h. My friend, who was following, hit me and took out 2 other cars and hit the wall and light post. No injuries. Very lucky day for everyone involved.

New Year's Day, 2006

I jumped into the Bay of Fundy for a polar bear swim. Not thinking, I went in head first into the sub-zero water. The shock of the cold instantly made me gasp (I don't get it either). I was inhaling seawater, and couldn't swim from the cold shock. Good thing there were lifeguards at the event. The divers brought me back up.

March 2006

Guy pulled a knife on my group of friends in downtown Winnipeg. Some random dude who stepped out of a bar for a smoke saw this happen. The random dude snuck up behind the knife wielder and knocked him the fuck out.

Not really exciting stories, but i thought my life was in danger in all of them.

12-14-2009, 01:15 PM
When I was about 21, I was not exactly a hit with the ladies. I was about 150 pounds, (6'0) didn't understand the concept of fashion, was broke as fuck, a self-proclaimed super-geek, and though I was not a virgin, I was not exactly rico-suave.

I met a girl online though Excite. She sent me some pictures, and she looked pretty nice. Met up with her, took her back to my place and screwed the hell out of her for literally hours. This chick was seriously model-quality, was awesomely NAAAAASSSTTY, and had tits bigger than I had felt in my life.

I thought I had died and gone to heaven.

That's my story. Doesn't sound like much now, but when I was a loser with the ladies, it was pretty incredible.

For serious near-death experiences:

I've been electrocuted twice... both my own fault, struck by lightning, did about 5-6 360's on a highway with a near-sheer cliff on one side, and a deep rock ditch on the other at about 100k, fell off a 3-story rooftop onto my head/shoulder, had my head cracked open with a rock someone threw and lost a LOT of blood (estimated 2.5-3 pints), and dropped into the middle of a lake when I didn't know how to swim. (Still don't, actually)

I think I'm on my seventh or eighth life by now.

The lightning thing was pretty wild. There was a major storm, with lightning every few seconds. I decided to watch it from a darkened field, as there was no rain where I was. So I went to walk out into the field, but there were large trees surrounding it by the roadside I had to pass in order to get to the field. All I saw was bright white, and next thing I knew I was flat on my back, looking up at a smouldering tree, covered with blackened pine needles.

No pain. Just a totally disoriented feeling.

Since then, I have made sure I'm not close to anything tall during lightning storms...

Originally posted by RecoilS14

I call bullshit. It wasnt excite, it was the local drop in center.

Might as well have been. That chick was pretty messed in the head.

12-14-2009, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by Kloubek
When I was about 21, I was not exactly a hit with the ladies. I was about 150 pounds, (6'0) didn't understand the concept of fashion, was broke as fuck, a self-proclaimed super-geek, and though I was not a virgin, I was not exactly rico-suave.

I met a girl online though Excite. She sent me some pictures, and she looked pretty nice. Met up with her, took her back to my place and screwed the hell out of her for literally hours. This chick was seriously model-quality, as NAAAAASSSTTY, and had tits bigger than I had felt in my life.

I thought I had died and gone to heaven.

That's my story. Doesn't sound like much now, but when I was a loser with the ladies, it was pretty incredible.

For serious near-death experiences:

I've been electrocuted twice, struck by lightning, did about 5-6 360's on a highway with a sheer cliff on one side, and a deep rock ditch on the other at about 100k, fell off a 3-story rooftop onto my head/shoulder, cracked open my head and lost a LOT of blood (estimated 2.5-3 pints), and dropped into the middle of a lake when I didn't know how to swim. (Still don't, actually)

I think I'm on my seventh or eighth life by now...

I call bullshit. It wasnt excite, it was the local drop in center.

12-14-2009, 03:35 PM
Yup, I was born.

Thomas Gabriel
12-14-2009, 03:50 PM
After getting my wisdom teeth out, I decided to see what doubling my percocet dose would feel like. It made me lose my reflex to breathe. There was no discomfort at all not breathing. At the same time, it made me want to sleep. I believe the term is nodding. I had my eyes closed, and somehow I remembered that I wasn't breathing, and got out of bed. Had to spend the next hour forcing myself to breathe every few seconds.

12-14-2009, 03:54 PM
^^ That's pretty scary.

12-14-2009, 04:36 PM
When i was 8 years old, i got hit by a car in Europe. I was playing with my friends, ran across the street and BANG.. All remember is seeing a flash of light upon impact, then everything went dark. Woke up in the hospital 6 hours later with a broken left arm and a concussion(blow to the head).

12-14-2009, 04:44 PM
I had a couple, one, i was driving with my learners, driving one of my older brother's drunk friends home (dumb, yes, but not as dumb as having the drunk drive) and i was on one of the lesser main streets crossing 36th ave in forest lawn. the street did not have lights but did have a stop sign at 36th ave, i didn't see the stop sign (as none of the previous streets had one, so i didn't expect it to) drove right across 36th ave, LUCKILY missing all the traffic on there (a bus missed me by only a couple feet).

Then another was, i was working construction, we were gutting out a warehouse building, it had a big heater hanging from the roof, we were to cut the lines with a plasma cutter and lower the heater down, so i was on scaffolding, probably 3 feet in the air, my buddy cut the line, and a HUGE amount of ammonia came out of it, i thought it had previously been drained, i guess i was wrong, it almost knocked me on my ass off the scaffold, i managed to drop to my elbows and knees just in time so as to not fall backwards off the scaffold.

12-14-2009, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by Thaco
I had a couple, one, i was driving with my learners, driving one of my older brother's drunk friends home (dumb, yes, but not as dumb as having the drunk drive) and i was on one of the lesser main streets crossing 36th ave in forest lawn. the street did not have lights but did have a stop sign at 36th ave, i didn't see the stop sign (as none of the previous streets had one, so i didn't expect it to) drove right across 36th ave, LUCKILY missing all the traffic on there (a bus missed me by only a couple feet).

Then another was, i was working construction, we were gutting out a warehouse building, it had a big heater hanging from the roof, we were to cut the lines with a plasma cutter and lower the heater down, so i was on scaffolding, probably 3 feet in the air, my buddy cut the line, and a HUGE amount of ammonia came out of it, i thought it had previously been drained, i guess i was wrong, it almost knocked me on my ass off the scaffold, i managed to drop to my elbows and knees just in time so as to not fall backwards off the scaffold.

Getting a blast of ammonia is fucking shitty! Its deadly shit too in high concentrations.

12-14-2009, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by JfuckinC

Crazy, i read the thread by scat19 "do you ever read your old posts" and it brought me to the one thread i made about your crash.
That shit was crazy man. My heart sank and i was sad that night cause it looked so bad. I was so jacked when you gave us an update. :thumbsup:

Yeah, I remember that...A guy I worked with came to visit me in Trauma and said there was a thread on beyond about me. As soon as i got access to a computer, I read up on it. I appreciate the kind words. That was a tough few months for me.

Originally posted by Thomas Gabriel
After getting my wisdom teeth out, I decided to see what doubling my percocet dose would feel like. It made me lose my reflex to breathe. There was no discomfort at all not breathing. At the same time, it made me want to sleep. I believe the term is nodding. I had my eyes closed, and somehow I remembered that I wasn't breathing, and got out of bed. Had to spend the next hour forcing myself to breathe every few seconds.
You reminded me of a similar story...

After 5 months of hospitalization I was discharged and able to go home...However I had a raging physical dependence on painkillers and I also had a small MRSA infection still festering in one or two of my surgical incisions. The infection was getting dealt with, but very slowly and as a result, there was some necrotic tissue forming and the rate of healing really slowed down.

I was going to have to have an open heart surgery at some point...so I needed to be fully cleared of that infection before my Dr. could risk cracking open my chest cavity again. Enter Dr. Enzio Magi...great guy and very skilled at what he does. He originally wanted to remove a significant amount of muscle tissue from the infected area, and then do a pec-flap muscle graft (take a chunk of muscle from the upper region of my left pec...graft it into the centre of my chest...right over the sternum) and seal it all up with a skin graft. I wasn't too excited on the plan, but the infection was getting worse and it had to be dealt with...so off to the OR I went.

Turns out that once he got into my chest, it wasn't as bad as he imagined...So he just cleaned it all out, removed a small amount of necrotic (dead) muscle tissue and stretched the skin closed over the incision. There was also a small sore on the back of my head, caused by the neck brace where the infection had also spread...he did the same thing there.

FYI: The story gets a bit more graphic at this point...

So...a few hours later I start to come to in the post-op recovery room. At this point, I was a bit a veteran of the OR and the knew the nurse looking after me from an earlier stay (actually, he was one of the first to look after me in ICU.) By this point, I had endured quite a few surgical procedures but this one was the most uncomfortable and painful that I can recall. Because all teh skin was stretched out...whenever I laid back flat...all I could feel was absolute searing pain through my chest and arms...I could barely move my arms or roll or anything. Additionally, due to blood loss under the skin, I had a 'drain' stitched under the skin in my head.
Basically, the procedure did cause some blood loss and that blood, once lost from the circulatory system, can't stay in you...Hematomas are bad. So this small little drain collected all of that blood and through a small tube that was embeded under the skin, deposited into a clear chamber that hung on the side of my head. All in all, it collected about a half pint or so over 3 days. This was all held in place by a few small stitches. Thing is, it REALLY fucking hurt to have it there...and it limited the movement and positioning of my head and neck as I was laying there...combined with the chest issues...i wasn't very comfortable.

Of course, I was on some pain killers, yeah...but due to my aforementioned dependency, I had a very, very high tolerance opiate tolerance built up. So I wasn't feeling so hot.
Due to my noticeable discomfort...the nurse decided to help me out. Unfortunately, the anesthesiologist also noticed this discomfort and wanted to help me out. The problem is that the two of them failed to communicate with eachother on this.

So, the nurse injected 26mg of sweet sweet Morphene straight into my IV, all at once. 12 minutes later, not knowing what the nurse had done, the anesthesiologist injected 300micrograms of Fentanyl straight into my IV.

For those who don't know...Fentanyl is a synthetic opiate derivative that's about 80x as potent as an equivalent dose of morphene. It's not used often...sometimes in cases involving cancers (for child cases, it can be administered in a lollipop...the more you know) or for people with a previous tolerance to Opiates, such as myself. The maximum recommended dose of fentanyl alone for a 200lb 6'0" adult is 200micrograms/hour. Keep in mind I just got 300micrograms, combined with 26mg of morphene, and at this point in my recovery, I probably weighed in at around 125 lbs (6'3", I lost about 75lbs of muscle mass and all of the fat on my body during the hospitalization and at the worst...i was sitting at about 80lbs).

So I did what anyone else who just had an opiate overdose would do...I stopped breathing. I sort of remember it pretty well...I felt very peaceful and warm, my eyelids felt very, very heavy, and I just sort of drifted off into a haze. The O2stat I was wearing started to freak out and the nurse/anesth. quickly realized that they had made a little mistake. I awoke to the nurse violently shaking my arm and a burning deep in my chest. I took a big gasp...exhaled, breathed normally for a few more breaths and then fell asleep again. As soon as I started to fall...I stopped breathing again...I just exhaled and didn't inhale again.

Noloxone was quickly synthesized and administered (it's a drug that counteracts opioids in the blood stream; they give it to people who overdose on Heroin in an effort to save them) and for the next hour or so...every few minutes i'd drift off again and stop breathing, only to be woken up by my nurse agian. When they told me what had happened, they asked me to focus all of my energy on breathing. It was surprisingly difficult...like the thickest, deepest fog you could imagine was overpowering my mind and I had a lot of trouble keeping focused on that goal.

It was pretty scary shit...but the Noloxone did its thing and soon enough, I was okay and breathing normally again. However, I couldn't have ANY painkillers for the next 12 hours...so being fresh out of surgery with no painkillers in my system at all...I wasn't a very happy camper...haha

Sorry for the essay...You just reminded me of that story and I needed a distraction from my 3 finals in the next 2 days.

12-14-2009, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by ICEBERG
When i was 8 years old, i got hit by a car in Europe. I was playing with my friends, ran across the street and BANG.. All remember is seeing a flash of light upon impact, then everything went dark. Woke up in the hospital 6 hours later with a broken left arm and a concussion(blow to the head).

I gotta admit, I'm always surprised when people talk about kids running out into the middle of the road. I can honestly say I don't think I've ever saw anybody do it when I was yoing, nor have seen them now that I'm older.

shifted into neutral right away...

Maybe I don't quite understand the descent portion of your story, but why? The rotational braking you'd get would have helped alot (I would think). Of course, if it was that slick, I guess you were screwed either way :dunno:

I don't think I have a near death experience story. I mean, I've drove off a 50 foot cliff in a car with a cage, but that wasn't a big deal. Probably worst accident I've had is when the forks on a walmart bike I was riding came off after popping up onto the sidewalk. I face planted into the ground, was out for something like 20 minutes, then passed out again. No stitches required, but my face was basically one big scab for over a month. Again, not really a big deal.

12-14-2009, 05:20 PM
Mountain biking up near Jasper when I was 17, and decided to try to ride this staircase like rock that was up the edge of a cliff. The cliff itself wasn't that far a drop but the slope below was pretty steep too. Tried to ride the stair case, spun the back wheel and stopped moving. Lost my balance too and fell towards the cliff, my shoe skidded because of them being clipless and the metal not having any traction on the rock. Managed to catch my toes on the edge and stop, needless to say it was pretty scary.

The 2 grizzlies that I ran into about a 1/2 hour later seemed dull by comparison.

12-14-2009, 05:41 PM
I damn near die everytime i read one of preludez posts :dunno:

12-14-2009, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

Maybe I don't quite understand the descent portion of your story, but why? The rotational braking you'd get would have helped alot (I would think). Of course, if it was that slick, I guess you were screwed either way :dunno:

I was prefering every little bit of traction going to directional control at that moment; ebrake to get the rear locked up and keep me pointed front end downhill but was a little busy trying to reign her in to try something like that...

12-14-2009, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by Jeremiah
I damn near die everytime i read one of preludez posts :dunno:

next time don't read my post cause it will happen as u wish..

12-14-2009, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by preludez

next time don't read my post cause it will happen as u wish..

but who was phone?

12-14-2009, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

but who was phone?

fido! anything else ?

12-14-2009, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by G-ZUS
Couple years ago when I wasworking at a pharmaceutical warehouse on Barlow and 72nd Ave. I was driving to work in the morning as usual. Was sitting at a red light changing a cd and the light turned green. I heard a honk from behind to go and when I was about to go, a semi truck flew through the intersection (he had a red) with some granny tailgating him through. I usually take off right away at a green light, thank god I didn't that day. I wouldn't be here to type about it now.

Similar event happened to me when i was 12ish or so. Mother was driving a Honda Civic sedan, basic as you can get. We're the first car stopped at a red waiting for green. Green light comes on, starting to accelarate and BAM! I would've made a nice painting on the windshield canvas if not for my seat belt, a cement mixer truck zoomed through a red- keep in mind, my mom doesn't have a lead foot on the accelerator, I've picked up bad habits from driving, but I try to make sure the perpendicular intersection stops traffic before I proceed.

Originally posted by Suey
heh well mines kinda different, its pretty similar. today i took a nap at 1pm, and when i woke up at 4pm, i felt that i needed sleep for a bit, when i just layed back on the bed i felt a cold breeze and my eyes rolled backwards and i started to shake rapidly, it felt like i was being possessed or my body being taken over, it was so overwhelming that i felt the need to scream for my dad, but then it stopped only a minute passed. it was like the weirdest shit that ever happened to me.. talked to a buddy about it. he said it might been that you were in between a dream and reality.

Sleep paralysis like the earlier respondent said sounds like it. I get this from time to time, yesterday night actually. It's worse for me when I am alone, when my gf stays overs it's ok. Too messed up, and unbelievable to go through online, but, as much as I can say, it feels like you vividly can understand your surroundings as if your eyes are open and you want to wake up but you can't, you can feel your extremities and you try to move but it just feels like potential energy building up no matter how hard you try. The only thing I can control is my breathing, so I try to breath louder and more rapidly so my girlfriend will wake me up.

12-14-2009, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by atgilchrist

Your spider-sense tingled!

I guess that's as close to accurate as can be assumed.

12-14-2009, 10:38 PM
I guess my closest was also an oilpatch moment. I was helping do a compressor turnaround. These are also details my boss/brother and I learned afterwards (we were working right outside the comp when this happened, not knowing what was going on inside).
(sorry for some terms laymen might not get:) )

One crew had pulled the PSVs, and the foreman of the company that owned the lease decided not to bother blinding the flanges.
Then they called in the welder to fix up a crack on a bracket on the engine (after doing a gas-detection to make sure it was alright, of course).
Naturally, when he fires his torch, the fire-eye in the compressor sees it and goes apeshit, sending gas to flare. Which wouldn't have mattered if the PSV flanges had been blinded, but when they're open to atmosphere, that means gas at several hundred PSI being released inside the compressor. With the lit torch. And a dozen or so men working in about a 20 foot radius.
Fortunately, the welder (a good guy named Louie, RIP [cancer, not blown-up]) killed his torch the instant he heard the gas release, and avoided a big boom blowing us all to little barbequed pieces.

btw, our buddy who was one of the operators (and 6'3, 260 lbs. of black belt Japanese dude) wasn't impressed with his foreman when he got back onsite, and made no qualms about expressing it. The foreman managed to find himself some jobs out in the field to finish the day with:D

12-15-2009, 01:43 PM
man some of these stories are creepy and scary!
i have a few of my own

me and a buddy were doubling on his quad when we were about 14 and his crazy neighbour started chasing us on his quad, we got scared and we were RIPPING try to get away from him when we hit a log with the front tires. The log split and came up underneath the front panel and thru the part that your front knees rub on. the 'javilin' log grazed the sides of our stomachs and jerked the quad to a halt. i'm so surprised we didnt' get impaled, still makes me shudder when i think of it

winter, when i first started driving, i slid off the road on an 's' curve out in the country on black ice. i sat in my car while a buddy was on his way with his truck to pull me out. as i waited, i saw a car take the same 's' curve, go up on 2 wheels and slide into the ditch on the opposite side of the road. i get out, go over to see if they're ok and the woman is shook up. i'm talking to her through her drivers window and as im' calming her down she screams 'LOOK OUT!'. I run alongside her car towards the rear just as another vehicle slides off the road comes within inches of where i was standing.

got rear ended on my motorcycle on deerfoot by another biker. i was able to pick myself up and get the fack off deerfoot before i would get hit again

oh and working on a service rig when i was 19, my driller was not paying attention when we were tripping pipe and he was lowering the blocks and thank god, he happened to regain his focus and slam on the brake just as the blocks came down and thunked me on my hard hat. god that could've been bad