View Full Version : Good Kennel for Cats?

12-16-2009, 03:05 PM
My GF's condo just flooded (heating pipes burst), and was rendered unlivable. Does anyone know of a good Kennel that can take cats for a month or so in good sized enclosures and will actually pay attention to them, play, etc.?

I'm allergic to cats or I would take them, and she can't find anyone else to help at all. I think a month is too long for cats to be in a kennel, but maybe not if it was a really good one (insurance company will pay). Perhaps there is even an invidividual who runs a business like this out of their home or something.

Anyways, if anyone knows of any companies or individuals who can take 3 cats for a month or so, and will provide them with a good home for that time, I would appreciate it.

If all else fails I will probably suffer through my allergies and take them myself but that is an absolute last resort, especially because my condo will probably never be the same afterwards, even if I clean it, there will be dander/fur etc. hanging around.

Thanks in advance!

12-16-2009, 03:08 PM
If my cat wasn't such a cunt around other animals I'd offer up my home.

12-16-2009, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by 89s1
If my cat wasn't such a cunt around other animals I'd offer up my home.

Thanks anyways - same deal with my parents (mom loves cats, and would be happy to take them) except the cats they have do not appreciate other cats whatsoever.

12-16-2009, 05:46 PM
Won't she have to get rid of them eventually anyways? I mean you're dating, which means you'll probably move in together in a couple years. I doubt your allergic reaction is going to change and I doubt hr cats are going to kick the bucket.....

12-16-2009, 05:51 PM

Stuff works awesome. My stepdad used to be allergic to cats, but let my mom get one anyways. After using this stuff for a month, he found he no longer needed it, as his body kicked the allergy.

Man up, if you like her enough. As said, it will become a problem in the future if you two move in together anyways, and if she's like any normal girl, she won't give up the cat.

12-16-2009, 06:01 PM
A friend of mine helps run this kennel. Its a really nice facility.

12-16-2009, 07:56 PM
^ Sweet that looks awesome! I was just looking for a place for my kitty while I'm gone, Thx for the link!

I wish I could help out your gf, but I think Scotch would be pretty pissed if another kitty invaded his territory :( But at that kennel you get a great multi cat discount!

12-16-2009, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

Stuff works awesome. My stepdad used to be allergic to cats, but let my mom get one anyways. After using this stuff for a month, he found he no longer needed it, as his body kicked the allergy.

Man up, if you like her enough. As said, it will become a problem in the future if you two move in together anyways, and if she's like any normal girl, she won't give up the cat.

I wish that suff worked haha, I'm incredibly resistant to medications, pain killers, allergy medicines, anesthetics, etc. I can pop 2 T3's and I can't even feel any effect, so I just don't bother using anything.

That Stonehaven place came up on my search, looks nice, but the idea of the pet being kept in that little condo most of the day doesn't seem too good.

Most likely I will end up just taking care of the cat myself...I don't have much carpet so I should be able to keep the hair/dander at bay.

Thanks for the suggestions so far!

12-16-2009, 08:34 PM
I hear any restaurant in Chinatown will look after your kitty. No guarantees you will get it back though!

12-16-2009, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by treefiddy
I hear any restaurant in Chinatown will look after your kitty. No guarantees you will get it back though!

Actually some fucker already attempted to kill this cat, by lighting it on fire and throwing it out of a 2nd story window, but the GF was able to save it and it fully recovered and is the nicest cat ever now (somehow).

cancer man
12-16-2009, 11:36 PM
I'll take it i can use a shop cat to catch my mice.
For a month no problem.