View Full Version : bargaining?!

12-19-2009, 05:00 PM
I was at the Superstore @ the N.E sunridge getting my groceries done.

Anyways I finished doing my groceries and headed for the counter but after 10 minutes of waiting the line didn't move an inch.

So I went to take a look ahead to see what was the problem and then I saw this person/customer having an argument with the cashier.

As I got closer and closer I can finally hear the conversation.
The customer was getting really agitated and starting to raise his voice with his broken english

Cashier: Sir, we can't give you a deal.
Customer: Why not?! I am buying so much, you give me deal.
Cashier: Sir, It doesn't matter how much you buy, they are all on a sale price.
Customer: Last time i got a deal, why can't you give me deal this time?
Cashier:Took the phone and it looks like she was looking for the manager.

Cashier & Manager were talking. Cashier was probably trying to explain the situation.

Manager: What kind of deal did this person give you and who was it and when? " Explains there policy "

Customer: "Mumbling incoherent shit" He looks around and says i dont know who it was and dont remember and shit & completely dodges the question.

Customer : Points to the things he is buying , like Coke, Shampoo , Fruits etc and saying I should get this free & gets a discount on the total price.

So I finnaly understand what he wanted. A discount and free shit.
I looked at the total it was around $90

The manager asked him to step aside so they can help the other customers but this bastard wants to be serviced first which I understand,so the manager closed the till area and moved everyone else to a different counter and they had there talk.

Anyways the fucked up part was he"customer" was upset and was still continuing to bargain with him. And didnt have any look of shame on his face as if it was his RIGHT to do so.

I'm not saying he's the worst person in the world, I have bargained for my first brand new car at the dealership before and negociated a deal for the house.

Anyways just wanted to know your thoughts.

BTW I didnt say anything to the dude, I just watched & listened.

12-19-2009, 05:04 PM
Buying a car=bargaining
Buying groceries=pay the damn price

12-19-2009, 05:06 PM
Superstore isn't a free market there set prices i don't think he has a clue maybe he thinks it acceptable to bargain (possibly were hes form he does it at the market) either way sounds like a jackass just making everyone's day harder.

cancer man
12-19-2009, 05:07 PM
Was he nigerian by chance?

12-19-2009, 05:09 PM
i bet it was the same kind of person who bargained his way into my lane, oncoming straight to the front of my car giving me the finger as i got ran off the road into a curb and got stuck. dont know what fucking country some people come from but you dont bargain at a damn grocery store and you don't drive on the left side of the fkn road

12-19-2009, 05:10 PM
Did you follow him outside? I bet he drove a brand new MB or BMW.

12-19-2009, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by rockanrepublic
Superstore isn't a free market there set prices i don't think he has a clue maybe he thinks it acceptable to bargain (possibly were hes form he does it at the market) either way sounds like a jackass just making everyone's day harder.

In Asia, I know it is acceptable in those free market. However it was just pissing everybody off in that line up. In my mind that 10-20 minutes he wasted was worth more than his meager $5 & free shit he was planning to save. :*( I mean really is $5 worth 20 minutes of your time?

12-19-2009, 05:15 PM
Next thing you know, people are going to want refunds on batteries they've had for a year... geesh.

12-19-2009, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by cancer man
Was he nigerian by chance?

He was east indian, I could tell because of the red turban he was wearing.

12-19-2009, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by TDFTW
i bet it was the same kind of person who bargained his way into my lane, oncoming straight to the front of my car giving me the finger as i got ran off the road into a curb and got stuck. dont know what fucking country some people come from but you dont bargain at a damn grocery store and you don't drive on the left side of the fkn road

i'm a strong beleiver in karma, that person who gave you the finger will get what's coming to him. But we shouldnt be wishing ill things on other people lol

12-19-2009, 05:21 PM
This shit happens all the time @ superstore when I was working in westhills 4-5 years ago someone wanted to fight me becuase one of there $1 coupons didn't work..

I had a few people snap at me in my lifetime, I've told a few people 2 fuck off and go complain 2 management

12-19-2009, 05:21 PM
Dude was probably fresh off the boat and doesn't know the rules here. Here's hoping he gets the message.

And fuck Superstore's prices are already the lowest anywhere.

12-19-2009, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by adidas
Did you follow him outside? I bet he drove a brand new MB or BMW.

when I left the counter and finished paying, on my way to the exit and the manager and customer were still in the same area having an argument lol.

I didnt see what car he drove :*( I already left

12-19-2009, 05:40 PM
We need homeland security in Canada

12-19-2009, 05:53 PM
I wont go near that superstore after going in once 10 odd years ago haha, I find even the country hills location to be unbearable, I'd rather just go to safeway at 10pm then deal with people arguing over 2$ on a 190$ bill.

12-19-2009, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by spankingmonkey

In Asia, I know it is acceptable in those free market. However it was just pissing everybody off in that line up. In my mind that 10-20 minutes he wasted was worth more than his meager $5 & free shit he was planning to save. :*( I mean really is $5 worth 20 minutes of your time?

Haha yes. 5 dollars is more then likely worth 30 minutes of their time. I think MacDonalds still pays less then 10/hour

12-19-2009, 06:54 PM
Hmm NE superstore, Im guessing he was brown?

12-19-2009, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by copynpaste
Hmm NE superstore, Im guessing he was brown?

Already established, no one surprised. In the interest of racial equality I can tell you some stories about white people at 711 who will buy smokes or lotto tickets instead of gas for their car or milk for their kids.

12-19-2009, 07:00 PM
Hopefully he purchased deoderant and air fresheners for his cab. What a cheap asshole.

12-19-2009, 07:12 PM
I refuse to go to Superstore. This is one of the reasons. :banghead:

12-19-2009, 07:22 PM
I get this all the time selling shoes..."yo man, can you give me 20% off??" or the sarcastic "so buddy, your gonna give me a deal like on those sale shoes right??"...I could go on, put it would be too much.

1. There is a reason why NEW stuff is not on sale, and sale stuff is on sale for a reason. So no you don't get a fucking discount because something else in the store is "on sale".

2. Regarding sales people - don't use the "oh, they need the commission....so I'll pretend I may or may not buy - so hopefully he cuts me a deal. This does not work, I am not desperate for your fucking sale as you think I may be - you just make yourself look like a fucking cheap ass.

3. You realize when you leave the store either: a) after trying stuff on for 10 minutes, then trying to bargain for 10 minutes or b) you leave the store after bargaining...that you get laughed the SHIT out of as soon as you leave (by all the employees and often other customers as well).
Oh, the best is when guys try to pick-up/hit on female co-workers after they have "bargained" - you just realize you made yourself just look like the biggest, cheap ass fucking tool in the world (not that they would be interested in you anyway).

4. Wierdest is people who find something that you can tell they genuinely like, they want a discount of like fucking $10 or so on something that's $180, you say no...and they leave. Like seriously...over TEN dollars?!?!

Point = Don't be a fucking cheapass.

/built-up rant from work.

I probably didn't make sense in half that, but I don't care - just wrote my last exam...so I could care the fuck less right now lol! :D

12-19-2009, 07:34 PM
I *could't* care less if some rude pos retail clerk laughs at me for asking about a deal. I'm polite about it, and I always have a good idea what something is worth by researching the price. Usually, I get a discount, and walk away with more money in my pocket. Case in point, the nice Nike glasses/lenses I got a 50% discount on just by asking them to pricematch an online retailer. That was $420 off. Laugh all you want fucker, I just kept that cash in my pocket instead of lining yours.

Edited for grammar

12-19-2009, 07:45 PM


12-19-2009, 07:46 PM
Should clarify, I'm not completely "throw your money around like an idiot" and "don't complain about prices at all", but my above rant was more so in the MANNER that people "bargain".

I've given many people discounts because they were genuinely kind/nice people in the past w/o them asking, or have "pricematched" without a hitch many times. But it's the people who EXPECT a deal EVERYWHERE they go that really pissed me off. You can tell that kind of person when you see one.

12-19-2009, 08:34 PM
ahaha i love it when people say shit like this because i like to turn it on them.

example, this guy comes in to buy a phone and asks for a deal,

Me: i can't give you one

him: you sure man? k how bout if i pay you cash no gst?

me: no man i can't do that, this is a fido store you think im selling fake phones or something?

him: fine "hands me 100 doller bill" you sure?? like come on the price says 70 bucks now its 73 something"?

me: im sure man but heres your change you want to give it to me for helping you out?

him: wtf

me: you sure man? i dunno i think you want to for tip and shit you know cause i helped you out. i help you, you help me

him: grabs the phone and his receipt ahahhaha

12-19-2009, 08:42 PM
I used to know this piece of shit that would pull that crap on any and everything. Hassle the shit out of the salespeople/manager/whoever till they took something off the price. Fucking embarrassment of a human being, my world is richer for not knowing him anymore.

12-19-2009, 08:50 PM

I knew it! This is the real reason why the lineups are so damn long at superstore.

Van Persie
12-19-2009, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by codetrap
I could care less

Seriously dude, read what you're writing before you post please. The correct expression is "I couldn't care less".

If you could care less, that means that you do care! If you COULDN'T care less, that means that you don't give a shiv about it!

12-19-2009, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by Van Persie

Seriously dude, read what you're writing before you post please. The correct expression is "I couldn't care less".

If you could care less, that means that you do care! If you COULDN'T care less, that means that you don't give a shiv about it!

Give a shiv FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Danny Meehan
12-19-2009, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by Twin_Cam_Turbo
Buying a car=bargaining
Buying groceries=pay the damn price

car shopping wise, some over do it :)
... still most pay sticker price

grocery wise ... wtf :P

12-19-2009, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by Van Persie

Seriously dude, read what you're writing before you post please. The correct expression is "I couldn't care less".

If you could care less, that means that you do care! If you COULDN'T care less, that means that you don't give a shiv about it!

drives me crazy when people say "I could care less"

12-19-2009, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by Van Persie

Seriously dude, read what you're writing before you post please. The correct expression is "I couldn't care less".

If you could care less, that means that you do care! If you COULDN'T care less, that means that you don't give a shiv about it!

Noted for future posts. :) Though in truth, I could care less, but not much. The main thrust of my post was that I always try to get good value for my money, but I do try to do so in a polite fashion. If I incur the disrespect of a random sales monkey in the process, then that's too bad for them.

12-20-2009, 01:15 AM
Over $1000, doesn't hurt to ask. Buddy actually got 25% off @ Ben Moss for some jewelery just by bargaining. Something I would thought impossible unless in an Asian owned jewelery store.

12-20-2009, 01:42 AM
BTW, it's not bargaining, it's HAGGLING!


12-20-2009, 11:41 AM
Its a shame when these kinds of things happen, it portrays certain cultural groups in a bad light and reinforces stereotypes when it may be just a select few who choose to behave in that manner.

On a sidenote, good for the mod who banned mborque for his useless comments.

cancer man
12-21-2009, 05:31 AM
It is expected in some cultures to haggle!!I live with it everyday
nothing wrong with it.
It's an art form.
Try operating a vehicle repair centre downtown.

12-21-2009, 08:37 AM

I wish I could say I was surprised, but back in my college days I worked as a cashier at the NE Superstore and this was the norm.

12-21-2009, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by cancer man
It is expected in some cultures to haggle!!I live with it everyday
nothing wrong with it.
It's an art form.
Try operating a vehicle repair centre downtown.

For groceries though? And to make a scene and hold up line-ups at the store? That's expected from certain cultures?

On a side note, It's annoying enough for me when other stange filipinos asked me for discounts or deals on shit because I, myself, am one. But if someone ever did this to me, I'd tell him/her to fuck off.

12-21-2009, 09:44 AM
This is why I don't shop at Superstore. I started going there because it was so cheap, then I realized the stupidity of the foreigners wasn't worth it.

12-21-2009, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by Mar
This is why I don't shop at Superstore. I started going there because it was so cheap, then I realized the stupidity of the foreigners wasn't worth it.

I don't go that shit hole for a number reasons.

1. Their produce and cuts of meat are terrible, which is why they're so cheap.

2. Cheap FOBs like the OP mentioned.

3. I hate bagging my own stuff :rofl:

12-21-2009, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by JordanEG6

I don't go that shit hole for a number reasons.

1. Their produce and cuts of meat are terrible, which is why they're so cheap.

2. Cheap FOBs like the OP mentioned.

3. I hate bagging my own stuff :rofl:


I avaoided it for years, but now we shop there because my wife usually does the shopping, and it is cheaper.

I went there once when I was a bachelor, first time, and I was at the cashier and she asked me if I wanted bags. I was puzzled, but said, "yes." So she threw them on the counter and kep ringing things through. I patiently waited for her to bag them so I could be on my way. The lady behind me then asked me if it was my first time shopping there and I answered, "yes." She then explained I had to pay for my bags and bag my own groceries. I felt like a retard. This was like 6 years ago beore paying for bags was a common occurence. Didn't go back for many years.

12-21-2009, 10:05 AM
I like going to the one in Airdrie. It's nice and clean, never has the shitty lineups, and the people there are all nice, including the customers. It's also only a few minutes down the road, which with the Jetta is good that it warms right up.

12-21-2009, 10:39 AM
Something similar happened to me last thursday at the Airport .
Got in line to pay for parking behind a ' middle eastern ' douche in a newer white GM truck , and he didn't want to pay ! He had his fucking hands flickering all over the place at the poor older women who was in the booth . She just wouldn't let him go , and thats great , but for me and the rest of the twenty cars all piled up behind this prick , it was a shitshow .
Took me at least five minutes to just back up enough that I could get into the last booth with a person ( I was paying cash ) and by the time I was driving away this piece of shit still was arguing about the cost of parking and he wasn't going to pay . She got his licence number and had called security , but he just didn't want to budge unless she let him thru .

I realize that is some parts of the world haggling is the way to do business , but for the most part , its not how things are done here . The person in the booth mentioned that they have no control over the costs or payments . Its a set price , and everything is monitored , so nobody gets thru without paying or it would come out of their own pay . These poor folks already are getting raped for having a shitty job and for not much money , and then you get dumbasses like the dude in the white GM trying to get something for free .

12-21-2009, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by Xtrema
Over $1000, doesn't hurt to ask. Buddy actually got 25% off @ Ben Moss for some jewelery just by bargaining. Something I would thought impossible unless in an Asian owned jewelery store.

It's always possible to bargain at a jewelry store. No sale person will laugh at you for doing so. I've worked in that industry for many years, and most, if not all the items do have a certain bargaining percentage we can give.

12-21-2009, 01:03 PM
I work in a print shop and will give discounts to nice customers, I have no issues giving discounts, but as soon as someone demands a discount, like they are entitled to it, no discount for you!

12-21-2009, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by watch_obsessed

It's always possible to bargain at a jewelry store. No sale person will laugh at you for doing so. I've worked in that industry for many years, and most, if not all the items do have a certain bargaining percentage we can give. Jewelry is like 70% markup, there's more room to bargain there.

12-21-2009, 02:35 PM
There usd to be this cheap fck on Beyond who does this on the regular.

His user name was TeamCrewcial. Haha that guy is the worst!

12-21-2009, 02:43 PM
jeeze what a tool of a customer.

12-21-2009, 03:32 PM
Funny, I have been working at Costco for three years now, and the only thing people ever attempt to bargain for is display merchandise. It's a set 10% and if you think you're gonna get more than you can just return your card.
Never on a bill of groceries has anyone ever attempted to bargain.
And I thought Costco customers were ill behaved. :rolleyes:

12-21-2009, 04:22 PM
I've never seen this at the Westhills superstore.

Buy 4 plastic bins, they clamp to the carts, fill them up then after scanning fill them back up again. In the house 4 trips, no bags, save hundreds.

I know everyone's an ethug online but if that actually happened to me I really think I'd lose it and start yelling at the guy.

Come to think of it I think we had a guy refuse to leave the drive through cause he felt he was owed something, and was hoping the pressure of all the angry customers behind him would get some free stuff (5-10$ worth of product cheaper than waiting for cops). Those people are scum and need to be beaten.

12-30-2009, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by goat_killer

I wish I could say I was surprised, but back in my college days I worked as a cashier at the NE Superstore and this was the norm.

What a suprise, another customer wasting people's time. I thought it was a fluke but it seems like they do that almost everyday. Im just glad I wasn't on his line.

this time I saw what car he was driving a mercedez c class

I feel bad for the cashiers who have to tolerate those verbal abuses.

I don't know how these people can look at themselves at the mirror "maybe knowing/not knowing" that they are causing so much grief to other people.

They would rather piss off other customers/people just to get what they want.

Sure we see alot of jackasses/inconsiderate people everyday but they do it like it was normal.

These type of behaviour really drains my spirit/xmas spirit and made me so cranky and easily irritable.

The fucked up part too is that the way I deal with these type of scenarios is that to kill them with kindness, which will not work because only THERE way is the only WAY.

These type of people know that they are showing/exhibiting inconsiderate behaviour and DONT CARE.

*EDIT* It was NOT the same person from the original story, this was a completely different person.
/end rant

12-30-2009, 04:08 PM
On the other hand.. a positive note of bargaining, I was in BB last week and I price matched a set of Logitech Z5 speakers to an online retailer just by asking. BB knocked $65 off $99 speakers. No issues, everyone was happy, including me.

12-30-2009, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by codetrap
On the other hand.. a positive note of bargaining, I was in BB last week and I price matched a set of Logitech Z5 speakers to an online retailer just by asking. BB knocked $65 off $99 speakers. No issues, everyone was happy, including me.

:facepalm: That's not bargaining.. That's store policy. :banghead:

12-30-2009, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by codetrap
On the other hand.. a positive note of bargaining, I was in BB last week and I price matched a set of Logitech Z5 speakers to an online retailer just by asking. BB knocked $65 off $99 speakers. No issues, everyone was happy, including me.

Link of speakers please

12-30-2009, 05:53 PM
When I worked at the Country Hills Superstore many years ago in produce we would bag almost rotten produce that would eb sold for 50% off and customers would flock to it when that car was brought out.

Or my favorite was bananas that were ripped off by themselves would be bagged and reduced. I once watched a customer rip them off a perfect vine and put them in a bag and ask for the discount sticker.:banghead:

12-30-2009, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by 2002civic
When I worked at the Country Hills Superstore many years ago in produce we would bag almost rotten produce that would eb sold for 50% off and customers would flock to it when that car was brought out.

Or my favorite was bananas that were ripped off by themselves would be bagged and reduced. I once watched a customer rip them off a perfect vine and put them in a bag and ask for the discount sticker.:banghead:

QFT, Superstore is just terrible, their slightly cheaper prices unites all the cheap asses to one store.

It's all about Costco, Safeway or Co-op.

12-30-2009, 06:00 PM
I like going to Costco, so much cleaner than Superstore and so much more room. Everytime I go to Superstore, its packed and the waiting times at the tills are forever.

12-30-2009, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by dj_rice

Link of speakers please


12-30-2009, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by clem24

:facepalm: That's not bargaining.. That's store policy. :banghead:

The bargaining was having them not charge me the shipping difference like they usually do when matching.

12-30-2009, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by codetrap

The bargaining was having them not charge me the shipping difference like they usually do when matching.

Did you ask them to remove the charges or did they simply forget to charge you for it?

12-30-2009, 06:29 PM
haha i and my family always hold up the till n try to cut a deal :rofl: we dont really care if people r held up cause u will always get 2 pay 4 ur shit but if we can get a few cents off y not? haha goto the superstore ne n will prob see us.

and ya we put it all in our bmw x5 . black/black :poosie:

12-31-2009, 01:39 AM
^^ Banned.

Thank God :clap:

12-31-2009, 02:55 AM
Next time I'm at Superstore I'm going to use the self-scan machine and try to bargain with it. When it fails I'll call over the attendant and insist it's broken because it won't let me haggle over the prices :angel:

12-31-2009, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by spankingmonkey

Did you ask them to remove the charges or did they simply forget to charge you for it?

They wanted to charge me the $18 shipping that tigerdirect would have, but I talked them out of it.

01-03-2010, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by VaN_HaMMeRSTeiN
Funny, I have been working at Costco for three years now, and the only thing people ever attempt to bargain for is display merchandise. . It's a set 10% and if you think you're gonna get more than you can just return your card.
Never on a bill of groceries has anyone ever attempted to bargain.
And I thought Costco customers were ill behaved. :rolleyes:

Depends, I've picked up a display snow plow and big screen (both displays), with more than the set 10% discount It depends how sick the supervisors are of looking at them. Just give a reasonable offer.

I do like how it seems that you own/run the Costco with that highlighted sentence. I wouldn't be making statements like that. Costco seems to be very accomodating retailer/wholesaler, and don't think they would like seeing that.
ps. not trying to start anything, just pointing out

01-03-2010, 10:07 PM
i once saw an asian guy return a kenmore fridge to costco.. and they took it! and for those who dont know kenmore is a sears only brand

01-03-2010, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by dirtsniffer
i once saw an asian guy return a kenmore fridge to costco.. and they took it! and for those who dont know kenmore is a sears only brand


I wonder if I can return my copy of windows 95 to them?

01-04-2010, 03:26 AM
In terms of my own personal sensibilities, I find the inconsideration of other people the most offensive thing, not haggling in the wrong place. He's basically causing a scene, and upsetting other customers as a ploy to get what he wants. Very un-Canadian.

In a similar case, I was behind a woman at Sobey's, who was buying something, and told the clerk that the price scanned in was 7 cents off (it was a 6-7 dollar item), and asked the clerk for a price check. I was like WTF? I'll just pay you the 7 cents to move along. But, then when the price check guy came back with the shelf label, the lady was right, and then mentioned the SCOP (Scanning code of practice), and got the item for free. At that point, I totally understood, she was using the store's own policy to get something for free, and I didn't mind at all.

As a completely ridiculous side note, my wife went to the Superstore in Country Hills, put the loonie in to get a cart, left it near the trunk of the car so she could get our son out of his car seat, and when she turned around, the cart was gone! She thought maybe the cart rolled away, but nope, just gone.

When she mentioned this to the cashier (after getting another cart), they confirmed that yes, there are cart thieves in Superstore. When you are not looking, they steal and return your cart for the loonie. Even in the store, if you leave your cart unattended, sometimes they will take your groceries out, and take the cart! Now that's ghetto.

01-04-2010, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by codetrap

They wanted to charge me the $18 shipping that tigerdirect would have, but I talked them out of it. Their price match policy doesn't state anything about shipping charges, no idea why they even felt they could charge you for that. It states only that the store must be a physical location and not just online and that they must have the product currently in stock. I got $100 off a projector at Futureshop, price matched to Memory Express with that.

01-04-2010, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by Mar
Their price match policy doesn't state anything about shipping charges, no idea why they even felt they could charge you for that. It states only that the store must be a physical location and not just online and that they must have the product currently in stock. I got $100 off a projector at Futureshop, price matched to Memory Express with that.

Their "on-line" price guarantee does not state it. But I remember reading the in-store policy (can't remember where now) which stated that when doing the price comparison from an online retailer without a physical location in your area, they include the cost of "next day" shipping to your door. That was 2-3 years ago. Could have changed.

01-04-2010, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by spankingmonkey
I was at the Superstore @ the N.E sunridge

sunridge superstore = hell
once some fobby woman with approximately sixty super-loud kids stole our cart since hers was messed up and pulling to one side.

she also threw our list on the ground.

01-04-2010, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by JordanEG6
^^ Banned.

Thank God :clap:

LOL YOUR MY HERO! thank-you!
I was reading all your guys posts.... and... well like most of you I consider my time very valuable... if I saw some fucking piece of shit douche bag waste my time because he wants to save a dollar at the till, I'd rage... I'd have no hesitation walking up to him and his fucking groceries and start throwing them off the rack. Lets face it most of em, 95% of these people are east indian. their not satisfied until they've gotten a discount. I know in my line of business, we dont deal with any east indian people anymore as of last year. We refuse to book em in anymore. Their not worth the time or the effort. Even when they buy. By the time the deals done, they've come back at you several times for discounts because their either not happy, or don't feel they should have to pay the full amount --- insert any fucking excuse here....

I feel that these people should have to adapt to our society. If they want to haggle for groceries, go back to where ever it is they came from and where ever they feel its the norm... ITS NOT THE NORM here.... douche bags.

If I ever see this happen in front of me, and the guy costs me anymore then 5 mins of my time, I'll write him a fucking bill right there for an hour of my time. and yes i would seriously start throwing his groceries out of the way...