View Full Version : Shiba Inu

12-20-2009, 05:32 PM
Hey guys

Ive been recently interested in getting a Shiba Inu. Did a bunch of research and these dogs are known to shed. Anybody that
has one can you describe how bad it can get.


12-20-2009, 05:35 PM
These are such gorgeous dogs, you see so many of them in Japan. I don't know much about them but my friend wiki was nice enough to chime in:

A Shiba Inu coat is short, coarse and naturally waterproof, so there is little need for regular bathing. However, there is one drawback - shedding, also known as blowing coat. They have a thick undercoat that can protect them from temperatures well below freezing. Shedding is heaviest during the seasonal change, especially during the summer season, but brushing should be performed on a daily basis whenever possible.

Doesn't really specify how "bad" the shedding is, but makes it quite apparent that it may be a fairly tedious task to deal with.

12-20-2009, 05:50 PM
I got one. Its not bad at all. As mentioned in the wiki it gets worse when the season changes. I brush him really good once a week and i dont notice it at all.

My friend has a siberian husky and Kuma (dogs name) doesnt even come close to being as badhttp://i988.photobucket.com/albums/af5/shaunrayner/IMG_00022.jpg

12-20-2009, 06:08 PM
I have one. In winter they almost don't shed at all because their coat thickens for the cold. Come summer time though, whoa man do they shed like you can't believe. We are talking huge patches of fur just coming off all over. They don't shed all the time like most dogs. They instead molt like most arctic dogs. So in the spring when it starts to warm up they shed like mad for 2-4 weeks then they are good for the summer. If you brush them (or vacuum lol) once or twice a week then it's barely noticeable. What beautiful dogs and amazingly smart. They are one of the 14 ancient dog breeds and because of this they are a more independent breed but do still love attention. Just don't expect a lap dog. They are a stubborn breed and a little difficult to train but once you have a breakthrough they are good for life. Definitely recommend this breed to you if you are willing to put in the time to make the dog a companion and not a pet.

here's a pic of Jake (6 month old boxer) and Kona (Shiba)

12-20-2009, 06:45 PM
You can use an undercoat stripper like a Furminator to cut down on spring shedding.

12-20-2009, 07:20 PM
the Furminator looks like a great idea

To those who have one, did you get a from a local breeder?

12-21-2009, 12:30 AM
We have friends that have 3, if you use the furminator it's really not an issue, they are such fun dogs!

The furminator is a great tool! I regularly use all their products.

cancer man
12-21-2009, 05:06 AM
+ 10 on the furminator.Beautiful dog

12-21-2009, 12:02 PM
Mine sheds once a year. Right now in the middle of the season, she's like a big plush toy and I hardly notice any hair. When it sheds, be ready for surprise. Mine can shed another dog. You'll see "tumbleweed" everywhere. Mine usually shed the thick undercoat first, then the outer coarse hair.

If you brush daily during shedding, it isn't too bad. Just pay attention in between seasons. If you can pull hair out, it's time to bring out the comb/blade. Remember, wearing dark clothing is no-no around a shedding shiba.

Mine is a furball of joy. They have a bit of devil inside so make sure you have a firm hand. Though it's not impossible to train them to come when called, it's definitely not easy. They are originally hunting dogs in the mountain. They will bolt when they see something that catches their attention. Try catching one that doesn't want to be caught, you're in for a workout.

Shiba scream is another notorious feature. You'll be surprised the first time you hear one screams.

I got mine from Laura by Cochrane. She has some great looking shibas.
She might be the closest breeder to Calgary.

12-21-2009, 04:59 PM
I have one as well, 5 yrs old now....Mine sheds LOTS, twice a year typically.....I can brush a shopping bag or 2 of hair our in each sitting, and do that every few days.... Tons of personality, but as stated, super super stubborn, very hard to make "off leash" trained, but otherwise smart and will train to virtually anything else. Mine is quiet, but they have a very unique bark, and they can dog talk which is quite neat.....Mine is a little breed aggressive vs smaller dogs, but plays like crazy with bigger dogs...Also people LOVE shiba's when you are walking them because they are such nice looking dogs....Mine came from Akashima Kennels in Courtenay BC, good breeder!


12-21-2009, 05:09 PM
Shedding is gross no matter how bad, isn't it? You become one of "those" people, and not one of "us".

12-21-2009, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by TurboMedic
I have one as well, 5 yrs old now....Mine sheds LOTS, twice a year typically.....I can brush a shopping bag or 2 of hair our in each sitting, and do that every few days....
I'm sorry man, I can't understand how that's even remotely bearable. Must be a nice dog. If a chick gave me that much BS, I'd kick her ass out the door.

12-21-2009, 05:33 PM
I can name a thing or two easily about all dogs that are way worse than dog hair.

With all the hair my dog sheds every year, I've been thinking about filling a blanket, puffy jacket or something. You know that shit keeps you warm. It's been tested.

The other thing is that I laugh everytime when a kid yells "hey mommy, look at that little fox."

12-21-2009, 07:06 PM
Yes, they are very beautiful dogs. And yes, very stubborn too! Very hard to train and bolts like a rocket when it sees something that interest him. Our shiba, sesame in color, just past away after 13 years and 11 mos. He sheds a lot clumps and clumps of hair almost every change in season. If he is an outdoor dog, then, you won't have problem with shedding. We got ours from Rokita Kennel in Innisfail.

12-21-2009, 11:58 PM
Awesome dogs, I wanted one for the longest time. When I get a dog this is one of 3 or 4 that I'd think of getting.

12-22-2009, 11:20 AM
You should consider getting a Hokkaido (if you can find one).

I was reading about these the other day, and apparently they were used in Japan to take down brown bears. That is fucking sweet, a dog that can pwn a bear. Imagine you were hiking and your dog killed a bear.


Wiki URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hokkaido_(dog)


The breed is known for faithfulness to its keeper, bravery, and the ability to withstand the cold, among other traits. It has an innate sense of direction and can therefore return to its master no matter how great the distance. This breed has the unusual capability of fighting against the Hokkaido Brown Bear, or Higuma to protect its master."


You might also find this list of Spitz (arctic dogs) useful.


12-22-2009, 12:27 PM
There are stories of shibas fighting off bear. They are still small dogs though.

You'll have better chances with an Akita. They use them as police dogs I believe.

Shikoku is even better looking dog IMO, resemblance of a wolf. They are super rare in Canada though, still not recognized by CKC. Laura used to have a couple. I think Akashima has some too.

12-22-2009, 12:55 PM
They shed...lots. I have dark floors in my place and that makes it even worse since I have a red girl.

Originally posted by lilmira
I got mine from Laura by Cochrane. She has some great looking shibas.
She might be the closest breeder to Calgary.

I got mine from Laura as well and would definitely recommend. I'm actually on a waiting list for a black and tan boy from her right now but she currently doesn't have any.

12-22-2009, 01:04 PM
Black shiba's shed, but not that much I find compared to normal dogs. Apparently also, their fur is hypoallergenic.

For some reason, my sister's black shiba is alot smaller than the brown ones. If they are supposed to be genetically smaller, then you'll have a smaller dog which will probably shed less.


civic roller
12-22-2009, 04:05 PM
I've had my Shiba for a little over a year now. I got him from Smiling Bear Kennels in Hanna Alberta for $1100
I had called Laura in Cochrane first, but she was charging $1600 for a Shiba.
I had wanted a dog from Laura because I was there a few years ago and fell in love with one of her Shiba's- Kioko- and I wanted a Shiba with good temperment.
Turns out that the breeder from Smiling Bear was actually the one that gave Laura Kioko and the Sire for my Shiba was at one time one of Laura's Shiba- Rebel.

12-23-2009, 12:37 AM
Hollywood had a shiba for a like 6 years, weird dog. Thing acted more like a cat then a dog. Fairly un social and not wanting human interaction.

Thing would chase cows for ever, well pretty much anything for that matter.

Not a breed I would like to own.

Tried to attack a statue of budda in my home lol. he got very upset when he saw it.

weird dog