View Full Version : Fucking HATE Calgary drivers my god.

12-20-2009, 06:34 PM
I need a release. Fucking idiot.

Beige Sebring/300, the old one, plate HEG592.

Crowchild. He merged out from shag, I was in center lane and he came over in right. He then started coming into me. So I move over honking and hi's go on. He's fcking oblivious.

Got in front, brake check. I was furious. I start to calm down and think ok, let's just get home.

No. He comes in front and straddles the lane spraying a million rocks all over my car.

1) he cuts ME off.
2) he continues to be a dick about it spraying rocks

I waited till the next light to get out and discuss the situation - what a dick. He keeps avoiding red lights and I don't have time to follow anymore (about 10 mins in). So I just leave.

Fucking pussy couldn't own up to his actions, he wouldn't stop, and if I EVER see that car.

End rant.

12-20-2009, 06:40 PM
You're such a badass!

12-20-2009, 06:41 PM
What would you have done?

12-20-2009, 06:42 PM
Would read again. A+

Probably a good thing he kept going. It would have sucked to get sprayed with rocks and then caught a beating at the lights to top it off.

12-20-2009, 06:45 PM
I may be wrong here, but I don't believe that drivers lacking courtesy is isolated to Calgary.

12-20-2009, 06:46 PM
I would have stayed in front or slowed down enough right from the get go. I don't want to be anywhere near drivers that don't shoulder check.

Brake checking and starting a road rage war is the last thing we need in this city. Nice going.

12-20-2009, 06:49 PM

that is my roommates car and i am going to show this to him. you drive a bmw just fix the rock chips there big man

Danny Meehan
12-20-2009, 06:53 PM
next time, when time of the month hits you, slow down and you could avoid creating such an insightful thread

12-20-2009, 06:54 PM
^ If that's true tell him to man up and stop being a pussy.

12-20-2009, 06:55 PM

12-20-2009, 06:56 PM
I had someone merge infront of me and then proceed to drive outside the lane spraying me with gravel... Immigrants... Needless to say I taught her what happens when the person infront of you drives in the gravel

12-20-2009, 06:57 PM
he says have fun cleaning up the rock chips and merry christmas :poosie:

12-20-2009, 06:57 PM
ya he should man up and post it about it in an online forum.

12-20-2009, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by scat19
What would you have done?

Ask Jesus what he would have done then probably stay away from the driver/car so I don't get hit with more rocks or his car. You'd be pretty badass to pull him out of his car to kick his ass. That probably would have been a waaay better thread if you achieved that and had taken pictures of his battered face or a video of the whole thing.

12-20-2009, 07:08 PM
haha oh no! not big bad simple skat!

I bet what really happened is the guy stopped,
Then skat tried to act all tough,
and he would would huff,
and he would puff

But then he would chicken out and he will swallow the guys load down. And then he would post a different story of how he scared the guy off so people will accept him on an online


12-20-2009, 07:44 PM
you should of got out of your BMW and got your ass kicked, then posted about it here. Would of made this thread much better.
Time to hit up the rents for rockchip repair.

12-20-2009, 07:48 PM
hey scat, maybe santa will bring you a rockchip repair kit.

12-20-2009, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by JimmyJones
haha oh no! not big bad simple skat!

I bet what really happened is the guy stopped,
Then skat tried to act all tough,
and he would would huff,
and he would puff

But then he would chicken out and he will swallow the guys load down. And then he would post a different story of how he scared the guy off so people will accept him on an online



12-20-2009, 07:57 PM

12-20-2009, 08:18 PM
Find some good music.
Turn it up...


...Drivers suck... Everywhere.

12-20-2009, 08:23 PM
I hate poor drivers as well. I just wait for the opportunity to get hit on the one side of my car that needs painting.

12-20-2009, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by swak
Find some good music.
Turn it up...


...Drivers suck... Everywhere.


12-20-2009, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by scat19
Beige Sebring/300Dude, you really have to take that tinting off your windshield if you can't tell the difference between a 300 and a Sebring.

12-20-2009, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by TorqueDog
Dude, you really have to take that tinting off your windshield if you can't tell the difference between a 300 and a Sebring.

That joke is as old as the model of 300 he's referring to.

12-20-2009, 09:58 PM
So that was you in the BMW, many sorrriies and Merry Xmas!

12-20-2009, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by scat19
What would you have done?

Should have known Calgary drivers are retards, with that said I would have gone on with my business. Tough guy.

12-20-2009, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by dr_dreidel

Not to distract from Scat's pout-fest...but who the fuck is this guy and why is he showing up multiple times in my threads...

Danny Meehan
12-20-2009, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by TorqueDog
Dude, you really have to take that tinting off your windshield if you can't tell the difference between a 300 and a Sebring.
pissed my pants laughing

12-20-2009, 10:43 PM
Freakinnnnnn woowwww

don't careeeee.

it happens to everyone!

12-20-2009, 11:15 PM
Reggie just because your mad people think EP is a joke and you obviously cared enough to post :rolleyes:

Danny keep laughing might help you loose weight fatass

12-20-2009, 11:22 PM
i do think this is called ROAD RAGE! you getting out of the car is not a smart idea as far as i can tell......... but i cant fault you for the road rage i was in hawkwood and this lady in a jetta is doin 20 for no other reason then to piss me off! then she hamers the brakes and stops in the middle of the road i did pass her and then she kept going! so im no perfect angle either but iv never got outta the car! just think its not worth getting into it with that person!

12-20-2009, 11:39 PM
It's winter, you've gotta exptect rock chips and bad drivers. Are you driving your 3 in the winter Elliot? :eek:

And cummon, EP isn't THAT bad... is it? :D

12-21-2009, 12:24 AM
All of this because of something that happens daily and someone decided to let it affect them too much.


12-21-2009, 01:05 AM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
That joke is as old as the model of 300 he's referring to. Don't be hatin'.

12-21-2009, 01:07 AM
Originally posted by infected
It's winter, you've gotta exptect rock chips and bad drivers. Are you driving your 3 in the winter Elliot? :eek:

And cummon, EP isn't THAT bad... is it? :D

ya Terrance I'm not baller enough to drive a c63, so I have to take my 3er.

My comment was reference to a projecttechnik mishap recenty, I like ep snd their cars don't worry meng!

12-21-2009, 01:39 AM
Originally posted by Danny Meehan

pissed my pants laughing

How? :rolleyes:

You must've read that joke 25+ times on beyond, how is it still even remotely funny? What I find more funny is when people adapt old and beat jokes just to join some bandwagon they assume everyone will jump on.

Either way, Scat that sucks. I had a car full of 5 people (one shitdick brown kid driving, popped collar asshole in the pass, and a whore-load of uglyness in the back three seats - ALL couldn't have been older than 18) and Im driving on 22X WB approaching the exit to Macleod Tr. N when I see this (im pretty sure) old beige teggy coming up FAST behind me. As I make the exit, he rides my ass and then attempts to PASS me on the single lane exit. I cut off the room as we are going to pretty much say "sorry, no go" as im thinking "what a crazy fucking asshole". He literally throws his steering wheel toward me while riding RIGHT BESIDE ME IN AN EXIT and forces me to save my quarter panel and swerve off. I manage to pull up right behind him at the shawnessy/macleod lights, get out of my car, go open his car door and pull him as far out of his car as his seatbelt allowed. This led to a group full of his other fagwad buddies hopping out of another car and I just about got my ass stomped had it not been for some sly mouth work on my part. The lesson I learned is to simply call it in to the police, make a statement, and keep on with my day. I can't handle the roadrage fits I used to get into anymore, and I hate having that feeling inside and pissed-off attitude in my head all day.

12-21-2009, 01:46 AM
skat's real name is Elliot?

No wonder he feels the need to act cool on the net,

Did E.T. ever call home?

you seem like you have PMS in this thread, almost like a lady would have..

your acting sorta like a Missy; Elliot

12-21-2009, 01:47 AM
No, I understand wanting to pit maneuver some ignorant fucking clown, and putting my foot through his face. I'm with you.. get violent.

12-21-2009, 01:52 AM
hmm interesting

i had and older model beige sebring/300 tailgating me HARD on country hills earlier tonight

12-21-2009, 02:02 AM
Originally posted by JimmyJones
skat's real name is Elliot?

No wonder he feels the need to act cool on the net,

Did E.T. ever call home?

you seem like you have PMS in this thread, almost like a lady would have..

your acting sorta like a Missy; Elliot

Real comedy gold, had me in stitches!!!

Smarten the fuck up and you won't have to try to be so funny. Even simply being clever would suffice.

"Wait wait wait! Your name is Elliot!? OMG I have so many JOKES about the name Elliot. ET PHONE HOME YET?" :rolleyes:

12-21-2009, 02:20 AM
Drive down here in Southern California, it will make your blood boil. Just calm down, don't add to the stupidity.

12-21-2009, 02:22 AM
Just report it to the CPS, that's the smarter thing to do.


Danny Meehan
12-21-2009, 02:38 AM
Polly, I'm not around often to notice "elliot?" being the laughing stock, hence why torque's joke was appropriate and on the money.

12-21-2009, 02:39 AM
Report what exactly?!

12-21-2009, 02:46 AM
the millions of rocks that rained upon his car

12-21-2009, 03:17 AM
sue the city! How dare they spray rocks on the roads in winter!!! Park your 318i!!! 3M the whole thing!!! wrap it in piss yellow !!!

12-21-2009, 03:26 AM
today i got caught behind some black guy in a kia (early 00's, white, probably a magentis, dont' rmb the plate)

14th street merge onto john laurie west
(this was like 2pm when it was bright and clear)
i'm like the 4th car behind him
he's merging in at 40
the guy coming up from the right lane was nice enough to let so many of us in but you could definitely tell he was pissed

soooo many horns going, and he was oblivious

here's the kicker... i dont' think i saw him signal when he merged and he may have hit the brakes at one point....

12-21-2009, 05:32 AM
Just this week, I've seen a few drivers driving down the wrong way on a one way in and around downtown. 2 of them were at the Edmonton Tr. Northbound/memorial intersection. Both times they just sat there like they were waiting for their light to turn green. It wasn't until we started heading towards them when they realized.

12-21-2009, 08:53 AM
I have a suggestion...

Winter Beater, get one

12-21-2009, 09:02 AM
Is it just me, or is polly on scat's nuts? Srsly, if scat wanted a blowjob i know exactly where he can find one. Or, maybe he has two accounts?

... back on topic. The roads are filled with rocks. Cars drive and the rocks get thrown around. Your car takes a beating. Sure in this situation the other cars driver could have been less douchey about it (maybe he was getting revenge on all BMW drivers?), but to try to be all gangster really is quite useless. Do that to the wrong person in Calgary and your gonna end up with your head split. I saw a guy get the shit kicked out of him on the weekend because he didn't pay his cab driver. Shit happens, and in certain situations its better to take the back seat.

12-21-2009, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by beyond_ban
Is it just me, or is polly on scat's nuts? Srsly, if scat wanted a blowjob i know exactly where he can find one. Or, maybe he has two accounts?

Lol, time for the "no homo" tag.

12-21-2009, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by beyond_ban
Is it just me, or is polly on scat's nuts? Srsly, if scat wanted a blowjob i know exactly where he can find one. Or, maybe he has two accounts?

... back on topic. The roads are filled with rocks. Cars drive and the rocks get thrown around. Your car takes a beating. Sure in this situation the other cars driver could have been less douchey about it (maybe he was getting revenge on all BMW drivers?), but to try to be all gangster really is quite useless. Do that to the wrong person in Calgary and your gonna end up with your head split. I saw a guy get the shit kicked out of him on the weekend because he didn't pay his cab driver. Shit happens, and in certain situations its better to take the back seat.

I'm not "on scats nuts", I just happen to have been on this site (under a few names) for over half a decade and have respect for fellow members who contribute to this site. When I see a bunch of idiots hanging on a joke that is years old and completely unrelated I somewhat feel responsible, as should most of you, to keep the peace among us. Picking on each other and making jokes is one thing, but to repeat a joke that wasn't eveb funny from the beginning over and over again for years is simply mindless assault. Aren't you not even 18 yet? Cmon kid-o, don't join the mouthbreathers.

12-21-2009, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by Pollywog
Either way, Scat that sucks.

I lol'd, so many retards it's not even funny. And don't worry about danny, he's just mad the grand prix club threw his fat ass out. He brought out a box of muffins once to the meet, everyone thought'd he was going to share - nope. devoured them all.

Originally posted by Team_Mclaren
sue the city! How dare they spray rocks on the roads in winter!!! Park your 318i!!! 3M the whole thing!!! wrap it in piss yellow !!!

I never mentioned the city :rolleyes: I must be really special driving a 318 considering they never brought it out here.

Originally posted by beyond_ban
Is it just me, or is polly on scat's nuts? Srsly, if scat wanted a blowjob i know exactly where he can find one.

I'd go to my girlfriends house for that deed, srsly.

12-21-2009, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by Pollywog
Aren't you not even 18 yet? Cmon kid, don't join the mouthbreathers.


Originally posted by scat19
I'd go to my girlfriends house for that deed, srsly.


12-21-2009, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by beyond_ban


:thumbsup: I make a statement about respect for one another, and you reply with facepalms/emoticons.. I see what kind of member you will turn out to be... Maybe when you are out of highschool and in the real working world, you will start to gain an understanding of "mutual respect".

12-21-2009, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by Pollywog
I make a statement about respect for one another, and you reply with facepalms/emoticons.. I see what kind of member you will turn out to be. Maybe when you are out of highschool and in the real working world, you will start to gain an understanding of "mutual respect".

Hahaha, your a fucking idiot. First of all, you try to back up scat on pretty much everything he says. I have noticed it in a bunch of threads, so i called you out in this one. Second, i graduated 3 years ago. I own my own place and i rent two rooms out to high school friends of mine. My mortgage is less then most peoples rent. Then there is your "i can see what kind of member your going to turn out to be." Who the fuck are you? You think you are OG? Your member number is newer then mine, and this is my second account. Do us all a favor STFU you faggot. Actually, i'm sorry. I don't wanna meet you at a stop light. My seat belts have quite a bit of give to them, so you would probably be able to pull me pretty far out of my car.


12-21-2009, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by beyond_ban

Hahaha, your a fucking idiot. First of all, you try to back up scat on pretty much everything he says. I have noticed it in a bunch of threads, so i called you out in this one.
Bwahaha, you OBVIOUSLY have'nt been here long as Scat and I have had many arguments, however time and humor over the years has ironed the issues out. He's been here a while and mainly contributes positive and interesting topics and opinions, so why should I stand around while some newb makes jokes about him? As well, since I've been here for a while I've read that stupid f-in tint joke so many times on this site that its getting beyond annoying.

Originally posted by beyond_ban

Hahaha, your a fucking idiot. [...] Do us all a favor STFU you faggot. Actually, i'm sorry. I don't wanna meet you at a stop light. My seat belts have quite a bit of give to them, so you would probably be able to pull me pretty far out of my car.

You are over 18? Could've fooled me.

Originally posted by beyond_ban
I own my own place and i rent two rooms out to high school friends of mine. My mortgage is less then most peoples rent.
Wow! Good for you!

You think you are OG? Your member number is newer then mine, and this is my second account.
This is probably my seventh account. I've been around quite a while mate.

12-21-2009, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by Pollywog

Bwahaha, you OBVIOUSLY have'nt been here long as Scat and I have had many arguments, however time and humor over the years has ironed the issues out. He's been here a while and mainly contributes positive and interesting topics and opinions, so why should I stand around while some newb makes jokes about him? As well, since I've been here for a while I've read that stupid f-in tint joke so many times on this site that its getting beyond annoying.

Awww, thats cute.

You are over 18? Could've fooled me.

You don't drive a BMW? Could've fooled me.

This is probably my seventh account. I've been around quite a while mate.

Yet still so unloved.

12-21-2009, 10:23 AM

12-21-2009, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by Pollywog
This is probably my seventh account.

That is something to brag about.

12-21-2009, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by beyond_ban

You don't drive a BMW? Could've fooled me.

Huh? Is this another one of those retarded bmw driver jokes? I thought I was just as big of a twat for driving a benz!

Originally posted by beyond_ban

Awww, thats cute.

You don't drive a BMW? Could've fooled me.

Yet still so unloved.
In relation to this thread, are you suffering from a bad case of "e-rage"? If it was the "under 18" bit that threw you off, I honestly thought I remembered reading you say that. Otherwise, I do suggest continuing on with your day, as a "big boy" like yourself would do.

12-21-2009, 10:36 AM
These things are pretty much guaranteed when someone cuts you off in the winter:

1) They will brake check
2) An unintentional spray of rocks is guaranteed

Just make the room for the obvlious drivers on the road. You have to share the road with them anyway, you're better off not getting into a collision with one or getting sprayed by rocks.

You need to chill - I have more things to worry about than being a few cars further behind on my drive.

12-21-2009, 10:37 AM
Jesus kids. Why does every third freakin thread on here end up in a catfight?

OP: Not sure if this unlike the same things we all go through multiple times over the winter. Still, I understand the need to get your anger out to the public I guess. Not sure why people are raggin on you so hard...

12-21-2009, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by scat19
I need a release. Fucking idiot.

Beige Sebring/300, the old one, plate HEG592.

Crowchild. He merged out from shag, I was in center lane and he came over in right. He then started coming into me. So I move over honking and hi's go on. He's fcking oblivious.

Got in front, brake check. I was furious. I start to calm down and think ok, let's just get home.

No. He comes in front and straddles the lane spraying a million rocks all over my car.

1) he cuts ME off.
2) he continues to be a dick about it spraying rocks

I waited till the next light to get out and discuss the situation - what a dick. He keeps avoiding red lights and I don't have time to follow anymore (about 10 mins in). So I just leave.

Fucking pussy couldn't own up to his actions, he wouldn't stop, and if I EVER see that car.

End rant.

LOL I've had issues with this dude before...

I remembered the plate sounds familiar. Then I check my phone and I texted myself his plates because one time I almost called him in to the cops for drunk driving or just almost hitting me, or something (can't remember).

I can't remember what he did exactly since it's been a month, but he REALLY pissed me off a month ago.

What a n00b.

12-21-2009, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by scat19
What would you have done?

Honked, cursed, and promptly forgotten about it. Life's too short to get too worked up over things like this.

12-21-2009, 11:00 AM
I can't stand the drivers in this city.

The other day I'm driving on blackfoot, some old dude driving a van starts changing lanes into me slowly (knows I'm there)...

I keep moving over until I'm fully in the lane to the right (thankfully there wasn't a car there.)

He's doing 20 under the limit, i come up to a red light, and the douche drives by me taking the exit, looks at me and makes a "talking on cellphone, yap yap yap" with his hand at me...

lol WTF? I wasn't on my cellphone, he's the one that changed lanes into me?

12-21-2009, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by Zhariak
I can't stand the drivers in this city.

The other day I'm driving on blackfoot, some old dude driving a van starts changing lanes into me slowly (knows I'm there)...

I keep moving over until I'm fully in the lane to the right (thankfully there wasn't a car there.)

He's doing 20 under the limit, i come up to a red light, and the douche drives by me taking the exit, looks at me and makes a "talking on cellphone, yap yap yap" with his hand at me...

lol WTF? I wasn't on my cellphone, he's the one that changed lanes into me?


12-21-2009, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by Pollywog

Bwahaha, you OBVIOUSLY have'nt been here long as Scat and I have had many arguments, however time and humor over the years has ironed the issues out. He's been here a while and mainly contributes positive and interesting topics and opinions, so why should I stand around while some newb makes jokes about him?


My original account is in the 17,xxx, dated around late 03 early 04. Been here a long time, been getting bashed a long time, and contributing a long time.

Originally posted by hampstor
These things are pretty much guaranteed when someone cuts you off in the winter:

1) They will brake check
2) An unintentional spray of rocks is guaranteed

He did an intentional spray of rocks - straddling the lanes.

Originally posted by Kloubek
Jesus kids. Why does every third freakin thread on here end up in a catfight?

If I'm in it, peope think it's an easy venue to start blasting comments

Originally posted by Zhariak

LOL I've had issues with this dude before...

I remembered the plate sounds familiar. Then I check my phone and I texted myself his plates because one time I almost called him in to the cops for drunk driving or just almost hitting me, or something (can't remember).

I can't remember what he did exactly since it's been a month, but he REALLY pissed me off a month ago.

What a n00b.

Wouldn't surprise me. Lives in the N.W.

Originally posted by freshprince1

Honked, cursed, and promptly forgotten about it. Life's too short to get too worked up over things like this.

I guess. The obvlious lane change pissed me off the most

12-21-2009, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by Pollywog

Huh? Is this another one of those retarded bmw driver jokes? I thought I was just as big of a twat for driving a benz!

In relation to this thread, are you suffering from a bad case of "e-rage"? If it was the "under 18" bit that threw you off, I honestly thought I remembered reading you say that. Otherwise, I do suggest continuing on with your day, as a "big boy" like yourself would do.

He's had almost an hour to think of something in retort....

His room mates must not be home to help.

Usually I wouldn't brag about needing help to pay my bills, but maybe that's just me.

12-21-2009, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by Pollywog

Huh? Is this another one of those retarded bmw driver jokes? I thought I was just as big of a twat for driving a benz!

In relation to this thread, are you suffering from a bad case of "e-rage"? If it was the "under 18" bit that threw you off, I honestly thought I remembered reading you say that. Otherwise, I do suggest continuing on with your day, as a "big boy" like yourself would do.

Unlike some people, my real life is good enough that what gets said online doesn't really affect me. The only reason i surf beyond is cause i love cars and sometimes work gets really boring so beyond acts as a good time waster.

Maybe when i "grow up" and am mature like you i will be on my 7th account too. That is a really good sign that you must be a solid, contributing member to beyond.

Originally posted by 89s1

He's had almost an hour to think of something in retort....

Who are you? Sorry, i didnt know you were waiting for my response. Work got a little busy, cause you know, i gotta pay my bills. :facepalm:

His room mates must not be home to help.

Some of us have, you know, jobs :nut:

Usually I wouldn't brag about needing help to pay my bills, but maybe that's just me.

Who says i need help? Can someone tell me why having two close friends living with you and paying over half of your mortgage in a 4 bedroom townhouse is a bad thing? Oh wait, i'm 20 and financially independent with equity in a house that i own. I must be doing it all wrong. Or is it because im not a beyond millionaire like every other member?

12-21-2009, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by beyond_ban

Unlike some people, my real life is good enough that what gets said online doesn't really affect me. The only reason i surf beyond is cause i love cars and sometimes work gets really boring so beyond acts as a good time waster.

Maybe when i "grow up" and am mature like you i will be on my 7th account too. That is a really good sign that you must be a solid, contributing member to beyond.

Who are you? Sorry, i didnt know you were waiting for my response. Work got a little busy, cause you know, i gotta pay my bills. :facepalm:

Some of us have, you know, jobs :nut:

Who says i need help? Can someone tell me why having two close friends living with you and paying over half of your mortgage in a 4 bedroom townhouse is a bad thing? Oh wait, i'm 20 and financially independent with equity in a house that i own. I must be doing it all wrong. Or is it because im not a beyond millionaire like every other member?
PMS much? Had you of shut your yap to begin with, you wouldn't have come across as such a crass individual while at the same time avoiding the negetive attention you have just received.

Originally posted by beyond_ban
Or is it because im not a beyond millionaire like every other member?
Yea, it has nothing to do with you being a complete tool but rather that you are not a beyond millionaire like the rest of us.

12-21-2009, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by beyond_ban

Who are you? Sorry, i didnt know you were waiting for my response. Work got a little busy, cause you know, i gotta pay my bills. :facepalm:

Some of us have, you know, jobs :nut:

*waves* Hi, I'm 89s1.

I work during the summer, and sit on my ass during the winter, got a problem with that? I sure don't.

The mortgage still gets paid, and sans-roomies at that. :thumbsup:

12-21-2009, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by Pollywog

PMS much? Had you of shut your yap to begin with, you wouldn't have come across as such a crass individual while at the same time avoiding the negetive attention you have just received.

Yea, it has nothing to do with you being a complete tool but rather that you are not a beyond millionaire like the rest of us.

PMS? haha real original. I am not even angry, just amused.

and i am the complete tool? Your right. I love to mouth off cops in McDonald's parking lots. Always gets me realllllly far ahead.

12-21-2009, 12:06 PM
Wow, thread went off topic fast... this pissing contest is :closed: