View Full Version : Test Driving Car Advice

11-24-2003, 01:45 PM
I need some advice. I have a very serious buyer on my S2000 but he just can't fork over the cash unless he drives it at least once. Given the weather, it is virtually impossible. One possibility was towing it to a dyno. Is that conceivable or am I crazy?:nut:

Another option would be taking it to the dealer to get inspected and have the technician tell him that the car is in excellent condition therefore a test drive is not required.

Keep in mind I'll be taking some $$$ from this dude upfront to cover these expenses and more. :D

11-24-2003, 01:49 PM
whoever would spend tat kinda money...
would like to see and test drive it first for sure....
i think u should just find like a place where it is possible to let him test drive...or somethin like tat....
if u thinkin of takin him to the dealer and getting the car checked and stuff...i think it could work but it depends on the buyer.....
i personaly would test drive it for sure before buying it....lol...
u can talk to the buyer and discuss...
and by the way....
GOOD LUCK WITH THE SALE MAN!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

11-24-2003, 01:54 PM
Do you actually think someone is going to pay you $35,000 for your car without test driving it? Whoever does must have smoked something before coming over.

11-24-2003, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R
Do you actually think someone is going to pay you $35,000 for your car without test driving it? Whoever does must have smoked something before coming over.

For sure! Don't be so anal sam.

DJ Lazy
11-24-2003, 01:57 PM
Well.. that is quite the sticky situation...
I would try and atleast get the car onto a clean wide open road (ex: Deerfoot, parts of Crowchild, parts of blackfoot southend)
Just so the buyer has a chance to open er' up and see what it feels like and can do.

Or you shoulda put in your ad. "No Test Pilots". :dunno:

The Dyno sounds like a good idea.. If you want to go through that hassle.

Anyways. Good Luck.:)

11-24-2003, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R
Do you actually think someone is going to pay you $35,000 for your car without test driving it? Whoever does must have smoked something before coming over. Maybe not for $35K but for $32K I have a list of people willing to take the car without a test drive. Some are from Beyond too who are trying to sell their cars to buy this one haha

You know a gem when you see one and since when was I a scammer?:rofl:

11-24-2003, 02:01 PM
Let him take the car(Flatbed) to a Honda dealership , subject to inspection, I bet he must drove a S2000 before, and for under$ 35,000, it is a good deal for him anyway !

Of course, they buyer should pay all the expense for inspection and towing fee !

If I were you, I won't let anyone test driving the car on deep snow ! ;)

Good luck !

P.S. ? you will sell it for $32,000 ?? :eek:

11-24-2003, 02:06 PM
Anyway chumps, I understand the whole test drive thing. What am I? On my 5th car?:rofl:

I'm looking at options to get this mofo a test drive, maybe I worded my sentence incorrectly but blah:whocares: haha

What's the deal with the dyno anyway? What speeds can you get up to on those rollers? Forgive me but I have no idea how they really work.:tongue:

11-24-2003, 02:09 PM
Just go for a ride with him... one lap up and down deerfoot should be enough. Just try to determine if he is a "test pilot" or not.

Perhaps even do it on a day that he can get his mechanic to take a look at it for him. Then complete the deal in the lot of the mechanic.

11-24-2003, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by C4S
P.S. ? you will sell it for $32,000 ?? :eek: If I am in a real good mood that day, maybe.......haha
I'm trying really hard to sell the car this month, advertising etc.etc.
If it doesn't sell, no effort will be made after. I'll probably go out and pick out some parts over the winter months to do my planned buildup:zzz:

11-24-2003, 02:22 PM
wait for a chinook

11-24-2003, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by Loose
wait for a chinook Hopefully it hangs around long enough to melt part of the residential streets to have a clear path. S2K on snow/ice without proper tires, you are dead:thumbsdow Things were going as planned until the last snow fall showed up:thumbsdow :guns:

11-24-2003, 02:48 PM
go to a giant parking lot in the evening and let him rip around for a bit...

11-24-2003, 03:01 PM
I would tell that guy to get lost. Then I would sell it to me after my car sells. :)

11-24-2003, 03:04 PM
^^ :rofl:

11-24-2003, 03:04 PM
^^^^^^ i was thinking of the same thing. or find a tunnel where u can let him rip it in, like one of the tunnels on the freeways and such.

11-24-2003, 03:53 PM
All you need is a dry road with +zero temps. I had S02's and for a joke tried them in the snow. I wouldn't let ANYONE drive my car with those tires if there was any snow or ice on the road.

11-24-2003, 03:54 PM
tunnels? freeways?

im assuming you dont live in Calgary...

the only tunnels in calgary will wreck your chassis... until the train comes... and then they will wreck your face

11-24-2003, 03:59 PM
well suppose to be nice this week, good luck with teh sale....:thumbsup:

11-24-2003, 04:35 PM
Dont let him drive it lol , i bought my Subaru without testing it , cuz i wasnt "aloud" . lol j/j ... wait till a good day to drive it , and go for it , he only should need a couple blocks to drive it

11-24-2003, 04:53 PM
The main streets are dry enough arn't they? Drive it yourself off the side streets real slow then switch with him on deerfoot, blackfoot, 14th st. south etc.

If you want to filter the test pilots just tell him that he has to give you a deposit before he test drives. If he is really serious then he will give you a deposit. If he refuses unless he gets to drive the car tell him where to go. Just use the excuse that you are tryig to cover your ass if he does something to the car. Kinda like a security deposit.

Good Luck :thumbsup:

11-24-2003, 05:55 PM
main roads aren't too bad. you could take it really easy till you get out to a main road and let whoever is test driving take over.

11-24-2003, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by 2000impreza
main roads aren't too bad. you could take it really easy till you get out to a main road and let whoever is test driving take over.

yeah. you don't live that far from glenmore!! it's like 1km tops!! :rofl: :rofl:

put on your hazards and keep it under 20km/h. lol

11-24-2003, 07:01 PM
As mentioned in some previous posts: Deposit is a MUST......Drive it onto the main roads then switch. Dynoing the car wouldn't give the guy the same satisfaction/peace of mind as an actual on-road experience, from the potential buyer's point-of-view...If he isn't a moron, he should be able to figure out that with the mileage and exterior/interior condition, the car's in mint shape. If he prefers to have it inspected, it's up to him to make all the arrangements/payments to make this possible. Good luck Sam:thumbsup:

11-24-2003, 07:14 PM
Deposit :thumbsup:

I would use your ama card or call a tow truck and have it dollied to the dealer or maybe they'll even lend you a Dplate to bring it in so you don't have to mess around w/ insurance and then get it inspected. That way somebody doesn't crash your car on bad roads....

11-24-2003, 07:17 PM
If this guy is serious he should understand that on snow the car won't do so great since you said it doesn't have the proper tires, but I agree with everyone else. They would WANT to test drive it before they buy it. Let him go on the main roads where they are clear, if not wait till this weekend, the weather will shape up, but don't count on it too much because this is Calgary. If he doesn't understand why you won't le thim test drive it then he isn't a good customer. Anyway good luck on the sale and I hope everything works out for ya.