View Full Version : 8 years in prison.....

12-21-2009, 09:56 AM
....for vandalism. :banghead: :facepalm:


Crazy Texans

12-21-2009, 10:08 AM
for $7000 worth of damage? Wow

12-21-2009, 10:10 AM
That seems terribly over the top. I guess they needed to make an example out of someone, and he was the chosen one. How much of that sentence will he actually serve?

12-21-2009, 10:14 AM
Good.If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. He committed a crime that only affected other people with no thought of anyone but himself. People like that are the scum of society and should be severely punished to prevent other people from doing the same thing. I would feel bad for him if it was drug possession or something like that, but not for a vandal. Maybe in 8 years when hes out and working nights at burger king he will see what a loser he is.

12-21-2009, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by GTS4tw
Good.If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. He committed a crime that only affected other people with no thought of anyone but himself. People like that are the scum of society and should be severely punished to prevent other people from doing the same thing. I would feel bad for him if it was drug possession or something like that, but not for a vandal. Maybe in 8 years when hes out and working nights at burger king he will see what a loser he is.


Well said. :clap:

12-21-2009, 10:16 AM
I'm sure he learned his lesson.

That lesson being he should rape someone next time and be out in 3 :rolleyes:

Yet another failure of the Canadian justice system.

12-21-2009, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by 89s1
I'm sure he learned his lesson.

That lesson being he should rape someone next time and be out in 3 :rolleyes:

Yet another failure of the Canadian justice system.


When did Corpus Christi, Texas secede to Canada?

12-21-2009, 10:22 AM
Sounds like China to me.

If you raise the "petty" crimes so high though, it will lessen the severity of the worse crimes like murder. If you are only going to get 20 years for murder and 8 for vandalism - I'd think a lot of criminals would just as soon take a shot on the "big wheel of crime". Yes, I believe rape is as low as 2 years in some states.

BTW: its Texas, Corpus Christi not Canada.

12-21-2009, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by GTS4tw
Good.If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. He committed a crime that only affected other people with no thought of anyone but himself. People like that are the scum of society and should be severely punished to prevent other people from doing the same thing. I would feel bad for him if it was drug possession or something like that, but not for a vandal. Maybe in 8 years when hes out and working nights at burger king he will see what a loser he is.

In a way i agree with you. He is scum, he did nothing to add to society and he targeted innocent people with no real way of stopping him. That being said, there are many worse crimes i can think of off the top of my head that go less punished then this. At then end of the day, he caused $7k ( i think..) in damage. He never molested anyone, broke into someones house or caused any kind of physical/psychological damage to anyone, yet you see those kinds of crimes get punished with a slap on the wrist.

12-21-2009, 10:28 AM
No parole. No early releases. So unlike in Canada, he really IS going to serve the 8 years.

Since when is grafitti tagging a FELONY? Wow. Week possession is also a felony there, apparently.

I agree that perhaps the kid should spend a year or so in jail, so he knows the punishment, and avoids these kinds of actions in the future. But EIGHT YEARS? Come on. That's retarded. That's how much someone gets here for manslaughter! (Not that I agree with such a short sentence for such a crime...)

Is it just me, or did the judge seem overly angry and emotional? Did he tag her house too? Geesh...

12-21-2009, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by 89s1
Yet another failure of the Canadian justice system.

Beyond's reading comprehension - on par with the Americans!

12-21-2009, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by Kloubek
No parole. No early releases. So unlike in Canada, he really IS going to serve the 8 years.

Since when is grafitti tagging a FELONY? Wow. Week possession is also a felony there, apparently.

Texas Penal Code on graffiti:

(1) a Class B misdemeanor if the amount of pecuniary loss is less than $500;
(2) a Class A misdemeanor if the amount of pecuniary loss is $500 or more but less than $1,500;
(3) a state jail felony if the amount of pecuniary loss is $1,500 or more but less than $20,000;
(4) a felony of the third degree if the amount of pecuniary loss is $20,000 or more but less than $100,000;
(5) a felony of the second degree if the amount of pecuniary loss is $100,000 or more but less than $200,000; or
(d) An offense under this section is a state jail felony if:
(1) the marking is made on a school, an institution of higher education, a place of worship or human burial, a public monument, or a community center that provides medical, social, or educational programs

Kid did a lot of tagging. Ironic part, is if he got busted several times over the course of his tagging, he'd have just Class B misdemeanors, but since got caught all at once, it's a felony.

12-21-2009, 10:40 AM
Thanks Tik-Tok - that makes a bit more sense now.

Still, not sure if I agree that $1500 should constitute a felony. Say, one were to damage a car, that adds up REAL fast.

Since you seem to have a source for Texas law, do you know if a possession charge is automatically a felony as well?

12-21-2009, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by scat19

Beyond's reading comprehension - on par with the Americans!

lmao, I didnt even notice the "crazy texans" part. Then was somewhat confused by your statement.

I really should have watched the video but I had eggs poaching I had to tend to.

lol, goddammit :banghead:

edit: these homemade mcmuffins are worth looking a bit stupid for, they're fucking delicious :D

12-21-2009, 10:45 AM
8 Years seems like a bit much, but if you live in Texas, you should know that your justice system is particularily harsh and I would think that would be a good enough deterrant for most people.

Long sentences for little crimes like this is what leads to prison over crowding as well.

12-21-2009, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by Kloubek

Since you seem to have a source for Texas law, do you know if a possession charge is automatically a felony as well?

(1) a Class B misdemeanor if the amount of marihuana possessed is two ounces or less;

(2) a Class A misdemeanor if the amount of marihuana possessed is four ounces or less but more than two ounces;

(3) a state jail felony if the amount of marihuana possessed is five pounds or less but more than four ounces;

(4) a felony of the third degree if the amount of marihuana possessed is 50 pounds or less but more than 5 pounds;

(5) a felony of the second degree if the amount of marihuana possessed is 2,000 pounds or less but more than 50 pounds; and

(6) punishable by imprisonment in the institutional division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for life or for a term of not more than 99 years or less than 5 years, and a fine not to exceed $50,000, if the amount of marihuana possessed is more than 2,000 pounds.

A lot more lax then what I thought it would be down there.

Yeah, 8 years is a pretty rough for $7500. I think 4 years would be the max I would personally serve. Kid would learn his lesson then. 8 years will just turn him into a hard criminal, and very bitter at the system.
Maybe the judge is expecting an appeal, so went to the max, so they would haggle down to a more reasonable term? Kind of seems like the justice system work that way these days (both in Canada, and the U.S.)

12-21-2009, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by Kloubek

I agree that perhaps the kid should spend a year or so in jail, so he knows the punishment, and avoids these kinds of actions in the future. But EIGHT YEARS? Come on. That's retarded. That's how much someone gets here for manslaughter! (Not that I agree with such a short sentence for such a crime...)

The punishment for worse crimes should be very very severe, this one isnt over the top, its just that the other punishments are much to weak. This is Texas after all, hes just lucky the cops caught him and not some pissed off building owner with a gun.

12-21-2009, 10:51 AM

So after spending 8 years with all those fun people in jail, he's going to come out, be part of a gang and who knows what he'll be capable of doing after prison...

Sure he's crying now, all it'll take is a few weeks, a few wieners in the bun, and he'll be a changed man, lol.

12-21-2009, 10:55 AM
Yeah he is scum who defaces others properties and deserves punishment but 8 years for vandalism when you can kill someone and be out in 5? If he gets 8 years for vandalism killers and rapists should get 50 years with no parole.

12-21-2009, 10:56 AM
Waste of tax payer money and resources.

Give him a few hundred hours of community service to clean shit up. It costs something like $20k per year per inmate.

12-21-2009, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Zhariak

So after spending 8 years with all those fun people in jail, he's going to come out, be part of a gang and who knows what he'll be capable of doing after prison...

Sure he's crying now, all it'll take is a few weeks, a few wieners in the bun, and he'll be a changed man, lol.

Truth. Prison is really just gangsta training. He goes for a petty crime such as vandalism, and leaves a hardened criminal.

12-21-2009, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by Rstar
Waste of tax payer money and resources.

Give him a few hundred hours of community service to clean shit up. It costs something like $20k per year per inmate.

This is more likely should be the sentence.

It costs businesses so much money to repaint and repair graffiti. Get the people who get caught to fix them even it weren't their tags. And fix them to business owners' satisfactions.

8 year jail is harsh and will probably turn him into a harden criminal.

12-21-2009, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by Xtrema

This is more likely should be the sentence.

It costs businesses so much money to repaint and repair graffiti. Get the people who get caught to fix them even it weren't their tags. And fix them to business owners' satisfactions.

8 year jail is harsh and will probably turn him into a harden criminal.

Agreed... hard labour for 3 years in a mine or something - after he cleans up other peoples tags.

12-21-2009, 02:16 PM
I suspect most of you wouldn't be complaining that the sentence is "too harsh" if it was your property that had $7,000 worth of damage done to it.

12-21-2009, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by BrknFngrs
I suspect most of you wouldn't be complaining that the sentence is "too harsh" if it was your property that had $7,000 worth of damage done to it.

I wouldn't want a someone that vandalized my property to go to jail for 8 years, over a measly $7,000.

What good does it do society to have this guy in jail? The graffiti doesn't get fixed, and it costs the state hundreds of thousands of dollars.

12-21-2009, 02:39 PM
...that was the stupidest sentence I have ever heard of.

:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
to that judge; I think community service or having to pay for cleanup would have taught the kid a lesson now taxpayers have to pay for his life now?

12-21-2009, 02:53 PM

8 years.

That judge is rad.

Can we clone her and bring one here?

12-21-2009, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by 2Valve0
...that was the stupidest sentence I have ever heard of.

:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
to that judge; I think community service or having to pay for cleanup would have taught the kid a lesson now taxpayers have to pay for his life now?
So this kid decides one night it would be fun to come and spray paint 'fag' on the side of your house... you pay $100 to clean it off. A week later he comes back and does it again. You also notice he's done all your neighboors houses, too. And the businesses across the street. And a few cars a few streets over.

Yeah, slap him on the wrist. That will clean up his act. Maybe just a good talkin' to will do the trick.

He past the time-outs and spankings phase years ago, and it obviously didn't do anything. Bigger and better things, I say.

$7,000 worth of property damage might not seem like that much, but that stuff doesn't magically get cleaned up. It is a huge inconvenience to all the victims who now have to use their time (the most valuable of things) to clean up this shit-rat's spree of defacing.

12-21-2009, 03:03 PM
It's a petty property crime, make him pay the damages with interest and I doubt he'd do it again. Going to jail and getting raped in the ass is not a solution to social problems, it only compounds them. Force him to go and pay for therapy too if you're interested in rehabilitation.

Seeing a judge getting agitated while speaking like that isn't reassuring, seems more interested in vengeance than the rehabilitation of this person who obviously needs help.

12-21-2009, 03:13 PM
The 8 year sentence includes a felony drug charge.

12-21-2009, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by kenny
The 8 year sentence includes a felony drug charge.
Exactly, the dude doesn't consult a preacher for a 'spray painting' problem.

12-21-2009, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by beyond_ban

In a way i agree with you. He is scum, he did nothing to add to society and he targeted innocent people with no real way of stopping him. That being said, there are many worse crimes i can think of off the top of my head that go less punished then this. At then end of the day, he caused $7k ( i think..) in damage. He never molested anyone, broke into someones house or caused any kind of physical/psychological damage to anyone, yet you see those kinds of crimes get punished with a slap on the wrist.
Just because judges all over North America are dropping the ball on other crimes, doesn't mean this should be a bad thing, though.

'That guy only got 3 years for rape, and I'm getting 8 years for spray painting...'
'But mom, Jimmy's mom lets him smoke pot in the house, why can't I?'

Just because Jimmy's mom is a pot head doesn't make it OK.
That's life, tough luck, junior.

12-21-2009, 03:38 PM
Meh, he's no Banksy.

12-21-2009, 03:48 PM
That sentence is ridiculous and even I know how annoying taggers are, especially if their work is shitty.

8 years is absolutely ludicrous. That's AMERIFUCKINCAH though..

12-21-2009, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by kenny
The 8 year sentence includes a felony drug charge.

The graffiti vandalism is an actual property crime against an injured party, whereas I'm sure the drug charge didn't cause harm to anyone else. Punishing someone for their vices when no actual crime occurred is disturbing too.

12-21-2009, 04:37 PM

drunk and driving resulting in death of an officer = 8 years

guy sprays some paint = 8 years


12-21-2009, 05:18 PM
lol 8 years for graffiti? thank god for canada's youth justice system

12-21-2009, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by turbotrip
lol 8 years for graffiti? thank god for canada's youth justice system

No doubt! Here they would just get a slap on the wrist, and be free to do it again the next night, and brag to their friends how they beat the system. Then they will laugh because they know that it will all be erased at 18. Our system is total bullshit. I still would have preferred if he got shot by a building owner, but this is the next best thing. As far as the cost to taxpayers, these criminals should be out picking weeds, digging ditches, cleaning public washrooms, all chained together. Once they have worked for 8 hours then they should be given a bowl of soup and some water. Then spend another 4 hours making license plates, growing food to make their soup, and cleaning the prison. This would greatly reduce the cost, as would eliminating victimless crimes.

12-21-2009, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by GTS4tw

No doubt! Here they would just get a slap on the wrist, and be free to do it again the next night, and brag to their friends how they beat the system. Then they will laugh because they know that it will all be erased at 18. Our system is total bullshit. I still would have preferred if he got shot by a building owner, but this is the next best thing. As far as the cost to taxpayers, these criminals should be out picking weeds, digging ditches, cleaning public washrooms, all chained together. Once they have worked for 8 hours then they should be given a bowl of soup and some water. Then spend another 4 hours making license plates, growing food to make their soup, and cleaning the prison. This would greatly reduce the cost, as would eliminating victimless crimes.

WORD! :thumbsup:

Our system creates no sense of responsibility for your own actions..... blame it on someone else :whipped:

12-21-2009, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by GTS4tw

No doubt! Here they would just get a slap on the wrist, and be free to do it again the next night, and brag to their friends how they beat the system. Then they will laugh because they know that it will all be erased at 18. Our system is total bullshit. I still would have preferred if he got shot by a building owner, but this is the next best thing. As far as the cost to taxpayers, these criminals should be out picking weeds, digging ditches, cleaning public washrooms, all chained together. Once they have worked for 8 hours then they should be given a bowl of soup and some water. Then spend another 4 hours making license plates, growing food to make their soup, and cleaning the prison. This would greatly reduce the cost, as would eliminating victimless crimes.

But then you'll be taking jobs away from other people, forcing a prison warden to get into some under the table deals to take his labor force elsewhere, before it all falls down on top of him in a massive scandal involving embezzlement and murder.

Not to mention the people who lose their jobs cleaning public washrooms, digging ditches and landscaping, potentially forcing them into a life of crime, where we'll have to pay to keep them locked up, under watch, pay for gas and transportation etc. Then when they get out, they can't find a job because they only thing they're qualified for is cleaning public washrooms and digging ditches.

And of course this all goes to the assumption that sentences are a deterrent, which we know to not be the case, which is why there are still a shitload of murders in the U.S. despite capital punishment, a shitload of drug offenses despite strict sentences for even something like possession and there will continue to be vandalism despite a ridiculous prison sentence. When this kid gets out he'll have no hope for a job because of his record and lack of education and the only connections he will have are ones he made in prison, turning him into a criminal when all he wanted to be was a petty thug.

And would this system of harsh rations and hard labor only be restricted to the 'victimless crimes or would they mix in vandals with pedophiles and rapist and murders walking around on the streets chained together?

12-21-2009, 08:36 PM
That judge is a fucking cunt. Sorry, but this makes me furious. This teenager is going to do 8 years hard time in a state penitentiary with murderers, rapists, gang members, etc for spray painting some businesses? Totally fucking ridiculous. The fact that she makes him serve the sentences consecutively makes it even worse. I think a lot of community service, house arrest, parole, making him work it off, would be a lot more suitable. This dude will end up getting raped and committing suicide because he tagged some buildings...

12-21-2009, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by RY213
This dude will end up getting raped and committing suicide because he tagged some buildings...

We can only hope! That would save the taxpayers and his future victims some $$$.

12-21-2009, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by kertejud2

But then you'll be taking jobs away from other people, forcing a prison warden to get into some under the table deals to take his labor force elsewhere, before it all falls down on top of him in a massive scandal involving embezzlement and murder.

Not to mention the people who lose their jobs cleaning public washrooms, digging ditches and landscaping, potentially forcing them into a life of crime, where we'll have to pay to keep them locked up, under watch, pay for gas and transportation etc. Then when they get out, they can't find a job because they only thing they're qualified for is cleaning public washrooms and digging ditches.

And of course this all goes to the assumption that sentences are a deterrent, which we know to not be the case, which is why there are still a shitload of murders in the U.S. despite capital punishment, a shitload of drug offenses despite strict sentences for even something like possession and there will continue to be vandalism despite a ridiculous prison sentence. When this kid gets out he'll have no hope for a job because of his record and lack of education and the only connections he will have are ones he made in prison, turning him into a criminal when all he wanted to be was a petty thug.

And would this system of harsh rations and hard labor only be restricted to the 'victimless crimes or would they mix in vandals with pedophiles and rapist and murders walking around on the streets chained together?

I see what you are saying, but as I said in my last sentence I would eliminate the victimless crimes (and by eliminate, I mean no punishment at all, not even a fine) and just put 10X the penalty on the victimizer crimes. As for prison turning him into a thug, well what would you have him do? Community service? Doing what exactly, since you say it would all take jobs away? I might be a bit harsh, but from what you say you want there to be no real penalty at all, which is exactly what youth in our country see, and it DOES cause crime, I have seen it first hand.
You say that punishment is no deterrent, but did you ever stop to think that might be due to the lackluster punishments for crimes? When you can embezzle millions and only do a few years, and jail isn't too bad, then there is no deterrent to embezzle since you likely wouldn't make that much in the period you are incarcerated for. If the punishment was 1 year of hard labor for every dollar you stole then I am sure that there would be less theft. Its all a matter of scope.

12-22-2009, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by GTS4tw

I see what you are saying, but as I said in my last sentence I would eliminate the victimless crimes (and by eliminate, I mean no punishment at all, not even a fine) and just put 10X the penalty on the victimizer crimes. As for prison turning him into a thug, well what would you have him do? Community service? Doing what exactly, since you say it would all take jobs away? I might be a bit harsh, but from what you say you want there to be no real penalty at all, which is exactly what youth in our country see, and it DOES cause crime, I have seen it first hand.
You say that punishment is no deterrent, but did you ever stop to think that might be due to the lackluster punishments for crimes? When you can embezzle millions and only do a few years, and jail isn't too bad, then there is no deterrent to embezzle since you likely wouldn't make that much in the period you are incarcerated for. If the punishment was 1 year of hard labor for every dollar you stole then I am sure that there would be less theft. Its all a matter of scope.

If you kill someone in Texas, you face the Death Penalty. The punishment literally cannot get stricter than that, but there are still an assload of murders in Texas every year. Clearly, a strict sentence does little to deter crime.

And how do you define a victimless crime? *Putting on shit disturber hat* Let's go with everyone's favorite - speeding. If you removed all penalties from speeding, speed limits would become irrelevant, and some asshat would inevitably blast through a residential area and run over a kid.

12-22-2009, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by atgilchrist
If you kill someone in Texas, you face the Death Penalty. The punishment literally cannot get stricter than that, but there are still an assload of murders in Texas every year. Clearly, a strict sentence does little to deter crime.

Nah, this isn't logical at all. If you make the punishments severe enough people will either choose to avoid the crime or face the harsh consequences.

In your Texas example, you can never completely prevent a murder from occuring, I agree with that, but capital punishment reduces the liklihood of it happening repeatedly.

Is 8 years overkill for spray painting some property? Absolutely. Due I believe that this sentence some how ruins the life of an otherwise good kid? Not a chance. He was clearly a deadbeat long before this based on the drug charges and his "painting hobby." At the very least, this may make other retarded vandals consider whether or not it's worth it and if they still decide to vandalize property I hope they get the same sentence.

My biggest issue with these types of crimes is that their is never any reason for them.

12-22-2009, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by GTS4tw
Good.If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. He committed a crime that only affected other people with no thought of anyone but himself. People like that are the scum of society and should be severely punished to prevent other people from doing the same thing. I would feel bad for him if it was drug possession or something like that, but not for a vandal. Maybe in 8 years when hes out and working nights at burger king he will see what a loser he is.

Are you joking?? really. scum? Man the kid tagged some buildings, that's hardly scum, and there is no way thats worth 8 years in jail. I find this outrageously ridiculous.

12-22-2009, 05:18 PM
Sentence will definitely be reduced on appeal. The system isn't perfect, that's why there is an appeals process.

12-22-2009, 05:28 PM
Katia :love: :love: :hitit: :love: :love:

12-22-2009, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by maxomilll

Are you joking?? really. scum? Man the kid tagged some buildings, that's hardly scum, and there is no way thats worth 8 years in jail. I find this outrageously ridiculous.

He is scum, no joke, these people are the asshole of society. I agree hes no rapist or murderer but I would also want those people to receive the 1 bullet reward for their actions. This guy, I would be happy if he got ass raped every day for the next 8 years, maybe when he gets out he will keep his hands to himself, most of us learn that in kindergarten.

12-22-2009, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by maxomilll

I find this outrageously ridiculous.

Jackie Chiles, is that you??

12-23-2009, 12:19 AM
I'll keep that in mind if I ever catch your kids throwing eggs at my house on Halloween.

Originally posted by GTS4tw

He is scum, no joke, these people are the asshole of society. I agree hes no rapist or murderer but I would also want those people to receive the 1 bullet reward for their actions. This guy, I would be happy if he got ass raped every day for the next 8 years, maybe when he gets out he will keep his hands to himself, most of us learn that in kindergarten.

12-23-2009, 01:25 AM
Originally posted by GTS4tw

He is scum, no joke, these people are the asshole of society. I agree hes no rapist or murderer but I would also want those people to receive the 1 bullet reward for their actions. This guy, I would be happy if he got ass raped every day for the next 8 years, maybe when he gets out he will keep his hands to himself, most of us learn that in kindergarten.

It's real cool how you clump everyone into one pile. These people? all the same are they? so if you ever have a kid, and let's say some happens to make him/her to fuck up. Make a mistake in life. Something or someone influences them to make a wrong decision, they deserve a bullet? or there exactly the same, as a murderer or rapist? you say you agree he not one of those. Of course you agree, for on reason, he not one. But you still through them into the same pile, you agree with the same indignant punishments.
Your post's are just as disgusting as his acts on society. keep putting $ sign on human life. Its all about the tax payers money right?

12-23-2009, 02:27 AM
Originally posted by maxomilll

It's real cool how you clump everyone into one pile. These people? all the same are they? so if you ever have a kid, and let's say some happens to make him/her to fuck up. Make a mistake in life. Something or someone influences them to make a wrong decision, they deserve a bullet? or there exactly the same, as a murderer or rapist? you say you agree he not one of those. Of course you agree, for on reason, he not one. But you still through them into the same pile, you agree with the same indignant punishments.
Your post's are just as disgusting as his acts on society. keep putting $ sign on human life. Its all about the tax payers money right?


He may not be right, but at least his post was legible...

12-23-2009, 08:27 AM
Originally posted by maxomilll

It's real cool how you clump everyone into one pile. These people? all the same are they? so if you ever have a kid, and let's say some happens to make him/her to fuck up. Make a mistake in life. Something or someone influences them to make a wrong decision, they deserve a bullet? or there exactly the same, as a murderer or rapist? you say you agree he not one of those. Of course you agree, for on reason, he not one. But you still through them into the same pile, you agree with the same indignant punishments.
Your post's are just as disgusting as his acts on society. keep putting $ sign on human life. Its all about the tax payers money right?

Re-write this in English and I'll respond.

12-23-2009, 08:40 AM
Originally posted by broken_legs
I'll keep that in mind if I ever catch your kids throwing eggs at my house on Halloween.

If you catch my kids throwing eggs at your house then they deserve to be punished, as I have repeatedly stated, I think the whole system needs to be overhauled. I would start by making prison into a work camp, and making the prisoners earn their way. I would be fine with 1 year in a work camp, or the option to join the military if caught vandalizing.

Oh, and if you catch my 18 year old son throwing eggs or vandalizing someones property, then please, shoot him. I would have obviously f-ed up beyond repair. At 18 I had moved to another province and was supporting myself with 2 jobs, and I had a "tough" childhood. I'm so tired of people with no personal responsibility trying to push their lack of social conscious on everyone else, if it affects no one, then that's fine, but if it affects me, then you have no leg to stand on.

The attitude that it is no big deal is what really gets to me, I think the people who are saying that he didn't deserve it should go out and buy a building where there are bylaws against graffiti and then volunteer your building to get tagged. Then as the fines pile up from the city and you have to pay for removal, we'll see how you like it. Maybe you don't understand the mentality, but to me vandalizing another persons property is a big violation.

12-23-2009, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by GTS4tw

This guy, I would be happy if he got ass raped every day for the next 8 years, maybe when he gets out he will keep his hands to himself, most of us learn that in kindergarten.

Or, when he gets out after 8 years in prison, with no possibilities of getting a job, heavy gang ties, and a distinct lack of any skills, he will be unavoidably trapped in a cycle of crime-jail-crime-jail. That sounds like a good use of evryone's time/money/abilities, yay!

12-23-2009, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by atgilchrist

Or, when he gets out after 8 years in prison, with no possibilities of getting a job, heavy gang ties, and a distinct lack of any skills, he will be unavoidably trapped in a cycle of crime-jail-crime-jail. That sounds like a good use of evryone's time/money/abilities, yay!

So how would you like to teach him not to touch my stuff, since he hasn't learned by 18? I would be open to ideas, but if it was my place he tagged I would be laughing all the way home after that court appearance. Also, I know of a few people who spent time in prison, none of them have gang ties, and all of them make it their goal in life to never go back, you hear about the exceptions, but from what I have seen this is the rule.

12-23-2009, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by atgilchrist

Or, when he gets out after 8 years in prison, with no possibilities of getting a job, heavy gang ties, and a distinct lack of any skills, he will be unavoidably trapped in a cycle of crime-jail-crime-jail. That sounds like a good use of evryone's time/money/abilities, yay!

So what you are saying is that all criminals should just be sentenced to life imprisonment in somewhere really cold up north like the Arctic? Right on, I like your thinking!

12-23-2009, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by GTS4tw
I would be fine with 1 year in a work camp, or the option to join the military if caught vandalizing.

Well it sure worked for the U.S. in Vietnam.

Why you think our soldiers should have to watch over the "assholes of society" is something I'm trying to wrap my head around though. They kick people out of the military for having records, now you want to put them in?

12-23-2009, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by kertejud2

Well it sure worked for the U.S. in Vietnam.

Why you think our soldiers should have to watch over the "assholes of society" is something I'm trying to wrap my head around though. They kick people out of the military for having records, now you want to put them in?

I don't get the connection to Vietnam, did they allow prisoners to fight there?

The option to join the military should be for the first offense only, and should be reserved for these type of non-violent crimes. The only real problem with my plan is that the military has become much much too soft, and politically correct. Again, and as stated 100 times, the system would have to change for this to work, but it is what we need to do to reverse the culture of coddling criminals that we have all gotten used to.

12-23-2009, 10:12 AM
On Thursday the judge has had to reduce the punishment, not because she wanted to, but because of a new law that went into effect September 1 which prevents "stacking" the sentences in cases like this. It means Perez now only has to serve 2 years instead of the 8, plus 2 years of community service.

Judge Saldana: "I wouldn't start smiling and celebrating just now sir. All right, I think you know my response and how I felt about the your conduct for a span of 6 months sir and the 30 some odd places of business and homes and public signs and others that you damaged."

On that Perez broke down in court last Friday at the prospect of having to serve 8 years.

12-23-2009, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by GTS4tw

I don't get the connection to Vietnam, did they allow prisoners to fight there?

Spending a year in Vietnam or spending a year in jail was a popular deal at the time.

The option to join the military should be for the first offense only, and should be reserved for these type of non-violent crimes.

It shouldn't be an option at all. "You're scum and an asshole of society, you should be locked away for years. But instead of going to jail where society will be spared your unpleasant existence, here's a gun and some explosives. Have at 'er."

So while there are our fighting men and women who want to be there because they want to serve their country, there are others who are there just so they don't have to spend the time in jail.

The only real problem with my plan is that the military has become much much too soft, and politically correct.

The problem with your plan is that it doesn't work. It just passes off a problem to the military. I ask again, why would you want our soldiers watching over these people? And how have they gotten too soft and politically correct?

Again, and as stated 100 times, the system would have to change for this to work, but it is what we need to do to reverse the culture of coddling criminals that we have all gotten used to. While society could use a step towards being more draconian, your plan is stupid, expensive and doesn't work. Just creates busy work and increases the cost of prosecuting and detaining criminals, not to mention it creates criminals as well.

For example, how many years of hard labour/military service should the degenerate who did this be sentenced to? Surely the cost of replacing a stop sign for a couple hundred dollars isn't worth the cost of legal fees for the prosecution, detainment and surveliance/cost of training and outfitting them for reluctant military service.


12-24-2009, 12:52 PM
Sure, send him off to some foreign country as an Obligated Involuntary.

Murderous traits are frowned upon locally, but tolerated in war.

12-25-2009, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by ZenOps
Sure, send him off to some foreign country as an Obligated Involuntary.

Murderous traits are frowned upon locally, but tolerated in war. That, and it's offensive to think our soldiers who voluntarily signed up would be along side a lesser caliber individual. Wow.

12-25-2009, 09:54 PM
Wow. 8 years..

After 8 years in jail this kid will likely end up being a worse criminal. :dunno:

12-27-2009, 03:05 AM
Originally posted by GTS4tw

Oh, and if you catch my 18 year old son throwing eggs or vandalizing someones property, then please, shoot him.

Your trolling was successful until you pushed your luck by advocating someone to shoot your son for throwing eggs.

C-, could do better.

12-27-2009, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by Rstar
Waste of tax payer money and resources.

Correct :thumbsup:

All of the "Holier-Than-Thou" Communists in this thread who think the sentence is fair are laughable. You guys are ridiculous.

Sure ... MAYBE he deserved it by law ....?
Unfortunately, the United States is too poor to keep filling up their prisons with radical punishments like this. I'll wager none of you have the slightest idea how confinement costs stack up to health care costs without using Google :rolleyes:

It's ok though, I understand that when you spend your entire existence on an internet forum, you may not have heard about America's economic crisis. Maybe that's why I see the lower mental class cheering for a thread like this :rofl:

12-27-2009, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by KandabashiDevil

Correct :thumbsup:

All of the "Holier-Than-Thou" Communists in this thread who think the sentence is fair are laughable. You guys are ridiculous.

Sure ... MAYBE he deserved it by law ....?
Unfortunately, the United States is too poor to keep filling up their prisons with radical punishments like this. I'll wager none of you have the slightest idea how confinement costs stack up to health care costs without using Google :rolleyes:

It's ok though, I understand that when you spend your entire existence on an internet forum, you may not have heard about America's economic crisis. Maybe that's why I see the lower mental class cheering for a thread like this :rofl:

So just so everyone understands your position; we should only punish criminals when it's a financially sound decision; the fact that a crime has been committed is irrelevant?

Maybe you should fire off a letter to Obama and let him know that the answer to the economic crisis is to close down the prisons.

12-27-2009, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by CUG
That, and it's offensive to think our soldiers who voluntarily signed up would be along side a lesser caliber individual. Wow.

Hey, noone said they actually had to fight side by side. Plenty of suicide missions to take.

Its not like other nations do not conscript 17 or 18 year olds either.


Kids with zero training and perhaps minimal understanding or even physical ability get handed guns and sent off to war all the time. Forced labour of a mimimum of two years in the military is agiven in many nations. A majority of Euro nations actually have forced service.

Petty crimes should be treated the same.

12-27-2009, 04:27 PM
So the Americans are trillions of dollars in debt, and their judges are sentencing ridiculous crimes with harsh time, im assuming its over $15000 to house an inmate, and I think just their prison population is probably close to all of Canada's population. I wonder how many of them are wrongly convicted, or doing hard time for some petty ass crimes like this, or caught with a joint doing over 5 yrs. Its seems like theirs a huge gap between our judicial system and theirs, we like to give barely 8yrs to murderers, and they give 8yrs to vandals. Wow.

I think were going to see a great change in our lifetime if Americans keep up with this ignorant bullshit. They cant be that careless with their taxpayers dollars.

12-27-2009, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by BrknFngrs

So just so everyone understands your position; we should only punish criminals when it's a financially sound decision; the fact that a crime has been committed is irrelevant?

Why is prison the only punishment option? It's obviously not much of a deterrent to a large group of people, because petty crimes like this one persist.

Why should the government even get involved, this was property crime, it's hardly even violent. This could've been resolved in civil court and I highly doubt the kid would re-offend if the damage costs were in the thousands. The judge could tack on some extra compensation or community service.

12-27-2009, 06:11 PM
That's extreme (compared to what we see here) but is that the norm there? :dunno: I'm just saying, if the laws around where you live are that strict, you better adhere to them or pay the price i.e. Singapore, no littering, so spitting etc. public caning for petty crimes. You don't want to fuck around.

12-27-2009, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
That's extreme (compared to what we see here) but is that the norm there? :dunno: I'm just saying, if the laws around where you live are that strict, you better adhere to them or pay the price i.e. Singapore, no littering, so spitting etc. public caning for petty crimes. You don't want to fuck around.

I agree that people really need to follow the rules around them or not bitch when they get caught and punished. However, that doesn't change the fact that the rules themselves are often ridiculous, and should be changed, especially in light of reality.

In theory, people in the US should stop smoking pot because it can land them in jail for a long time. In reality, people are smoking pot anyways, and clogging up the system and costing billions of dollars, all for a victimless crime.

So the logical thing to do would be to not send people to jail for 10 years for such a stupid reason.

I say get rid of the jail time for pot, and lease out some of the jail cells to Canada to house the murderers and rapists that otherwise get off after a few years.

12-27-2009, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by brownchild
So the Americans are trillions of dollars in debt, and their judges are sentencing ridiculous crimes with harsh time, im assuming its over $15000 to house an inmate, and I think just their prison population is probably close to all of Canada's population. I wonder how many of them are wrongly convicted, or doing hard time for some petty ass crimes like this, or caught with a joint doing over 5 yrs. Its seems like theirs a huge gap between our judicial system and theirs, we like to give barely 8yrs to murderers, and they give 8yrs to vandals. Wow.

I think were going to see a great change in our lifetime if Americans keep up with this ignorant bullshit. They cant be that careless with their taxpayers dollars.
Perhaps the next budget cuts should come out of prison budgets then. Back to bread and water.

People are saying it's ridiculous to send this kid to jail, but nobody seems to think it's ridiculous that these criminals basically have it a million times better now than prisoners did 50 years ago. WHAT UP WIT DAT?

How about instead of NOT sending someone to jail because it costs too much, we send all these idiots to jail and don't feed them? Works for this guy.

12-28-2009, 01:55 AM
The extra costs of food and comfort are not really the main contributer to how expensive it is. The cost escalator is in having to upgrade to super max facilities with electric doors and bullet proof plexi-glass and more guards per inmate.

There are two reasons for this increased demand: there are far more people that are completely batshit crazy due to hardcore drugs, and also because guards are not allowed to beat people to death these days. So have more wackjobs hopped up on angel dust that no longer have to fear being beaten to death for looking at a guard the wrong way, and blammo, suddenly you have to pay for 4' thick concrete walls and 20 computer controlled quadruple locking doors for every 30' of hallway.

12-28-2009, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by nich148_9

Your trolling was successful until you pushed your luck by advocating someone to shoot your son for throwing eggs.

C-, could do better.

My point was, that if you are out throwing eggs at 18 then you should be eliminated for the betterment of the gene pool, family included.

12-28-2009, 08:04 PM
If you are still throwing eggs at 18, then you can count yourself lucky to not have to throw anything more potent.

Khadr was taking down armored tanks with explosives long before that age.

On the scale of things though - throwing eggs is petty on the scale, along with toilet papering a tree, or throwing snowballs at armed police officers.