View Full Version : iPhone and new computer help

12-21-2009, 10:47 AM
Okay so my old computer crapped out, I had a backup on an external HDD but it was a week or so old. I have been afraid to plug in my iPhone into my new computer as it will erase the phone and start over.

Problem is I have apps that have stored data that I need to keep (banking, vehicle stuff, work info, etc.) plus I buy songs OTA on the phone so those songs would be gone as well (about 10 or 15).

Now I have heard about Pod to PC software that will transfer all this stuff but it will cost me about $20.00 for the license. Seems like a short sighted DRM restriction and want to know how I can sync my phone back up with my comp without loosing everything.

I am sure I am not the first person to have this happen.


12-21-2009, 11:29 AM
Here you go.


under adding and syncing

You might want to de-authorize your old computer as you are only allowed to authorize up to five computers. If your old computer is crapped out, you can still do it without it. Just select de-authorize all but you can only do it once a year.

12-21-2009, 04:55 PM
That isn't really the problem. When you buy music from iTunes you are only allowed to download the song once, regardless if you bought it before or not. This has something to do with licensing. Also when I sync my phone the data will be replaced and although the applications will be there, the internal data will not be.

12-21-2009, 05:21 PM
I read somewhere that Apple may grant you permission to re-download the songs that you purchased in case of hard drive failure. It's case-by-case so you probably need to talk to them.

Isn't other phone data two-way when syncing unlike purchased songs?