View Full Version : Cop pulls gun during snowball fight

12-21-2009, 01:16 PM

Not sure why I posted this to you guys, but I figured there are enough anti-cop people on here it would garner some interest....

I'd love to hear the cop's justification of this...

12-21-2009, 02:04 PM
The protesters are pretty annoying, but even so, pulling a gun is just crazy. I think he realized he'd done something stupid when he puts it in his pocket.

12-21-2009, 02:12 PM
The guy just lost it for sure.

But then how many people here would lose it when they get stuff thrown at their rides, not to mentioned a snowball right in the face.

12-21-2009, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by lilmira
The guy just lost it for sure.

But then how many people here would lose it when they get stuff thrown at their rides, not to mentioned a snowball right in the face.

Yeah, but he pulled his gun out before the snowball to the face.

I lol'd at the department saying he never pulled the gun... oh wait... there was a camera, shit.. ok, we're investigating.

12-21-2009, 02:16 PM
I would of capped the whole crowd

12-21-2009, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by lilmira
The guy just lost it for sure.

But then how many people here would lose it when they get stuff thrown at their rides, not to mentioned a snowball right in the face.

i would be pissed, prolly yell a bunch, but i wouldnt pull out a FUCKING GUN!!

snowball to the face served him right hahah

and i like how they denied he ever pulled out the gun initially, ahahaah

he should get fired, if he over reacts that much to a fucking ball of snow then he must have one hell of a short temper when it comes to an actual criminal act

12-21-2009, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

I lol'd at the department saying he never pulled the gun... oh wait... there was a camera, shit.. ok, we're investigating.

Exactly, shows how credible most internal police investigations are. It did make me laugh though:D

12-21-2009, 02:22 PM
I still think cops here are WAY shittier in about everything! :D

12-21-2009, 02:35 PM
I'll wait for Dayglow or someone to chime in, but can't be throwing a snowball at someone be considered assault? And a snowball CAN be considered a weapon. I remember the cops coming to my school over a few snowball fights where people got smacked in the face. But pulling a gun is over the top, chase em down and make them eat snow while they get cuffed.

If someone was throwing shit at my ride and I had the chance to stop, I would do so in a second. if you want to chuck ice and snow that might have rocks in it at peoples cars you should have no problem dealing with the pissed off driver.

12-21-2009, 02:41 PM
that was such a nice shot to the face :rofl: that was the money shot lol

12-21-2009, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by FraserB
I'll wait for Dayglow or someone to chime in, but can't be throwing a snowball at someone be considered assault? And a snowball CAN be considered a weapon. I remember the cops coming to my school over a few snowball fights where people got smacked in the face. But pulling a gun is over the top, chase em down and make them eat snow while they get cuffed.

any unwanted physical contact can be deemed as assault.

hey cop comes out, facing a mob, i would have the gun out too, and in his defense, he didn't point the gun at anyone, just had it drawn. Only thing I see him doing wrong is not identifiying himself as an officer right off the bat.

fucking punks then intentionally pelt him with snowballs, and shit, if it were I, i would have busted out the badge, kept the gun out, and started arresting people.

12-21-2009, 02:45 PM
The gun idea was a bad one. However, all those idiots chucking snowballs; throw them at eachother if you want to be retards, don't start hucking them at people who aren't playing along in your hippy fuckin' snow day.

"Hey neat look at us, we're grown ups acting like children, but it's cute because we organized it on the internet..."


You're lame-ass. Take it to a park somewhere with your other loser internet friends and try to avoid throwing things at $60,000 Hummers. Losers.

But Detective, keep the gun in YO POCKET! Bust out the badge or something... no need to get too crazy with the glock.

Ugghhhh... :facepalm: America.

That video would have been ten times funnier had the guy not been a cop, because I guarantee if he wasn't 5-0, someone was gettin' blam'd.

12-21-2009, 02:48 PM
lmao... more of the same

"respect me, respect me, RESEPCT me!!!"

lol.... fucking wanker.

12-21-2009, 02:49 PM
To be honest, everyone here is anti-police
but come on there "friendly" snowball fight starts to disturb other people and hit vehicles. Fuck these kids in my opinion; arrest them for disturbing the peace.

The gun was overdone he shoulda just kicked there asses.

I'd like to have a huge snowball fight though would be pretty awesome I remember in Elementary we had snow forts built and had huge snowball fights until someone watching got hit and they "banned throwing any type of snow" at the school.

12-21-2009, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by Toma
lmao... more of the same

"respect me, respect me, RESEPCT me!!!"

lol.... fucking wanker.


Find out what it means to me!

12-21-2009, 03:53 PM
Someone shoulda been shot.

12-21-2009, 03:55 PM
Yep, I would have shot the hippies. Well, at least one.

12-21-2009, 04:21 PM
In the end they are still assaulting a police officer. They could be throwing balls of ice, and I dont think a police officer should wait to see if their nose is broken before pulling a gun.:dunno:

12-21-2009, 04:26 PM
was he off duty?

12-21-2009, 04:26 PM
i throw snowballs at people with nice rides because its funny watching their reactions :D

12-21-2009, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by 06civic
In the end they are still assaulting a police officer. They could be throwing balls of ice, and I dont think a police officer should wait to see if their nose is broken before pulling a gun.:dunno:

Once again, he pulled it before he was hit in the face.
He pulled it on his way out of his car, when the car got hit.

Honestly I feel sorry for most cops, stressful enough job as it is, but holidays obviously make it worse, and if I had a gun strapped to me all the time, I'd find it difficult not to pull it out when I was pissed to, lol.

12-21-2009, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by dr_dreidel
i throw snowballs at people with nice rides because its funny watching their reactions :D

Says the guy from plam beach...

12-21-2009, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

Once again, he pulled it before he was hit in the face.
He pulled it on his way out of his car, when the car got hit.

Honestly I feel sorry for most cops, stressful enough job as it is, but holidays obviously make it worse, and if I had a gun strapped to me all the time, I'd find it difficult not to pull it out when I was pissed to, lol.

Yeah, I noticed it when I watched the video. I was just trying to say that he would have done it right then if he hadn't done it earlier.

Of course as a police officer he should know better when's the time to pull his firearm, there's no debating that. But how many people can resist when they are faced with situation like this. You are driving down the road and get hit by something all the sudden. You get out of the car and you see a bunch of kids not very apologetic, probably laughing at you still. Now you are real mad and then snowball right in the face. What would you do?

I wonder why shit happens to some people.

12-21-2009, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by dr_dreidel
i throw snowballs at people with nice rides because its funny watching their reactions :D

I chase down fags like you and face wash them becuase its funny watching their reactions:nut:

12-21-2009, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by dr_dreidel
i throw snowballs at people with nice rides because its funny watching their reactions :D

You should be shot.....

12-21-2009, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by SR240SX

I chase down fags like you and face wash them becuase its funny watching their reactions:nut:

you should be shot too...:D

12-21-2009, 05:11 PM
Iron balls on the guy who threw the snowball after he pulled out the gun.

12-21-2009, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by ZenOps
Iron balls on the guy who threw the snowball after he pulled out the gun.

Yep, he should have been shot.:D

12-21-2009, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by SR240SX

I chase down fags like you and face wash them becuase its funny watching their reactions:nut:

overreact much? it's just a snowball

12-21-2009, 05:28 PM
You wanna get them snow throwers? Here's how you get them. They pull a snow ball, you pull a gun. They send one of yours to the hospital, you send one of theirs to the morgue! That's the Chicago way, and that's how you get them..:D

Sorry it should have been "You wanna get Capone":D

12-21-2009, 07:27 PM
Honestly, the crowd is a buncha fucktards. First of all, they were throwing snowballs at vehicles which isn't a very good idea. Having a snowball explode on some car window may startle the driver causing accidents. And snowballs with rocks or ice can easily damage a vehicle. Secondly, the video doesn't show what happened before he whipped out the gun. For all we know, he could have announced he was a police officer and tell the people to stop throwing the snowballs before bringing out his gun. Third of all,getting clocked in the head a few times by some hard packed snow would fucking hurt. Especially if the snow had ice in it. And why would you continue throwing snowballs at a cop when he whips out his gun... The cop was outnumbered, being assaulted and obviously didn't have backup, so I think he was completely in the right. What does it take for him to show some force? An iceball to the face and a broken nose, getting knocked out? Fuck, I have read stories on this site about people flipping the fuck out after getting their car snowballed... or maybe it was egged...

Stupid fucking Twitter people. If they wanna organize a snowball fight, do it in a fucking park, not across streets where there are people walking by and cars driving by. I hate hippies sometimes.

12-21-2009, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by ChappedLips

Exactly, shows how credible most internal police investigations are.


Also, I agree the guy that whipped the snowball and got him in the face while he was standing there with a gun in his hand is one brave/stupid motherfucker.

He's also got a pretty good arm, only one attempt and a perfect shot to the face. The blue jays could use a pitcher like him next season.

12-21-2009, 07:40 PM
ive had a cop pull a gun on me from point blank and handcuff me for having a toy gun, and he knew it was a toy gun. thought it was a bit much especially because he knew it was a toy gun, it'd be justified if he didnt know.

12-21-2009, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by leftwing
ive had a cop pull a gun on me from point blank and handcuff me for having a toy gun, and he knew it was a toy gun. thought it was a bit much especially because he knew it was a toy gun, it'd be justified if he didnt know.

How the heck would he know that it was a toy gun? Where you waving it around or something? I wouldn't take any chances either. Good thing you didn't get shot.

12-21-2009, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by leftwing
ive had a cop pull a gun on me from point blank and handcuff me for having a toy gun, and he knew it was a toy gun. thought it was a bit much especially because he knew it was a toy gun, it'd be justified if he didnt know.

How exactly did it work that he pulled his gun AFTER he knew it was fake? Did he walk up to you holding what appeared to be a gun all nonchalant, inspect the gun THEN pull his?

please, do explain.

12-21-2009, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by leftwing
ive had a cop pull a gun on me from point blank and handcuff me for having a toy gun, and he knew it was a toy gun. thought it was a bit much especially because he knew it was a toy gun, it'd be justified if he didnt know.

Unless your toy gun was clear or like bright green or something that is super obvious it is fake, cops are gonna pull their guns out. Better safe than sorry. Especially since there are tons of airsoft guns that even cops can't tell are fake guns.

12-21-2009, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by 89s1

How exactly did it work that he pulled his gun AFTER he knew it was fake? Did he walk up to you holding what appeared to be a gun all nonchalant, inspect the gun THEN pull his?

please, do explain.

long story short; i was at a costume party, i was a cowboy; i was walking home with my cowgirl and two other ppl and we stopped in macs to get some food; i had my gun tucked in my belt/waistline; the guy at macs (foreign) saw my gun; must have thought it was real and called the cops; about 200 metres down the road after we left macs two cops pulled up got out of thier cars two with guns drawn, walking towards us. and said " put your hands up, who has the FAKE gun"; i said "i do" ....

so they proceeded to handcuff all of us, get our names and whatnot. as soon as they saw us they knew it was fake, but the guy in macs wasnt sure so the cops had to respond to the call. the cops laughed it off with us and told us to hide it next time im in public.
told me they had to take the gun (i didnt care it was 2 bucks) and that i should put it away next time im in that situation. its not illegal to have a fake gun, but if you simulate it being real (if i tried to rob someone with a fake gun its the same as having a real gun.)

12-21-2009, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by leftwing

long story short; i was at a costume party, i was a cowboy; i was walking home with my cowgirl and two other ppl and we stopped in macs to get some food; i had my gun tucked in my belt/waistline; the guy at macs (foreign) saw my gun; must have thought it was real and called the cops; about 200 metres down the road after we left macs two cops pulled up got out of thier cars two with guns drawn, walking towards us. and said " put your hands up, who has the FAKE gun"; i said "i do" ....

so they proceeded to handcuff all of us, get our names and whatnot. as soon as they saw us they knew it was fake, but the guy in macs wasnt sure so the cops had to respond to the call. the cops laughed it off with us and told us to hide it next time im in public.
told me they had to take the gun (i didnt care it was 2 bucks) and that i should put it away next time im in that situation. its not illegal to have a fake gun, but if you simulate it being real (if i tried to rob someone with a fake gun its the same as having a real gun.)


12-21-2009, 09:19 PM
Paging Dayglow to the thread, Dayglow please report the thread at once.

Can't wait to see him explain the BS in your story.

12-21-2009, 09:44 PM
Seems REMOTELY plausible to me? :dunno:

12-21-2009, 09:49 PM
I'm lol'ing at the video. I wonder if this black cop has spinners, and subz in his Hummer :rofl:

Btw, all you fanboys who believe everything the police forces say, look at how this situation played out. Cops said he produced no firearm, bam, video had him with the gun out. All police forces cover for their "boys". Glad it was on video.

12-21-2009, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by leftwing

long story short; i was at a costume party, i was a cowboy; i was walking home with my cowgirl and two other ppl and we stopped in macs to get some food; i had my gun tucked in my belt/waistline; the guy at macs (foreign) saw my gun; must have thought it was real and called the cops; about 200 metres down the road after we left macs two cops pulled up got out of thier cars two with guns drawn, walking towards us. and said " put your hands up, who has the FAKE gun"; i said "i do" ....

so they proceeded to handcuff all of us, get our names and whatnot. as soon as they saw us they knew it was fake, but the guy in macs wasnt sure so the cops had to respond to the call. the cops laughed it off with us and told us to hide it next time im in public.
told me they had to take the gun (i didnt care it was 2 bucks) and that i should put it away next time im in that situation. its not illegal to have a fake gun, but if you simulate it being real (if i tried to rob someone with a fake gun its the same as having a real gun.)

I've had a similar situation happen to me when I was about 14. Some random guy thought my cap gun was real and called the cops on me. The cops came, confiscated the gun, told me to read the section of the criminal code about carrying items that look like real guns, and drive me and my buddy home. No harm, no foul, plus it saved us from making a 40 minute walk home.

In all fairness though, my cap gun was all chrome (plastic chrome-like), except for like a red plastic tip.

12-21-2009, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by ZenOps
Iron balls on the guy who threw the snowball after he pulled out the gun.

Ballsy, but stupid.

12-21-2009, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by FraserB
Paging Dayglow to the thread, Dayglow please report the thread at once.

Can't wait to see him explain the BS in your story.

id like to seem him explain the bs. because it acutally happened.

why would i come in here and make a story like that up. i dont get what you think is bs about it.

12-21-2009, 11:08 PM

Danny Meehan
12-21-2009, 11:16 PM
Cop pulls gun during snowball fight .. love the tiel

so ... did he win

12-21-2009, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak

Aside from that I'd be pissed off too if some group of jobless hippies started pelting my Hummer with snowballs, I don't think it warrants pulling a gun, but none the less I hope those idiots get charged with assault.

It's not serious enough to wave around a gun, but they should get charged with assault?

12-21-2009, 11:27 PM
I got shotguns pulled and pointed on me for speeding. Granted, I got busted at 260km/h in a Porsche when I was 18 and the cop thought I was a drug dealer.

If the cops think they might be threatened, they SHOULD have their firearm ready. He didn't even point it at anyone. These ppl are just being a bunch of annoying fucks.

12-22-2009, 01:09 AM
Originally posted by leftwing
ive had a cop pull a gun on me from point blank and handcuff me for having a toy gun, and he knew it was a toy gun. thought it was a bit much especially because he knew it was a toy gun, it'd be justified if he didnt know.

I've pulled a gun on a guy for having a toy gun out. How the fuck am I supposed to know?

12-22-2009, 01:45 AM
Originally posted by 95EagleAWD

I've pulled a gun on a guy for having a toy gun out. How the fuck am I supposed to know?
Phew, for a minute there, I thought you were gonna say you mistook a snowball for a gun.

12-22-2009, 01:47 AM
They shoulda sent 4 cops.... the cops shoulda looked all menacing and shit...

then busted down and started whipping snowballs at them lol...

Then a friendly chat later, like, "hey guys, it's all fun, but we got complaints...."

EARN your fucking respect. You ain't gonna get it any other way.

It's not THAT hard to be a decent human being. Lead by example.

12-22-2009, 09:32 AM

12-22-2009, 11:56 AM
If you want to summon me you need to say my name 3 times while looking in the mirror.

As for the gun call BS, it depends on the cop. If I go to any weapon call, even if I'm 99% sure it's a fake gun I will have mine drawn. Why take that chance? You can get a gun coated in bright colors now and people have been known to paint the tips of guns red. If I have my sidearm drawn to the ready, it is still completely safe and won't go off unless I move my finger from the slide to the trigger. It's automatic, my brother laughed at me a few years ago because we were playing Time Crisis or whatever at an arcade and I was constantly moving my trigger finger back and forth as I scanned an engaged targets.

No cop would get in trouble for going to a potential weapon call with their gun out. Hell these days I wouldn't be surprised if you got confronted by a
cop with a C8.

D'z Nutz
12-22-2009, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by rage2
I got shotguns pulled and pointed on me for speeding. Granted, I got busted at 260km/h in a Porsche when I was 18 and the cop thought I was a drug dealer.

Now you're like twice that age and they think you're a pedophile? :rofl:

12-22-2009, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by DayGlow
If you want to summon me you need to say my name 3 times while looking in the mirror.

As for the gun call BS, it depends on the cop. If I go to any weapon call, even if I'm 99% sure it's a fake gun I will have mine drawn. Why take that chance? You can get a gun coated in bright colors now and people have been known to paint the tips of guns red. If I have my sidearm drawn to the ready, it is still completely safe and won't go off unless I move my finger from the slide to the trigger. It's automatic, my brother laughed at me a few years ago because we were playing Time Crisis or whatever at an arcade and I was constantly moving my trigger finger back and forth as I scanned an engaged targets.

No cop would get in trouble for going to a potential weapon call with their gun out. Hell these days I wouldn't be surprised if you got confronted by a
cop with a C8.
did you have you gun drawn to rage for that 105% user rating?:rofl:

12-22-2009, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by top_speed

did you have you gun drawn to rage for that 105% user rating?:rofl:

Funny you mention the user rating....

At what percentage do people just get banned?

12-24-2009, 12:27 AM
Originally posted by DayGlow
If you want to summon me you need to say my name 3 times while looking in the mirror.

As for the gun call BS, it depends on the cop. If I go to any weapon call, even if I'm 99% sure it's a fake gun I will have mine drawn. Why take that chance? You can get a gun coated in bright colors now and people have been known to paint the tips of guns red. If I have my sidearm drawn to the ready, it is still completely safe and won't go off unless I move my finger from the slide to the trigger. It's automatic, my brother laughed at me a few years ago because we were playing Time Crisis or whatever at an arcade and I was constantly moving my trigger finger back and forth as I scanned an engaged targets.

No cop would get in trouble for going to a potential weapon call with their gun out. Hell these days I wouldn't be surprised if you got confronted by a
cop with a C8.

Yeah, I'm not sure why people are so anal about sidearms that any profession carries. They are perfectly safe until the finger is on the trigger.

I got a complaint TODAY at work, that I was standing in West Ed with my hand on my gun. I was standing with my palm on the butt of it. Why? Because it's COMFY. That's just how I stand. It's hardly threatening. After 6 years of carrying a sidearm, you develop habits like that. So I don't even think about it, really.

Maybe I'll carry one of our 12-gauges in tomorrow, see how that goes over. :dunno: