View Full Version : Cool local Furniture Site********

11-24-2003, 05:26 PM
The Official Marketplace Rules

Private and Paid Sponsors Only! If you are a business, buy a banner before posting stuff for sale. We offer VERY affordable advertising rates

Edit Moderator:
o This looks like a sale
o wrong section as well - moved to Misc

im looking for furniture and came across this site:


he is a local design grad/designer/manufacturer of really cool furniture out of Edmonton.

11-24-2003, 08:55 PM
...yes i am trying to plug him, but i dont work for this guy or know him.

plus its not "for sale"...its a general interest kinda thing.


11-24-2003, 08:56 PM
The Official Marketplace Rules

Private and Paid Sponsors Only! If you are a business, buy a banner before posting stuff for sale. We offer VERY affordable advertising rates

11-24-2003, 08:59 PM
When a Moderator EDITS your post, i tmeans they don't want you to post the website, looks like you have done it again, better quit while your ahead before you get banned for not obeying the Marketplace rules.

11-24-2003, 09:02 PM
i agree with the rules...but showing people a cool site i came across that happens to be a local entrepreneur and asking for support???


11-24-2003, 10:13 PM
well there is no way to tell if you do or do not work for him. THis is still a form of advertising and thus is not acceptable unless you buy, this entrepreneur or buisness purchases ad space on beyond. Support beyond it is a free community, but they got to keep to minimize the costs as much as possible. Support beyond :clap: .

11-24-2003, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by coldrsx
i agree with the rules...but showing people a cool site i came across that happens to be a local entrepreneur and asking for support???


Support your local neighborhood automotive community instead, and buy a banner if you really want to advertise for this furniture site :thumbsup:

11-24-2003, 10:27 PM
It may seem a little unfair that we stop all such "advertising" but to be honest, it is to make it easier for our moderators and administrators. Instead of dealing with advertising on a case by case basis we just have a blanket rule that covers everything. We MUST protect the advertisers that have actively supported beyond by sponsoring us. Businesses that attempt to solicit business on beyond.ca who have not purchased an advertising banner are attempting to steal business away from companies who HAVE supported beyond and we will not tolerate this.

The beyond advertising rates are VERY competitive, and there is no reason for anyone to not purchase a simple banner to help support the community. If you enjoy using this website, the next time a business tries to solicit business from you, ask yourself why you should give them business. Are they helping to support the same forums they are using to get more business?