View Full Version : Ticketing drivers for using inappropriate tires

12-23-2009, 06:21 PM
Ticketing drivers for using inappropriate tires

Updated: Wed Dec. 23 2009 16:49:05

A Calgary alderman thinks drivers should be ticketed if their vehicles don't have proper tires.

Diane Colley-Urquhart says she's tired of the city road crews taking all the blame for poor winter driving conditions.

Instead, the alderman wants drivers to shoulder more responsibility when it comes to winter driving.

Colley-Urquhart says it's up to drivers to ensure their vehicles are road worthy in the winter and if they aren't they should pay a price.

"Can the police give you a ticket, if they find that the reason of the accident is that you didn't have the proper tires on your vehicle? So I want us to look at al of these things," says Colley-Urquhart.

One of Calgary's garage owners says winter tires aren't always the answer but good tires are.

"If you're driving an SUV and it has a standard tire in it, you usually don't have many issues. If you are driving a little Toyota with these wide, low-profile tires they don't have any traction in the snow and that vehicle needs winter tires," says Kevin Alguire.

Colley-Urguhart plans to have the issue revisited by council after the holiday break.


I'm curious as to what everyone on Beyond thinks about this. If someone causes an accident (i.e. is at-fault) and they don't have the proper tires mounte on their car, they're still at-fault regardless, right? All this does is add an extra ticket that the cop can write, and deflect blame away from the city...because it COULDN'T be the city's fault that this poorly prepared motorist slid across an ice patch that should have been cleared?

I don't know what I think about this one... :dunno:

12-23-2009, 06:22 PM

12-23-2009, 06:23 PM
Ugh...I checked briefly to see if someone posted it, but I didn't look enough I guess. My bad.
