View Full Version : sold a car, buddy wont stop calling me

01-07-2010, 02:29 AM
Hey, so I recently just sold a car to a guy about 2 weeks ago and ive had a few problems about the guy constantly calling me. At first he messaged me a few times, no big deal, but I though it would blow over after a bit. Nope, 2 weeks down the road hes asking me about scratches and dings on the vehicles as if he bought it off the lot. I havnt respoded back in about 2, 3 weeks hoping buddy will stop txting me, but it hasnt. What should I do? Im getting phone calls and txt's from him at all hours of the night asking random questions like if the cruise will work on a trip to Canmore. I dont wanna be a dick seller, but there has to be a point in the transaction where you just gotta go your seperate ways, but this is starting to piss me off.

01-07-2010, 02:31 AM

01-07-2010, 02:31 AM
Answer his questions?

How much effort did it take to make a post here?
How much effort would it take to respond to him?

If he bought the car as is, he knew what he was getting, it has been a couple weeks now and its not like hes going to return it, just respond to his questions, i don't see what the big deal is, sure hes annoying but who the fuck cares.

Will the cruise work for a trip to Canmore?


01-07-2010, 02:44 AM
^^well i can imagine that it would annoy the OP after a while, despite how minuscule the question may be. But i would really just try and explain to the guy very calmly to stop contacting you, try this first, then if being rational fails just unleash his number on 4chan an im sure they will get the job done

Tram Common
01-07-2010, 02:46 AM
No, there's answering a few questions and then there's answering an endless amount of questions.

This guy bought a car off you, that doesn't make him your bro. If he had questions about dings and scratches, he should have asked before he bought the car.

You have two possible solutions to this.

One: Deal with him head-on, ttell him to fuck off and to stop calling you.


Two: Have his number blocked permanently from your cell phone provider. Harassment is evidently already there. Sip on ice-tea and relax.

01-07-2010, 03:07 AM
Originally posted by Jeremiah
sure hes annoying but who the fuck cares.

I do, thats why I clearly made this thread.

Originally posted by Tram Common
No, there's answering a few questions and then there's answering an endless amount of questions.

This guy bought a car off you, that doesn't make him your bro. If he had questions about dings and scratches, he should have asked before he bought the car.

You have two possible solutions to this.

One: Deal with him head-on, ttell him to fuck off and to stop calling you.


Two: Have his number blocked permanently from your cell phone provider. Harassment is evidently already there. Sip on ice-tea and relax.

He knows where I lives and hes a little youngen gang banger so i duno whats gunna happen. if he didnt know where I lived I wouldnt really care.

01-07-2010, 03:28 AM
Originally posted by Tram Common

Two: Have his number blocked permanently from your cell phone provider. Harassment is evidently already there. Sip on ice-tea and relax.

i was under the impression that this isnt actually possible, rogers or whoever cant block a number.

if it gets bad, possibly change your number:dunno:

01-07-2010, 03:29 AM
So are you scared of this guy? I don't know what to make of your last sentence in that last post.

He is young, and needs to learn that this isn't the way business is done, plain and simple.

If this kid is any sort of a hardass, or "gang banger" he is coming off pretty pathetic from what you've told us about him. He needs a life lesson, as he clearly never got it from his parents/guardians.

You don't need to be a standoffish prick, but you need to make a blunt point that the transaction is complete and that he should pound sand.

01-07-2010, 03:33 AM
did you sell a car to 403Vi3t?

01-07-2010, 07:39 AM
The next question he has, just answer it and at the end add a nice little blurb that you are really happy to help but work many hours blah blah blah and to please stop texting and calling.

Seems it's like his first car and doesn't have anyone else to ask or maybe embarrassed to ask his friends since he's a mini gangbanger and it won't look cool.

01-07-2010, 07:55 AM
When I sell a car I disclose everything up front. Even minor stuff like rattles, paint, or small oil leak, etc. This way the buyer should never come back to me asking questions.

01-07-2010, 08:05 AM
Start calling him back at all hours and ask him questions like "how was your trip? did the car make it?" or "hey when you go to Canmore can you drop off a package to a friend of mine"

01-07-2010, 08:22 AM
is this your first time selling a car?

ever heard of sold as is?

it isnt your problem anymore, obviously hes a first time buyer so he thinks he bought the car off a dealership and has to be perfect..

just leave it, pick up the phone and tell him to fuck right off

01-07-2010, 08:40 AM
you seem afraid of him...

Just tell him to stop calling/texting you and that you can not continuously answer his questions. Just be blunt and straight forward.

01-07-2010, 09:07 AM
I've had this happen before, and the questions don't stop if you answer the first.

Infact this has happened to me 3 times, my corolla, bmw and 4runner, all because I admitted to the buyer that I was a service tech and they assumed that it was my responsibility to be an encyclopedia on everything about the car.

I tried to hide that I'm a mechanic a few times, but I hate lying about my occupation, because I suck at lying hah.

I just ignore them or give then vague answers, otherwise they keep calling/txting.

01-07-2010, 09:25 AM
Well if you're a service tech then that's different... You need to post your phone number here, I've got a few questions for you...

01-07-2010, 09:31 AM
I just bought a car myself and I had alot of questions for the seller.

I asked if there was anything I should know about, he said no, then I found all kinds of obvious-yet-i-wouldn't-have-caught-them-before-i-bought-it type of problems with the car.

Dun sound like you sold it as-is either, did you?

01-07-2010, 09:40 AM
just answer everything with... don't know.. after a while he'll think you're a tool not bother askin

01-07-2010, 10:30 AM
This is easy. Do you still have any of the spare keys lying around your house? Take a stroll over there and move the car out onto the road. If he keeps calling you, move it down the road. If he does it again, make him walk a mile to go pick it up. Eventually he'll get tired of trying to find his car.

01-07-2010, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by jxiplatform

Dun sound like you sold it as-is either, did you?

private sale=sold as is

01-07-2010, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by ercchry

private sale=sold as is Only if stated on the bill of sale.

01-07-2010, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by Mar
Only if stated on the bill of sale.


01-07-2010, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by Mar
Only if stated on the bill of sale.

So if not stated "As Is" on a bill of sale, the original seller is responsible for the maintenance? Don't think so.

A dealer technically can't even sell a car as is. The wording has to be "Parts and Salvage Only" It's why every licensed car dealer offers a bullshit 3month 3000km powertrain warranty.

01-07-2010, 11:07 AM
I sold my old Integra to some high school kid a while back. Him and his mom would call me 2-3 times daily each. The car had a compustar alarm/starter in it and I had lost the remote so i told him to go buy one. I guess he didnt wanna pay to get a remote so he removed it himself and car started stalling on him. After a couple days I had gotten soo annoyed with them that I just told them to fuck off and stop calling me.

01-07-2010, 11:07 AM
Private sales are As Is as long as its not a salvage vehicle but little problems could have found if you had brought the car in prior for an inspection from a mechanic well most issues.

I have to say maybe tell this kid to go to a qualified mechanic to answer his questions and if he is not happy maybe just sell the car or Fuck Off.

My $.02

01-07-2010, 11:10 AM
Just tell him "this is not futureshop" and to fuck off.

01-07-2010, 12:24 PM
i had the same issue, i just added the person to my phonebook with the name of "ignore" and made them have a special ring of silent... that way the only time i see it is when i looked in my missed calls.

01-07-2010, 12:34 PM
I talked to him last night, I just told him I cant help him out anymore. :thumbsup:

Originally posted by icetraycnb
Just tell him "this is not futureshop" and to fuck off.


01-07-2010, 12:43 PM
My buddy sold a golf vr6 to a guy with a busted rod, telling him the oil pan needed replacing. he sold it as-is, but this didn't stop the buyer from taking his ass to court and sueing him for the purchase price of the car.

selling a car 'as-is' is bullshit. if you sell someone a fucked up car, they can sue you.

now, if someone is bitching about little things, like dings and scratches (something that is obvious to even the most uneducated automobile enthusiat), i would tell them to go take a hike.

01-07-2010, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by tunasandwich
I talked to him last night, I just told him I cant help him out anymore. :thumbsup:

Yeah that's all you can do.

01-07-2010, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by zipdoa
My buddy sold a golf vr6 to a guy with a busted rod, telling him the oil pan needed replacing. he sold it as-is, but this didn't stop the buyer from taking his ass to court and sueing him for the purchase price of the car.

selling a car 'as-is' is bullshit. if you sell someone a fucked up car, they can sue you.

Therein lies the difference. The "as-is" clause did not apply in that case, as it was likely taken to court as deliberate misrepresentation, which overrides the "as-is" status. Private sales are considered as-is unless a contract/bill of sale is signed stating otherwise.

01-07-2010, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by zipdoa
My buddy sold a golf vr6 to a guy with a busted rod, telling him the oil pan needed replacing. he sold it as-is, but this didn't stop the buyer from taking his ass to court and sueing him for the purchase price of the car.

Is his name Sean Banerjee?

01-07-2010, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by zipdoa
My buddy sold a golf vr6 to a guy with a busted rod, telling him the oil pan needed replacing. he sold it as-is, but this didn't stop the buyer from taking his ass to court and sueing him for the purchase price of the car.

selling a car 'as-is' is bullshit. if you sell someone a fucked up car, they can sue you.

now, if someone is bitching about little things, like dings and scratches (something that is obvious to even the most uneducated automobile enthusiat), i would tell them to go take a hike.

How did that turn out in the end? I don't either party ever really "wins" when petty matters like that go to court.

01-07-2010, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by Tomaz

Is his name Sean Banerjee?


but yeah, unless its stated otherwise, isn't it as it?
Just to be sure, on all my bills of sale, i write sold as is.
Buy or Beware

01-07-2010, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by Nissan_Fanboy

Buy or Beware

That made me chuckle. Sounds like a VERY high pressure sales tactic.

01-07-2010, 03:07 PM
I thought the buyer takes the car to a mechanic he trusts for an inspection? And providing everything checks out OK, the as is would stand? :dunno:

01-07-2010, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by jxiplatform
I asked if there was anything I should know about, he said no, then I found all kinds of obvious-yet-i-wouldn't-have-caught-them-before-i-bought-it type of problems with the car.

I'm just curious as to what those "obvious-yet-i-wouldn't-have-caught-them-before-i-bought-it type of problems" could possibly be?

Standard procedure when buying a car is to test drive it, try out every single feature, have it inspected by a mechanic, get a car proof, and view it clean in good light to reveal any body damage. If you don't do that, IMO it's your own fault. What problems were you having that wouldn't have been discovered by the above?

01-07-2010, 03:13 PM
only if you write it on the bill of sale, damn your dumb charny

01-07-2010, 03:26 PM
If you pick up a bill of sale at a registry (for free), it has all the documentation you need. including the "AS IS UNLESS SPECIFIED BELOW" written on the agreement.

01-07-2010, 03:30 PM

Be a Wise Consumer Unless otherwise stated, used vehicles are sold "as is". This means any flaws or defects with the vehicle after the sale are the responsibility of the buyer. Do not let yourself be blinded by the reputation of a particular make or model. Even a well-made vehicle can deteriorate if it is not maintained properly.

Unless you state that you will warranty the car it is as-is by default.

01-07-2010, 03:32 PM
Unless there is damning proof that someone misrepresents something they sell, I really think there is seldom a valid case that would be successful in front of the courts.

The bottom line here is that if the guy is bitching about things like scratches and other cosmetics, it is entirely his own issue to deal with. If he keeps calling (hopefully he has stopped now), tell him that there is nothing else you can do for him.

I had a Supra which blew its engine three weeks after I sold it. I honestly had no idea there was anything wrong with the engine.
While I felt bad about it, he never asked me to do anything for him. Which is good, because I was hardly in a financial position to even entertain the concept...

01-07-2010, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by JustinL

Unless you state that you will warranty the car it is as-is by default.

This. I say get everything sorted out before the transaction is finalized, take the vehicle to your mechanic and go from there.

01-07-2010, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt

I'm just curious as to what those "obvious-yet-i-wouldn't-have-caught-them-before-i-bought-it type of problems" could possibly be?

Standard procedure when buying a car is to test drive it, try out every single feature, have it inspected by a mechanic, get a car proof, and view it clean in good light to reveal any body damage. If you don't do that, IMO it's your own fault. What problems were you having that wouldn't have been discovered by the above?

That is what responsible people do. But there are plenty of retards out there who won't do much (if any) legwork before handing over the cash.

01-07-2010, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by derek_k
only if you write it on the bill of sale, damn your dumb charny

Originally posted by JustinL

Unless you state that you will warranty the car it is as-is by default.

REALLY DEREK!!???? you think by now you would know that i know everything

01-07-2010, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by ercchry
you think by now you would know that i know everything

Quoted for awesomeness :thumbsup:

01-07-2010, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by tunasandwich
Hey, so I recently just sold a car to a guy about 2 weeks ago and ive had a few problems about the guy constantly calling me. At first he messaged me a few times, no big deal, but I though it would blow over after a bit. Nope, 2 weeks down the road hes asking me about scratches and dings on the vehicles as if he bought it off the lot. I havnt respoded back in about 2, 3 weeks hoping buddy will stop txting me, but it hasnt. What should I do? Im getting phone calls and txt's from him at all hours of the night asking random questions like if the cruise will work on a trip to Canmore. I dont wanna be a dick seller, but there has to be a point in the transaction where you just gotta go your seperate ways, but this is starting to piss me off.
just tell him the cruise control will probably fuck up half way to canmore based on previous experiences

01-08-2010, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by Dilmah
Start calling him back at all hours and ask him questions like "how was your trip? did the car make it?" or "hey when you go to Canmore can you drop off a package to a friend of mine"
That's gold!

01-08-2010, 10:09 PM
What's the big deal? A young guy buys a car, maybe he doesn't have a brother or friend with the experience to help him out, so he calls you for help. Doesn't sound like he's that hard to deal with, or even that he's bitching, but asking for some advice. Which is exactly what you did when you posted here, and nobody's bitching you out for it:dunno:

01-08-2010, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by Dilmah
Start calling him back at all hours and ask him questions like "how was your trip? did the car make it?" or "hey when you go to Canmore can you drop off a package to a friend of mine"



01-09-2010, 07:49 PM
when I sold my '66 mustang, I told the new owner that the windshield wipers didn't work (bad switch).

A couple weeks later he called me and said the wipers didn't work.
I said "I told you the wipers don't work".
He said "yeah, but they don't work at all."
I guess I made it sound like they only didn't work when it wasn't raining or something:dunno:

01-09-2010, 10:24 PM
too bad for him.

i didnt notice a bad rust spot on the front fender when i bought my car. i didnt bitch about it. as the buyer he should have seen this BEFOREHAND.