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cancer man
01-09-2010, 09:09 AM
I've had toothaches.
Ear infections.
Knife wounds.
Broken Ribs.
Crushed finger tips.
Pecker skin caught in zipper.
Paper cuts.

But stepping on a piece of lego at night (did'nt see it)
Mutha Fk'r made me cry like a little girl.

What was your most painful experience.
And giving birth and getting kicked in the balls does'nt count.
(That's just natural)

Supa Dexta
01-09-2010, 10:00 AM
One of the worst feelings I've had is when my doc shifted broken bones in my hand. Big guy, he just latched on and gave 'er hell with all his might... Was a weird feeling and didn't feel too fukin good.

01-09-2010, 10:12 AM
#1 above everything else for me - a broken back just over 5 years ago. Crushed my L1 after slipping on some ice. Felt like every nerve was on fire from my chest down, couldn't walk, sit or stand because of the pain.

#2 - cracked sternum, pretty much every movement hurt, coughs and sneezes were the worst.

#3 - a sliver of wood that got under my fingernail and didn't stop until it got to the second finger joint. Wife kept telling me to suck it up until I pulled it out, she then changed her mind.

01-09-2010, 10:14 AM
When I was a teen, and had an infected root canal, but couldn't get into the dentist for a week. I think I slept 10 hours max that whole time, it hurt so bad.

Since then my pain tolerance has been pretty high actually.
(I should mention though, I've never had anything broken or sprained)

01-09-2010, 10:29 AM
shittiest-shattered my right shoulder, as well as tore every muscle ligament and tendon 3 yrs ago - never got the shoulder set, as there is nowhere to set it.

hurt the worst - i pulled the garage down from the outside, where the panels are straightening out. I didn't get my hand out in time and the door made it a foot from the ground with my fingers in the second panel from the bottom...full body buzz lol

01-09-2010, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok
When I was a teen, and had an infected root canal, but couldn't get into the dentist for a week. I think I slept 10 hours max that whole time, it hurt so bad.

Since then my pain tolerance has been pretty high actually.
(I should mention though, I've never had anything broken or sprained)

That's weird, I am the exact same way, when I was 16 I grinded my teeth really hard at a rave one night and knocked a filling out. Didn't go to the dentist for like two months, and they were the worst two months of my life. At that same root canal the doc didn't freeze me right, so when he stuck that really hot plastic on the root I felt that. Most intense pain I have ever felt.

Never seriously injured myself though, which indicates I am not living life the way I should..

01-09-2010, 11:22 AM
When I was young I was attempting to cut a carrot while I helped my mom make dinner. I couldn't get it to cut so me being a idiot I put the carrot between my teeth and held it in my mouth. Then I drove the knife into it. Needless to say the carrot was now cut.
, But the knife went right down my throat. Stupid? Yes. Painfull? Hell yes

01-09-2010, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by chadnixon
When I was young I was attempting to cut a carrot while I helped my mom make dinner. I couldn't get it to cut so me being a idiot I put the carrot between my teeth and held it in my mouth. Then I drove the knife into it. Needless to say the carrot was now cut.
, But the knife went right down my throat. Stupid? Yes. Painfull? Hell yes

Almost deserving of a darwin award. Please dont procreate.

01-09-2010, 12:00 PM
When I was a teen I managed to get a piece of wood stuck deep under my fingernail. To get at it, the doctor had to stick scissors under the nail on both sides, so he could lift the nail to get at the wood.

I'm not sure what race he was, but this was about as close as I'd ever want to get to Chinese fingernail torture....

01-09-2010, 12:00 PM
Herniated disc in my lower back at L4/L5. My left leg went numb and it felt like someone jammed a hot knife in my back.

01-09-2010, 12:36 PM
Most painful experience was a kidney stone, June of last year. Painful enough to make me give up salt, fast food and soft drinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-09-2010, 12:36 PM
When I was a kid, I cut the top off 1 of those frozen juice things with a can opener. I then attempted to lick it off resulting in me cutting both sides of my lips :facepalm:

01-09-2010, 12:40 PM
Pulled back from working out. Only felt like a small pinch when it happened, but in the morning holy crap did it hurt. Couldn't stand up straight what so ever and probably should of went to the doctors, but nah. Not sure what I was thinking, but still went to work and it took like 20 minutes for my normal 5 minute walk from the bus station walking like an old man crunched over.

01-09-2010, 12:46 PM
Doctor re-aligning my broken leg. Feeling that shit grind together was fun!

01-09-2010, 12:50 PM
on purpose; rolling an empty glass bottle over my shins over and over again.

accident wise; when i was a little kid, me and my friend had the dumbest idea of him pulling me with his bike while i was on rollerskates. I fell on my side and he didn't notice and ended up pulling me for a few minutes. But that was nothing compared to the hydrogen peroxide docs had to use to clean up the wound. Ended up with a scar that's the size of a dinner plate.

01-09-2010, 12:57 PM

yep , prob worst was this year when I crashed my bike in the fall. Crash didn't hurt, it was cleaning the wound that hurt the most. Picking jeans out of my knee, dirt ashfault out of my arm, and disinfecting it was prob the most painful thing i've experience to date. I atleast just ended up with minimal scarring.

01-09-2010, 01:17 PM
foot got ran over by the back of the forklift. those counter weights are heavy....also when io laid down a r6 in a residential in track pants and a t-shirt. them pulling gravel out of my skin with tweezers for 2 hours was probably the worst. then dressing changes every day for a month. looked like a mummy.

01-09-2010, 01:39 PM
when i was 17 or so and thinking i was going to make a career out of extreme mountain biking, I was going through a wooded area down a pretty steep slope. Well the line i was on forced me to the right and through some bushes. When i came out, i ended up on a wash out and it was all loose gravel and lumps of clay. I tried to make it accoss, but my back wheel slid out. so i turned the bike to go down the wash, and for the first 30ish feet it was good, but this is where fate kicked in. There was a small drop, 7-8 feet, normally, nothing to worry about. I sailed off it, but upon landing, my back wheel came down on something like a railway tie, and the bike just kinda stopped, while i went over the handle bars, slid, and wrapped myself around a tree at my chest. When I came to, I was about 20ish feet from a path with a group of girl guides. a couple had gotten my bike, while the others were trying to help me up. they sent 2 more and 1 of the adults back to a pay phone to call an ambulance.

Yes, I was rescued by 3 moms and 11 girl guides. I had broken 4 ribs and cracked 1 and separated my shoulder. I think the embarrassment i suffered at my friends teasing me about being rescued by girl guides was more painful then the broken bones tho.

01-09-2010, 01:39 PM
Broken tailbone, caused by the delivery of my son. I don't give a shit if you think childbirth is 'natural', there was nothing natural about the hell I went through. An 11 month recovery from a broken tailbone (broken out, not in) was by far the worst pain I have ever felt.

01-09-2010, 01:49 PM

01-09-2010, 02:17 PM
Wow mine doesn't even compare. Had an infection in armpit, doc cut and drained it. Stuck Q tip swab with iodine about 1 cm into the hole to disinfect.... felt like a red hot burning piece of metal inside my body.

01-09-2010, 02:28 PM
I have a very low pain tolerance (unlike my brothers and cousins, probably because I beat on them all of the time :) )

I've broken an arm, leg, collar bone, my nose and my hand. None of which really hurt except for the arm, but that was due to lack of circulation from the cast being put on before it had finished swelling.

01-09-2010, 02:39 PM
Shattered my knee cap by getting hit by a hockey puck in outdoor hockey was probably the worst.

I was hit in the head by a puck and it didnt split i just got a huge bump and i started to bleed through my pores that was pretty painfull for a while.

01-09-2010, 02:43 PM
In order of painfulness:

Snapping bicep off and watching it retreat into my shoulder

Snapping ACL

Snapping ACL and MCL at the same time and watching your leg bend in ways that make you sick

Hitting myself in the shin with a hammer

Walking into a trailer hitch and hitting my shin

20 foot cliff drop to ass plant on a nice pokey rock (right in the meat!) I was seeing stars from the pain, never experienced anything like it.

01-09-2010, 03:07 PM
Well doctors say the most painful thing in the world is pancreatic cancer.

The second most painful thing in the world is a testicular torsion, I can definently agree with that. I've never felt anything near that kind of pain, not even close. Nor do I ever want to again.

The third is a snapped femur.

According to doctors anyways.

01-09-2010, 03:14 PM
1) popped miniscus

2) torn ACL (happened at an earlier time)

01-09-2010, 03:18 PM
I put a piece of glass through my hand. Went in through the fatty part between your index finger and thumb, and came out the other side.

I've had a few broken bones/factures: elbows, wrist, shin, etc.
Dislocated my knees several times. That sucks. A lot.
Couple concussions. Had to have ECGs from electrical shocks a couple times.
I've gotten cracked in the head a couple times hard enough that I could see the lump just by looking up (explains a lot, really).

By far the worst pure pain? I had a pretty painful infection a couple years ago. Went to the doctor, and they gave me a shot of some sort of heavy duty antibiotic or something. Nurse asked me if I wanted in in the arm or the ass. I opted for the arm. Here's a tip: If they ask you if you want to get the needle in your ass, there is a reason for that. It hurts less. Do it.
The pain literally floored me. Now I wasn't feeling too good to begin with, but this was pain like I've never experienced. I stumbled into the waiting room, told my wife to give me a second, and collapsed in a fetal position in the bathroom of the hospital. I very nearly vomitted just from the pain. It was un-fucking-believable. The entire drive home, any little bump in the road felt like a shark was trying to rip my arm off. It felt like it was trapped underneath a truck. It only lasted a few hours, but holy fuck did it hurt. I don't know what that shot was, and I don't know if it was just a reaction I had to it, but it was absolutely fucking terrible.

01-09-2010, 06:18 PM
Six freezing needles in the mouth in the space of about 20 seconds. For extraction of upper front tooth busted during hockey.

01-09-2010, 06:39 PM
As a welder i accidentally ground off the top of my first knuckle right by your fingernail with a 36 grit orbital grinder... right on the joint... so even when it was healing every time i bent my index finger it would rip the scab open...

Im a goalie and any 'tender will tell you taking a full slapshot to the can, throat or the non padded area under your armpit will make you cry for your mommy....

01-09-2010, 08:11 PM
Physical: Crashing my bmx bike when I was little and cutting my sac open. Then having to hold my nut in my hand on the way to the hospital..

Emotional: My dad almost getting into a car accident with a light post on the way to the hospital because he was laughing so hard

2nd most: Putting my nose straight again after crashing a skidoo into a chain link gate. The kind that spans across the road in the middle of the night. That wasn't fun either.

3rd Most: I think it's called debriding, where they have to scrub all the small sand and gravel out of all your road rash with a brush after the front brake cable snaps and caused me to go over the bars. I don't remember the accident at all, it was too fast.. but I do remember the cleaning of all the wounds.

01-09-2010, 08:16 PM
road rash from crashing bikes
and putting the peg right through my calf on one of the crashes

01-09-2010, 08:44 PM
Grade 12, Provincial HS Football Championship Game, I made a tackle and an opposing player dove head first into the knee after the whistle, tore my acl.. It was pretty painful, but not as bad as what some of you have gone through.
Even today I have issues with my knee at times.

Oh, and I've got some random broken/dislocated fingers from football as well.

Penis McNickels
01-09-2010, 08:49 PM
I actually suffered through 25 minutes of this shit before I got up and put an end to it...


01-09-2010, 08:52 PM
I've broken bones and had the pleasure of getting one of them rebroken and set correctly after it healed improperly but nothing compares to the headaches I get when flying. Periodically, for reasons I have no idea about, I'll get a pain in my brain on the descent into an airport that is unlike anything I've ever imagined a human being can feel. I literally thought I was going to hear a pop and my life would be over, tears were coming down my face, people's voices were just a muffled echo and I tried to use my hands to compress my skull in certain areas to alleviate about 1% of the pain. I have no idea what caused it, kind of like an air bubble expanding or something. Happened to me 3 times I think.

01-09-2010, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by Mar
I've broken bones and had the pleasure of getting one of them rebroken and set correctly after it healed improperly but nothing compares to the headaches I get when flying. Periodically, for reasons I have no idea about, I'll get a pain in my brain on the descent into an airport that is unlike anything I've ever imagined a human being can feel. I literally thought I was going to hear a pop and my life would be over, tears were coming down my face, people's voices were just a muffled echo and I tried to use my hands to compress my skull in certain areas to alleviate about 1% of the pain. I have no idea what caused it, kind of like an air bubble expanding or something. Happened to me 3 times I think.

I've flown with a cold before, and couldn't pop my ears because my nose was too stuffed up. So as we start to descend, I get this feeling in my head, like air is expanding and pushing on my brain. I've never blown my nose so hard in my life, anything to get the pain to stop. Stewardess was looking at my reallllly funny as I'm pinching my nose and blowing as hard as I can shaking in pain.

Thomas Gabriel
01-10-2010, 12:46 AM
I'd actually say food poisoning.

01-10-2010, 12:58 AM
I've felt a combination of a broken jaw, a spliced calf and a cut lip from biking.

I was out cold for a minute and don't remember anything when I fell. Worst injury yet but was manageable. Yay for icepacks and a fast EMS driver!

Worst pain ever though was an allergic reaction; I found out the hard way I was allergic to white rum and the moment I sipped it, BOOM! Hives and blisters all over my body.

It was the worst sensation of being under a spotlight and being poked by millions of needles simultaneously.

Then when you think it's over, random needle pricking sensations for the next two days. You wanna scratch them but it makes it worse and made my skin warm.

Never again.

01-10-2010, 12:58 AM
Two things, a tooth that I got a filling in and the tooth freaked out-had insane shooting pain from my tooth up the side of my face and into my eye-woke up crying in my sleep when the Tylenol wore off. Was taking one Tylenol per hour-dentist made me wait three days to get in to get the root canal-NEVER again will I wait for a dentist when I am in that amount of pain.

Other thing was when I ripped off a fingernail-all the way back to behind your cuticle and into your finger. People use to pull out finger nails as a form of torture-the needle in the finger to freeze it also hurt like a bitch. It was also bad afterwards if you didn't keep it slathered in ointment-the bloody skin that is/was under the nail would start to dry out and shrink and press on the raw nerve endings....

Sounds minor compared to the torn ACL's and broken bones previously posted on here but it is amazing the amount of pain a simple little tooth can cause.

01-10-2010, 01:31 AM
mine was, at the dump, just finished getting all the junk outta the back of the pick up.. jumped over the side..landed on a pile of rocks and shattered both ankles, good thing i was with someone so they could drive me back to the shop ( gotta love WCB haha) was confined to iether crawling around the house on all 4s or a wheel chair for almost 6 weeks.. sucked hardcore... but i sure did get pampered hahaha

01-10-2010, 01:42 AM
1. Testicle mishap.. (there fine, dont worry. lol)
2. Stomache Ulcer
3. Torn Abdominal Muscles (Right where your left and right side join)
4. Seperated Shoulder

Everything else has been nothing comparitivly.

01-10-2010, 04:12 AM

nice 2nd/3rd degree burn that happened a few months ago, skin doesnt do well *apparently* with oil fires

01-10-2010, 04:57 AM
Originally posted by dre_1993
Most painful experience was a kidney stone, June of last year. Painful enough to make me give up salt, fast food and soft drinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kidney Stones for the absolute lose. I've had a broken nose and fingers and this is still the worst.

01-10-2010, 05:32 AM
Ruptured achilles tendon for me! Considering I didn't know it was hurt, so I went to work on it the next day. That was the most pain I've had.

01-10-2010, 06:08 AM
I've had broken bones, realigned broken nose, teeth pulled, road rash over my shoulder, kidneys shutting down, slapshots to cup, broken kneecap, and ruptured ear drums.

None of them even remotely come close to a bad tooth whitening I had done a few years back. Anyone who has had this done knows that it's very painful, even under ideal circumstances. My dentist recommended I take two to three days off of work.

Some of my teeth had small nearly invisible cracks, and one tooth had a slightly exposed root. Now days they won't do this procedure if you have either one of those problems, because the peroxide gets to the tooth nerve and causes major inflammation. Even without these problems, I know several people who claim it was the worst pain of their life.

Anyway, to make a bad situation a million times worse the pain is somewhat of a delayed onset, since it's the inflammation after the fact that really gets you. The dentist said to tell him if the pain becomes difficult, and he will stop. I was under the impression the pain would subside immediately after the procedure, so despite being in immense pain I decided to tough out the whole bleaching process, thinking I was just being a big baby. The pain was already terrible, and I was on the verge of tears. I later found out that a lot of people only make it 2/3 of the way through, before stopping due to the pain.

That's really not the bad part. The real pain hit 15 minutes later, on the way home, in the -20 temperatures. The pain was so intense I couldn't think, couldn't walk, didn't want to breath (because the cold air obviously made it worse), and was a total wreck. There's no good way to describe it. The closest I can think of is if a dentist were to drill into a sensitive part of your tooth (like a cavity) without freezing, and without stopping every 10-20 seconds like they do.

cancer man
01-10-2010, 09:02 AM

01-10-2010, 09:53 AM
my worst pain ever was frostbite of the first two toes on my left foot (playing goal in outdoor hockey @-30 ftl).
My big toe nail still grows with a ridge across it at the 'frostline'.

It was cool a couple weeks later when the big cap of black/green skin fell off:barf:

01-10-2010, 11:41 AM
kidney stones was terrible, pissing coagulated blood out after getting it treated was the worst experience ever

01-10-2010, 12:19 PM
sounds like kidney stones are alot more "popular" than i thought!

Rat Fink
01-10-2010, 02:12 PM

01-10-2010, 02:56 PM
at the dentist for 9 hours getting 4 teeth pulled and braces all in the same day( my teeth were crowded) took 3 advils with a huge headache and walked home -30 weather took me 25mins to get home

01-10-2010, 04:52 PM
I really hope I never get kidney stones...

most painful thing for me yet was probably appendicitis. Mine actually ruptured before I got into surgery and lets just say it wasn't the most comforatable feeling.

01-10-2010, 05:59 PM
I've had an abscess on one of my molars...that felt awesome....

Also, I tore my left pointer finger nail out with a milling machine....kinda made a POP sound, and there was my nail...they are actually quite long, and grow a ways into your finger...almost half of your nail is hidden....

I fractured both my ankles once in a bar fight....didn't hurt that night, but the next morning was pretty bad...

Put my hand through a safety glass window once(you know the glass with the metal wires in it)...made a huge mess of my hand, and took forever to heal since I still had to work(as a mechanic)

Tore my MCL once when a buddy tackled me on a dance floor...my leg bent on a way that it shouldn't...same thing...didn't hurt much that night, but the next morning was hell.

I've also broke the same pinky three or four times(right hand) when you miss hit in boxing when going full out, and connect with the outside of your hand instead of the index and middle knuckles.

Slipped on some ice in the crows nest pass mountains...fell quite a ways, and landed on my back with one leg bent...cut myself up pretty bad, and I didn't think a leg could bend that much.

I had an accidental discharge from a .22 cal rifle too...it didn't go off, so I turned the gun around (why? I don't know) and it went off into my ARMPIT....

I was too stubborn to go get it taken out...but a few weeks later, it got all infected, and I had to have some surgery lol.

It's strange though, after all that, and more, the worst pain was tooth related...that damn abscess was by far the worst.

01-10-2010, 06:02 PM
I can post pics of the armpit wound if anyone cares...

EDIT: here they are:

right after incident:

http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/272/armpit2.jpg (http://img188.imageshack.us/i/armpit2.jpg/) http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/armpit2.jpg/1/w604.png (http://g.imageshack.us/img188/armpit2.jpg/1/)

After surgery weeks later:
http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/7850/armpit.jpg (http://img198.imageshack.us/i/armpit.jpg/) http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/armpit.jpg/1/w2304.png (http://g.imageshack.us/img198/armpit.jpg/1/)

01-10-2010, 06:10 PM
lol, I fail at picture resizing.

01-10-2010, 06:11 PM
Shot yourself.. hah. classic.

I have a large scar under one of my eyes from running into a tree branch.. Didnt hurt much, but bled ALOT.

Use the [ BIMG ] tags the forum will resize for you.

cancer man
01-10-2010, 07:45 PM
Get this done and let me know how it feels..
Pic's say it all.


And she didn't kiss me before she shaved me.

01-10-2010, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by se7en
Also, I tore my left pointer finger nail out with a milling machine....kinda made a POP sound, and there was my nail...they are actually quite long, and grow a ways into your finger...almost half of your nail is hidden....
of all the stories, this is the only one that made me cringe:thumbsup:

01-10-2010, 09:00 PM
LOL I guess I've been lucky or just really careful. When I was about 7 or 8 I stepped on a pencil and the tip went part of the way through my big toe. Surprisingly I didn't cry until I saw the blood. It really sucked when I realized what I had done though.

01-10-2010, 09:54 PM
oh, yeah, I forgot I used to step on nails a lot too...Construction jobs for the lose.

@ cancer man...looks like you had hernia surgery....I have to get that done if mine ever grows anymore...

Geez, sometimes I wonder if I am doing something wrong to deserve all this :)

cancer man
01-11-2010, 04:51 AM
Originally posted by se7en
oh, yeah, I forgot I used to step on nails a lot too...Construction jobs for the lose.

@ cancer man...looks like you had hernia surgery....I have to get that done if mine ever grows anymore...

Geez, sometimes I wonder if I am doing something wrong to deserve all this :)

Get it done!! mine exploded and it actually felt like somebody was trying to rip my heart and balls out at the same time.

01-11-2010, 09:22 AM
For those with problems flying: I can sympathize, and I have the answer. I always take a couple Sudafeds when I fly.
If I don't, I'll often get pressure headaches that will fuck my shit up for a couple days. A couple Sudafeds (or similar) an hour or so before decent, and you won't feel a thing.

The fingernail story reminded me of another one. I had an ingrown toenail removed that was too badly infected for them to be able to freeze properly. When a doctor removes a toenail, he doesn't just yank it out. That would be far, far less painful. He pulls, then cuts and checks, then pulls some more, etc etc. Took 5 or 10 minutes, but felt like 6 hours.
In movies, you see people have their fingernails pulled out with pliers as a form of torture. I can attest to the efficacy of this practice.

01-11-2010, 09:43 AM
Not as bad as some of yours. I have had a bunch but the most painful thing well two.
One. Had a hernia. Fuck me that was bad.
Two. I dropped an oak bed frame on my big toe. It got infected within a day and I left it for like two weeks. Went to the doctor and He stuck a needle that was the size of a pencil under my nail then cut the nail off. Worst day of my life.

01-11-2010, 10:17 AM
A few years back I was cleaning my ear out with a q-tip while trying to navigate my room looking for work clothes. I ended up blindly stepping over my laundry basket onto a sock that was loose on my hardwood floor. After slipping I decided that I would just lean into the wall with my left shoulder to balance myself, however I failed to realize I was cleaning my ear with my left hand and drove the qtip into my ear drum.

The pain was instant, still to this day the worst I've ever experienced, the shock factor didnt help (I had no idea you could actually heal after doing something like that and have little to no hearing loss) Blood poured out my ear, and the CONSTANT ringing and "air" sound didn't help. Doctor checked it out and drew me a diagram showing what happened, and explained that for the next 3 months I would hear a constant ring that doesn't go away.

01-11-2010, 10:26 AM
Ah some of you guys make me laugh :)

My worst, was a wipeout at Mont Cascades (Gatineau Quebec) - during a mountain bike race... Was having a hard time passing this dickwad on a section of single track; weeds were too deep to keep enough momentum to pass... Got into the downhill and decided I was passing him come hell or high-water... Didn't help the f*cker was on the brakes the whole time...

Well got a good head of steam, hit the weeds as we're coming up on another dropoff - found this nice rock ledge just as the ground dropped away... Caught some ridiculous air (10-15'?) Starting to look at where I'm landing - suddenly wonder why my bike is on a funny angle... Look down, "f*cking Mongoose Composite bikes!", headset had torn away from the forward tubes. Panic kinda set in then... Clipped out, dropped the handlebars, and prepared myself...

Don't remember the impact, don't really remember walking up to the tree and smacking my shoulder against it - vague dream like half memory of that though... Do remember waking up in the hospital, 4 broken ribs, separated shoulder, broken collar bone, concussion, and roadrash + burrs imbedded EVERYWHERE...

That REALLY hurt... Wasn't so much a throb but every breath, laugh, cough, made me weak in the knees or see stars...

Apparently the crash is on one of the 95-96 vintage mountain bike "crash compilation" videos... If anyone figures out which one... Love to see it. A few buddies back east saw it a decade ago...

01-11-2010, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by AndyL
Starting to look at where I'm landing - suddenly wonder why my bike is on a funny angle... Look down, "f*cking Mongoose Composite bikes!", headset had torn away from the forward tubes. Panic kinda set in then... Clipped out, dropped the handlebars, and prepared myself... Is this available in English?

01-11-2010, 10:45 AM
A bit embarrassing:

I was circumcised about 2 years ago. Worst continuous pain I have ever felt.

2 days after surgery, a "friend" thought it would be funny to throw a water bottle at my groin. I popped two of my 9 stitches. Sorry to admit, but I did cry. The force caused me to bleed through the bandage, jeans, and onto the car seat.

Picture pissing blood for over a week, in multiple directions at the same time. I was unable to shower for just over a week because the pain was to unbearable. I needed prescription pain killers just so i had enough courage to change my dressings.

Anyway, to describe the pain I suffered, I can only describe it as catching your dick in your zipper, but continuously for about a month. I returned to work after 5 weeks. Limited duties for another 2 weeks. Couldn't even jack off for fuck sakes!!!! lol:cry:

I could say that a lot of you guys have experienced severe trauma and i would never deny that. But I must say that being unable to function because of the near-vomiting pain I experience with every movement for a month could be very high on the list.

01-11-2010, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by Mar
Is this available in English?
LMAO not clear enough? :D

Basically the whole front end (handlebars, forks, all those good necessary parts) tore away... Clipped out - unlocked bike shoes from pedals so really bad things didn't happen...

01-11-2010, 12:39 PM
1) Worst instant pain was when I was little, I put my entire hand in a pile of freshly poured hot glue by accident, 3rd degree burned all the skin off my left palm down to the tendons/muscles, etc.

2) About tied with number 1 was when I dislocated my knee wakeboarding, it popped out and then back into its socket. I can never wakeboard/ski ever again, and it has never felt the same since even after physio.

3) I had the largest cyst many Calgary doctors had ever seen growing along the roots of my teeth of the left side of my mouth from a tooth that apparently tried to form and failed. It ate the roots of 2 of my teeth, and a bunch of bone in my jaw. When I had it removed, the pain was indescribable for many weeks, and what was just as bad was the pus stuff that accumulated in my mouth from the surgery when I slept - I'd have much rather had vomit or something in my mouth, it would have tasted far better. When that was somewhat healed, I went in for a bone graft to try fill in some of the hole left by the cyst, which was equally as painful afterward. The cyst had to be peeled off a nerve in my jaw and the possibility was fairly high that the bottom half of my face would be numb forever. Fortunately, only my teeth went numb for a while then the feeling somehow came back. I've had various gum grafts to try cover up the roots of the teeth but I have a pretty big hole in my mouth still, you can't see it when I smile luckily.

01-11-2010, 12:41 PM
Hmmm......I've been through enough things but I spose the most "impressive" (is that what we're going for here?) for dealing with pain would be not wanting to go down the hill in an idiot wagon so I rode my snowboard down to base with a cracked right hip and broken right arm after big-air done wrong and ulitimately had to drive a 5 speed back to Saskatoon from B.C. in the same condition.....gas, brake and clutch all from the left foot while letting go of the steering wheel to reach across with old lefty to shift made for some interesting driving on winter mountain roads.

01-11-2010, 01:06 PM
ooooh man...some of you guys on here have been through some real disgusting pain! some of the replies here just made me CRINGE soo hard. *shiver* and then some of you on here are REALLY accident prone, or do things that have a high risk of injury.

Man worst pain I've had, couple concussions, allergic reaction, cavity fillings. HAH.

01-11-2010, 01:39 PM
some of your guys' experiences made me cringe, lol!

i've never really been injured badly but as far as i can remember, anything to do w/ tooth aches are the worst ever. :cry:

01-11-2010, 02:04 PM
Couple of things.

Hockey Ref way back and got a puck there, (no cup) on an oldtimers game (40-60 yrs) slapshot off the boards. Tears were shed.

split my head open on dirtbike off 30 foot jump, helmet shattered, was out for a day. 32 staples from nape to forehead.

double hernia when I was 12, still have all 4 scars.

worst would be last year, when I crashed my streetbike, broke both wrists, left elbow and baby pinky on left hand, picked bike up off 19th street nw in Calgary, rode home to Crossfield before going to emerg. To this day can not straighten pinky

01-11-2010, 02:06 PM
Having watched a woman give birth over two days I now say all men are total pussies. Nothing compares to watching childbirth in the pain stakes. It's a whole other level.

01-11-2010, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by GREENBOY
Having watched a woman give birth over two days I now say all men are total pussies. Nothing compares to watching childbirth in the pain stakes. It's a whole other level.

:rofl: that's what Hampstor says too. It's a totally different type of pain though, and it's productive (most of the time) which makes it a bit easier to take. It's the most painful thing I've been through, followed by my rib tattoo (if it was longer than the 3 1/2 hours I wouldn't have been able to take it), then wisdom teeth. I think I've been fairly fortunate in the pain department, no broken bones or anything.

01-11-2010, 05:03 PM
Oh yea, I forgot about my double hernia when i was like 8. Got those scars also. lol.

01-11-2010, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by abyss
followed by my rib tattoo (if it was longer than the 3 1/2 hours I wouldn't have been able to take it)

Oh man, getting my ribs tattooed sucked.

Back in Germany, about 12 years ago I fell off a 3rd floor balcony...I landed on my feet but with such force that i smashed my face (left cheek bone) off my knee. Good god was that ever painful!

01-11-2010, 06:54 PM
today when i got home from work... First Pain, then just satisfaction.


01-11-2010, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by broken_legs
today when i got home from work... First Pain, then just satisfaction.


Are you kidding me :eek: You are ready to give birth after that.

01-11-2010, 08:01 PM
that is soooooo fucking gross OMG :barf:

WHY ARE YOU PICKING IT UP!? why didnt you just leave it in the toilet?!

01-11-2010, 10:42 PM
Number 3 for me: Fell on a cactus lol... not one of those vertical guys but a cactus that grew about 6 inches off the ground and spanned about 6 feet across. At the beginning of the night (was a kegger) me and my buddies joked about how someone would fall into it by the end of the night.... ended up twisting my ankle on the way down the porch stairs and landed in it, had quills from the bottom of my calf up to my shoulder blade.... my sisters friend had to help me pick quills from my ass and back with tweezers, took about 6 hours total.

Number 2: Drunken fall... broke my fall with my hand. When I stood up and held up my arm which was sore, it looked like a question mark. Arm broke halfway between the wrist and elbow, clean break though so healed decently, about 6 weeks of pain.

Worst pain ever?

Number 1: Any one of my 3 kidney stones.... no idea why I get them, doc tells me to stop drinking as apparently dehydration does not help lol. but yea.... by far the worst pain I have been through.

As my first stone was too large to pass naturally, I had the pleasure of laparoscopic stone removal. The kind doctors took a tube equipped with a camera and rammed it up my dickhole. they than ran the tube up to where the stone was and pulled the bastard out (at least they put me under for the dickhole ramming).... I was pissing razor blades for 2 weeks..... I don't give a shit what anyone here has been through, I would jump in a bathtub full of broken glass before I went through that again lol

01-11-2010, 11:07 PM
Oh god where do I begin?

Shattered my right elbow upon falling 10 feet directly onto it.

Wheel came off my bike at very high speed when I was like 7 and all I remember is waking up in the hospital with my parents and medics everywhere with severe neck pain and a black leg (massive bruise).

Landed badly off a jump skiing and broke my foot.

Landed badly off a jump skiing and twisted my knee.

Slipping on ice and falling on knee cap numerous times.

Losing a heel cord while I was training on the K90 skijump in Utah and having a ski bash me in the face and then drop out of the air at 90km/h onto my wrist and neck. I still cant believe I only had a bruised wrist.

Went to far training on the K38 skijump in Calgary and smashing my tailbone into an icy landing.

Overshooting the big step up at C.O.P. by a goood 50 feet and blacking out, bruised kidney, smashed a FIS world cup helmet!

Then slipping on ice and getting another concussion less then a month later.

Face planting at the 85 meter mark on the Olympic skijump in Whistler the first time I jumped it.

Seperated shoulder

Dislocated shoulder

Smashing thumb with sledge hammer.

Stepping on nail and have it go through your foot, then driving 1 hour to get to a hospital.

Having all your wisdom teeth removed/broken out of your jaw without being frozen or put to sleep.

01-12-2010, 02:41 PM
I don't really remember the worst pain I've been in, just the circumstances surrounding it.

Many years ago, I was fooling around on an ATV and had some kind of an accident. No one saw what happened and I don't remember it. I remember riding down a bumpy trail, then I remember getting up off of the ground and looking at my right elbow and seeing that it was badly broken. There was a bit of bone poking out about 4 inches from the inside of the joint, but the skin hadn't broken, it was just stretched over that piece of bone. I walked back to the house kind of carrying my right arm with my left, and then waited for the ambulance to come out to me. The weird part (for me at least) was that I didn't feel any pain then, nor on the ride to the hospital. I guess I was in shock. That changed at the hospital. I remember that while waiting to go into surgery, the pain hit me pretty badly. I don't remember what the actual feeling was like, maybe I blocked it out, or it's a lingering effect of the shock? I don't know. I just remember the fact that I was in a lot of pain. I started screaming fairly continuously. After a while, a nurse came over and stuck a needle in my ass to get me to shut up. Shortly after that I blacked out until after surgery.

Apparently, a nerve in my arm was affected by the fracture. Maybe that's why it hurt so much. In any event, I had to have another operation in which a neurosurgeon corrected whatever was affecting that nerve.