View Full Version : How's this for a sausage party.....

01-12-2010, 06:50 PM

01-12-2010, 06:54 PM

01-12-2010, 06:54 PM
Sounds like pre-planned canon fodder to me.

01-12-2010, 07:04 PM

01-12-2010, 09:09 PM
^ amazingly, that actually is the most logical and humane solution.

Still sucks to be those guys though. Forget the stock market, invest in Chinese porn distributors and sock manufacturers.

01-12-2010, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by Antonito
^ amazingly, that actually is the most logical and humane solution.

Still sucks to be those guys though. Forget the stock market, invest in Chinese porn distributors and sock manufacturers.

Except all these guys aren't going to stand around, not getting laid. Most of them will probably end up leaving the country because of it, and disrupting every other countries male/female ratio.

01-12-2010, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

Except all these guys aren't going to stand around, not getting laid. Most of them will probably end up leaving the country because of it, and disrupting every other countries male/female ratio.

Fuuuuuu :banghead: This is probably the most likely situation though, its not like these woman are gonna become polyandry nor are these men gonna turn homosexual.

01-12-2010, 10:09 PM

01-12-2010, 10:56 PM
^ It's part of the reason why China opens up immigration policy in the last decade. Other than increase influence, it also offload liabilities.

But I think the chance of a FOB hitting a local non-Asian girl is pretty low. There are still many cultural incompatibilities.

01-12-2010, 11:05 PM
And without immigration - Canada would slowly be losing population.

Complete opposite problem here.

People in China flee the country to have more than 1 child. Males like me in Canada - fear the idea of having any children (Californication forever baby!)


I mean really - you have to triple up on the birth control devices if you are hitting 23 partners are still not having enough children to keep the population stable.

Not that Chinese males are pounding on the door of Canada either - there really is no reason to come here (thanks to the media) unless you are mining for gold, planning to make money working, or like freezing your ass off :P All of the Chinese that were fleeing communism came here a long time ago.

01-12-2010, 11:09 PM

01-12-2010, 11:17 PM
must be all the mail order brides.

in grade school they mentioned this, topic was pretty much limited to "in china the one child policy usually meant that parents favored boys due to them being able to achieve a higher income"
so WTF? do they just throw the baby girls out the window and try again?

01-12-2010, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by syritis
must be all the mail order brides.

in grade school they mentioned this, topic was pretty much limited to "in china the one child policy usually meant that parents favored boys due to them being able to achieve a higher income"
so WTF? do they just throw the baby girls out the window and try again?

Old Chinese prefer boys because:

1) carry on bloodline and family name

2) Remain working in family instead of married away

To get rid of girls:

1) Abortions

2) Given away to orphanage

3) Straight abandonment before government finds out.

Originally posted by ZenOps
And without immigration - Canada would slowly be losing population.

Complete opposite problem here.

People in China flee the country to have more than 1 child. Males like me in Canada - fear the idea of having any children (Californication forever baby!)


I mean really - you have to triple up on the birth control devices if you are hitting 23 partners are still not having enough children to keep the population stable.

Not that Chinese males are pounding on the door of Canada either - there really is no reason to come here (thanks to the media) unless you are mining for gold, planning to make money working, or like freezing your ass off :P All of the Chinese that were fleeing communism came here a long time ago.

ZenOps is like everyone's crazy uncle.

01-13-2010, 01:55 AM
Article not much different than how Beyond is anyways.

That photo would be a good cover them Japanese bukkake movies

01-13-2010, 02:04 AM
to those who said immigration in hopes of a wife...

has anyone ever seen a total fob chinese man with a white girl or so called "foreign" girls? i for one have not seen one, the closest ive seen is a japanese guy and a white girl.

honestly fob guys have no chance as compared to the counter side of fob girls. fob girls (fat, ugly, or watever..) will sooner or later find a desperate white guy.

01-13-2010, 07:42 AM
The other issue that people don't see is what is happening to all the girl babies? Do you actually think these people are getting boys on their first try? Girl babies are being aborted, my wife said she had an aunt who aborted at about 8months. Babies dumped in trash bins and sewers, and everywhere else in between. People who pick them up, has to raise them secretly without the government knowing or they'll be fined a ton of money. The mindset over there in wanting boys is just insane. The government should give some sort of incentive for keeping girls, but they don't give a shit. This also started happening back in 1985 or something with only allowing 2 kids, it was just recently in the last few years that it went down to one. My wife back then was like 12 years old and she already predicted this issue with the ratio, but the government couldn't figure it out, or I guess they could care less what happens to the girl babies.

01-13-2010, 08:51 AM
Originally posted by ZenOps
Males like me in Canada - fear the idea of having any children

Trust me, every well adjusted person in this forum fears people like you having any children.

This is the first thing you've said that has any sort of real, quantifiable thought process behind it.

Congratulations. :clap:

01-13-2010, 09:24 AM
cultural differences between chinese local men and our canadian women will ensure no mixing.

example: i'm seeing (and smelling in the subway every day) many guys here that dont bath every day even when it's summer... And if they can't find local girls here to take them... you really gotta wonder... fucking disgusting.

01-13-2010, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by Power_Of_Rotary
to those who said immigration in hopes of a wife...

has anyone ever seen a total fob chinese man with a white girl or so called "foreign" girls? i for one have not seen one, the closest ive seen is a japanese guy and a white girl.

honestly fob guys have no chance as compared to the counter side of fob girls. fob girls (fat, ugly, or watever..) will sooner or later find a desperate white guy. I think that emmigration does help them to get wives - but not the way you think. My neighbours are Chinese, and I've chatted with them about this. The man emmigrated from China to Canada, then went back to China to find a wife. He had no problem, partly because to qualify for immigration to Canada, he had to be well educated, and he had permanent resident status here - both of which made him desirable to Chinese women. The only problem that they had was proving to the Canadian officials that the marriage was legit. She also told me that a white Canadian man would have their pick of girls in China, just in case anyone's desperate. All this might mean that emmigration actually makes it worse in China.

D. Dub
01-13-2010, 10:10 AM
Reverse polygamy?

01-13-2010, 11:40 AM
Oh... Being born in Canada is sweet, no doubts about that.

I can barely get my Russian neighbor to stop sending me pictures of single women immigrating to Canada.

01-13-2010, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by topmade
This also started happening back in 1985 or something with only allowing 2 kids, it was just recently in the last few years that it went down to one.

It was 1979 when they start 1 child policy but the problem accelerated when technology caught up and able to determine the sex and abortion is easy.

They actually relaxed on 1 child policy the last few years but only the wealthy can afford it.

The government started to feel the stress to the society by one child policy.

1) Just like Canada, there are less people to support the aging population and becoming top heavy.

2) "One child" children are usually spoiled. China created at least 2 generation of entitled kids who thinks they should be handed everything with little work.

01-13-2010, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by ZenOps

I can barely get my Russian neighbor to stop sending me pictures of single women immigrating to Canada.

Care to share?

01-13-2010, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by D. Dub
Reverse polygamy?


01-13-2010, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by ZenOps
Oh... Being born in Canada is sweet, no doubts about that.

I can barely get my Russian neighbor to stop sending me pictures of single women immigrating to Canada.

Haha, don't knock it dude, every Russian chick I've met has been smoking hot and super respectful. They don't fly the (I'm gonna catch shit for this I know it) north american 'white girl' attitude and it's really a nice change. And smart as hell too, especially with math or the arts.

The only thing is after they get older they get hit with the babushka bomb (haha) and could turn into this.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcXG154gI0w ...which for some reason I find fucking hilarious. :rofl:

01-14-2010, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by CdnSilverStreak


wtf is polyandry...seriously this shit never existed

gotta bring back polygamy fuck todays society...such communism when u can only have one women at a time

01-14-2010, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by Power_Of_Rotary

wtf is polyandry...seriously this shit never existed

gotta bring back polygamy fuck todays society...such communism when u can only have one women at a time

Interesting tidbit:
old school Chinese supports polygamy as long as you can afford it. But why do you want so many bitches yelling at you and each other day in and out?

Check this guy's spouse column:


That's how old rich Chinese men rolls.

01-15-2010, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by Xtrema

Interesting tidbit:
old school Chinese supports polygamy as long as you can afford it. But why do you want so many bitches yelling at you and each other day in and out?

Polygamy was popular back when women were property that served the purpose of cooking and fucking and not much else. So not much worry about nagging.

But yeah, why anyone would want to do that today with modern women would be beyond me. Which is actually why polygamy is banned, since it typically requires psychological (and usually physical) abuse to be "worthwhile"