View Full Version : For those of you who travel for work

01-18-2010, 12:21 AM
How do you deal with your women whilst on the road for work?

01-18-2010, 01:15 AM

01-18-2010, 01:21 AM
Which women? The ones on the road or the one left behind?

01-18-2010, 01:23 AM
lulz, what do you mean how do you deal with them?

I'm going away for 12 days tomorrow, i just got skype so i can call long distance and talk, other than that, there isn't much you can do?

Lie and say you'll miss her?

01-18-2010, 01:29 AM
Why worry about what you are leaving behind? Id be more concerned about finding someone to occupy me while im away.

Supa Dexta
01-18-2010, 08:27 AM
Mines great.. We're deep into 'future' plans... So that eats up a lot of our time/conversations... We both don't really like the phone, but we spend hours on it, just because we love to talk to one another.... My last couple cell bills were around 5000/mins a month. I couldn't see it working if you were worried about her cheating, but mine hangs out with her parents more then anyone, and she gives me no reason to worry or doubt where she is...:dunno:

... And lets be honest, where would she find someone better then me?!


Our life style is a little different then the guys who will say they go away for a few days. During the winter it's usually 1.5-2 months between when I see her.

01-18-2010, 08:48 AM
Leaving tomorrow for 2 days, just tell her that I have to go for work, what is she going to do, prevent me from working? No, she knows its part of my job and is fine with it. People need alone time as well. I will call her once the first day I am away and then see her when I am back, no big deal. I trust my wife, nothing to worry about.

01-18-2010, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by broken_legs
How do you deal with your women whilst on the road for work?


01-18-2010, 09:04 AM
I work a lot.

I spent most of 2009 away over seas... Surprised that she stuck with me for the first 6 months of last year.

When I am working back in town I'm working ridiculous hours...

And of course now I'm on the road again.

Does this sound familiar?

I'm tired of explaining to people when they ask about us why you're never around

I deserve a partner that is there when I need him

We do vacays and trips whenever we can. But i've missed some big things like
Her Birthday
Staff Party
Family Retreat
Friends Engagement party...

Dave P
01-18-2010, 09:12 AM
Ignore Her.


01-18-2010, 11:13 AM
I was gone for a week last month, but that wasn't too bad. I leave next week for Montreal for 3 weeks and it's going to be a little rough. We have a new baby at home so she's going to be picking up my slack while I'm away. I'm gonna buy a phone card for cheap long distance and we'll just tough it out. He mother will probably stay with her to help out with the little guy.

Thankfully these 2 trips are the exception for me and not the rule. I should be able to stay home for quite a while once I get back.

Supa Dexta
01-18-2010, 12:33 PM
Like I mentioned earlier, a 3 day trip, or even 3 week trip once or twice a yr is a far cry from the months we are away... Its rough, and it takes a special girl to put up with it. If she's the one and it's pulling you apart it's time to make some big choices, and maybe get a job in town with more normal hours..

I know I'd take a pay cut and less headaches to be able to spend more time at home.. And I did.. Cause after all, life shouldn't be about the money, time with the ones you love is what you should remember when you're old.. Not the days you 'wish you could have been home'....

... Its funny actually, I've been thinking if this year plays out how we have planned I may even do a little write up on how my life did a 360, which *potentially* brought me a house, wife, kid and life, all within a year. Strange times.

01-18-2010, 12:59 PM
Kind of a blunt question but do you care more about her or your job? Because clearly you won't have both for very much longer.

01-18-2010, 01:44 PM
I think you have to be fair with her too. If you are honestly never around, and that's not going to change, you should talk to her about what kind of future your relationship with her has.
No point staying in some long distance relationship if it's just going to drive one or both of you to cheat. Better to be honest up front, break it off, and then down the road if you back on town more, call her up and you'll have a chance to get back together.

I'm pretty lucky, my work trips are usually no longer than a week, maybe two at most. My wife understands that my job provides her with a better standard of living then most guys.
She's pretty resonable about it most times.

If your gal is overreacting, maybe she's been looking for a reason to break up with you?

Lots of possibilities, and several of them end up with you being single, which is a bit of a blessing form someone who travels. :devil:

Good luck.

01-18-2010, 02:26 PM
My dad does this. He works in the states for 2 weeks out of every month. He is back for weeks at a time, but still works.

I think as they are older, to avoid fights, the space apart is good for them haha!

01-18-2010, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by Supa Dexta
Like I mentioned earlier, a 3 day trip, or even 3 week trip once or twice a yr is a far cry from the months we are away... Its rough, and it takes a special girl to put up with it. If she's the one and it's pulling you apart it's time to make some big choices, and maybe get a job in town with more normal hours..

I know I'd take a pay cut and less headaches to be able to spend more time at home.. And I did.. Cause after all, life shouldn't be about the money, time with the ones you love is what you should remember when you're old.. Not the days you 'wish you could have been home'....

... Its funny actually, I've been thinking if this year plays out how we have planned I may even do a little write up on how my life did a 360, which *potentially* brought me a house, wife, kid and life, all within a year. Strange times.

do that write up. sounds interesting.

01-18-2010, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow

If your gal is overreacting, maybe she's been looking for a reason to break up with you?

Lots of possibilities, and several of them end up with you being single, which is a bit of a blessing form someone who travels. :devil:

Good luck.

Well that's what I thought too...

I've been in town since August save 1 month I had to travel for a course . Just happened that I had to work in town over some of the important dates so I get no credit for being around every other day.

It feels to me like she was wanting me to break things off and maybe she doesn't want to be responsible for it.

what if you don't get that promotion and I end up wasting my time waiting for you?

All of my friends have normal lives, and their boyfriends are always around

I'm starting to question what's going on here if we are doing the right thing

You're not giving me what I need


01-18-2010, 03:22 PM
"what if you don't get that promotion and I end up wasting my time waiting for you?"

HAHA FUCKING dumped. right there.

I'd be like what if your shit was still in my house when i got back? Yep on fire, get the fuck out.

Edit: actually it takes even less for me to dump a girl.. but i think i get enjoyment out of it lol :dunno: (disclaimer: i'm the bitter type from a past relationship. i dont take any shit anymore, onto the next one?)

01-18-2010, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by JfuckinC
"what if you don't get that promotion and I end up wasting my time waiting for you?"

HAHA FUCKING dumped. right there.

I'd be like what if your shit was still in my house when i got back? Yep on fire, get the fuck out.

Edit: actually it takes even less for me to dump a girl.. but i think i get enjoyment out of it lol :dunno:

Thank you for that. :)

01-18-2010, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by broken_legs

Thank you for that. :)

Well i'm sorry man, but that is a terrible thing for her to say! If i had a girlfriend and she said that i'd lose my shit. Wasting time on you if you don't get a promotion at work? really? thats makes you a waste of time? you'd obviously be worth more to someone else than her, cause thats fuckin weak sauce on her part.

Edit: what and how you pursue work should not be of concern to her unless you're investing your life savings into something absolutely retarded and it could fuck over her future, saying she would be wasting her time waiting for you if you don't get a promotion is fairly selfish.

01-18-2010, 04:21 PM
I'm with JC on this one, that is a pretty ridiculous thing to say. The big question is, what is it that she is bringing to the table that is worthwhile other than a vagina and a pretty face (no offense)?

EDIT: I take it you're ~25 or so and at that age, a girl is thinking about settling down. Girls, as much as they go on and on about being independent, still seek men with good jobs, especially if they have one as well. If I recall, you're an engineer, and working out of town a lot, I'm betting you're packing away some substantial income. In reality it sounds like the ball is in your court because to me, and take this as lightly as possible, she is wanting someone that will support her with the best of everything, you just happen to be there. Therefore, you should be calling all the shots. I really hope I'm wrong, I do man. I've just become rather jaded with the typically attitude that is Calgarian women.

01-18-2010, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by JfuckinC
"what if you don't get that promotion and I end up wasting my time waiting for you?"

HAHA FUCKING dumped. right there.

I'd be like what if your shit was still in my house when i got back? Yep on fire, get the fuck out.

Edit: actually it takes even less for me to dump a girl.. but i think i get enjoyment out of it lol :dunno:

Agreed. If dumping your once fun and loving girl friend brings you joy, does it make you a douche bag?

Supa Dexta
01-18-2010, 04:28 PM
Yeah it comes down to the quality of girl..

Mine says things like she 'doesn't care if we have money as long as we're happy and together'.. Or ... 'I can find a better job to bring in more money so you don't have to be away'.. She's also hot and loves me to death, I hit the jackpot with this one. They are out there, If you have a list, don't short change yourself to get stick to it... I almost did..

01-18-2010, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by beyond_ban

Agreed. If dumping your once fun and loving girl friend brings you joy, does it make you a douche bag?

No, cause as you said in that context, she was "once" fun and loving. Obviously something went wrong, you should get enjoyment out of the freedom! :D

01-18-2010, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow
I think you have to be fair with her too. If you are honestly never around, and that's not going to change, you should talk to her about what kind of future your relationship with her has.
No point staying in some long distance relationship if it's just going to drive one or both of you to cheat. Better to be honest up front, break it off, and then down the road if you back on town more, call her up and you'll have a chance to get back together.

I'm pretty lucky, my work trips are usually no longer than a week, maybe two at most. My wife understands that my job provides her with a better standard of living then most guys.
She's pretty resonable about it most times.

If your gal is overreacting, maybe she's been looking for a reason to break up with you?

Lots of possibilities, and several of them end up with you being single, which is a bit of a blessing form someone who travels. :devil:

Good luck.

Well said.