View Full Version : 1st Street

11-29-2003, 02:29 PM
What the hell is the deal with first street? I went down there last night to euphoria for the first time in a long time. It will definately be my last...

Around 1:30 some crazy ass fight broke out in the entrance.... I remember vividly seeing a guy CRANK this girl. I honestly probably would not have stayed on my feet had i been punched that hard... im surprised that she did. The guy she was with was a whole different story... after the girl got hit he got dragged outside by the bouncers and this clan of people... I hate to say it but it was a group of asians and by the sounds of it they had absolutely no reason to go after these two people... I remember specifically hearing one of the boucners say "TAKE HIM OUTSIDE" so that this gang of people could go buckwild on his ass... From my experience as a bouncer i would be ashamed if i was caught in a situation like that and the best thing i could think of was "take his ass outside" :bullshit: :bullshit: :bullshit: The worst part is i was talking to one of the girls friends after and apparently the guy who broke this girls nose got away... and theres no chance in hell that shell be able to remember him after a blow like that....

Why the hell cant people just go have a good time anymore? I cant remember the last time i went to first street and had a good time. This is truely the reason why Calgary's night life sucks, you cant go out anymore without finding some sort of confrontation. like seriously, is it so fucking hard to just keep to yourself and just have a good time?

IMO fighting proves nothing... specially when you A) hit a girl B) jump one guy with a group of about 15...

oh well... guess things will never change...

11-29-2003, 02:34 PM
sounds GHEY.

11-29-2003, 02:38 PM
WTF? Why the hell would anyone punch a girl in the face? Damn it sucks he got away - the bouncers should've owned his ass.

11-29-2003, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by richardchan2002
WTF? Why the hell would anyone punch a girl in the face? Damn it sucks he got away - the bouncers should've owned his ass.

they aren't really allowed to

11-29-2003, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by xDiMSuMx

they aren't really allowed to

they sure fucking owned her boyfriend though...

11-29-2003, 02:42 PM
1st street sucks moose testicles and you will never see me anywhere near there during the night on a weekend
it's a bunch of shitty clubs with a bunch of fags looking for fights

i give this street :thumbsdow :thumbsdow

11-29-2003, 03:06 PM
Try working on 1st. I am right across the street from those places. I can't wait to get the hell off of this street when I am done work. If it's not constant crack deals and jibbed out crack people, its not being able to come to your own store to take a bike for a ride because the police blocked off your building because someone got stabbed at one of the clubs. It is Fuckin ridiculous and I hope it stops. regardless If I open a store elsewhere in town. We have been interviewed by A-channel a couple of times in regards to the crap that happens on this street. it's:thumbsdow :bullshit: :thumbsdow :bullshit: :thumbsdow :bullshit:

11-29-2003, 03:14 PM
what the fuk is with people and fighting at a bar,,,,its soo lame

11-29-2003, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by xDiMSuMx

they aren't really allowed to
What the bouncers CAN do is haul your ass back INSIDE, and kick the shit outta you...

11-29-2003, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by illeagle

What the bouncers CAN do is haul your ass back INSIDE, and kick the shit outta you...

:rolleyes: yeah theres a lawsuit waiting to happen...

bouncers arnt even legally allowed to touch you in a forceful way unles you are fighting or trying to fight them...

11-29-2003, 04:53 PM
ok, the boyfriend got dragged out because his woman got punched in the face? or the boyfriend punched his own girl in the face?

whatever it is, I got out of 1st street when I was 19.. thought I had enough of CJs and The Taz, people just need to grow the fuck up and stop thinking they're a bunch of gangsters..

11-29-2003, 05:39 PM
the boyfriend got dragged out after his girl got punched in the face....

11-29-2003, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by 04blackMAX
what the fuk is with people and fighting at a bar,,,,its soo lame


i went to cherry a couple fridays ago for my bday and it has changed so much from when i used to go there last year....i saw 4 fights that night. a catfight included and three fights that were taken outside. around the corner there was even a one on one...but the one guy got on top of the other guy ufc style and pounded him.

i love cherry because of the good music they play, but i dont like the crowd anymore. last year it used to be such a chillin place, now its like a huge gang fight waiting to happen.

11-29-2003, 08:26 PM
they should actually turn that steet into some more tredndy shopping...gucci...prada....high high end...thats anice steer iam sure it wold do well..and it would sure solve the bar crap

11-29-2003, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by 04blackMAX
they should actually turn that steet into some more tredndy shopping...gucci...prada....high high end...thats anice steer iam sure it wold do well..and it would sure solve the bar crap

Thats what they planned with electric ave too, art gallerys and shit, but it didn't work:( Damn I miss that strip!

11-29-2003, 10:00 PM
And this is why I dont go out.

11-29-2003, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by FastDak318
And this is why I dont go out. :werd: My idea of a good night out does not start by trying to figure out if I need a bodyguard or not.

09-05-2004, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by 4wheeldrift
:werd: My idea of a good night out does not start by trying to figure out if I need a bodyguard or not.

Its not my self i'm worried about, i'm more worried about my gf. I = will never go to the bar again. :thumbsdow

Akagi Redsuns
09-05-2004, 10:11 PM
Another old thread back from the dead. Seems fitting though with all the clubbing talk.

09-05-2004, 11:00 PM
i didn't know i revived it.. but buddy linked it from the other thread.. my bad

09-06-2004, 12:16 AM
Originally posted by ~$eanith~

Its not my self i'm worried about, i'm more worried about my gf. I = will never go to the bar again. :thumbsdow
I am just not down with the bar/club scene because of all this shit. I dont think that I would be able to have fun just by getting drunk and being around others acting retarded...
I will go to small neighbourhood pubs but that is where I draw the line. I am not a drinker, I dont like girls who are drinkers/bar sluts so whats the point of going to a bar/club. :dunno:

Everyone else that I know thinks that I am strange for not being into bars and clubs... yeeaaa.. right..

09-06-2004, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by FastDak318

Everyone else that I know thinks that I am strange for not being into bars and clubs... yeeaaa.. right..
fuck that...I 100% agree..

And yes people, PLEASE check the date of threads before you post!!

09-06-2004, 11:58 AM
Haven't been to 1st in a long time, from what I understand seems a little rough for me.

09-06-2004, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by Ben

fuck that...I 100% agree..
:werd: I'm with Ben and Dave on that one.

First street is brutal, a few months ago my brother's good friend was down on 1st with a few friends. He was leaving cherry and saw a guy and his girlfriend in a really brutal argument. He was saying really mean and dirogatory things to her and even slapped her once. My brother's friend told the boyfriend to calm down and asked if the girl was okay. The boyfriend then proceeded to pull out a machete and chop my brother's friend across the shoulder blade before fleeing with his buds to a waiting black escalade. My brother's friend had been chopped right through his shoulder blade and his friend that was with him had to hold his shoulder together and the paramedics were even telling them that it was slim chance he was gonna make it though all of this.

Luckily he did make it through, but the guy who did it hasn't been caught. The police know who he is though, apparently he plays a big part in a drug ring in vancouver, he was here on a "business trip" to calgary. My brother's friend has since gone to live with a relative in another part of alberta because he doesn't feel safe in Calgary anymore.

As I said, I'm with Dave and Ben, too much friggin drama at night clubs to make it a regular thing for me. Pubs, restaurants, even casino's are usually funner then a night at the club.

09-06-2004, 01:06 PM
Dont get me wrong, there have been times I've had a great time...I used to go to "The Whiskey" every second thursday for like 2 years with work. Had a great time because we were all friends with decent jobs, similar interests and a civilized attitude. Never once had a problem at that place.

Same with Mynt and Tantra. Been there a couple times, always had a fun time.

However the non "25+" establishments, namely Roadhouse, The Palace when it was around, Coyotes, Tequila and all the other bars for the unwashed masses have always been a shitty time. Overcrouded, and full of drunk fuckin young people and fights every 5-10 minutes. F that Noise!

Because of all of this I just chose to give it all up together and people that know me and always call to make plans to go to the clubs/bars know I always say thanks but no thanks.

I even recently gave up photography at these places for that reason...crime and fights.

Sucks that it's come to it, but the way I see it, I sure dont wanna leave this earth because some loser decided to stab me at a club. Now thats the worst case scenario, but the dirty clothes, smelling like smoke, wasting money and sore ears is not worth my time.

09-06-2004, 01:18 PM
hmm.. I don't think I really understood the first post.

If the guy who punched the girl was beaten up by a group of people then he completely deserves any type of beating he gets.

But when I read it again, I'm not sure if it means what I thought it did or that this group of people beat the girl and the guy she was with was taken outside and beat up. If that's the case then it's soo wrong.

Melinda: that's horrible that he doesn't feel safe here... That's even worse than fights that start over nothing because he was just inquiring about the safety of another individuals.

As for clubbing, I only ENJOY clubbing when I'm single. It's just a place to get hit on for girls and for guys, a place to get laid.
he he he, what an old thread.

09-11-2004, 05:59 AM
wow, how impersonal this city has become that someone gets hit with a machete and then must leave Calgary to feel safe....that sucks.

See..."but in Texas" and quite a few other states.....some chicken shit pulls a knife on me, out comes the .45 ACP and through it travels a led projectile at >2000 Feet per second disabiling the would-be attacker by way of anterior nasal penetration, leading to displacement of brain matter as well as fragmentation of the cranium and superior regions of the.....:rolleyes: I was reviewing some stats on weapon related fatalities and critical injuries, surprisingly the majority of them down there are domestic incidents, then gang related and very few happen (in some places) in public. "An armed society is a polite society"

Not saying that everyone should load up on guns, but down there; the guy with the knife knows that Im allowed to carry a pistol.

Excuse the lame rant, but that sort of thing irritates me to the core. Melinda Im so sorry for your friend.

GTS Jeff
09-11-2004, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by Texas
wow, how impersonal this city has become that someone gets hit with a machete and then must leave Calgary to feel safe....that sucks.

See..."but in Texas" and quite a few other states.....some chicken shit pulls a knife on me, out comes the .45 ACP and through it travels a led projectile at >2000 Feet per second disabiling the would-be attacker by way of anterior nasal penetration, leading to displacement of brain matter as well as fragmentation of the cranium and superior regions of the.....:rolleyes: I was reviewing some stats on weapon related fatalities and critical injuries, surprisingly the majority of them down there are domestic incidents, then gang related and very few happen (in some places) in public. "An armed society is a polite society"

Not saying that everyone should load up on guns, but down there; the guy with the knife knows that Im allowed to carry a pistol.

Excuse the lame rant, but that sort of thing irritates me to the core. Melinda Im so sorry for your friend. yea ok mr. inferiority complex.

after you happen to miss the knife puller, mr. knife puller whips out his gun and so do his buddies, then your buddies whip out their guns, and then we a show down in said texan bar. everyone ends up dead. then the next morning, your kids bring a gun to school for show and tell and another 20 people end up dead.

an armed society is a polite society? hah. americans = polite? last i checked, gun controlled canadians are the ones with the reputation for being polite. NRA america is the place where there are statistically 100 times more gun related deaths than in canada. polite society? or maybe ure just a redneck?

09-12-2004, 02:44 AM
we have more guns per capita than the USA does. problem is, americans are jerks :D

it's that "Ima curry mah gun and shoot dem hoo-lee-gans dead" that makes america so scary.

the bar/club scene in calgary is a joke. took me a very short time to figure that one out.

09-12-2004, 03:43 AM
Originally posted by Texas

See..."but in Texas" and quite a few other states.....some chicken shit pulls a knife on me, out comes the .45 ACP and through it travels a led projectile at >2000 Feet per second disabiling the would-be attacker by way of anterior nasal penetration, leading to displacement of brain matter as well as fragmentation of the cranium and superior regions of the.....:rolleyes:

Just to let you know....45 ACP's travel in the 850-1050fps range...pretty much only rifles are in the 2000+ ;) :tongue: