View Full Version : Witnessed an interesting accident...

02-10-2010, 12:12 PM
So my wife called me this morning, she was waiting for the bus on the way to school at right in front of her was a 3 car accident.

Basically there is a playground zone and someone was crossing the road, so the first car stops for the pedestrian, the second car stops behind them, and then a third car plows into the first 2 cars going about 60k (in a 30k zone). So the second car moves up and hits the very first car...so a typical accident right....and then the guy from the first car gets out mad as hell, screams at the other drivers, revs his engine and takes off.

Now why would someone do that? They are leaving a scene of an accident, they are NOT at fault at all! My theory is that they had no insurance or it was a stolen car.

My wife saw the whole thing go down shortly before her bus came. She is under no obligation to provide a police report or anything right? If she chooses to do so, does she just call the police and tell her she witnessed the accident at so and so location at a said time, would they care, or do you figure the 2 other drivers have enough info already?

02-10-2010, 12:23 PM
Get her to phone the cops.

You tell them you witnessed an accident at x intersection at y time and if they want you to give a witness statement they'll call you back when the time comes.

02-10-2010, 12:26 PM
Yes she is obligated to report this information as she is a witness and was at the scene of an accident

02-10-2010, 01:01 PM
You're complaining about someone leaving the scene of an accident and your wife........left the scene of an accident?

02-10-2010, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by Mar
You're complaining about someone leaving the scene of an accident and your wife........left the scene of an accident?

I dont think there is anything wrong with that.

If you dont want to share any info with the police, you dont have to. In the end its only an accident and not a murder.

02-10-2010, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by Mar
You're complaining about someone leaving the scene of an accident and your wife........left the scene of an accident?

No my wife was waiting for the bus, this happened in front of her, just that the person who was not at fault at all got all angry and just sped off.

02-10-2010, 01:41 PM
Did she get a plate or decent vehicle description? In my opinion she might be doing car #2 a favor by NOT sumbitting a police report as they will most likely find the guy and car #2 will end up having to pay his damages. Just a thought.

02-10-2010, 03:32 PM
Car #1 could also be late for work too right, and probably don't think or care about the cost of damage. Most public don't realize how expensive a trip to the bodyshop is nowadays to get things fix properly.

What kind of car/truck/suv is #1?

02-10-2010, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by TomcoPDR
Car #1 could also be late for work too right, and probably don't think or care about the cost of damage. Most public don't realize how expensive a trip to the bodyshop is nowadays to get things fix properly.

What kind of car/truck/suv is #1?

My wife said it was some sort of a sports car (you know how women are, all cars look the same), so if that was the case I am sure they would have cared for the damange. Who knows. That is true about the first car speeding away being a good thing for driver #2

02-10-2010, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by TomcoPDR
Car #1 could also be late for work too right, and probably don't think or care about the cost of damage. Most public don't realize how expensive a trip to the bodyshop is nowadays to get things fix properly.

What kind of car/truck/suv is #1?

Sure, the cost of the body shop can be expensive.... but isn't that the reason he should have stuck around?? He wasn't at fault, and he most definitely would not have been paying for it.

02-10-2010, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by Mar
You're complaining about someone leaving the scene of an accident and your wife........left the scene of an accident?

You're an idiot.

02-10-2010, 05:59 PM
the guy was probably doing something illegal. could have been no insurance, stolen car, in possession of guns or drugs...

02-10-2010, 06:07 PM
Definitely had a reason to run.

02-10-2010, 06:10 PM
If your wife does not file a report with the police, she is no better than the guy who took off from the accident scene. I know she has morals, she needs to call it in.

02-10-2010, 06:17 PM
Yeah, your wife should report it, but it probably won't get anywhere.

I was on hold for a long time, after witnessing a hit and run and following the offender (out of coincidence since I was going the same direction-not to be a hero), I had description of vehicle/offender, plate number and the cops said they couldn't do anything about it. After that, I did all I really could do, I felt bad though to this day, because the lady was hit and they pulled over and he just sped off like a prick.

02-10-2010, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by CMW403
the guy was probably doing something illegal. could have been no insurance, stolen car, in possession of guns or drugs...

the guy from the first car gets out mad as hell, screams at the other drivers, revs his engine and takes off.

If he do something illegal i think he will take off ASAP

02-10-2010, 06:49 PM
maybe Car #1 was really mad at the person who's driving 60km/h at a playground zone
Because Car#3 obviously wasn't paying enough attention to the road and would've hit the pesdestrian if car #1 and #2 hadn't been there.

isn't that something that makes you mad?

Anything collision that even scratches the bumper now-a-days cost over a grand.
Maybe he was hurry off somewhere though....who knows.

Your wife should contact the police about the accident and offer to be a witness though.

but as unfortunate the accident was, it's a good thing there was 2 cars in front of the pesdestrian.

02-10-2010, 11:31 PM
Just FYI I reported a hit and run, and about 2 weeks later a cop asked me to meet him at a local Tims, I gave my statement, and he nailed the guy for hit and run. The family that owned the victim car had a 1K deductible so they were pretty grateful. I never had to do anything beyond fill out the statement cause the statement is enough to make 99% of the people cave.

Stock up on good karma.

02-11-2010, 02:09 PM
Whether your wife decides to file a police report or not, tell her to write down everything she can remember immediately, at least to keep it for herself.

For every minute that passes she's forgetting details, and if she does decide to file a report in a couple days, it will probably be useless if she's just going off memory.

02-12-2010, 02:21 AM
I witnessed an accident near the Tim Hortons on 17th (the one further down the stereet near Spy City) on Wednesday and left. In my defence my friends and I only heard the crash so we'd be useless witnesses but we were literally a few steps from the crash. It was pretty epic though.