View Full Version : Help with phone contract

02-13-2010, 01:48 PM
Im trying to get out of my phone contract with Bell, and need ideas. Heres the story

I signed up with Bell Mobility in Feb 2009. When i signed a contract with bell i signed up through wireless wave. Here is where the problems begin, when i signed up the representative told me i would have 200 anytime minutes in my contract and he wrote it on the contract. I recently was charged because i went over my minutes and i checked online because i receive my bills online and i actually only have ten anytime minutes which is completely useless. I was also told when i signed up and bought the extended 3 year warranty that if my phone ever had any problems that i could bring in my phone and exchange it for another one, no questions asked. I did this twice because of issues with the blackberry storm and recently tried to do the same and they said they changed the service and that i would have to send it in to get repaired. After waiting 9 weeks to get my phone repaired it is still not functioning properly.

I am completely fed up with bell because of many other reasons and when i tried to go cancel my contract with bell because of the warranty they told me i had to talk to wireless wave. Talking to wireless wave they said that policy does not exist and that the extended warranty means they will try to fix it first.

This is not what i signed up for and want out. Any legal precedence beyond can offer?

Thanks in advance

Edit: i already tried the material adverse clause, it didn't work

02-13-2010, 02:18 PM
If your contract that you signed is different than the services your provided then the contract is invalid. You can cancel and have the ECF fee waived.

You do have to fight for it however. Keep going to the next level with bell. Email higher ups. Fight tooth and nail.

People over on HOFO are getting out of contracts due to the changes in local calling areas.

I was in a similar situation. The plan i had was completely different than what was on the contract. A rogers retentions rep even told me straight up that i had grounds to cancel with no penalty but he would rather keep me as a customer and offered me a very very good plan.