View Full Version : Upper body injury?

02-21-2010, 02:07 AM
I was skiing in Whistler this week, and unfortunately had a bad landing comming of a drop into deep snow. I fell back and punched my arms into the snow, and as my arms tryed to hold my body back, gravity pulled my body downhill causing me pain in my chest. At first I thought it was just a light strain, and skiied for a further 5 hours that day. On the Friday next day, I felt sore but not excruciating, so I went for a 10km walk and then relaxed on the couch. Come today not only is my chest very sore, but my neck and back also, with reduced mobility in my arms. I travelled back to Calgary today, and plan on going to the clinic first thing tomorrow morning. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to what I have done? It seems like a bone in my chest is possibly out of place.

02-21-2010, 12:15 PM
Doctor. Go there now. Make sure you haven't done any major damage. Then, the wonderful world of physiotherapy.

Welcome to the club.

02-21-2010, 12:33 PM
Yup I've been waiting at the doctor for a couple hours now. Twisting and bending my upper body has become very painful, and lifting things has become difficult, even things as small as a glass of water. Sucks because my ski season is likely over, and it hurts to drive to which is dissapointing.

02-21-2010, 12:51 PM
So you fell and face planted? maybe your body or chest are just sore, how long have u skied this winter? when I first went snow boarding the 3d day my body started to hurt and it lasted like 4 days after that but see what the docs will tell ya cuz if a bone or what not has moved out of place in your chest then you would of felt it right away not a day later

02-21-2010, 01:05 PM
No, I fell back comming off a cliff and my arms dragged in the snow and pulled my upperbody back. I have been skiing tons this winter, it's definately not just being sore, because that was my fourth full day of skiing in a row and I felt it instantly, had to take a breather for a bit after that.

02-21-2010, 04:24 PM
Well I got x-rays, and I wont know for sure until Tuesday, but he said at the least its a strain, and they are going to check for a "lung leak".

02-25-2010, 03:58 AM
Sometimes I wish I could wear a full body armor suit when snowboarding. So many injuries, pains, cracks, pops, bullshit has come out of this sport.

I can't wait to be back out there though! :nut:

Good Luck in any case.

02-25-2010, 05:36 PM
No doubt you've had injuries but it sure looks like a fun sport. I wish I was younger and it would be something that I might take up.

Originally posted by dimi
Sometimes I wish I could wear a full body armor suit when snowboarding. So many injuries, pains, cracks, pops, bullshit has come out of this sport.

I can't wait to be back out there though! :nut:

Good Luck in any case.

02-25-2010, 05:43 PM
I have a severe strain in my chest muscles, and some mad bruising. Bones are fine, lungs are fine, however they are still unsure about my back and shoulders. They say my chest will be more painful than if I had broken ribs.