View Full Version : Wearing the sling.

02-21-2010, 04:08 PM
So, shoulder was dislocated last night. Went to the hospital, got it all put in place and was given a sling to wear for a week.
Only thing is, wearing the sling is so ridiculously uncomfortable and immobalizing that it feels much better to just... not wear it.
I don't have full mobilization of the dislocated shoulder yet, but at least with the sling off I can type properly and lift things. Maybe even drive my car (5 speed).
So my real question is: Is the sling there to make things comfortable while it heals? Or do I need to wear it to have it heal properly?

02-21-2010, 07:28 PM
The sling takes weight off your shoulder so the ligaments can heal properly. You should try not to put much weight or exert too much force.

I made the mistake of not wearing my sling for the whole time (a week is nothing...) and not I have a chronic shoulder dislocation problem. Give it plenty of time to rest and go through rehab before engaging in sports again.

Being a stubborn teen and not letting it heal properly is one of my worst regrets and if I could go back, I would never make that mistake again.

02-21-2010, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by dkmlam
I made the mistake of not wearing my sling for the whole time (a week is nothing...) and not I have a chronic shoulder dislocation problem. Give it plenty of time to rest and go through rehab before engaging in sports again.

Being a stubborn teen and not letting it heal properly is one of my worst regrets and if I could go back, I would never make that mistake again.

This +1, everything he's said to the tee, it actually just popped out last month unannounced reaching back to push the back seat up in my car, its a semi traumatic experience the second it happens, then the reality sets in that you know you have to pop it back in via a series of arm movements.

WEAR THE SLING unless you want it popping out sporadically.. sometimes when youre sleeping.. one of the worst things i've ever had to wake up to.

02-21-2010, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by n1zm0

This +1, everything he's said to the tee, it actually just popped out last month unannounced reaching back to push the back seat up in my car, its a semi traumatic experience the second it happens, then the reality sets in that you know you have to pop it back in via a series of arm movements.

WEAR THE SLING unless you want it popping out sporadically.. sometimes when youre sleeping.. one of the worst things i've ever had to wake up to.

Sounds really scary.
I should have posted some background information I suppose.
This particular shoulder has been a problem for my whole life.
It's actually been popping out as long as I can remember. In fact, I used to be able to semi pop it out and wiggle my finger around in the socket when I was younger. In retrospect, not the best idea. This is the first time it's ever been out and stayed out for more than a few seconds. The first time it's ever been out of the socket all the way I suppose. Quite painful I must admit.

I went to the doc to get a modified work duties form filled out today. He prescribed an anti-inflamatory and said go to physio, I asked about the sling and he said not to worry about it based on the fact that I've already got an almost full range of motion, as strange as it is.