View Full Version : Max 10K for a car

02-22-2010, 01:47 AM
Hello beyond members, I didn't see anywhere saying not to make one of these and you must get them often but I really do need your help. I'm at one of those "what the heck car do i get" points in my life, and I'm hoping you guys can help.(I know I should have made a WTB thread in the marketplace, but I'm still on my month probation and I want something sooner than that, sorry if this is wrong of me) Most of you seem to know what your talking about.

Ok so here is my situation, I've pretty much got 10K and am looking to buy a car. I was looking to get a loan and then go up to 25K for a 3 door white DSG GTI, which is sort of a dream car. But then reason stepped in and said go back to school, which is what I'm doing now, but i still have an itch for a new ride. I'm 19 and took a year off to figure out what i want to do with my life, and save up money. Now here I am going back in the fall, and really want a nice car.
As for what I'm looking for its sort of anything with a few parameters.

I like the look of coupe better, but if it looks good enough a sedan will do.

Manual is a must, just doesn't feel like driving without it, and it being slower is a major no no.

Reliability is a must, but i doubt anyone is looking for an unreliable car. For this reason and hopefully i don't start and controversy by saying this but i prefer non domestic

Color isn't crucial as i like most colors, just not red or yellow or orange, and I do like a really nice white.

Mileage isn't as big a deal but nothing ridiculous id say over 22MPG, I'd be wanting to do a little road trip down to California with it.

Quick and comfortable are my two major concerns, (a little back story being that I have a 96 golf that was lowered and has magnaflo exhaust, it was my first car and was only $1400, its still running for now but is getting worse, i think the whole tranny is in need of repair{partly from a little abuse before i got it and part from me learning manual on it with no one teaching me}, and many other little things. Its been a love hate relationship with this car, I love the handling and that it isn't a real snail, but hate the roughness, i feel every bump, and dread speed bumps or deep snow, and bottom out often, which as anyone who has this fear knows its a gut wrenching feeling. The muffler is so loud, luckily i have a decent sound system or I'd go insane. Don't get me wrong i like the noise but on extended trips it wears on me. ) sorry for going off track with that, but it might help you understand better what I'm looking for. So as you can see I'm not a big fan of low, if its lowered within reason that's ok, and as long as the ride isn't horrid. As for quick I'm looking for something modded as has been proven, its cheaper to buy a car with a mod on it then to put one on yourself, in most cases. Something nicely tuned would be nice, I certainly don't like getting beaten between the lights. It doesn't have to be the fastest thing on the street, but just fun to drive and better than most.

To give you an idea of what i might be interested in I've been looking at Prelude, Supra, GTI/golfs, jetta, WRX, sc400, LS400. But I'm open to anything.

I wont go higher than 10,000 and would hope to keep at least a little, but if i end up pretty much broke but happy any time I drive anywhere, thats fine with me. I really want a good deal, or even a OMG you'd be crazy not to take it deal would be cool, hope you can help me out and thanks in advance.

P.S. sorry about the wall of text if you dont want to read it then

TL;DR I have 10,000 moneys need car pls.:dunno:

02-22-2010, 01:58 AM
Hey man, personally Id recommend a Jetta/GTI.

I love supras but 10k is a bit rough for getting one thats in nice shape worth modding/keeping and not beating on. WRX is also a good choice, but also think about insurance costs and so forth. Reason why Id reccomend a Jetta/GTI would be one of the same reasons I bought one, pretty much the quality of the interior and overall feel. Literally I had people come from newer more expensive cars and admire the interior of it, Your spending the most time in your car anyway, a Jetta GLI or GTI should be pretty fast stock, few small $$ tunes can give you a significant power gain.

Like again, I really like the WRX's too, winter time they handle great and there pretty quick.

my .02s

02-22-2010, 12:55 PM
get this one... I will negotiate.

02-22-2010, 01:06 PM
Holy shit.

A newbie, that is 19 yrs old, that is posting a "What to buy thread"... BUT it is well put together, giving us back-history/explanation of expectation & a price limit?

This man deserves member of the month! (No sarcasm, im actually serious about that... I know it sounds like its oozing with sarcasm, but I'm not!)

Honestly reading your post I'd say a 97-01 prelude. You are very smart not to get a loan and incur any extra expenses especially if you are going to school. Kudos to you holding off on your "Dream car" (because this WILL change as you grow older... trust me). Anyway as I was mentioning, I'd go with a prelude because they are very reliable, have a decent amount of aftermarket if you get bored / to make it your own. Also quite good gas mileage, a reasonble sized fuel tank, has enough hp to it to make it a fun car.

I see you had WRX on your list... don't buy a jdm one. I just don't like JDM, so that's my personal preference (fan boys will jump in soon, I'm sure of it lol). So for a 2002+ WRX , if you found one for 10k.. I'd be very wary of it's condition.

Anyway all the best of luck to you man. Welcome to the forum, you seem to be someone who will contribute. :thumbsup:

02-22-2010, 02:26 PM
Thanks for the replies so far its helping lots.

In response to 403Gemini Yes i know you must get a lot of these, but I'm sure its helped a lot of people. Ive been looking at a bunch of preludes, but most of the good deals seem to be sold already, and I'm not as familiar with Honda's and not to sure what to be looking for. The big thing that bothers me with them is the interior, which feels extremely dated, other than that they look amazing, and all the things you mentioned.
I would never dream of JDM, for one thing RHD I've heard is more expensive to insure, and asking a lady to step out onto the street to get into my car, might be kinda old fashioned but it seems rude.

To InRich: sorry but the accord just seems like to much of a lump of car, the sound system seems like it would be very nice, and I'm sure its relatively quick. But the main thing is i dont see myself driving one.

To Cozmanator: I can see you also have the Vdub love, which Ive seen from pretty much anyone i know that has one. I wouldn't mind getting another, and people do some nice things with them. The problem is that I either go with a newer mk4 gti, which is slower than the mk1 and mk2, duno about mk3, or go with a later one and risk it being less reliable. Not saying mk4 is bad, just imo mk5 is where they stepped up to the hot hatches again. But those are out of my price range atm. Unless itsa seriously modded mk4 with it still being comfortable, then i dont think it'll be the one for me.

02-22-2010, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by I20I3

I would never dream of JDM, for one thing RHD I've heard is more expensive to insure, and asking a lady to step out onto the street to get into my car, might be kinda old fashioned but it seems rude.

fuck dood women scream for the jdm, as long as ur not rice jdm is so classy, worth all the cons for shure, women can walk on the side of the highway all i care i get the jdm eeverybody is happy. or just park backwards LOL:whocares:

02-23-2010, 02:18 AM
Originally posted by moka989

fuck dood women scream for the jdm, as long as ur not rice jdm is so classy, worth all the cons for shure, women can walk on the side of the highway all i care i get the jdm eeverybody is happy. or just park backwards LOL:whocares:


02-23-2010, 02:24 AM
Originally posted by InRich
get this one... I will negotiate.
You'll be lucky to get half that. If you spent "15+k in upgrades" and that list is all you have to show for it, that's your problem, but don't confuse "money invested" with "value".

02-23-2010, 03:26 AM
Uh oh I didn't mean to offend anyone just JDM is not for me.

Also something i forgot to mention is that being 19 insurance is also a big factor, so maybe something that would be cheap to insure but supped up so insurance would stay the same while being fun to drive.

Another thing is I like it to be something unsuspected, If this isn't doable that's fine, but I love the feeling of being underestimated and then just smoking someone. Also for times when you dont feel like being fast, your left alone. I hope this could maybe fit into the cheep to insure. JDM defiantly doesn't fit in the category, Whenever i see someone with RHD, i'm expecting a show, which im usually not disappointed, but it seems like a lot of work and it'd be hard on the car to be top preforming all the time. (if that makes any sense) and then if you dont drive like your better than everyone else, You'd be thought of as either one of those people who actually baby a car and dont really drive it for the love of driving, or you just have a slow JDM. I dont want anything to shouty, more something that will quietly leave you amazed and far behind.

Again sorry if this upsets anyone just how i feel.

02-23-2010, 03:59 AM
I like my LHD and sleepers too. :thumbsup:

02-25-2010, 02:36 PM
Im looking at this one atm, what do you think? I've gotten him down to 10,500.

02-25-2010, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by I20I3
Im looking at this one atm, what do you think? I've gotten him down to 10,500.

Insurance will not touch that car for a 19 year unless you are very creative with your desciption. That car is a fantastic deal but it doesn't sound like it's for you.

I was interested in a late 90's VR6 but I just couldn't find one.

02-25-2010, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by QuasarCav

Insurance will not touch that car for a 19 year unless you are very creative with your desciption. That car is a fantastic deal but it doesn't sound like it's for you.

I was interested in a late 90's VR6 but I just couldn't find one.

I actually just did a free quote and found that I'd only be paying $124/month. Which is down from the $150/month I'm paying now

02-26-2010, 11:31 AM
my bias may be obvious, but my Sentra Se-R Spec V has been the best car I've ever owned. Not terrible on gas, 175hp AND 180b-ft of torque, 4 doors for extra room for people, 6 speed manual tranny, LSD which is great in winter. Mine has been super reliable once the engine was replaced (first 2 MY had engine issues, mine was replaced under warranty at 30,000k) the only issue I had was a MAF sensor. That's it. I've put oil and gas in it, and just did the front brakes - not bad for a 120,000K of driving.

If you're looking at Honda's and VWs, consider the Sentra SE-R - they typically go around $8K.

02-26-2010, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by I20I3

I actually just did a free quote and found that I'd only be paying $124/month. Which is down from the $150/month I'm paying now

You received a quote for a stock 99 GTI. That car is very far from stock.

02-26-2010, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by QuasarCav

You received a quote for a stock 99 GTI. That car is very far from stock.

Yes i did it for a stock VR6 but that is all that will show up when they put in the VIN. I was never asked about any mods done when i applied for my car insurance before.

I think i might have found the one with it tho. I tried it last night and it was amazing. Perfectly drivable below 3000 rpms, and then rips when you go over, its not to loud, and looks good while not being overly showy.
I'll let you guys know how it goes.

Thanks again to all of you.

02-26-2010, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by I20I3

Yes i did it for a stock VR6 but that is all that will show up when they put in the VIN. I was never asked about any mods done when i applied for my car insurance before.

good luck with that, you are just giving them a reason to void your coverage when you need it