View Full Version : Losing your stomach after intense workout

03-04-2010, 05:43 PM
Is it considered some what normal to throw up very soon after an intense workout/activity? I've managed to do this a few times while biking, once while running, and come really close to it a few times while working out at the gym.
So far I've determined that it doesn't matter how long ago I have eaten or drank, it still happens.

Is this something I should consult a doctor on, or is there something I am doing very wrong?

03-04-2010, 05:59 PM
maybe if you're a crossfitter or a bulemic.

03-04-2010, 06:27 PM

03-04-2010, 07:05 PM
^^ It is a normal reaction to over training. I don't know why it happens though. I've done that a few times back when I used to box. As my old coach used to say, "if you're not puking when you leave here you're not working hard enough." He was only half joking.

03-04-2010, 07:19 PM
Happens to me at WHC, I blame it on the water.

King Banana
03-04-2010, 08:47 PM
how far can you run?
if your cardio is good the only thing I can think of is maybe you need to find a cool place to be afterwords, maybe a cool shower or something.

A stuffy locker room isn't the greatest place to recover, maybe try going outside after a big workout.

03-04-2010, 10:01 PM
I also thought over-training at first, but sometimes it's within 20mins of things I was able to do with no issues last summer. I would also like to think I am reasonably fit, at 162lbs and about 5'11". There is a chance that I am still pushing further than what my body is capable of since I haven't been doing some of these things since last summer.
And King Banana, to clarify; it happens soon after I get my heart rate way up, during the recovery pretty much.

03-04-2010, 10:09 PM
sounds similar to what happened to me in junior high (I may have been in bad shape). Anyway, I was doing relays (all-out, rest, all-out, rest) which really killed me. Was in a stuffy locker room, then puked in the computer lab about 20 mins later. Never happened since.

03-04-2010, 10:19 PM
Pay more close attention to how soon it happens and what you drank/ate. This also usually happens to me when I over work myself playing basketball 3-4 hours straight when I don't eat enough.

I suggest eating more healthy food, and just pace yourself. Slowly build your tolerance to hard work. If you find that you get it within 20 minutes, then cut back on the work load and the time as well.

Build up your cardio as you might not be able to absorb enough oxygen as well as you should. I have asthma have a hard time breathing as well so I have to make sure I get some breaks in between.

03-04-2010, 10:24 PM
I had asthma also, when I was younger. Lucky for me I pretty much grew out of it. I will give pacing myself a better shot. I like doing random explosive bursts while biking / running (not on a treadmill), so I will try and tone those down and see if that helps. Thanks.

03-10-2010, 07:12 PM
Im no doctor by any means, but as a few ppl have already mentioned, watch what you eat before going to the gym(give urself 30min at least before ur previous meal) and pace yourself. You might be going too hard all of a sudden.

Make sure you warm up and get your heart rate at a comfortable pace before doing anything else.

03-10-2010, 09:50 PM
I usually try not to eat a heavy meal like an hour and a half before my workout. Try eating fruit as a pre-workout snack. You can eat a banana or something right before you workout just so your stomach isn't totally empty. If you haven't done a lot of the stuff you're doing now since last summer try pacing yourself. Cut your bike/run down by just 5 mins and make sure you really cool down after. Don't sit until your heart rate returns to normal.

03-10-2010, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by xinirgi
Is it considered some what normal to throw up very soon after an intense workout/activity? I've managed to do this a few times while biking, once while running, and come really close to it a few times while working out at the gym.
So far I've determined that it doesn't matter how long ago I have eaten or drank, it still happens.

Is this something I should consult a doctor on, or is there something I am doing very wrong?

Its actually a very simple explanation for tossin your cookies. It relates to where your blood flows during exercise.

In effort for your body to reach maximal perfomance as much blood need to go to the muscles as possible. To achieve this digestion comes to a near stop and blood flows away from you internal organs towards your extremities and skeletal muscles. So rather than the food continuing along the digestion is stops and sits there, bouncing and jolting around. Eventually causing you to throw up.

When I do nutrition talks with Running groups, I always talk about pre-game meals. Here are some basic rules of thumb that apply to both strength and cardio events at high intensity:

Eating Pre-Game
- High in CHO
- Moderate Protein
- Low Fat and Fibre
- High Fluids
- Familiar Foods
Meal 3-4 Hours
Snack ~ 2 Hours
- the snack should be something like mentioned earlier, an apple, banana or even berries. No sooner that half an hour to allow for your stomach to empty.

From my own personal experience (crossfitting). I discovered that anywhere under 1 and 1/2 hours would cause me to throw up when working at maximal heart rate. And even at the hour 30 mark before i had to consume only liquid form.

Everyone is different though, a good rule of thumb to go by is fat, fibre and protein take longer to empty from the stomach so you want to minimize them pre workout to avoid getting sick. Of course protein powder will always absorb faster than a steak, so you may be able to tolerate that in a smaller window.

03-12-2010, 12:01 AM
It's got nothing to do with food or when you ate.

It's called your lactic threshold. You are training above your lactic threshold. Meaning your body is producing lactic acid faster than it can remove it. It will accumulate in areas like, the corner of your mouth, and in your stomach, and it can make you puke.

We learn about this in our running training, certain times we train specifically above this threshold.

My explanation might be a little unscientific or dumb, but that's the jist of it.

03-12-2010, 10:09 AM
Pretty normal if you are unfit.. Keep at it , and your body will adjust.. I saw alot of Guys who I played football with lose there guts.. After a while it stopped and they started to get really fit.

03-12-2010, 10:12 AM
only time i puked was during deadlifts after i took 3 scoops of SuperPump lol.

shit just made me sick ahahah

03-12-2010, 10:21 AM
I only puked once, this past summer, when I did a 120 km bike ride around Calgary at speed. Lost probably 4 lbs in water and fat weight that day alone. Got home, had a sip of water, proceeded to vomit uncontrollably into a nearby bush. Oddly, I felt wicked afterwards. As in "I can turn around and bike that again, I'm PUMPED"

03-12-2010, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by GQBalla
only time i puked was during deadlifts after i took 3 scoops of SuperPump lol.

shit just made me sick ahahah

LOL , it almost made me upchuck 3 weeks ago at a crossfit class... its a big nono for cardio.

03-12-2010, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by JAYMEZ

LOL , it almost made me upchuck 3 weeks ago at a crossfit class... its a big nono for cardio.

ahah i bet, that stuff just made me feel sick....

never took it again, i have 2 jugs sitting at home.

King Banana
03-12-2010, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by GQBalla

ahah i bet, that stuff just made me feel sick....

never took it again, i have 2 jugs sitting at home.

I'll take those off your hands,
providing they are the new formula with reduced magnesium.

03-12-2010, 01:08 PM
Not superpump, but no explode made me do the same thing after my first 300 workout. Actually during and after.

Without a doubt though if you have food in your stomach, its gonna come up when you do high intensity. Especially crossfit. I just about lost my shit last week on the rowing machine trying to break the 7:30 mark for 2k. I failed :banghead:

03-12-2010, 01:15 PM
definitely can see it with something in your stomach.

only thing i experience is light headed/almost blacking out/ears ringing :D

always fun ahahah

good thing this has never happened to me


03-12-2010, 01:27 PM
I've only thrown up once but been nauseous many times to the point of having to sit for 20 minutes until it passes. Throwing up happened when I worked out too hard (even though it wasn't really that hard) after far too long of a break from weightlifting. Feeling nauseous happens from the same thing but also when I've taken in too much caffeine.

As for N.O. Explode, Superpump, and I think it was Xpand, they've all made me feel sick before working out. Not all the time but often enough that I've given up on them. I think there is too much stimulant in them (one of those listed is caffeine free) and unregulated crap that the body doesn't really need anyway for a good workout and muscle gain.

I've recently switched back to the tried and true regular Creatine Monohydrate powder and regulate my own stimulant intake--mainly just caffeine--so I know for sure what is going into my body.

LOL @ GQBalla. That video is hillarious. What a tool.

03-12-2010, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by GQBalla
definitely can see it with something in your stomach.

only thing i experience is light headed/almost blacking out/ears ringing :D

always fun ahahah

good thing this has never happened to me


looks like homeslice forgot to breath. Haha that would suck.

I the ears ringing is relation to pressure from holding your breath... kind of like when in an airplane and your ears popping. Not enough oxygen getting to your brain.

03-12-2010, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by GQBalla

ahah i bet, that stuff just made me feel sick....

never took it again, i have 2 jugs sitting at home.

lol hook it up~

3 scoops is to much !

im 235 Pounds 6'2 and i handle 1 and half..

03-12-2010, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by wintonyk

looks like homeslice forgot to breath. Haha that would suck.

I the ears ringing is relation to pressure from holding your breath... kind of like when in an airplane and your ears popping. Not enough oxygen getting to your brain.

haha yeah i tend to hold my breath.

been trying to work on my breathing for the past couple months, and i can already see a huge performance gain just from learning to breath right.

Originally posted by JAYMEZ

lol hook it up~

3 scoops is to much !

im 235 Pounds 6'2 and i handle 1 and half..

haha maybe i should go for 1 scoop than, you're a monster, 235 and 6"2

im 175 right no 5"8 but losing lotsa fat, getting veiny.

so im happy with how much i weigh