View Full Version : Complaints/opinions about the city?

03-08-2010, 11:38 AM
Hey i'm a journalist... and if you have any complaints about the city and would like to get yourself heard, please message me and i will try my best to get your voice heard.

This could be about anything - Calgary or Alberta related please! :)

03-08-2010, 11:40 AM
journalists that use beyond to keep their job

03-08-2010, 12:00 PM
Its been done to death, however I really hate the Parking. Why are we the Second most expensive city in North America to park in?

I realize its supply and demand but its still Ridonkulous. What is it to park downtown now? Like $300-500/month for a shoebox sized parking space?

03-08-2010, 12:54 PM
Pre-Boom, I wasn't too fond of Calgary, but had no real complaints (other than the fact it isn't anywhere close to the coast.

Boom, Pre-Crash, I couldn't stand the city, full of self-important assholes, and shitty service no matter where you went. Cost of living went through the roof, while my own wages never changed. Severely effected my long term plans for a family.

Crash, Don't find the city that disagreeable anymore. Most of the little self-important fucktards realized life won't be a free ride their whole lives, and actually started working for a living.

Post Crash, Not looking forward to economic recovery.

03-08-2010, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by dandia89
journalists that use beyond to keep their job
Ya, buddy, are you even from here? If you were, you'd already know what people have to say about Calgary.
Go generate your hate mongering somewhere else.

03-08-2010, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by Jour
Hey i'm a journalist... and if you have any complaints about the city and would like to get yourself heard, please message me and i will try my best to get your voice heard.

This could be about anything - Calgary or Alberta related please! :)

One of our members has lots of issues with a particular Calgary MP. Please pm ZenOps regarding Rob Anders.

03-08-2010, 01:29 PM
crazy! i will,
thanks everyone.

if you got anymore - do tell :D

03-08-2010, 01:45 PM
The fucked up thing is that service hasn 't really improved from this crash. Service in restaraunts is still worse here than pretty much any city in the US.

And Tik-Tok, those self important assholes haven't gone anywhere, they'll spring up as soon as commodity prices rebound. From my informal research on this topic, not a single person in this city has learned anything from our little "correction."

03-08-2010, 01:54 PM

Lol well not really fully corrupted, but there needs to be some investigating in what the police are into.

To many power hungry people are getting into positions which give them too much power.

Id post points to do with why I think police are getting more corrupted but Im sure everyone has a story about this.

Im just saying, I dont trust the Calgary Police to much anymore. Its hard not to judge them all according to the actions of the "Bad" ones, but from what ive seen there arnt to many trustworthy police anymore.

- What happened to the investigation where they found that Private document with Gang members names and addresses in the rival gangs possession? Obviously there are some dirty cops out there, but no ones telling us nothing.

03-08-2010, 01:57 PM
People in Calgary are way too hooked on trying to be exactly like everyone else... ie: McMansion in the 'burbs, BMW in the driveway, etc

Some people can actually afford the lifestyle... and others have to work long hours/multiple jobs/etc to attempt to afford that same lifestyle, and as such, it leaves these people without a soul and turns them into greedy, self-absorbed losers.

There is no real sense of community in Calgary, everyone's too busy trying to one-up their neighbor/co-worker/friend to give a shit about community.

Traffic sucks... it's not the worst out there, but for a city of 1,000,000 it can be pretty trying most of the time.

I loved Calgary when I moved here 10+ years ago... but I have really grown to dislike the place over the last 3-4 years... it just isn't the same any more.

03-08-2010, 01:59 PM
haha I will second the parking thing, its ridiculous. And a parking ticket is outrageous too. Shoulda paid the 3 bucks for an hour.

I just got one at MRU today and 40 bucks. Time to throw old plates on the car when parking there. haha.

03-08-2010, 02:12 PM
Calgary is a great city. It is not without its flaws, but over all it is far better than most. Most of the complainers are move-ins anyways.

03-08-2010, 02:12 PM


slow road construction. to speed things up, this should run 24 hours, 7 days a week like it does in most major cities.

03-08-2010, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by Jour
Hey i'm a journalist... and if you have any complaints about the city and would like to get yourself heard, please message me and i will try my best to get your voice heard.

This could be about anything - Calgary or Alberta related please! :)

What does the city plan on doing with the Calgary Drop-in Center located on Riverfront Ave by the Bow?

Its an eye sore, the first thing people see visiting downtown Calgary is a congregation of homeless people, drunks, drug addicts & bums.

It lowers home values in the area.

It attracts crime and makes it unsafe for residents in the area commuting to and from work.

03-08-2010, 02:29 PM
^ It won't be going anywhere.

03-08-2010, 02:35 PM
You know those strip malls with a Best Buy, Chapters, McDonalds, maybe a movie theatre and Safeway or Superstore surrounded by a McMansion suburban community consisting of 8,000 houses that all look the same with the same type of cars parked outside? Well take that and multiply it by 100 and you got Calgary

03-08-2010, 02:40 PM
Waitresses expecting tips when they suck.

03-08-2010, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by BigMass
You know those strip malls with a Best Buy, Chapters, McDonalds, maybe a movie theatre and Safeway or Superstore surrounded by a McMansion suburban community consisting of 8,000 houses that all look the same with the same type of cars parked outside? Well take that and multiply it by 100 and you got Calgary Not entirely true - this only applies to those of you living in the burbs.

03-08-2010, 02:42 PM
City of 1 million can't even have a 24 hour C-Train?!

King Banana
03-08-2010, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by hampstor

One of our members has lots of issues with a particular Calgary MP. Please pm ZenOps regarding Rob Anders.

haha :rofl:

03-08-2010, 02:44 PM
As as been mentioned cops in this city seem to be a sore spot for a lot of people.

Parking is definitely another one, parking is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.

Other than that there is not much going on to boost business downtown after regular business hours. Calgary is also quite lacking in the arts department. Sure we have a bit of it here and there but there seems to be a very big lack of culture when people just focus on impressing their neighbors.

03-08-2010, 03:07 PM
I don't get most of these complaints. It is obvious to me most have not lived in other cities.

Snow removal? Go to Edm, Saskatoon, regina etc etc...we have it good, really good.

Police? Go ANYWHERE else and it is just as bad if not worse.

Parking? Guess what, it's supply and demand. As long as you keep paying it, they will charge it. There are next to NO empty parking spaces downtown...what do you want them to do? Lower prices? Get real, the city is a business, it would be stupid to lower prices. Frankly I love the high prices...walk, bike, carpool, city transit your ass to work.


03-08-2010, 03:31 PM
Complaints - Rob Anders.

Nice things about Calgary? It not built on an earthquake fault line.

03-08-2010, 03:31 PM
Calgary is full of complainers. This thread will explode pretty soon when they all get home from work.

As for the journalist, go report something worthwhile instead of the loud and obnoxious, 5% of Calgarians that bitch about everything.

03-08-2010, 05:24 PM
have i got a scoop for you.

ive lived in calgary all my life and 10 years ago i can still remember driving from scenic acres to acadia at 11:00pm and on a bad night would see maybe 4 other cars on the road. you could walk around bowness park at night and feel safe, calaway park was never busy, and southland leisure center cost $6 to get in. the calgary i grew up in had minigolf, and cheap theatres, i knew my neighbors and they knew me, people bought houses to live in, not to flip, or change up every 3 years, people wanted to plant roots. winter beaters were common and you werent called poor trash at a stop light if you had one. a bus pass cost about $25 a month, and stampede time was the most expensive thing in a year, but for your $7.00 adult admission you got a free concert, and you could actually get seats on the lawn, midway games were $1 or $2 at the most. and the casinos had a $2 blackjack table. people were friendly and yelling yeehaw at this time didnt get you threatened.

the bargain finder had a $3000 and under copy, and the minimum bid at the parking auction was $100.00, going to spruce meadows was a day trip and it seemed so far out of town. kids played in the streets, ball hockey, skating whatever, and most kids i knew walked to school. a house was something some one could reasonably hope to afford one day without worrying about selling your future children. al duerr wasnt hated yet i cant remember him actually doing anything. community skating rinks were everywhere, most times set up by people in the community. Anderson ended at the reserve and fisher creek was actually relaxing. you could swim in sikome and the concessions were actually open. the village square leisure was awesome and easy street in chinook was the best place in the world, after bullwinkles on macleod. the city had 25cent arcades like laser illusions, and other stuff like cart gardens.

Fast forward to 4 years ago...

it took about 45 mins to drive from scenic acres to acadia, with many spots bumper to bumper traffic, and bowness park just creeps me out. calaway park was $25 and lineups like the stampede awaited you for every ride. southland was $12 to get in and they kept closing the pool for some reason and the waves never got turned, slides were closed and the arcade was no more. the minigolf near the colliseum is long gone replaced only by a field, as is the one by the old waterslide park at heritage and macleod, replaced by a fenced off wasteland last time i minigolfed in cowtown it cost $15 per person. my neighbors mostly sold with the good prices except a few originals from the 60s who got to watch new neighbors move in move out, rent out, sell, their houses many times over sometimes in the same year. nobody knew them. seems every winter someone isnt prepared unless they have a brand new ML550 and they make sure you know your place if you show some rust. bus passes broke $80 making that new suv seem like a deal. and stampede time will now break you financially to the point where you have to choose to pay rent or gain admission, if you do choose to go expect to lean against a midway stand 3km away from the stage out of sight and sound. a deal of cards will cost you at least $5 now which isnt too bad that is if you can find a place to sit because thier is only ever one $5 table. yelling yeehaw nowadays will likely get you punched in the face.

The parking authority has raised the minimum to $500 for an untested piece of crap that nobody wanted in the first place. and spruce meadows is now pretty much downtown. It amazes me that i never see kids anymore and yet i know people must still be having them, and i guess its just safer to have someone drive them to school. A house will cost you the rest of your life whereas an empty lot nowadays cost more than a house used to. Seems everyone hates bronco, yet theres some things he can say he did, skating rinks are booked by july and just forget finding one in your community nowadays. I couldnt even tell you how far anderson road goes, i couldnt make the whole journey in a week. sikome is closed, and so polluted that its probably a good thing not that the concession has been open for the last 10 years, village square now allows people to go in fully clothed, making it a gross out among kids nowadays, and lest i forget that easy street, bullwinkles, and laser illusions are all gone.

So it was time for me to pack up and find that small town quality that i remember calgary possessing, i sold my home and off to saskatoon i went, where comparisons to the old calgary were abundant, the next 'boom town' it was sold as. and after settling in i remember thinking that i would never go back to my home, how much all those changes pissed me off, and how i no longer recognize calgary, but after 3 years in toon town, calgary's charm is more evident than even, had i been wrong all along, it seems i may have just needed a change of perspective and i write this today, waiting patiently, counting down to the days i can come back home. Calgary does shine and its never as bad as it seems, it boasts many accomplishements and is a true world class city when i visit. sadly though i can no longer say the same things about saskatoon.

03-08-2010, 05:31 PM
I got 2 foot pot holes that the city refuses to pave and tells the business owners they can pay for it and a road that has never been swept since it was made, think you can help? PM me :)

03-08-2010, 05:31 PM
That's deep man ^

03-08-2010, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by Phil_McGraw
Waitresses expecting tips when they suck.

Patrons expecting a good suck for a tip.

03-08-2010, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by nonlinear


slow road construction. to speed things up, this should run 24 hours, 7 days a week like it does in most major cities.

This. Have city hall travel to some northern US cities to see how snow removal is done properly. Dropping truckfulls of gravel is cutting corners and substandard. Not to mention costly to motorists in windshield repairs/replacement, mandatory 3M applications, etc. Not to mention the cost of the three month annual street cleanups the gravel causes.

03-08-2010, 08:30 PM
yea by when is the gravel gone anyway?

03-08-2010, 09:54 PM
Biggest complaints... the amount of complainers we have in this city. ;)

03-08-2010, 11:16 PM
The quality of life in Calgary sucks. The nightlife here is absouletly horrible for a big city!!!!

03-09-2010, 05:21 AM
1. No nightlife
2. No arts and culture scene
3. Very "clicky"music scene
4. Traffic/Parking/construction
5. No 24 Hr transit(wwttff??)
6. Private Auto Insurance
7. Everything downtown closes so early

There are alot good things too tho...:dunno:

03-09-2010, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by Goodfella
The quality of life in Calgary sucks. The nightlife here is absouletly horrible for a big city!!!!

I disagree partially. The quality of life in Calgary is amongst the best in the world when you consider how clean and safe it is for it's size. Problem is that it's clean to a fault of being nearly sterile. This city was a much more fun place to be in the 80's. Entertainment scene sucks as the bar scene is so clicky, strip joints are nearly all gone, can't have an outdoor concert without people whining, etc (I still can't believe a Marylin Manson concert was cancelled years ago because of the uptight suits in this city). The people are snobs and their snobs in training kids working at retail provide abysmal service to everybody.

And probably the most annoying part of Calgary is that it's a city of one million whiners. "It snowed and my BMW with low profile tires can't get around. It's all the city's fault for not removing all the snow ASAP", "Additional snow removel will raise my taxes by $10? No way we have Chinooks it all melts quickly.", "It now takes me five minutes longer to get to work. The city needs to build new overpasses.", "Some big trucks went through my neighborhood on route to some construction making loud noise and endangering my kids. How dare they even if it's temporary and is required to build the new roads that we've been whining about needing." I just want to strangle these people.

03-09-2010, 09:34 AM
Some of you guys need to get out and travel the world, even if it's only down to the US. Calgary rules compared to so many other cities out there.

03-09-2010, 09:59 AM
i moved away from the city a couple years ago and thought i missed it. i moved in with my inlaws in sundance while im building my house outside the city and am i fucking glad im not staying in the city.

the drivers alone make the city shitty. twice in 2 months now, ive glanced over at a car at a stop light just looking around and i get a lifted diesel truck open his window and ask what the fuck im looking at and so does a car full of guidos in an integra.

usually im the guy that will put someone in their place if that happened, but ive got a young kid now and i dont need to feel threatened when im sitting at a stop light.

this city has changed, ive lived here my whole life and always siad i would never move away especially to a small town. look at me now, ive done the opposite of what i said because this city sucks.

the only other thing ill mention that really sucks is the construction that never seems to end. everywhere you go theres construction and if you want to take the other route to get where youre going, theres construction there too. why cant they finish one thing and then go to the next? it will be less time on one site as they could stick as many people as possible on the job and get it done quicker...maybe a suggestion i dunno how it works.

03-09-2010, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by Redlyne_mr2
Some of you guys need to get out and travel the world, even if it's only down to the US. Calgary rules compared to so many other cities out there.

Exactly. There's nothing wrong with the city. It's the people that have no clue how good they have it.

Supa Dexta
03-09-2010, 12:23 PM
Calgary 'great at being OK'

03-09-2010, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by Supa Dexta
Calgary 'great at being OK'

More like Calgary great at being mediocre...I didn't mind it when I moved here 8 years ago...Now it almost feels like living in the states where people are more worried about showing off how much money they make....Rather than be good people.

03-09-2010, 12:37 PM
Here's my opinion, and I've been here since 1982 (longer than probably 50% of Calgarians it seems).

Calgary USED to be a great city. Very positive, friendly with a sense of community. Strangers would always say hi to each other on the street etc (still happens, but more rare these days). Things would get done.

1. Then the boom came. Now it seems it's just a city for people to make money.

2. People seem materialistic nowadays, not sure if it's a Calgary thing (see #1)

3. The rest of Canada's trash arrived thinking you get paid $70k a year just for showing up.

4. Many people new to this city only plan on staying for a few years so they don't care about the city. (see #1)

5. Stupid small-time redneck mindset of a lot of the people. I blame this on life long Albertans mixed in with Canadian migrants from shitty little towns around Canada who've never made more than $10/hr.

6. City authorities still stuck in a small-town mindset from the 60's when we needed big city thinking/long term planning 10 years ago.

7. McKenzie Towne

8. Douchebag pick-ups everywhere (see #5 and #7). Much more prevalent here than other cities.

9. The "somebody think of the children" mindset seems so strong here. I'm amazed they are able to build the WLRT at all. (See #5).

10. The "Keep up with the Jonses" mentality. So many people I know working like dogs just to have a cookie cutter Mcmansion and a large TV. Often they sacrifice what little vacation time they get in order to help pay for this crap.

That's all I can think of for now.


03-09-2010, 12:46 PM
This city does have an abnormal amount of whiners. There seems to be a certain attitude amoung people here, the "Im better than you" kind and I agree with the whole everyones trying to one up their neighhbours. The city also claims to be diversified but yet all the colour has been pushed and shoved to the northeast. I am a visible minority and people have made me feel uneasy and unwelcome in nw/sw parts of the city. A year or two ago I was in an older community in the sw viewing a car with a few buddies and had a man who was driving by in an alley telling me "we dont want your type in our good neighbour hood, this not a place for gang meetings". Calgary needs to move past the big small town stigma before truely being recognized as a world class city, and not just for the O&G biz.

03-09-2010, 01:10 PM
ive glanced over at a car at a stop light just looking around and i get a lifted diesel truck open his window and ask what the fuck im looking at and so does a car full of guidos in an integra.

Soooo true, its even worse if you are driving a modified vehicle that is smaller than the diesel pickup or dirtier than the Intergra. Then the douche in the pickup and his buddy laugh and call you a fag and the 6 guidos in the 'Teg meant for 5 all try to get to the window to try and start shit.

03-09-2010, 09:29 PM
Another one to add:

People who expect the city to plow every side street, and to run services like LRT lines etc. out to their suburban wasteland neighborhood that's 30km from the inner city without raising our already low property taxes. Then when the Mayor finds alternate funding (province, P3 etc) they call him a "whiner".

03-09-2010, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by KrisYYC
10. The "Keep up with the Jonses" mentality. So many people I know working like dogs just to have a cookie cutter Mcmansion and a large TV. Often they sacrifice what little vacation time they get in order to help pay for this crap.[/B]


I know it is pretty common for a city that booms like Calgary did to have the Jones' mentality, but it is out of control here.

03-09-2010, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by KrisYYC
People who expect the city to plow every side street, and to run services like LRT lines etc. out to their suburban wasteland neighborhood that's 30km from the inner city without raising our already low property taxes. Then when the Mayor finds alternate funding (province, P3 etc) they call him a "whiner".
This. Plowing is for main roads, if you car can't get out of your neighborhood, it's you own damn fault.

03-09-2010, 10:35 PM
No night life, downtown shuts down at around 6, it's not vibrant at all.

03-09-2010, 10:52 PM
some of u guys need to travel past the usual Saskatchewan/Manitoba in order to realize Calgary is actually better than most other cities

03-09-2010, 10:54 PM
most of the people complaining about calgary are the ones who aren't from calgary. the biggest problem in calgary is its transit, which they are trying to work on.

03-09-2010, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by nonlinear


slow road construction. to speed things up, this should run 24 hours, 7 days a week like it does in most major cities.

:werd: when the 16th Avenue widening was in "full" swing, it was frustrating to see whole lengths of the road under construction and disrupting traffic, yet without a single crew on site, this in the middle of a weekday.

03-09-2010, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by dandia89
most of the people complaining about calgary are the ones who aren't from calgary. the biggest problem in calgary is its transit, which they are trying to work on.

i hope to god they work on transit
i did publish an article regarding it today

calgary transit was not happy about it but you gotta do something

03-09-2010, 11:37 PM
Over indulgence in Traffic Policing.

From BS "construction" zones, to carpool lanes, speed on green Cameras etc... dressed up as "safety" BS.

Shit regular police service. Last fall, a friend needed to file a missing person report, and was told that our Police force was too busy to accept missing person reports for adults. Also, another friend was assaulted, the guy ran off in fresh snow while she chased him a bit, but it took cops 40 minutes to get there (central Calgary, 9 am).... yet they put heavy resources into traffic policing.... pisses me off.

Snow Removal.... it just gets worse.

Spring Street Cleaning.... they REALLY dropped the ball last year. Normally, they put up a sign, "street cleaning today", and they do the STREETS, then the next day they do the AVENUES. Last year, they just put up a 4 day window, and cleaned AROUND parked cars who had no idea WHEN to be off the streets.... so nothing got cleaned, gutters plugged, gravel....

Retard Bronconnier and his minions hell bent on shutting down our Race Track.

How in Gods green earth can a Hospital Budget or Bridge Contract DOUBLE after the initial estimates and bids are in? If this happened in the real world, people would be losing jobs. Ridiculous.

Too much construction everywhere, road closures, unbelievably STUPID traffic planning.

03-09-2010, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by Jour

i hope to god they work on transit
i did publish an article regarding it today

calgary transit was not happy about it but you gotta do something

post a link to the article?

03-09-2010, 11:55 PM

03-09-2010, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by turbotrip
some of u guys need to travel past the usual Saskatchewan/Manitoba in order to realize Calgary is actually better than most other cities

Better than what cities? The ones in Saskatchewan/Manitoba?

That's like saying your fat nasty gf isn't so bad, she could be a malnourished chick with AIDS.

03-10-2010, 07:26 AM
This "journalist" doesn't have an Edmonton IP does he?

03-10-2010, 07:34 AM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

Now you know how a white guy feels while viewing a car in the NE. No kidding, I love their complaints about racism, when their attitudes are a million times fucking worse than ANYTHING in north america. I don't condone racism from either side, but make sure your own cultures house is in order before acting like you're the fucking victim.

OP, who do you write for?

03-10-2010, 08:50 AM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow

This. Plowing is for main roads, if you car can't get out of your neighborhood, it's you own damn fault.

wtf?? how is it anyones fault but the cities? are we supposed to plow our own side streets now because some people dont have 4x4's? give your head a shake.

03-10-2010, 10:06 AM
too many fucking whiners that cry about 'this city isn't the same as when I moved year ten years ago from Saskatoon/Winnipeg/Ontario/Interior BC because there are soo many people that moved here from Saskatoon/Winnipeg/Ontario/Interior BC now.'

This is a great city, aside from fucking whiners who complain about everything. If you hate it that much, get the fuck out.

03-10-2010, 10:10 AM

03-10-2010, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by turbotrip

post a link to the article?

but then you'd know my name. and beyond is crazy with finding everything about people!!

and if its about Edmonton... depends on what it is

03-10-2010, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by CUG
No kidding, I love their complaints about racism, when their attitudes are a million times fucking worse than ANYTHING in north america. I don't condone racism from either side, but make sure your own cultures house is in order before acting like you're the fucking victim.

OP, who do you write for?

no kidding I avoid the NE like H1N1

Originally posted by derpderp

- My number one issue and why I am moving from this city again this year: The post secondary institution in this city is embarrassing. One of the worst Universities in Canada and a tiny network of Colleges that have nothing that sets this city apart from any other major Canadian cities. I think a degree from a college in Calgary probably ranks you as a online community college graduate by equivalent in the rest of Canada.

- Urban Sprawl.
- Toronto Metro 7,125 km2
- Calgary Metro: 5,107.43 km2
- Montreal Metro :4,259 km2
- Vancouver Metro: 2,878.52 km2

Why is a city that ranks 5th in metro population able to consume the second most land? At this rate if we reach the population of the GTA we will be able to consume over 20'000 km2 of land, what the fuck. It is like the city planners don't think, has anyone heard of a thing called high density laws? low density taxes?

- A total lack of Culture: No arts events, hardly any room for music events, a total lack of annual events like the Stampede. Definitely a total lack of style in was the city is designed and among the people. How can one of the wealthist middle classes in Canada and North America manage to be so tacky and bland? It is like the second I am in public I am surrounded by Puma wearing, fake Aramani douche bags and girls with sweat pants with "Juicy" stamped on the ass from every angle.

The u of c is just fine for business and engineering, I'm assuming you're pursuing some other dead-end degree?

The lack of 'culture' is because nobody wants to go to those things. Nobody has the time or money to waste. What are these cultural events we're lacking anyway? It sure isn't the music scene, I went to ~20 concerts last year and I would have been to more this year if I hadn't been finishing up my useful degree at that respected university near Brentwood. I take it you didn't attend rock the bells or reggaefest?

That urban sprawl does equate to green space for those of us who venture outside our living and working spaces. Buy a bike. Did you know that Calgary has an extensive bike path network that is actually plowed in the winter?

03-10-2010, 03:45 PM
So many people have said all the bad things that I was thinking, but I would like to add a few things.

If more then half the population complain about things then it isnt whining anymore. Obviously theres an issue and what I have seen is the city itself just doesent care. Nothing ever gets done about the things people complain about.

As for other cities, I have traveled a lot and would say Calgary is close to one of the worst all around cities.

I think the reason a lot of people are still here is two things. A) they bought houses/condos and lost money so they have to stay until they can brek even (my issue right now) B) they just have a good job that pays a lot. The issue I have is that you cant pay me enough to actually have a child and raise it here in Calgary. One of the reason were holding off of having one.

Also like to add since it was brought up. The bike scene here in Calgary is horrible. I bought a bike last year a rode it once and now im selling it. I used to bike daily. Sure theres a few bike paths, but you need to get to them, which is the hardest part. I just about got hit so many times just traveling a view blocks and people were honking their horn like I was in the bad or something.

03-10-2010, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by snoop101

As for other cities, I have traveled a lot and would say Calgary is close to one of the worst all around cities.

Liar. There's no way you could travel major cities in North America and say Calgary is the worst all around. That's a flat out lie.

03-10-2010, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by heavyD

Liar. There's no way you could travel major cities in North America and say Calgary is the worst all around. That's a flat out lie.

The only one that came close would be Boston, but even then it had a great historical scene. I really can think of any other cities that come close to Calgary. Other then the wages here I cant think of much more Calgary has to offer. Most people I know resort to working and going home and staying there.

03-10-2010, 04:02 PM
Yeah, it's not the worst city in North America... lol... not even close...

...but it's also not as great as it's chalked up to be. Hence all the complaints.

03-10-2010, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by core_upt
too many fucking whiners that cry about 'this city isn't the same as when I moved year ten years ago from Saskatoon/Winnipeg/Ontario/Interior BC because there are soo many people that moved here from Saskatoon/Winnipeg/Ontario/Interior BC now.'

This is a great city, aside from fucking whiners who complain about everything. If you hate it that much, get the fuck out.

Yep, couldn't agree more. Go live in Regina or Edm, Thunderbay, etc etc etc you babies.

Originally posted by derpderp

- My number one issue and why I am moving from this city again this year: The post secondary institution in this city is embarrassing. One of the worst Universities in Canada and a tiny network of Colleges that have nothing that sets this city apart from any other major Canadian cities. I think a degree from a college in Calgary probably ranks you as a online community college graduate by equivalent in the rest of Canada.

- Urban Sprawl.
- Toronto Metro 7,125 km2
- Calgary Metro: 5,107.43 km2
- Montreal Metro :4,259 km2
- Vancouver Metro: 2,878.52 km2

Why is a city that ranks 5th in metro population able to consume the second most land? At this rate if we reach the population of the GTA we will be able to consume over 20'000 km2 of land, what the fuck. It is like the city planners don't think, has anyone heard of a thing called high density laws? low density taxes?

To sum up a lot about this city though: She ain't what she use to be.

Although I would agree she ain't what she use to be...that about it.

You do realize that we have the LARGEST bike path system in Canada. You do realize that we have the LARGEST park within city limits (nosehill), PLUS fishcreek park which is massive.

I'm guessing you went to Mountroyal? Yah...you should have gone to UofC.


The snow removal whiners - We live in Calgary, it snows here. Go to any other city where it snows and it will be 10 times worse. Saskatoon doesnt plow ANY roads....there are ruts a foot high going down main roads. Again, we live in Calgary, it's gonna snow...your fault if you're not prepared.

And to the dude who complained about the bike path system?? Obviously you have no idea how to access them...again, it's the largest in Canada. Fuck. 707 km of pathways and 260 km of on-street bike routes.

After reading this thread I do realize there is something wrong with this city...whiners. GTFO!

03-10-2010, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by snoop101

The only one that came close would be Boston, but even then it had a great historical scene. I really can think of any other cities that come close to Calgary. Other then the wages here I cant think of much more Calgary has to offer. Most people I know resort to working and going home and staying there.

The only other city in north america I could see myself living in would be Vancouver and they have shitty jobs so Calgary it is.


After reading this thread I do realize there is something wrong with this city...whiners. GTFO!
amen. Its not perfect but seriously. Especially if you're imported and complaining. YOU MOVED HERE.

Its a city for active and outdoor people. I can understand why some beyonders might not appreciate it haha

03-10-2010, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by syeve

260 km of on-street bike routes.

I live in the south and been here for 5 years now and have yet to see a on-street bike route. I heard there is one going up centre, but thats it.

Its a city for active and outdoor people. I can understand why some beyonders might not appreciate it haha

Active and outdoor people. Where the hell do you live. We have man made lakes, dirty streams and rivers we cant even eat the fish out of. If you think that being able to see the rockies from your office building is a outdoor scene you need to travel a bit more.

03-10-2010, 05:15 PM

SW Coach Hill. I occasionally drive to K country to walk my dog. Where do you live because the south has heeeeeella nice areas

ahahaha I spend a ridiculous amount of time in the mountains because they're so close. Just last week I did a multi-day ski tour in Little Yoho Valley to the stanley mitchell hut because it hadn't snowed in a while at the ski resorts. Did you even know that the Rockies has one of the most extensive alpine hut systems in the world? iirc Finland has the only other one that comes close.

03-10-2010, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by g-m

SW Coach Hill. I occasionally drive to K country to walk my dog. Where do you live because the south has heeeeeella nice areas

ahahaha I spend a ridiculous amount of time in the mountains because they're so close. Just last week I did a multi-day ski tour in Little Yoho Valley to the stanley mitchell hut because it hadn't snowed in a while at the ski resorts. Did you even know that the Rockies has one of the most extensive alpine hut systems in the world? iirc Finland has the only other one that comes close.

Except thats not Calgary. Thats what about a 2 hour drive away (if you drive normal). Maybe because I grew up in the Okanagan where you drive like 10 min to the mountians, lake, or river.

03-10-2010, 05:30 PM
ok go compare a 1 million person city with a small town. I can get to k country in 45 minutes driving normally. Plus the okanagan has punter hills, its the foothills not the mountains. It isn't even worth skiing there.

03-10-2010, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by g-m
ok go compare a 1 million person city with a small town. I can get to k country in 45 minutes driving normally. Plus the okanagan has punter hills, its the foothills not the mountains. It isn't even worth skiing there.

Lol wow. Ok. Sorry but I know people that travel from Calgary to Big white just for the skiing. Apex is pretty nice hill and Baldy (smaller hill) has some of the best powder around.

I used fish, hunt, Bike, hike, swim all the time before I moved here. Not anymore. Im going to start fly fishing again this spring, but even the im having a harder time finding anything decent that I can actually eat the fish out of. Everyone I talked to say to not eat the fish around here.

Anyways its a dead topic. Half the stuff listed has nothing to do with Calgary itself, but where it is on the map. We dont have many real lakes, mountians or hunting areas. Some of the things we do have that could be looked at by the province is the poluttion in the rivers/streams. City needs to work on better bike ways (which I was reading in the paper they are going to do because they know its an issue).

There is more to Calgary then its enviroment scene and thats the people. I think I live in a nice family community and even then when I go for walks with the dog I would say only about 5% of the people actually say hi or smile and most of those people are over 60 and live in the senior home.

The other thing I find with Calgary is that its very dirty. On sides of the road and even small parks theres trash. I know all cities have this, but I find Calgary to have a lot more. I also find that Calgary doesent have much areas that have flowers, nice kept up bushes or even ity gardens.

03-10-2010, 05:45 PM
ehhhhhhh no, nothing in the okanagan is big mountain sorry. We looked into it for a road trip this winter and the terrain just isn't up to par. And my dads been fly fishing consistently around Calgary for the past 20+ years.

I guess the only question left is when does your plane leave?

03-10-2010, 05:51 PM
g-m, you're one of the few people who live in Calgary that actually has a life outside of working long hours/multiple jobs & going to Ikea/Wal-Mart on the weekend.

haha... good on ya! :thumbsup:

03-10-2010, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by g-m
ehhhhhhh no, nothing in the okanagan is big mountain sorry. We looked into it for a road trip this winter and the terrain just isn't up to par. And my dads been fly fishing consistently around Calgary for the past 20+ years.

I guess the only question left is when does your plane leave?

I havent been on the mountians around Banff, but from what I have heard from others is that the Okanagan (which I have been on, and the kootneys have way better snow than both Banff and Wistler.

I would really like to know where he fly's around Calgary because I have been advised by fly fishermen not to eat anything in and around Calgary.

My plane leaves once my Condo breaks even and I can sell.

03-10-2010, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by masoncgy
g-m, you're one of the few people who live in Calgary that actually has a life outside of working long hours/multiple jobs & going to Ikea/Wal-Mart on the weekend.

haha... good on ya! :thumbsup:

He doesent work. Hes still in school and I assume like a lot of kids these days, he lives with his parents.

03-10-2010, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by g-m
ehhhhhhh no, nothing in the okanagan is big mountain sorry. We looked into it for a road trip this winter and the terrain just isn't up to par.

I laughed pretty hard at this, what mountain do you have in Calgary to compare to Big White?

In all seriousness though, having lived in Calgary, Edmonton, and the Okanagan, Calgary is great. The guy saying there is no culture wants to move to the okanagan?? Thats crazy, there is NO culture here, none. Unless huge herds of people wearing Ed Hardy and Affliction clothing is considered culture.

The backcountry here used to be great, but now it is just a glut of RVs, dirtbikes, and tourists driving $100K mercedes to their cabins. The road systems in the Okanagan are the worst that I have ever driven on in any area ever. The Provincial highway that runs through here has 50km/hr sections and on that highway there are probably 100 lights.

There are good points and bad points to living anywhere, but Calgary is a pretty awesome place overall. I found the people there welcoming, the road and highway systems great, theres lots of night life, and its just a short drive to some of the greatest scenery in Canada.

03-10-2010, 06:05 PM
^well not IN calgary obviously. Fernie, Kicking Horse, and revy are the only mountains I ride. Obviously if I lived in revelstoke I could say big mountain is 10 minutes away but that isn't exactly a fair comparison. Theres TONS of big mountain BC around sunshine and louise though

My activities didn't drop off in the slightest when I was working 7-4 downtown on internship for 16 months last year. Try again. I actually started rollerblading to/from work in the summer.

03-10-2010, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by GTS4tw

There are good points and bad points to living anywhere, but Calgary is a pretty awesome place overall. I found the people there welcoming, the road and highway systems great, theres lots of night life, and its just a short drive to some of the greatest scenery in Canada.

When did you live here like 10-15 years ago. Everything you mentioned is not true anymore. The people here are far from welcoming. Like I said I try to say Hi to people all the time while walking the dog, pretty much all turn their head and dont say anything back and im in a supposedly family community. Our road and highway system is so poor it sucks to drive. Night life here is based on a few clubs with mostly scrubs. I do have to admit though that K country is nice, but even then its crowded and I heard camping in it sucks a lot.

03-10-2010, 06:34 PM
Any place you live in is what you make of it. Wife's from the Okanagan and wouldn't ever move back, but we know lots of people who love living there. Yeah, Calgary has it's little bumps and bruises but so does every place. Myself, I still find people quite friendly in Calgary and my commutes across the city on Deerfoot have gotten shorter since the East freeway opened up.

That said, are there places in Canada that I've visited that on the surface seemed more attractive to live in then Calgary? Yeah, Montreal probably tops my list, but Montreal has it's problems too. Calgary's been good to me for the past 30 some odd years and the almost inner city neighborhood we own a home in has been a great place to raise three kids. Great neighbors, wonderful parks and pathways right at our neighborhood's doorstep and fishing not to far off. Gave up fly fishing decades ago, but recently took up pike fishing with the kids and am loving that - have to drive for a bit for that, but again that's time well spent with the family.

Know people who live in Edmonton and love it there, people in Saskatoon who love it there. Medicine Hat - I really like that little city, but probably won't ever move there - am too accustomed to all that Calgary has to offer the family and I. Guess if you only look for the bad/downer stuff, then that's what you'll find - look for the little gems that any place has to offer and soon you'll be just a bit happier with where you're living.

03-10-2010, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by snoop101
I live in the south and been here for 5 years now and have yet to see a on-street bike route. I heard there is one going up centre, but thats it.

Active and outdoor people. Where the hell do you live. We have man made lakes, dirty streams and rivers we cant even eat the fish out of. If you think that being able to see the rockies from your office building is a outdoor scene you need to travel a bit more.

Holy fuck, the mountains are less than an hour away dude!

Originally posted by snoop101
When did you live here like 10-15 years ago. Everything you mentioned is not true anymore. The people here are far from welcoming. Like I said I try to say Hi to people all the time while walking the dog, pretty much all turn their head and dont say anything back and im in a supposedly family community. Our road and highway system is so poor it sucks to drive. Night life here is based on a few clubs with mostly scrubs. I do have to admit though that K country is nice, but even then its crowded and I heard camping in it sucks a lot.

Holy fuck dude go back to BC if you have it so rough here. Why are you here anyways??

The problem is exactly this. People that move here put all these problems attached to the people, the nightlife, the mentality etc and FAIL TO REALIZE HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE MOVED HERE OVER THE LAST 10-15 YEARS.

I'd love to know how many people are originally from Calgary. It's a LOT fewer than you may think. The fact that some folks are surprised I was born in Calgary speaks loud enough. We have people from different cities and different countries with different cultures and different ideals of what a city should be. Don't fucking complain because you can't have it all. Find a fucking place that does.

Now I'm ranting about ranting. FUCK!

03-10-2010, 07:22 PM
^I was born here. My parents moved here from winterpeg 35 years ago and never looked back.

Originally posted by snoop101

When did you live here like 10-15 years ago. Everything you mentioned is not true anymore. The people here are far from welcoming. Like I said I try to say Hi to people all the time while walking the dog, pretty much all turn their head and dont say anything back and im in a supposedly family community. Our road and highway system is so poor it sucks to drive. Night life here is based on a few clubs with mostly scrubs. I do have to admit though that K country is nice, but even then its crowded and I heard camping in it sucks a lot.

surprising since I had a good 20 minute conversation with a random at the edworthy dog park today who ended up being the person who took my grad photos! She had just returned from california and ironically she said people who are complaining about the traffic here should spend some time down there.

Then there was the nice lady with the 3 tiny dogs who was interested in what breed my dog was and why he doesn't shed... What dog park do you go to? I don't even specifically talk to people but if they talk to me I always talk back and somehow I always end up talking to people.

03-10-2010, 07:45 PM
My biggest gripe:

We have an extremely odd consumer market

People here are extremely aloof or indifferent

WAYYY too much traffic enforcement.

While Bronco is departing, he warns the public that "nothing is for free" You're right bronco, neither is that fucking finger trap bridge.

03-10-2010, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by snoop101

The other thing I find with Calgary is that its very dirty. On sides of the road and even small parks theres trash. I know all cities have this, but I find Calgary to have a lot more. I also find that Calgary doesent have much areas that have flowers, nice kept up bushes or even ity gardens.

This statement proves you haven't done much travelling. Calgary is one of the cleanest cities of +1,000,000 people in North America hands down. Even Canadian cities like Edmonton, Winnipeg, Hamilton, etc aren't nearly as clean as Calgary. I like Montreal but downtown you can't even see the sidewalks from all the fossilized gum and people just toss their garbage on the street as well there are a lot of abandoned buildings that are eyesores. A comparable US city is Salt Lake City. It's a little smaller than Calgary but it's situated in the mountains and is pretty scenic. It's a Mormon city so you would think that it would be very prim and proper and for the most part it is very clean until you hit some of the poorer areas where couches are on the sidewalk, dressers on lawns, and six stereotypical Hispanics are crammed into a Civic driving slowly eyeballing you as you walk by. Calgary just doesn't have those areas (NE isn't doesn't compare with poor US areas) which makes it unique in for it's size. Yes there are cities that are more scenic but you have to take the good with the bad and the bad in large US cities is 100x worse than any Canadian city.

There are sand and gravel on the sides of the road from winter but once the streets are swept it's very clean. I get a lot of customers come in from the US from inspections and they always comment on how clean the city is in the summer.

03-10-2010, 08:17 PM

03-10-2010, 08:28 PM
Whoa, Calgary is far from dirty.

Paris is clean - because 40% of their budget is spent on city beautification and tourism. Its ridiculously expensive to keep things clean.

If you want to foot the bill, it can be squeaky clean too. You would probably have to ban all pets.

03-10-2010, 09:02 PM
Originally posted by syeve
You do realize that we have the LARGEST bike path system in Canada. You do realize that we have the LARGEST park within city limits (nosehill), PLUS fishcreek park which is massive.

And to the dude who complained about the bike path system?? Obviously you have no idea how to access them...again, it's the largest in Canada. Fuck. 707 km of pathways and 260 km of on-street bike routes.
Yes we do, however...

Originally posted by Toma
Over indulgence in Traffic Policing.

From BS "construction" zones, to carpool lanes, speed on green Cameras etc... dressed up as "safety" BS.
They setup speed traps on bike paths. :rofl: You see 'em often if you're a daily biker. Our paths are limited to 10-15km/h. Ridiculously slow when even a fat dude can go 20 easily. I've had to out ride a bike traffic cop trying to give me a ticket before haha.

I resort to riding on roads, but this year has been bad for that. I've been honked at several times this weekend by soccer moms when I went out riding on roads.

03-10-2010, 11:06 PM
No kidding, I love their complaints about racism, when their attitudes are a million times fucking worse than ANYTHING in north america. I don't condone racism from either side, but make sure your own cultures house is in order before acting like you're the fucking victim.

What are you trying to imply? How does one account for a whole culture? Its people like you who are not helping the city move forward in terms of cultural diversity.

03-11-2010, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by rage2

Yes we do, however...

They setup speed traps on bike paths. :rofl: You see 'em often if you're a daily biker. Our paths are limited to 10-15km/h. Ridiculously slow when even a fat dude can go 20 easily. I've had to out ride a bike traffic cop trying to give me a ticket before haha.

I resort to riding on roads, but this year has been bad for that. I've been honked at several times this weekend by soccer moms when I went out riding on roads.

I do agree that Traffic Overpolicing is a major annoyance in Calgary that seems to get worse and worse every year. It's pretty sad when a regular part of your commute involves looking out for traps and memorizing intersection cameras rather than just concentrating on driving.

03-11-2010, 09:46 AM
Originally posted by rage2

They setup speed traps on bike paths. :rofl: You see 'em often if you're a daily biker. Our paths are limited to 10-15km/h. Ridiculously slow when even a fat dude can go 20 easily. I've had to out ride a bike traffic cop trying to give me a ticket before haha.

I resort to riding on roads, but this year has been bad for that. I've been honked at several times this weekend by soccer moms when I went out riding on roads.

You have a 450hp winter car and a 800hp summer car and you're worried about speeding tickets on a bike path?? I have seen you drive down crowchild! :D

03-17-2010, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by Jour

but then you'd know my name. and beyond is crazy with finding everything about people!!

and if its about Edmonton... depends on what it is


I know your name ;)