View Full Version : Some tips on driving safely on the highway.

03-09-2010, 01:51 PM
I finally got frustrated enough with the bumper to bumper jams on Deerfoot to step back and look at what's causing it. I've noticed every time it's a direct result of on ramps and off ramps. People simply don't know how to get on/off the highway or they're too scared to do it properly. So I'm here to say how I think it would work most efficiently. This may not be what legalities call for but to the best of my knowledge it is pretty close and would for sure work better than what I see daily.

1. People hit the brakes when changing lanes. Why? You should never be hitting the brakes on the highway, this is what causes accidents and slows down traffic. There should be no reason, ever, for you to hit the brakes on the highway unless there's some accident or you have to slow down for construction or something. If you need to change lanes, do so without hitting the brakes. You should not be driving directly next to another vehicle and there shouldn't be anyone in your blind spot at any time so you should be able to merge at any point seamlessly.

2. Don't hit the brakes to let someone in your lane. Too often I see people slow down or speed up to get next to an entry point in a lane and then put their indicator on as they're merging. This is wrong, put your indicator on prior to looking for your entry point so that the traffic in the other lane has time to accommodate you. This way nobody's hitting the brakes to let someone in, causing a ripple effect of braking for miles behind them. You have to be conscious of what is going to happen in traffic if you hit the brakes, it doesn't only affect you. If you need to let someone merge, notice their indicator, let off the gas to allow space and disrupt traffic around you as little as possible.

3. People suck at on ramps. Here's a usual scenario I see: Car A is ripping down Deerfoot at 100 and car B is coming up the on ramp at 75. They end up side-by-side in the 2 lanes, car A doing 100 and car B now doing 90. Car A will try and merge left to get out of the way, causing traffic in that lane to hit their brakes to slow down and accommodate him, causing a ripple braking effect for a mile back, slowing down everyone else. Car B now checks to see if it can merge, 10 feet before the lane ends and merges at 90, causing everyone behind him to hit the brakes and slow down. This eventually happens a few times in a row causing traffic to slow to 20 and people are now stopped in the on ramp, trying to merge onto Deerfoot. This is stupid.
Here's what should happen: Car A drives in the right lane doing 100 and notices an on ramp coming up. He modifies his speed slightly to allow enough merging room for a vehicle in front of him and keeps a constant speed with no need to merge left at all. Car B is coming down the on ramp and checks as early as possible for an entry point onto the highway, ensuring to match the speed of other drivers. Car B modifies its speed to line up directly with the space left in front of car A and merges in like a zipper and NOBODY touches the brakes for any reason. Nobody merges out of the way neither, this is unnecessary and is what causes traffic to slow down.

4. Trucks should be banned from the Blackfoot - Deerfoot north on ramp. Every morning I take this on ramp and every morning I merge onto Deerfoot doing 45 unless I'm lucky enough to be the first at the light. Big fat ass trucks cannot get up to speed on that twisty on ramp and try to merge at a speed way too low for the highway. This makes people on the highway in the right lane hit the brakes, squatting all the traffic behind them together and now there's no room for anyone else to merge so everyone else has to slow down to get into the tight spaces. If I'm the first in line I have no problem merging at 100, this only happens when I'm behind trucks which are constantly using this on ramp all morning long.

5. When taking an off ramp, do not hit your brakes until you are on the off ramp. Again, there should be no reason to hit the brakes while on the highway, wait until you're fully in the off ramp lane before hitting your brakes. This keeps traffic on the highway moving at a proper rate of speed and is much safer. Too many times I'm about to take an off ramp and am on the horn to try and avoid dropping below 80, the minimum highway speed. Somewhere around there your hazard lights are required and I don't really feel like having to hit my hazards every time I exit the highway.

6. Side note - all traffic arrows should occur after the green light. Think about it, what do people do when they're waiting to turn left on the solid green? They hang out in the intersection until it goes red and then they turn. They think, "Well, since I'm too stupid to keep myself out of dangerous situations, I'm going to use the defense that it's legal for me to complete my turn." No asshole, try waiting your turn back behind the line so you don't end up in that situation. So what I think is the blinking arrow should occur after the solid green, that way the vehicles waiting in the intersection to turn can do so safely after the green has gone to red. They now have the arrow. I see no benefit to having the blinking arrow before the solid green, this is how it's done to get onto the Langevin Bridge downtown and I think it works great.

7. Only the adjacent lane should slow down for emergency vehicles (as far as I know). If there's a cop or tow truck pulled over on the side of the road with lights flashing, only the adjacent lane needs to slow to 50, DO NOT SLOW DOWN IN OTHER LANES! Every other lane should still be doing 100, you will cause an accident if you hit the brakes. Too many people don't know what the law is and they're so afraid they'll get a ticket, they do what they think is the safe thing to do and they slow down just in case. No, it's not safe, it's dangerous and unnecessary.

Cliff Notes: Don't brake on the highway. Ever. There's no need for it.

03-09-2010, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by Mar

Cliff Notes: Don't brake on the highway. Ever. There's no need for it.

:love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

03-09-2010, 02:05 PM
No one is going to heed any of this. During morning and evening rush hour, there are going to be people zooming in the left lanes, only to slam on the brakes when they get to their exit so that they can swerve right to get to it.
IMO, the speed limit should be 60km/hr during morning and evening rush hours inside the city limits, since nobody's going faster than that anyway.

03-09-2010, 02:06 PM
Awesome post... but remember, this is Calgary (and Alberta) you're talking about.

Drivers here are from another planet entirely... the rules of the road don't apply.

It sucks... but it is what it is.

03-09-2010, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by Mar

6. Side note - all traffic arrows should occur after the green light. Think about it, what do people do when they're waiting to turn left on the solid green? They hang out in the intersection until it goes red and then they turn. They think, "Well, since I'm too stupid to keep myself out of dangerous situations, I'm going to use the defense that it's legal for me to complete my turn." No asshole, try waiting your turn back behind the line so you don't end up in that situation. So what I think is the blinking arrow should occur after the solid green, that way the vehicles waiting in the intersection to turn can do so safely after the green has gone to red. They now have the arrow. I see no benefit to having the blinking arrow before the solid green, this is how it's done to get onto the Langevin Bridge downtown and I think it works great.

Cliff Notes: Don't brake on the highway. Ever. There's no need for it.

Agree with most of what you say but not too sure what your trying to get at with this. Are you trying to say that the 2nd car waiting to turn left should wait at the stop line until the car in front goes to turn left? Because its perfectly legal to enter the intersection to turn left and wait until clear or the light turns yellow.

It seems like having the blinking arrow after the solid green would slow traffic even more because opposite ends of traffic would have to come to a complete stop before the turning lane would start for the cars behind wanting to turn left. Where as of right now it seems like a much smoother and quicker transition to have the people turning left go first on opposite sides.

03-10-2010, 09:17 AM
Bottom line. People don't know how to properly merge onto a freeway. Not to start an argument, but when I was living in Vancouver and had friends taking their driver's tests, they told me that freeway merging was not a part of the curriculum. Not saying the tests are the same in Alberta, but try merging onto I-10 in Houston at 40+ km/h under the flow of traffic and see what happens to you. 99% of freeway merges (especially in Vancouver) are just dangerous.

It seems freeway driving isn't a big part of the testing in Canada?:dunno:

I don't know how many times I've left probably a good 4-5 car lengths in front of me to let someone in to merge on the freeway and just have them pull up and sit next to my door. I let off to try and let them in, and they just speed match me until I get pissed off enough to floor it or hit the brakes.

03-10-2010, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by Mar
I..snip... what I see daily.

Thank you Captain Obvious!


03-10-2010, 09:34 AM
Anybody get stuck behind people that on the roads that can't maintain their speed using the gas pedal?

It really bothers me if somebody is say going 80 in an 80-zone but ends up going a little over and hit's the brakes to slow down, but ends up dropping too much speed.

They continue the process of speeding up and then slowing down with brakes. Clearly, these people aren't able to adjust their speed by merely holding a steady gas pedal or simply backing off a little bit on the throttle to adjust their speed.

03-10-2010, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by PremiumRSX
Anybody get stuck behind people that on the roads that can't maintain their speed using the gas pedal?

It really bothers me if somebody is say going 80 in an 80-zone but ends up going a little over and hit's the brakes to slow down, but ends up dropping too much speed.

They continue the process of speeding up and then slowing down with brakes. Clearly, these people aren't able to adjust their speed by merely holding a steady gas pedal or simply backing off a little bit on the throttle to adjust their speed.

I've found this is a trait of people that are talking on their cell phones. They only check their speed every so often and they'll panic and hit the brakes if they see their speed creeping up. It's just like people that text while driving, they are only paying attention to the road 1/3 of the time. Take a look at people eyes in the rear view mirror and you and easily see how much focus they have on driving.

Roxy symbol on the car = don't come closer than 50 feet

03-10-2010, 09:50 AM
Probably the best traffic shit show in Calgary - north bound Deerfoot between 17 Ave SE and Memorial during the afternoon rush hour. A guaranteed gong show.

03-10-2010, 09:51 AM
Here's another one: don't drink and drive. :thumbsup:

03-10-2010, 10:17 AM
It's all common sense but it's the retarded, low-IQ ignorant fucks that ruin it for everbody.

03-10-2010, 10:39 AM
They never realize it but impatient drivers do stupid shit on the road. Impatient drivers end up being just as bad as the people they bitch and complain about.

I've got more important things going on in my life than to get frustrated about the drivers on the road. You'll have a better day if you just dont care. :)

03-10-2010, 12:04 PM
If your braking on the highway, you're doing something wrong.

If you're riding in the left lane, you're an idiot.

I have had it happen that I was passing someone who was in the left lane, on the right and a cop with radar in other direction turned around to pull one of us over. Because it was radar and it doesn't tell you which car, he assumed the guy in the left lane was the speeder. Obviously, I slowed down when he hit the ditch for the turn around. Never braking though, just backed off gas.

03-10-2010, 04:15 PM
volume, volume, volume.

although I agree with you, people who brake every time they make a lane change have brain damage

03-11-2010, 10:45 AM
Added point number 7 for emergency vehicles. At least I think that's right, it'd be pretty embarrassing if I'm wrong.

03-11-2010, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by HuMz

Agree with most of what you say but not too sure what your trying to get at with this. Are you trying to say that the 2nd car waiting to turn left should wait at the stop line until the car in front goes to turn left? Because its perfectly legal to enter the intersection to turn left and wait until clear or the light turns yellow.

It seems like having the blinking arrow after the solid green would slow traffic even more because opposite ends of traffic would have to come to a complete stop before the turning lane would start for the cars behind wanting to turn left. Where as of right now it seems like a much smoother and quicker transition to have the people turning left go first on opposite sides.

Barlow between 23rd ave(?) and 32nd ave have this setup and it seems to work fine.

03-11-2010, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by speedog
Probably the best traffic shit show in Calgary - north bound Deerfoot between 17 Ave SE and Memorial during the afternoon rush hour. A guaranteed gong show.

A lot of that is attributed to poor design... the 17 Ave & Memorial Dr interchanges are too close together... it's a major cluster fuck.

They need to make the Memorial Dr exit from NB Deerfoot into flyover style overpass so that you don't have all the volume merging right from Deerfoot to Memorial pushing into the volume moving left from the Blackfoot onramp... waaay too much volume movements in too short of a distance.

The fact that the Blackfoot onramp merges into a single lane off a double turn doesn't help either... that's what backs up the traffic on Blackfoot.

I do that trek 5 days a week at 5:00pm... it's a gong show... and there are some idiots in there... but it's also a major design flaw, those interchanges were not built to handle the kind of volume that exists today.

03-11-2010, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by speedog
Probably the best traffic shit show in Calgary - north bound Deerfoot between 17 Ave SE and Memorial during the afternoon rush hour. A guaranteed gong show.

I will trump you but only once or twice a year.

Snow or ice storm, 14th St NW headed North up the hill by SAIT.

03-11-2010, 01:34 PM
I am not sure where the worst shit show is... but I believe the rush hour bottleneck & subsequent asshattery on Deerfoot NB @ McKnight Blvd is one of the worst spots...

4 lanes of traffic merging into 3 north of McKnight with oncoming traffic from WB McKnight on to NB Deerfoot...

...you have all of the morons jumping out of the far right lane and going right INTO the onramp & merging traffic from WB 32 Ave so that they can skip ahead one car and merge back in... it's ridiculous...

Cabs & courier trucks are notorious for this crap... amongst many other losers.

03-11-2010, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by masoncgy

...you have all of the morons jumping out of the far right lane and going right INTO the onramp & merging traffic from WB 32 Ave so that they can skip ahead one car and merge back in... it's ridiculous...

Cabs & courier trucks are notorious for this crap... amongst many other losers.

I hate that. Happens EVERY day on SB deerfoot between Southland and Anderson. It makes the traffic there SO much worse.:thumbsdow

03-13-2010, 12:59 AM
I was in LA for three weeks. One thing drivers do right is no braking on highway. Beside rush hour , traffic go fast and smooth. I loved it.:thumbsup:

03-13-2010, 01:08 AM
Maybe a little off topic but I hate when people are on the highway and exit to a turnoff that has no stoppages or yield, they slow down to a speed so slow that they might as well just stop lol.

For example, heading south on Deerfoot onto Memorial Dr. exit, almost everytime there is a car turning at like 20 km/h..

03-13-2010, 02:45 AM
Originally posted by Mar
Added point number 7 for emergency vehicles. At least I think that's right, it'd be pretty embarrassing if I'm wrong.
You're wrong.

Only vehicles that are traveling in the opposite direction on a divided highway do not have to slow down. That may not be 100% correct either, but I know that when they changed the law a couple years ago it became more stringent than just the adjacent lane.

03-13-2010, 03:59 AM
Originally posted by speedog
Probably the best traffic shit show in Calgary - north bound Deerfoot between 17 Ave SE and Memorial during the afternoon rush hour. A guaranteed gong show.

agreed...shit's miserable