View Full Version : Street Cleaning in Alleys?

03-10-2010, 04:16 PM
Does the city provide street cleaning in alleys? Last year our back alley was paved in the summer after they completed the street cleaning on the street so I'm unclear if they will. I'm going to assume there's some sort of bylaw against sweeping it myself as it would probably fall under the same one against plowing snow on public streets.

Also, any tips on getting neighbors to put garbage into bins instead of leaving it on the ground for animals to pick at? The loose trash is starting to bother me.

03-10-2010, 04:21 PM
Call bylaw services.

03-10-2010, 04:26 PM
No they won't sweep the alley, just like the don't plow or salt it. As far as sweeping it yourself, I sweep the section behind my garage all the time and I can't see any reason this wouldn't be ok. If you are talking of sweeping the whole thing, I doubt the neighbors are going to comlplain about someone cleaning up the alley... but seems like alot of effort condiering last year it was all gravel so it can't be worse then that. Just my $.02