View Full Version : FS: Replica LV Wallets and Purses

12-03-2003, 12:01 PM
i didnt wanna whore in on the other thread
so i started my iown
i hav tonnes of LV stuff,
teg_star got a purse off me n my buddy, good price, very very very real looking, has the "made in france" or was it paris"? well, wherever theyre made it has the tag for that inside, and LV stamps everywhere on the inside, only thing im missing is a certi. of auth. on the purses coz they hav serial numbers

all i hav right now are purses and wallets tho, mens wallets only really, and womens purses, ill grab some pics in a day or 2 if ppl show intereset

wallets - 85
purses - 120

12-03-2003, 12:02 PM
show pics man

12-03-2003, 12:07 PM
like i said
gimme a day or 2
i jus saw the other guys thread n was like, hm, i hav some, i should try too
ill hav pics in a day or 2
but, u culd always PM teg_star
hes the only beyonder ive sold to, n was very happy w/ price/product

12-03-2003, 12:08 PM
well i jsut wanna see which style wlaltes it is... is in the hard one with the lines ?

12-03-2003, 12:08 PM
or is it the brown kind?

12-03-2003, 12:10 PM
purses are the white one w/ rainbow lettering
and brown w/ gold lettering

PS - if any mods feel that this is an innapropriate thread feel free to close it and sorry

12-03-2003, 12:10 PM
so tehy are for sure fake right?

12-03-2003, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by sandman
PS - if any mods feel that this is an innapropriate thread feel free to close it and sorry
I don't have a problem with it. Just make sure you edit your main post to say that these are replicas, because a lot of people don't know how to tell.

12-03-2003, 12:18 PM
Question ..

Anyway .. is it legal to private sell "Replica" brand name bags etc .. ?
(of course every one of us use "replica" stuffs.. me too ! )


12-03-2003, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by C4S
Question ..

Anyway .. is it legal to private sell "Replica" brand name bags etc .. ?
(of course every one of us use "replica" stuffs.. me too ! )

I don't see why replicas would be illegal. They sell them at malls. I'd never buy one... only real stuff for the wife!

12-03-2003, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by rage2

I don't see why replicas would be illegal. They sell them at malls. I'd never buy one... only real stuff for the wife!

Bah, the only reason you dont cause your wife can tell, haha :tongue:

12-03-2003, 12:37 PM
pics pics pics
:clap: :clap: :clap:
pics pics pics

12-03-2003, 01:43 PM
yeap, i wanna make ti clear these are REPLICAs, if it was real, i wouoldnt even sell my mohter something that cheap ahah
pics coming soon, gimme a day or 2 like i said
or pm teg_star, hes bought off me so he can giv u an unbiased consumer opinion of my product!

12-03-2003, 03:15 PM
Aren't the prices a little high?
I was in HK a few years back, and got a purse as a gift(not for me) , that looked identical for around $20cdn. I know there is a price to import, but thats a pretty high mark-up....

12-03-2003, 03:17 PM
Original Post Removed. (Please read the Forum Rules and Terms of Use (http://forums.beyond.ca/articles.php?action=data&item=1) before posting again, or risk getting banned).

12-03-2003, 03:27 PM
Replica's are NOT illegal, however selling something that is a replica as being an original is.

12-03-2003, 03:33 PM
Original Post Removed. (Please read the Forum Rules and Terms of Use (http://forums.beyond.ca/articles.php?action=data&item=1) before posting again, or risk getting banned).

12-03-2003, 05:56 PM
the quality of replica stuff i hav is way ebtter than the stuff in HK, ive seen n compared the two, threads come off, pieces come apart easily on the ones here, the ones i hav are awesome again, these are REPLICAs i am not in any way claiming that these are real!
ill hva pics soon

12-03-2003, 06:10 PM
hmmm..those LV Replicas seem like a great deal!

12-03-2003, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by rage2

I don't see why replicas would be illegal. They sell them at malls. I'd never buy one... only real stuff for the wife!

There is a difference between replicas and knock-off's though. Usually replica or fake refers to purses that appear to be exact copies of the real ones. Whereas the ones at malls are knock-off's because it is obvious that they do not look exactly like the real ones. So replicas are illegal...but knock-off's aren't.

12-03-2003, 11:05 PM
ya like what he said......i got a white lv purse......so far no one seems to know if its a "replica" or not....so iz all good!

12-03-2003, 11:25 PM
haha thanx will
if u sell a decent amount il giv u ur wallet free

ill consider group buys too, a special beyond rate, mods will get better prices of coarse ;), even though most are porbly rich enough to buy real LV :drool:

12-05-2003, 12:27 PM
pics should b up 2nite
these things are immaculate, and wont fall apart on u
for every additional unit u buy ill knock off $10 on the additional unit

2 wallets for 160
3 for 225

12-05-2003, 12:27 PM
same applies to the purses

12-05-2003, 10:37 PM

12-05-2003, 10:56 PM

12-05-2003, 11:09 PM
lol bastards
im putting them up right now

12-05-2003, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by sandman

How about pics of the actual bag instead of biting it from www.vuitton.com? :rolleyes:

12-05-2003, 11:31 PM
lol having digital camera issues right now, not sure how to transfer pics to computer properly
bear with my ppl im technologically challenged

12-06-2003, 12:00 AM
teg_star any chance u can post the one u bought? lol
this camera thing baffles me :dunno:
if not hows this
ill post pics from our wholesalers site?
theyre makr up is HUGE, im selling below thir retial jus coz i dont eally care if i dont make 55 bux off a wallet and 70off purses
these are the LV items we are currently out of stock for
Alligator and Basketweave Accessorized Organizer
Bengal Tiger Design Plush Baguette
Cherry Blossom-Styled Bowler

Four Square Fashion Bag

teg_star can vouch for the quality of my product, if u dont like it, money back refund
just tell which item u wnt n ill order, on me right now r the kind of purse teg_star has and matching wallets, white / rainbow

12-06-2003, 12:03 AM
also, sunglasses, watches as well, all of this i can order in,

12-06-2003, 12:07 AM
not from the LV official site, ours look exactly like these, the products are good, if u ask me about one im not gonna make u buy one, check em out, if u liek em thas cool, if not, thas cool too

12-06-2003, 06:43 PM

yes, that one isn't from vuitton.com...that one is from eluxury.com...LV's official online store.

12-06-2003, 07:33 PM
ah well they use the same pic :dunno:

anyways if anyone actually wants to buy, then come and check them out, posting pics itd probly look nowhjere near as good anyways
like the shades of blue on white based one one of the blues is a lil lighter, one is a lil darker, etc for all the colours,
it has the engravings for Loius Vuitton in it, saysa made in paris etc...
the quality of fabric is crazy good, 33 colours isnt close to wat i hav tho, for each of the base colours i hav as far as i can see 3 variations on each colour

point is, teg_star grabbed one, no1s noticed its fake, so if u want jus pls arrange a time/place to see them

12-06-2003, 10:03 PM
any actual pics of the wallets??

12-06-2003, 10:12 PM
ah maybe when i figure my digital camera out
till then i go to ubni
so i can meet ppl there, or i liv i n NW
also my friend that sells them with me livs in NE
so meeting up shouldnt b too hard for us

12-06-2003, 10:18 PM
pics of the wallets bhai sab

12-07-2003, 12:10 AM
yeah man put pics up of the wallets

12-07-2003, 01:30 AM
Original Post Removed. (Please read the Forum Rules and Terms of Use (http://forums.beyond.ca/articles.php?action=data&item=1) before posting again, or risk getting banned).

12-07-2003, 01:34 AM

12-07-2003, 02:13 AM
haha first part of that was for DJ stylz

triptronic says he can post pics for me
i should b able to show him some LV shit when he comes to grab his sub off me

12-07-2003, 04:19 PM
not good quality tho, jus used my phone to take pics :rofl: got fedup w/ camera

12-07-2003, 04:20 PM

12-07-2003, 04:21 PM

12-07-2003, 04:22 PM

12-07-2003, 04:23 PM
purse jus loosk small in that pic coz my thumbs and fingers are so fat :rofl:

12-07-2003, 04:24 PM

12-07-2003, 04:28 PM
yes yes, my bed sheets are queer, lol
these pics do not really show the quality tho, real life is better,
BTW this is the last white rainbow thingy i hav, and is tentaviely sold to Triptronic
but, as always, i can get tonnes more

wallets i hav a good amount left, purses sell like LED wshers at a ricers convention

12-07-2003, 05:15 PM
pics are here

12-07-2003, 06:02 PM
pic of the wallet?

12-07-2003, 06:03 PM
no worries jaret
theres pics for the LV stuff, triptronic wants the papillon style purse, so the white rainbow one is back up for grabs

12-07-2003, 06:08 PM
pics of wallets ill get up soon

12-07-2003, 07:37 PM
Do you have any tan wallets? And tan purses? I want one for my sister.

12-07-2003, 07:41 PM
if u can hook up a pic of the purse/wallet ur talkin bout
i can let u know
ill again giv u the same moderators discount :thumbsup:

12-07-2003, 07:44 PM
think ill stick to the real thing, thanks for posting pics though

12-07-2003, 07:52 PM
Wow, those are acutally somewhat real looking...One of my friends has the mens wallet, she said she got it for around 290 at Holt...

12-07-2003, 08:14 PM

black04max, if u want i can show u it in real life, like i said the pics do not do the product justice

if u can find a flaw in these wallets , well, ill giv u a hug :thumbsup: :rofl:,
the wallets are 10 times more real than the purses, and the purses ppl hav bought for other ppl, not said theye fake, and still pulled it off

12-07-2003, 08:26 PM
thanks man, i got my wife a real LV handbag, i dont wanna get a fake wallet to go alone with it.....i thought about it, but decided not, thanks though

but if u have mens wallets i maybe intrested...iam cheap for myself

12-07-2003, 08:31 PM
of course, ill giv it to u cheaper than regular, nissan discount :thumbsup:

12-07-2003, 08:33 PM
Oh yea forgot to mention i was looking for men's wallet not womens

12-07-2003, 08:34 PM
i think your bed sheets match your personality very well :poosie:

12-07-2003, 08:48 PM
yea all the wallets are mens
and the purses are womens, womens walletds are avail too

haha the bedsheets, well, :rofl:, iono, i think theyre malik;s :dunno:

12-07-2003, 08:51 PM
Hahha are yo sure they arent yours?
What did you post before on the first page ahaha?
Yo man the sooner you can get pics of the wallets the beter i could really use a new one.

12-07-2003, 09:06 PM
lol, im burning those sheets :rofl:

the ones i hav are basically real
not one difference

ill get posts in a bit
since ur an apna,ill giv u a discount in exchange for some butter chicken :rofl:

or mangioes
been so long since i had good one

12-07-2003, 09:17 PM
sandman empty your pm box

12-07-2003, 10:41 PM
apna? hahha ok man ill wait for those pics please give me pics asap i need

12-07-2003, 11:56 PM
apna, u know, desi a(no not the member the word)
maybe its diff for gujus?
lol, well u get the point
nav i got ur pm :thumbsup:
ill get pics soon
finals taking up a lotta time

12-08-2003, 05:28 PM
maybe pics by tonight?

12-09-2003, 02:29 AM
sorry homie
had a long ass day, fucking chem final on friday
if anyone is serious about buying, make the effort, and come see it, u get a happy meal w/ each visit :rofl:
replicas for ANYTHING are pretty much for sale right now
i hav belts galore , tonnes at my house, for u to see,
only thing im not doing is shoes

12-09-2003, 08:12 AM
post pics of mens wallet plz

12-10-2003, 05:43 PM
pics yet??

12-10-2003, 10:26 PM
hopefully somin by this weekend
i hav a chem final friday n im working my ass off for that