View Full Version : Hockey Goalie Training

03-16-2010, 04:17 PM
Hey everybody!

I did my first floor hockey tournament ever(!) at a UNICEF floor hockey tournament at the UofC. I've never played rec hockey so I was very much excited.

Even though I had lots of fun, I noticed something about my performance.

In my first shift, I (think) I did alright, only letting in 3 goals out of >15 shots (we lost because we couldn't score and I had no D.)

My second shift however, was a different story; I let in 6 softies in <10 shots and I just wanted a shift change.

Pretty much my entire problem was my back and how sore it felt after the first shift. I did stretches, warm-ups but it was still effin' sore! I was stiff as a board and couldn't get into position.

Second problem was my overall stamina. I didn't have the energy to be 100% and the sad part was, it was short 3.5min halves. :banghead:

To the goalies out there, does anyone have any tips on stamina and this back problem I'm having? I do stretches and I'm quite flexible so I don't think that's the problem.

Hopefully someone can help. Technique is another story; I'm bugging the members from a goalie forum for that. ;)


03-16-2010, 04:29 PM
Your crouch is most likely wrong.. the balls of your feet should carry the majority of the weight. We had to do a ton of wall sits and weight training to build leg and back strength... the type of stretching you do is also very important. Take a closer look at your crouch/stance.. its the most important part of how you play. Many goalies are known for their crazy stances. My favorite being Bill Ranford.

03-16-2010, 05:45 PM
If your back is hurting while your in that crouch, it might just be weak lower back muscles, ie. an imbalance in your core strength. you can do the brdige exercises 2-3 times a day, that would help, it helped when i had pretty much the same problem as you

03-16-2010, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by civic_stylez
We had to do a ton of wall sits and weight training to build leg and back strength...
I never had any back problems when I was playing. The legs definitely start to burn after a few minutes of being in a proper stance though.

03-16-2010, 06:02 PM
or maybe you're bending too much at your waist and it strains your back. should be bending by the knees only right?

03-16-2010, 07:13 PM
I think this is my main problem. When I'm crouching, my knees are always bent, feet apart, back straight, then butterfly.

Other than the bridge, is there anything else to work the core? Also, how do I work on recovery?

Originally posted by Marsh
If your back is hurting while your in that crouch, it might just be weak lower back muscles, ie. an imbalance in your core strength. you can do the brdige exercises 2-3 times a day, that would help, it helped when i had pretty much the same problem as you

Lloyd Christmas
03-17-2010, 04:45 AM
put and exercise ball on a bench, grab the bench on either side with your hands, lay your lower chest/stomach on the ball, put one foot on top of the other, raise your legs as high as you can behind you while rolling onto your chest, roll back and lower legs. insane lower back workout, its made for hockey players. easier when you see it done but i cant remember the name of it

03-17-2010, 07:53 AM
I reffed at the tourney :nut:

03-17-2010, 09:29 AM
Haha really? This is a long shot but maybe you can help. I played goalie for No Plans on Saturday (creativity at its finest lol) for the first (against the yellow team) and second shift.

Maybe you saw me play and can provide a critique?

Originally posted by Quiet10
I reffed at the tourney :nut:

03-17-2010, 10:33 AM
Honestly, I reffed too many teams to notice the goalies play, but I'm sure you'll find something on a hockey board about positioning and technique. But from what I can remember, you did pretty well at the beginning for a first timer (I had no idea you were a first timer).

As far as your concerns go... I think most people here summed it up pretty nicely. Stretch lots and work on your lower back muscles and core strength and you should be fine after a bit more practice. And that yellow team was my friend's team... I was originally going to play but decided not to because I hate plastic sticks. My girlfriend played for yellow though. They were good, won against the Red... :clap:

Your team's shirts were pretty unique though,

03-17-2010, 10:52 AM
Are you planning on playing ice hockey eventually? Or are you just sticking with floor? Makes a big difference.

03-17-2010, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by Quiet10
Honestly, I reffed too many teams to notice the goalies play, but I'm sure you'll find something on a hockey board about positioning and technique. But from what I can remember, you did pretty well at the beginning for a first timer (I had no idea you were a first timer).

As far as your concerns go... I think most people here summed it up pretty nicely. Stretch lots and work on your lower back muscles and core strength and you should be fine after a bit more practice. And that yellow team was my friend's team... I was originally going to play but decided not to because I hate plastic sticks. My girlfriend played for yellow though. They were good, won against the Red... :clap:

Your team's shirts were pretty unique though,

Haha thanks! :thumbsup:

So it looks like I'll have to work on stamina and making my core stronger.

Congrats to Yellow! They were pretty awesome! They beat Team Canada right?

Originally posted by japan_us
Are you planning on playing ice hockey eventually? Or are you just sticking with floor? Makes a big difference.

I plan to play both but first, I gotta learn how to skate first haha :rofl:

03-17-2010, 11:13 AM
When you decide to transition to ice, sign up to these forums, (http://goaliestore.com/) if you haven't already done so.

You'll find all the info you need. They probably have info for floor guys as well. Good luck.

03-17-2010, 02:31 PM
I think for the most part its a matter of using muscles that you probably havent used in a while... happens to me at the start of every season! (And for other sports as well)

Other then that your typical stretches will help out a ton, and if you get sore, just pop a few advil.

Im on the GSSB as well (link above) and there is tons of helpful info on there... from the tightness of your straps on your leg pads, to rebuilding a catcher. (As well a decent classified section)

03-17-2010, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by japan_us
When you decide to transition to ice, sign up to these forums, (http://goaliestore.com/) if you haven't already done so.

You'll find all the info you need. They probably have info for floor guys as well. Good luck.

Originally posted by R-Audi
I think for the most part its a matter of using muscles that you probably havent used in a while... happens to me at the start of every season! (And for other sports as well)

Other then that your typical stretches will help out a ton, and if you get sore, just pop a few advil.

Im on the GSSB as well (link above) and there is tons of helpful info on there... from the tightness of your straps on your leg pads, to rebuilding a catcher. (As well a decent classified section)

How long does it take to be approved as a member at The Goalie Store? I applied a while ago and all I can do is view but not post/reply threads. :dunno:

I want my stance reviewed and comment on things, damn it! lol

03-18-2010, 12:53 PM
^ Sucks! I didn't know that you had to wait for approval these days. I've been a member for over 5 years, so I wouldn't know about this.

(At least you can still read all the threads though.)

03-18-2010, 03:36 PM
Mine was reviewed within a few days....

My username is MGordo.