View Full Version : The US Health Care thing.

03-18-2010, 07:57 AM
Is anyone watching or did anyone watch CNN this morning? The parade of fat old dickfaced republicans running a train on CNN's camera.

I have a few questions about this.

Are they REALLY fighting THIS hard for insurance companies? The republicans complain that obama is tacking a 1 trillion dollar debt on to "the backs of americans". I'm fucking sorry, but did someone miss the multi-trillion dollar Iraq initiative?

I'm getting seriously fucking tired of that old white haired geriatric club who's trying to run things down there.

I don't get how they can be so violently opposed to people getting treated. Them and a bunch of third world countries don't have health care.

03-18-2010, 08:43 AM
Too many of them watch and believe whatever fox news tells them.

03-18-2010, 08:48 AM
I still don't honestly get what the debate is about, I have read the debate on other forums but it is always so heated that it just breaks down into a insult match, people presenting "facts" they pulled out there ass and turns into public vs private.

Is it just regarding the idea of a single-payer system? or is there more reform plans?

Really, I don't know why so many Americans are hell bent on private health care, sure they love free market capitalism and I understand that, but there is so much proving the US health system isn't as good as Americans think (Ranking 37th in the world by the WHO) and that he US government already spends so much on health care anyway.

The top ranking nations for healthcare by the WHO are all private-public design. The US government already spends into the 100s of billions on health care a year for people not covered by private health care, so if you ask me all that extra money should be used to start a public-private infrastructure in America. Then Americans can keep there private insurance and private hospitals and the US government can provide health care for free to those who don't have insurance, refuse to get insured or get fucked by there insurers, this way the US government can pay government doctors for there work and not private companies who jack the rate through the roof to gut bank accounts.

But I guess it is hard to change the way people think. I think Canada needs a private-public system myself, there is so much evidence that this is the most effective systems in the world, yet if I even comment on this I get a wild pack of people who think I am a nut tell me I'm wrong and that Canada has best health care evar super uber better then USA because it is free and all the actual "facts" go out the door.

It is really difficult to get people out of status quo mind set.