View Full Version : People who crank their tunes on the bus/train - do you find it rude?

03-19-2010, 04:47 PM
I always listen to my music loud - not full blast but as loud as my ears can handle them. I know some people who get offended when they can hear other peoples music. I see norhing wrong with it - bring earplugs if that's the case. Most people don't care but it seems the older folks get offended. And no I don't listen to hardcore rap.

03-19-2010, 04:51 PM
When I took public transit, I kept my music at a level I could hear, but not at a level that everyone else could hear.

I don't even like talking on my cell phone when I'm on public transit, personally.

03-19-2010, 04:58 PM
So 90% of commuters should wear earplugs so that 10% who listen to their music unreasonably loud can continue doing so. Makes sense.

03-19-2010, 05:00 PM
Key word here is public.

If it is loud, turn it the fuck down. I might not like your music, and you might not like mine. When your sitting next to a bunch of kids and all you hear from the headphones are, "fuck this, fuck that, I heard you like the word fuck so we put a..." Would probably piss the hell out of the parents. Don't get me wrong, I swear like a sailor, but time and place. Why should they bring ear plugs? If you are making someone need something extra that isn't normally needed because of what your doing, it has become an inconvienience, and therefore should stop.

It's like bringing a boombox on the bus if you ask me. You can still listen to your music loud enough without other people hearing you, or get some noise cancelling earphones. People listen to their music too loud anyways, fucking bleeding ears and what not.

Same with the phone, if you can hold a quite conversation, go for it, but then you have some coch in the back yelling on his phone about all the mad bitches he fucked last night.

To be honest, this is a losing battle. The world is slowly becoming an inconsiderate place. I try, but others obviously don't.

03-19-2010, 06:07 PM
I listen to my ipod on public transit, not loud, but to be honest i could care less if people around me have their ipod on loud even if i wasnt listening to music.

I would far rather overhear someones music (Crappy or not), than some girls b-tching about everything, or some old couple with their huge dilemma of where the daffodils should go this year.

03-19-2010, 06:12 PM
some headphones/ ear buds though, even when not cranked loud, others can still hear them. But I like my hearing, so i have mine at a decent level where others cannot hear.

03-19-2010, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by cherpintow
So 90% of commuters should wear earplugs so that 10% who listen to their music unreasonably loud can continue doing so. Makes sense. Those were my thoughts. OP is a douche for that.

03-19-2010, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by TorqueDog
When I took public transit, I kept my music at a level I could hear, but not at a level that everyone else could hear.

I don't even like talking on my cell phone when I'm on public transit, personally.

Originally posted by cherpintow
So 90% of commuters should wear earplugs so that 10% who listen to their music unreasonably loud can continue doing so. Makes sense.

Originally posted by Spoons
Key word here is public.

If it is loud, turn it the fuck down. I might not like your music, and you might not like mine. When your sitting next to a bunch of kids and all you hear from the headphones are, "fuck this, fuck that, I heard you like the word fuck so we put a..." Would probably piss the hell out of the parents. Don't get me wrong, I swear like a sailor, but time and place. Why should they bring ear plugs? If you are making someone need something extra that isn't normally needed because of what your doing, it has become an inconvienience, and therefore should stop.

It's like bringing a boombox on the bus if you ask me. You can still listen to your music loud enough without other people hearing you, or get some noise cancelling earphones. People listen to their music too loud anyways, fucking bleeding ears and what not.

Same with the phone, if you can hold a quite conversation, go for it, but then you have some coch in the back yelling on his phone about all the mad bitches he fucked last night.

To be honest, this is a losing battle. The world is slowly becoming an inconsiderate place. I try, but others obviously don't.

:werd: Are we all over 30? :D

Rude, obnoxious, inconsiderate, selfish people are far too common these days :whipped:

03-19-2010, 06:30 PM
OP is douche +1

I hated sitting near someone that felt the need to share their music with me.

03-19-2010, 06:35 PM
yup..public place, have some respect for people around you..same as cranking your music with windows open at stoplights..i dont wanna hear bollywood music...

03-19-2010, 06:36 PM
Definitely keep your music down to a level where only you can hear...

On a related note, am the only one who can't stand the fucktards who stand RIGHT IN FRONT of the fucking back door when there are a million empty seats?

03-19-2010, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by sabad66
Definitely keep your music down to a level where only you can hear...

On a related note, am the only one who can't stand the fucktards who stand RIGHT IN FRONT of the fucking back door when there are a million empty seats?

This goes for both doors...
..and no, you arent the only one.

I hate most people who take public transit for the most part anyways.

03-19-2010, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by AE92_TreunoSC
OP is douche +1

I hated sitting near someone that felt the need to share their music with me.

I agree with this. But I'm 29 years old. I sincerely hope the OP is younger, because I too used to have the fuck-what-the-world thinks-I'm-so-hardcore attitude when I was 18...hopefully he grows out of it, a lot of people don't, that 30 year old wigger who killed that guy with his 21 year old buddy in Inglewood comes to mind. Sad.

03-19-2010, 07:36 PM
I don't particularly like listening to some dudes blasted tunes in a public place unless maybe we share the same tastes in music. But then again if that's the worst thing that happens to me on my commute, that's not too bad. Bottom line is anytime you go out in public you may encounter douchebags. Always has been, always will be. You just have to pick your battles and let the small shit slide, I guess.

03-19-2010, 07:59 PM
After 3 years of taking transit, I've only once see a guy ask the other person to turn it down. I don't care, but I know some people do get annoyed from loud music but won't say anything. I use buds and listen to the radio at a very low volumne that I know nobody can hear.

03-19-2010, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by Spoons
To be honest, this is a losing battle. The world is slowly becoming an inconsiderate place. I try, but others obviously don't.

Took the liberty of correction ...

To be honest, this is a lost battle. The world has already become an inconsiderate place. I don't try anymore, since others obviously don't.

03-19-2010, 08:31 PM
I don't care if someone else blasts their music. But I wouldn't blast mine because I actually think it makes you look immature and I would be embarrassed.

I don't take public transit but I do see this on a daily basis at the gym.

03-19-2010, 09:30 PM
The gym, IMO is a completely different story...

I blast my music in the gym, to drown out the overhead soft R&B Crap. In the gym you're looking for pump-up music, not Vibe 98.5 crap.

03-19-2010, 09:33 PM
dumbest thread of the year lol

does it annoy you when your driving and you see other drivers picking their nose? we should make a poll on that too

03-19-2010, 09:41 PM
Really i could careless! transit is already horrible enough in this city so whatever gets one by is cool with me but whats worst is people having loud ass conversations for everyone on the bus to hear.

03-19-2010, 09:52 PM
Another quality thread by copynpaste.


03-19-2010, 09:54 PM
I find it annoying! Especially when I can hear someone elses music over my own. I like my hearing I don't feel the need to over blast it. Oh, and I'm 23.

03-19-2010, 10:05 PM
It's ignorant and inconsiderate...like the general population of this city. Ha.

03-20-2010, 01:03 AM
I'm 18, and I absolutely can't stand it. I wouldn't even answer my cell phone on the train. I'm not against people listening to music, talking on the phone, or anything like that. But the people that would do it like there wasn't anyone else around them, ANNOYED the crap out of me.

Two years ago I made a promise to NEVER take public transit again. So far, so good. Haven't been late for work in two years either, coincidence?

03-20-2010, 01:30 AM

You need a new personality CnP.

03-20-2010, 06:34 AM
I'll just ignore it... they're gonna need some hearaid in like 2 years anyways , lol @ them

03-20-2010, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by TorqueDog
When I took public transit, I kept my music at a level I could hear, but not at a level that everyone else could hear.

I don't even like talking on my cell phone when I'm on public transit, personally.

^^ This.

I don't even speak on my cell phone in front of friends/family unless it's urgent.

03-20-2010, 12:36 PM
I keep my volume down out of consideration for others, but I don't bother bitching at someone if they're playing theirs too loud. What's REALLY annoying though, is when it's a pack of guys and they're crowded around the one guy who's cranking his phat beats out of his cell phone speaker so they can all listen. That's fucking annoying.

03-20-2010, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by 403Gemini

^^ This.

I don't even speak on my cell phone in front of friends/family unless it's urgent.


What pisses me off more than anything is driving with someone who is spending most of the trip talking on their phone.

03-20-2010, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by swak


What pisses me off more than anything is driving with someone who is spending most of the trip talking on their phone.

Yep. Its rude and disrespectful. I came to this realization one morning when my dad was driving me to school in grade 10. I used to listen to my discman (LOL DISCMAN!) then I realized I never spent too much time talking to my dad, so I put it away and always talked to him every time he drove me in. I dunno, just to me some things are huge social faux paus.

I hate it when I'm eating dinner and the person answers their cell phone and talks for 5-10 minutes.

I hated when i worked in a retail store or at the bank and somebody would come up to the counter or ask for help, while still on their phone and just put stuff down. At the bank I would wait and just stand there staring at them till they got off. Had a few people get pissed off at me for doing that but I just asked "What do you want me to do? Cash it? Put it all on your visa? Put it into your line of credit? Deposit it - and if so, into which account, your savings? Chequing? I would just keep going on with the possiblities till they interrupted me ;) Yeah I'm THAT GUY lol.

:dunno: Maybe some of us are just more socially aware of what should be considered right and wrong and others are just absorbed into their own world and dont give a shit about anybody else.

03-20-2010, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by 403Gemini

I hated when i worked in a retail store or at the bank and somebody would come up to the counter or ask for help, while still on their phone and just put stuff down. At the bank I would wait and just stand there staring at them till they got off. Had a few people get pissed off at me for doing that but I just asked "What do you want me to do? Cash it? Put it all on your visa? Put it into your line of credit? Deposit it - and if so, into which account, your savings? Chequing? I would just keep going on with the possiblities till they interrupted me ;) Yeah I'm THAT GUY lol.

Ahahaha... Awesome, i did the same thing when i worked retail.. I deal with customers today, but dont really get that kind of thing any more...
If i did though, id just sit on my computer, until they got off their phone.

03-20-2010, 01:29 PM
When I practice my samurai techniques in the isle on trains and buses you better be wearing body armor!

03-20-2010, 02:17 PM
I've never understood why people walk around listening to music. Do you really need a soundtrack to your life? A car could be skidding towards you or a helecopter could fall out of the sky and land on you (true story) and you would have no clue.

If you're out for a run then cool. Other than that I think you're a douche. Especially if you wear those big headphones.

03-20-2010, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by Spoons
Key word here is public.

If it is loud, turn it the fuck down. I might not like your music, and you might not like mine. When your sitting next to a bunch of kids and all you hear from the headphones are, "fuck this, fuck that, I heard you like the word fuck so we put a..." Would probably piss the hell out of the parents. Don't get me wrong, I swear like a sailor, but time and place. Why should they bring ear plugs? If you are making someone need something extra that isn't normally needed because of what your doing, it has become an inconvienience, and therefore should stop.

It's like bringing a boombox on the bus if you ask me. You can still listen to your music loud enough without other people hearing you, or get some noise cancelling earphones. People listen to their music too loud anyways, fucking bleeding ears and what not.

Same with the phone, if you can hold a quite conversation, go for it, but then you have some coch in the back yelling on his phone about all the mad bitches he fucked last night.

To be honest, this is a losing battle. The world is slowly becoming an inconsiderate place. I try, but others obviously don't.

keep tryin bud! we can turn it around.:thumbsup:

03-20-2010, 08:39 PM
Doesn't bother me at all since I don't take the bus. Public transit is so low class. :thumbsdow .....................j/k

I think what's even worse are the people that drive around in their Jeep YJs and TJs with their tops down and music cranked up.

03-20-2010, 10:35 PM
Well OP(or can I call you FuzzyWuzzy;) ), since 59% of people on Beyond and 65% of people on red flag deals tell you it's rude, are you going to turn down your music?

03-21-2010, 10:27 AM
whats wrong with answering your phone on the train? most of my conversations don't even last that long.

03-21-2010, 11:59 AM
Whats worse is, people that feel the need to yell into their phones in a public place because they think the person on the other end cant hear them........FUCKIN HATE THOSE PEOPLE.

962 kid
03-21-2010, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by BrianLaarvs
I've never understood why people walk around listening to music. Do you really need a soundtrack to your life? A car could be skidding towards you or a helecopter could fall out of the sky and land on you (true story) and you would have no clue.

If you're out for a run then cool. Other than that I think you're a douche. Especially if you wear those big headphones.

Here's a thought numbnuts - I enjoy music. If a car was going to skid into me or if a helicopter was about to land on me, do you REALLY think that whether or not I'm listening to music is going to change that?

It's better than walking around being a pretentious douchebag who hates on people for doing something as simple as listening to music.

03-21-2010, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by 962 kid

It's better than walking around being a pretentious douchebag who hates on people for doing something as simple as listening to music.

For the most part, I've found that people who listen to music in public places like that are socially inept. Just a general stereotype, but it usually applies. Maybe interacting with the people around you would improve your attitude.

03-21-2010, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

For the most part, I've found that people who listen to music in public places like that are socially inept. Just a general stereotype, but it usually applies. Maybe interacting with the people around you would improve your attitude. What are you talking about, they look rad when they do that. People should want to hang out with people who do that shit.

03-21-2010, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

For the most part, I've found that people who listen to music in public places like that are socially inept. Just a general stereotype, but it usually applies. Maybe interacting with the people around you would improve your attitude.

So we should all put down our ipods and start up conversations with the dude who doesn't want to be bothered/drunk native/lady that doesn't speak english etc. on the train every morning?


Sure it might apply in the odd situation, but its a fast moving city and people are busy with shit to do. Majority of people have no interest in talking to some random stranger on there commute who probably shares nothing in common at all.

Outside of the VERY select few good looking girls on the entire train, I have no desire to speak to anyone else as they probably don't have any desire to speak to me.

03-21-2010, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

For the most part, I've found that people who listen to music in public places like that are socially inept. Just a general stereotype, but it usually applies. Maybe interacting with the people around you would improve your attitude.

Hahahaha, this great! So me listening to my iPod on the train instead of striking up unsolicited conversations with the homeless guy talking to the pole or the drunk Native family makes me socially inept?

I take the train since its cheaper than driving to school and only takes about 30 minutes. I'd still rather listen to music than try and talk to randoms.

03-21-2010, 03:40 PM
Listening to music is fine, but if other people can hear it, IT'S TOO LOUD.

I don't care about "Oh you could damage your hearing", as long as you're having fun then whatever. It's just inconsiderate to others. You're basically forcing them to listen to your crappy music.

03-21-2010, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

For the most part, I've found that people who listen to music in public places like that are socially inept. Just a general stereotype, but it usually applies. Maybe interacting with the people around you would improve your attitude.

Oh so I guess walking and listening to music makes me socially inept too, instead I should just talk to everybody I see. What happens when there's nobody around me?


03-21-2010, 03:51 PM
If I can hear your music, when I'm listening to MY music..ya fuckin turn it down.

03-21-2010, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by psycoticclown

Oh so I guess walking and listening to music makes me socially inept too, instead I should just talk to everybody I see. What happens when there's nobody around me?


Talk to yourself, or barring that, inanimate objects, trees and animals. Its perfectly normal, there are tons of people downtown everyday who do this.:nut:

03-21-2010, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

For the most part, I've found that people who listen to music in public places like that are socially inept. Just a general stereotype, but it usually applies. Maybe interacting with the people around you would improve your attitude.

This is on par with what the OP thinks about people needing to get earplugs to avoid other people being intrusive.

03-21-2010, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by LongCity

This is on par with what the OP thinks about people needing to get earplugs to avoid other people being intrusive.

Oh wow, I guess I should have worded what I wanted to say a bit better. I won't edit my original post, but that came out the wrong way.

I was referring to people who wear them ALL of the time when in public. I have no problem with people listening to music while on the train or whatever, but (for instance) I have noticed classmates that are socially akward (read, inept) and one common theme is being unplugged from the world around them, partially by listening to music constantly. The original post was meant to be a jab at the guy who was getting all uppity.

Is that better? ;)

03-21-2010, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by Wrinkly
:werd: Are we all over 30? :D

Nope, I'm 21.

I think people went off on a tangent here. Nobody is telling you to put down your iPod or anything, just turn it the fuck down. Also like I said, nothing wrong with talking on the cellphone, as long as it is quick and quiet.

And whats wrong with conversation with a random. When I'm on the bus, I usually end up sparking conversation with a random, and it ends up pretty good.

03-21-2010, 09:14 PM
If I hear other people's music over my own music, that's when I draw the line and say,

"HEY! Turn your Neil Diamond shit down!"

03-22-2010, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by BrianLaarvs
I've never understood why people walk around listening to music. Do you really need a soundtrack to your life? A car could be skidding towards you or a helecopter could fall out of the sky and land on you (true story) and you would have no clue.

If you're out for a run then cool. Other than that I think you're a douche. Especially if you wear those big headphones.

Maybe cause a lot of people in this world are incredibly passionate about music? So what if we have headphones on while walking in public? Big deal. A lot of recording artists do this on a daily basis, i guess theyre all douches too.

03-22-2010, 08:58 AM
I just lol @ their hearing loss in a few year if it's that loud.

03-22-2010, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by scat19
I just lol @ their hearing loss in a few year if it's that loud.

Well all will eventually lose our hearing as we age. Loud music wont make you deaf its just a myth. Its not like one day all of a sudden your hearing is completely gone, it just declines over time.

03-22-2010, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by copynpaste

Well all will eventually lose our hearing as we age. Loud music wont make you deaf its just a myth. Its not like one day all of a sudden your hearing is completely gone, it just declines over time.

It isn't a myth. Exposure to any noise above 90 decibels can cause hearing loss and even permanent deafness. When you consider the number of people listening to music for prolonged periods through headphones these days (often at levels peaking up to 127 decibels) we can expect to see numbers of people becoming deaf in middle age dramatically increase over the next few years. (Trust me - 40 isn't as far away as you might think when you're 20).

It also causes Tinnitus, which I live with every day - and it's torture most of the time. There is nothing I would like better than to be able to 'hear' total silence again - I can't remember the last time. If you value your hearing, respect it.

An easy measure, is if you can't hear other sounds around when wearing your headphones - you're damaging your hearing. If your car stereo is loud enough to drown out conversation (not shouting..lol), then you are damaging your hearing. When you come out of the club or concert and your ears are 'ringing' or you can't hear normally for a short time, you have damaged your hearing. It is NOT reversible either.

Like most things in life - everything has its price.