View Full Version : IP Scrambling?

03-20-2010, 02:05 AM
I''ve been trying to place some car ads on kijiji for the past hour or so and they keep trying to charge me $11.99 saying im a dealer.

I have listed 2 vehicles and have one more to list. I have tried using a different email address and different computer in the same house, but for some reason it won't let me place another god damn ad.

Pretty frustrating consdering they used to be free and there is no added value (in my opinion) anyways to paying $11.99 per ad.

Buysell.com Used to Charge, Autotrader.ca Used to Charge, and they all stopped charging because Kijiji stole their thunder, and now what does kijiji do? Charge LULZ...

But anyways, is there any way for me to scramble my IP so that they can't trace MY IP back to placing these ads? (which im assuming is how they know to limit my ad placing)

I tried to place the ads through a proxy service but that didn't work either.

Thanks in Advance

03-20-2010, 09:41 AM
If it didn't let you through a proxy then it's not (entirely) IP based. Could be a cookie. Just do it from somebody else's computer :P

03-20-2010, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by Jeremiah
I have tried using a different email address and different computer in the same house

Originally posted by Mibz
Just do it from somebody else's computer :P

03-21-2010, 02:59 AM
Originally posted by Jeremiah
I''ve been trying to place some car ads on kijiji for the past hour or so and they keep trying to charge me $11.99 saying im a dealer.

I have listed 2 vehicles and have one more to list. I have tried using a different email address and different computer in the same house, but for some reason it won't let me place another god damn ad.

Pretty frustrating consdering they used to be free and there is no added value (in my opinion) anyways to paying $11.99 per ad.

Buysell.com Used to Charge, Autotrader.ca Used to Charge, and they all stopped charging because Kijiji stole their thunder, and now what does kijiji do? Charge LULZ...

But anyways, is there any way for me to scramble my IP so that they can't trace MY IP back to placing these ads? (which im assuming is how they know to limit my ad placing)

I tried to place the ads through a proxy service but that didn't work either.

Thanks in Advance

grr that sucks, just put it in on calgary finder while its still free too. i am sure its not as popular as calgary kijiji but what happens happens

03-21-2010, 08:12 AM
Change the MAC address on the WAN side of your router, restart your modem and release/renew your IP. That should solve the IP problem, then use Ccleaner to make sure it's not cookie-based tracking... beyond that, I'm not sure how they would still know it was you.

03-21-2010, 11:54 AM
Thanks for the advice guys. I ended up using different browsers and different email accounts and changing the mac address, reseting te modem and deleting all history/cookies/temp files etc, and I was able to place the ads.. haha...

what a fucking hassle

03-22-2010, 12:25 PM
even on a virgin computer with dial up it still does it, like i siad there are other sites.

03-23-2010, 12:46 PM
To get around China's firewall, people use Tor.


Try it and see if it works for you...