View Full Version : Cellular reception.

03-31-2010, 06:04 PM
Ok so I know Google is my friend, but I want to know the truth.

Ok so in my area, Cell service just came to be. It was Anolog until 2007, then it switched to Analog/Digital. In 2009 it went Digital only.

Now at my cabin, I can no longer get a signal. My cabin is about 14-16 miles away from the nearest tower, but the tower would face the other way, away from my cabin.

So is there anything that really works out there, for better Digital reception, also which phone offers the best reception. Because my contract is up, but my current Motorola has an Antenna jack on the back of the phone.

Thanks for the help.

03-31-2010, 06:29 PM
Digital is less tolerant to loss than analog is. Our brains are better at reconstructing garbled voice, than our algorithms are at reconstructing garbled data.

If your analog signal was weak to begin with, your digital signal will be worse. The digital signal also operates at a different frequency, which

It's also at a different frequency, which factors into how far the waves carry and how it interacts with other devices in the spectrum.

Possible solutions: Get a new cell phone with a better antenna, cut down trees in the path of your cabin to the cell tower, build a tower to retransmit the signal.

04-01-2010, 12:20 AM
Directional antenna pointed at the tower, plus a decent amp, and a nice omni for inside/around your cabin. Try http://www.wilsonelectronics.com or search for previous identical threads here.