View Full Version : Green Light Camera Ticket

04-11-2010, 11:25 PM

I recently got a Green Light Speeding (Photo) ticket in the mail. I think we can all agree that Red Light Camera tickets are dum enough, now we have to worry about Green lights as well!

Anyways, my car is in the centre of the picture, and I notice that there is another vehicle in front of me (I'd say more to the right of the picture).

Has anyone had any luck trying to fight a ticket like this? (ie. How can the camera say that was me speeding, when there were two vehicles in the same picture- Going the same direction!?)

Let me know what you guys think...


04-11-2010, 11:34 PM
Cameras can tell who was speeding and in what lane.

04-11-2010, 11:40 PM
Yea, new to the forum, just did a search and came across a bunch of GL camera ticket stuff- my bad.

I guess my next question would be, has anyone had any luck with fighting the "Multiple Vehicle" picture tickets? (ie. no luck, ticket reduced, etc.?)

04-11-2010, 11:43 PM
You can get basically any ticket reduced if you show up in court and with a decent sob story.

04-11-2010, 11:50 PM
Originally posted by Goodfella
You can get basically any ticket reduced if you show up in court and with a decent sob story.
you mean plead guilty to the crown of fight it?

04-11-2010, 11:57 PM
There is no reason for them to reduce/dismiss a ticket if there are several vehicles in the frame. The cameras can tell which lane the offense occurred in and which vehicle is was based on when the induction loops were tripped.

04-12-2010, 12:11 AM
I dont think you can fight these tickets, can you? I thought it was like multi-nova (well it is), and that you didnt lose any points (since they cant prove you were driving) but the owner of the car is responsible for it?

I donno, I've never got one before.

04-12-2010, 12:21 AM

just pay the damned fine

Red light cams are not dumb - you run a red (illegal), you get a ticket, simple.

Green light camera - not much different than a camera van on the side of the road - you speed, you get a ticket, simple.

I do believe there are no points on your license as they cannot prove who was driving, you get a fine for being the registered owner of the car that sped.

04-12-2010, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by cISc
.. (ie. How can the camera say that was me speeding, when there were two vehicles in the same picture- Going the same direction!?)

Let me know what you guys think...


were you racing?

04-12-2010, 12:34 AM
No, I wasn't racing. Just pissed off I got the ticket, kinda like the first parking ticket with the new Park Plus system, with the barely visible "Permit Required" print at the bottm. You read about them on the paper, but when it effects you it sucks.

Fair enough, as this is my first green light ticket, I just wanted to get some input on this.

04-12-2010, 06:55 AM
Originally posted by cISc

I recently got a Green Light Speeding (Photo) ticket in the mail. I think we can all agree that Red Light Camera tickets are dum enough, now we have to worry about Green lights as well!

Anyways, my car is in the centre of the picture, and I notice that there is another vehicle in front of me (I'd say more to the right of the picture).

Has anyone had any luck trying to fight a ticket like this? (ie. How can the camera say that was me speeding, when there were two vehicles in the same picture- Going the same direction!?)

Let me know what you guys think...


Why is it so hard to do the search first? The ticket is "dum" but that's all I'll give you and only if you tell me what "dum" means. So yeah! What you need to do is go to the police station and explain to them that you don't want to pay this because you can see another car in the picture. I heard that if you spot Waldo in the pic they give you another 10% your next ticket too.

Why would you think that because you see another car in the picture then you can fight it? You were speeding, you got caught so pay the price for speeding, what's so hard about it. I can let you in on a little known secret that has been going around the internet for a while now¡_ I'm not sure if I can post it without getting banned but I'm willing to take the risk. Don't speed and you won't get a ticket!!!

04-12-2010, 12:59 PM
The amount of hypocrites on beyond is fucking stupid. 99% of the people that bitch to people that they shouldn't of been speeding all speed themselves.

Unless you were driving like a jackass i.e. 25+ over or in a playground zone I wish you luck in getting the ticket reduced.

04-12-2010, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by 94boosted
The amount of hypocrites on beyond is fucking stupid. 99% of the people that bitch to people that they shouldn't of been speeding all speed themselves.

I don't think anyone is saying don't speed at all, they're just saying if you speed pay the fine when you get caught. and don't try and look for stupid loop holes

04-12-2010, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by 94boosted
The amount of hypocrites on beyond is fucking stupid. 99% of the people that bitch to people that they shouldn't of been speeding all speed themselves.

Unless you were driving like a jackass i.e. 25+ over or in a playground zone I wish you luck in getting the ticket reduced.

God has spoken! Thanks for your insight into this, I assume you're the 1%. What if he was going 24km over in a playground zone, would he be a jackass then?

04-13-2010, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by Dilmah

God has spoken! Thanks for your insight into this, I assume you're the 1%. What if he was going 24km over in a playground zone, would he be a jackass then?

Absolutely fucking no am I the 1%. I speed (within reason) when the conditions allow for it I do go 10-20 over and I would never try to deny that just like dam well near everyone else on this forum which is why coming down on the OP reeks of hypocrisy.

04-13-2010, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by 94boosted

Absolutely fucking no am I the 1%. I speed (within reason) when the conditions allow for it I do go 10-20 over and I would never try to deny that just like dam well near everyone else on this forum which is why coming down on the OP reeks of hypocrisy.

I think I understand what you're saying, but you make it very hard to figure out when you use words like “dam” I searched the net and can’t figure it out... what exactly are you trying to dam? :facepalm: Not to mention the first part. Absolutely, no, am I... What the fuck does that mean?:dunno:

04-13-2010, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by Dilmah

I think I understand what you're saying, but you make it very hard to figure out when you use words like “dam” I searched the net and can’t figure it out...

couldnt figure this out?

either way pipe down there newbie

04-13-2010, 11:28 PM
I love when people come on here with ticket stories!!!!

I should have like 3 -4 tickets speeding..... mostly on my bike!!!

I go to the crown tell them no I would like to fight the ticket.....

despite them telling me i'm more likely to get it reduced by talking with crown....

i fight the ticket, cop doesn't show up and I'm 100% not guilty!!!

Fight the ticket, even if you are guilty.... out awesome society must prove you were guilty...


04-14-2010, 12:14 AM
^ sure, if you got nothing better to do with your time.....

04-14-2010, 06:48 AM
Originally posted by chkolny541

couldnt figure this out?

either way pipe down there newbie

Ha ha!, I thought it was some acronym the kids were using these days like WTF, FTW¡_

Maybe if he reposts it in his own language then I can put it into a translator, but then again STUPID is not an official language.

04-14-2010, 06:49 AM
Exactly, for me to take 3 hours off work to go and sit in court. I might as well gone to work and saved $50.00 (assuming a $140.00 ticket)

04-14-2010, 08:05 AM
Originally posted by barmanjay
just pay the damned fineWRONG ANSWER. You fail.

04-14-2010, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by Dilmah

I think I understand what you're saying, but you make it very hard to figure out when you use words like “dam” I searched the net and can’t figure it out... what exactly are you trying to dam? :facepalm: Not to mention the first part. Absolutely, no, am I... What the fuck does that mean?:dunno:

Thank you for the grammar lesson I do admit I should have been writing "damn" not "dam", my bad. If you couldn't figure out what I was trying to say with "Absolutely fucking no am I the 1%." please re-read it and think it over, perhaps it wasn't written properly it did however get the point across.

I can tell reading is not your strong suit. When I wrote "i.e. 25+ over or in a playground zone " you skipped the "or" and replied with "What if he was going 24km over in a playground zone, would he be a jackass then?" this isn't an essay your writing for a prof it's an internet car forum.

Regardless please crawl back under your bridge troll and I will be sure to proof read my dam's next time before posting.