View Full Version : Trans Canada & Bow Trail - what could have been

04-14-2010, 09:06 AM
Trans Canada & Bow Trail - what could have been. Proposals that never saw the light of day from 1969 and 1970 - link (http://albertaroads.homestead.com/Calgary/plans/index.html).

04-14-2010, 10:15 AM
Wow, is that not 1000000000x better??

04-14-2010, 10:24 AM
the work on the east end of memorial would have been nice.

04-14-2010, 10:50 AM
the whole bow trail thing that drains into downtown looks beautiful.

04-14-2010, 11:02 AM
is it just me or are some of the road names different?

04-14-2010, 11:02 AM
They must have been smoking some strong reefer during those times.... :facepalm:

04-14-2010, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by sexualbanana
is it just me or are some of the road names different?

Taken from the site;

Note that the Deerfoot Trail was then known as the Blackfoot Trail Freeway

04-14-2010, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by sexualbanana
is it just me or are some of the road names different? Back in the late 60's, some of the roads we use today wouldn't have existed back then or they may have even been named something else.

04-14-2010, 11:58 AM
The bow trail waterfall road would be a huge train wreck with today's number of cars, but I don't see how it would be any worse than what we have right now. It would have provided additional room for the LRT as well which would have been nice.

The relocation of the trans-canada highway ~8 blocks north is what really got my attention. Properly designed stack interchanges leading on/off of it and bringing it away from all the low-rise commercial structures and houses on 16th avenue would have really improved traffic flow across our city. If that had been done properly in 1970 we would have had no need for the ring road until well into the future. Instead of spending a little bit of money then, we are now spending it by the buckets now and bodging together a terrible solution to a simple problem.

City planners, thanks a lot for protecting us from efficient and intelligently designed transportation systems. Fuck you.

04-14-2010, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by Zero102
City planners, thanks a lot for protecting us from efficient and intelligently designed transportation systems. Fuck you.

Quoted for truth.

04-14-2010, 10:35 PM
my grandma's house on 24th ave would have been knocked down for that highway lol

I'm quite content with how things are

04-15-2010, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by Zero102
The bow trail waterfall road would be a huge train wreck with today's number of cars

+1. That would never have worked and would've made the morning commute a total nightmare.

What I think is the one of the biggest failures is the NW C-Train riding along 9th St SW after Sunnyside. That whole section of C-Train and Louise bridge on 4th Ave is such a huge bottleneck. I guess at least now the city wisened up and will not cheap out again for the SW C-Train like they did the NE train and sections of the NW train.

I wonder if Crowchild will EVER be completely 100% free flowing. I've always envisioned some kind of interchange at 24th Ave NW (obviously would have to build 24th Ave up and over since the Train prevents any kind of tunnelling), getting rid of the McMahon lights (go through 16th or feeder through 24th Ave), and then a viaduct section that flies through the lights at 5th Ave and Kensington Road with a road directly underneath the viaduct for local traffic. Think it'll ever happen? Think all the local residents will bitch/whine/cry around an ugly viaduct? I mean they already have short viaduct on the southbound lanes above University Dr....

They have these everywhere. This one in Honolulu illustrates it well:


Some really neat plans though. Very "US style freeway" kind of thinking.