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05-01-2010, 12:57 PM
:banghead: I hate scenic acres.

Bunch of spineless people with nothing better to do than complain about every little thing the neighbours do...

Just had another visit from bylaw and parking control... Ok so yeah - fixing truck in the street, against the bylaws... Tow truck driver couldn't get the truck into the driveway - without blocking traffic for a significant period of time. So be it, parking control also had complaints because when I do park in my driveway - the bumper obstructs 6-8" of the sidewalk?!?! So what, they don't want me to fix the truck on my driveway or the street...? Can we make up our minds?

Bylaw came by once again because neighbors are complained about:
- The "Mess" at the side of my house - a canoe and ladder rack for my truck.
- The unsightly yard - apparently they think I should clean up the city park side of my fence... And all that garbage that they keep throwing in my front hedge. (had just cleaned it out on wednesday - like I do every week to top up the bags for garbage day)
- Dog poop on front lawn (actually the boulevard) - not from my dogs (again right next to a park - mine aren't allowed in the front yard - I take them to the offleash down in bowness).

No tickets, warning, notices from either... Luckily I'm on a first name basis with these guys - they're here at least 2-3 times a month.

Anyone have ideas as to how to deal with these f*cking spineless SOBs? Right now I'm leaning towards a big sign that says "Next visit from Bylaw, CPS or Parking authority = allowing my love of garden gnomes, Lawn furniture, and tacky k-mart lawn & house adornments to be let loose - if you have a complaint grow a spine and come talk to me".

311 is of no help, as its apparently 2 neighbors who keep complaining - thus it isn't "harassment". I'm absolutely fed up with these friggin people... Same answer came from my local alderman...

05-01-2010, 01:07 PM
You're a redneck.

Fuck off, and work on your fucking garbage somewhere where it won't decrease the mean value of homes in your immediate area.

You're not self aware at all, are you. You own or rent property that requires that amount of attention.

Here's how to handle it:

Do something completely unheard of, and clean it the fuck up. Your neighbors are bitchy because you're probably an irresponsible homeowner, or a completely careless renter. Nobody wants people like you in the neighborhood, and if your "canoe rack" is leaning on the side of your house, maybe you should fucking move it so the rest of the neighborhood doesn't have to look at it?

There's a guy like you down the block from me. His eavestrophing fell off and wasn't repaired for 8 months. I think everyone called bylaw on him.

I don't know you at all, and I'm sorry for being such an asshole, but no one cares how awesome you are for "workin on yer rig" in front of your house. That sort of shit is Ogden, and you live in scenic acres (Oh shit, called out). People buy in a particular area so as to avoid the prevalence of certain types of people and certain types of habits of certain communities.

If I lived across the road from you and had to look out at oil spilling all over your face and ass all the time; tools littered about everywhere; drive shafts laying on your lawn; all "yer budz" cracking back beers while tracking oil onto the street, being loud and obnoxious, I would be irritated too.

"It's my place, I can do what I want" <- Yes, absolutely you can. Your neighbors places are their places too, and if you're annoying the shit out of everyone, they're within their rights to complain.


05-01-2010, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by CUG
You're a redneck.

Fuck off, and work on your fucking garbage somewhere where it won't decrease the mean value of homes in your immediate area.

You're not self aware at all, are you. You own or rent property that requires that amount of attention.

Here's how to handle it:

Do something completely unheard of, and clean it the fuck up. Your neighbors are bitchy because you're probably an irresponsible homeowner, or a completely careless renter. Nobody wants people like you in the neighborhood, and if your &quot;canoe rack&quot; is leaning on the side of your house, maybe you should fucking move it so the rest of the neighborhood doesn't have to look at it?

There's a guy like you down the block from me. His eavestrophing fell off and wasn't repaird for 8 months. I think everyone called bylaw on him.

:werd: people across the street from us have a garage and pad for 2 people (so that is 1 more than the rest of us) and he still blocks me in and has to work on his busted ass cheap vehicle.

Sorry no sympathy from me.

05-01-2010, 01:21 PM
Why would I ever want to major in PR. There is zero diplomacy here.

05-01-2010, 01:26 PM
I feel like scouting this house out and posting pics.... I am sure its a dump.

05-01-2010, 01:26 PM
Leave a note in your neighbours mailboxes. ;)

05-01-2010, 01:27 PM
Sorry but I keep my house clean, my yard is well kept - I cleanup after these jackasses every week. Just topdressed and overseeded the front lawn because it was a bit sparse last year.

Normally my wrenching is done in my garage with the door closed - special case this time it couldn't be gotten into the garage, sh*t happens. No oil spills, no messes ever left, why dont you take yer assumptions and stuff em.

A canoe at the side of the house on a proper rack - not unsightly (even bylaw agreed) The ladder rack - it'll be on the truck soon enough; And after a quick walk around seeing dishwashers, other appliances and other canoe's & kayaks at the sides of other houses on my block - gee I think i'll have to call bylaw... No different than anyone else. Nowhere near ogden quality around here thankyouverymuch.

05-01-2010, 01:30 PM
As someone who walks on the sidewalk it is nice not having vehicles obstruct your pathway.... people do this in my neighborhood all the time except it is their campers on the sidewalk. They buy these big campers, are too cheap to rent a storage space for then and try to cram them into their driveways except the hitch sticks out onto more than half the sidewalk.....

05-01-2010, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by AndyL
Sorry but I keep my house clean, my yard is well kept - I cleanup after these jackasses every week. Just topdressed and overseeded the front lawn because it was a bit sparse last year.

Normally my wrenching is done in my garage with the door closed - special case this time it couldn't be gotten into the garage, sh*t happens. No oil spills, no messes ever left, why dont you take yer assumptions and stuff em.

A canoe at the side of the house on a proper rack - not unsightly (even bylaw agreed) The ladder rack - it'll be on the truck soon enough; And after a quick walk around seeing dishwashers, other appliances and other canoe's &amp; kayaks at the sides of other houses on my block - gee I think i'll have to call bylaw... No different than anyone else. Nowhere near ogden quality around here thankyouverymuch. You'll have to forgive me. Perhaps you could post some pics?

05-01-2010, 01:42 PM
Gladly - was just headed out with the camera :)


You'll notice truck still on jacks and my neighbours got more crap at the side than I do... But I did forget - There's the little ones Sandbox at the side of my house too... You're welcome to come by and check it out - corner of scenic acres link & scurfield drive.

05-01-2010, 01:48 PM
Eay fix... put a fence and gate up beside the house blocking the view of that crap.

05-01-2010, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by wardpr68
I feel like scouting this house out and posting pics.... I am sure its a dump.
Hey ward - go f*ck yourself. You didn't get enough in the april snow thread?

05-01-2010, 01:54 PM
That's actually not that bad, other than the old ass dually on jacks. There is a lot of racists up in that area, so I wouldn't feel too bad.

Sell the truck and do oil changes in your garage?

05-01-2010, 02:02 PM
Pretty decent landscaping. Maybe your neighbours had a problem with the old Jettas and are just carrying on the grudge.


05-01-2010, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by CUG
You'll have to forgive me. Perhaps you could post some pics?

lawl you're cruel

05-01-2010, 02:32 PM
Grey jetta was there for a while - yep i'll admit - was a project. Red one was only outside for a week before it went away.

05-01-2010, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by CUG
That's actually not that bad, other than the old ass dually on jacks. There is a lot of racists up in that area, so I wouldn't feel too bad.

Sell the truck and do oil changes in your garage?
LOL what does race have to do with this... I am a redneck, proud of it.

Old ass dually - meh, I like it - it's a heck of an upgrade over the old POS :) I'm of scottish decent - I'm cheaper than anyone - I don't buy new vehicles.

05-01-2010, 02:49 PM
Ill take you as a neighbor any day of the week compared to the villagers i have to live with in the NE.

I would seriously be on the phone with 311 every day complaining about someone/something.

The best one is the guy across the alley has distributed 10 bags of garbage for the past 8 months to all 3 neighbors surrounding him.

05-01-2010, 03:20 PM
^^^ LOL this is one of the best threads ever...
NE is a dump... too bad all the dirty ethnics are now starting to move into my area... SE. hopefully they dont turn it into a dump aswell, I'm sure they will anyway, guess I'll just have to move. guess their all sick of the smell and shit up there.

05-01-2010, 03:27 PM
I don't get why CUG got on his case to begin with. His complaint seemed legitimate enough. I see plenty of houses with more "junk" than just a canoe on the side.

I don't really have any suggestions about what to do with your neighbors though. I had a bad neighbor who I'm now on good terms with. If you think it's minor enough, sometimes it might be better to let it slide in some cases. Mind you, I don't mean all cases, but my case was minor enough that it wasn't worth it. My neighbor and I got into small disputes here and there over parking and it just caused nothing but trouble for the both of us. We decided it wasn't worth it, and now we're on pretty decent terms with them.

05-01-2010, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by InRich
^^^ LOL this is one of the best threads ever...
NE is a dump... too bad all the dirty ethnics are now starting to move into my area... SE. hopefully they dont turn it into a dump aswell, I'm sure they will anyway, guess I'll just have to move. guess their all sick of the smell and shit up there.

You're saying the NE is ghetto and you live in the SE?
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

05-01-2010, 03:29 PM
Well bro, you'd have a nice neighborhood if you didn't have shit piled up beside your house and rusty jettas all over your lawn.

I actually feel bad for ripping on you.

05-01-2010, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Integra10

You're saying the NE is ghetto and you live in the SE?
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: You're saying the NE isn't a fucking ghetto, while being frustrated at his occupance of a $500,000 home in the SE? Is there anything non-commercial, non-industrial in the NE that would legitimately sell for any more than that? By NE I mean NG, ED.

05-01-2010, 03:37 PM
Horses head on front door step?

05-01-2010, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by Integra10

You're saying the NE is ghetto and you live in the SE?
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

lol.... dude... I live in cranston estates... I dont live along 17th ave.
and the NE is a ghetto. a dirty one at that, fuck I avoid that place like the plague. I wont even send a salesman in there when we get leads from there...

My asian girlfriend lives in Temple... I've been dating her for 4 years, and I think I've driven to the NE, hmmm 20 maybe, 30 times.. heck everytime I've dropped her off I even lock the doors as a funny at the first red light. she laughs, cause she knows its junkie.

dirty ass people owned the shit outta that place

05-01-2010, 03:46 PM
Upon further review, we have a good yard, the complaining neighbors should be charged with a go fuck yourself.

I have seen WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WORSE in the Hamptons!

05-01-2010, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by CUG

I actually feel bad for ripping on you.
I'll take that as an apology then :)

Don't get me started on the NE - there's a reason I live in scenic acres...

Wonder if there's a way to get the info on the complainers through FIA or something... Then I could decide on horse heads, flaming bags o poo etc

05-01-2010, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by Integra10

You're saying the NE is ghetto and you live in the SE?
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

If you seriously think that the NE isn't a ghetto, you need to get your head examined. It used to be pretty good, but most of it is shit. Don't get me wrong, there are still some nice communities and really nice houses... But they are starting to get swarmed with trailer parks and trash.

And NE in most people's opinions is anything east of Deerfoot. You could say I live in the north east, but I just cross the street and I'm in the NW lol.

05-01-2010, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by CUG
You're saying the NE isn't a fucking ghetto, while being frustrated at his occupance of a $500,000 home in the SE? Is there anything non-commercial, non-industrial in the NE that would legitimately sell for any more than that? By NE I mean NG, ED.

I never said anything about being frustrated at his occupance of a $500,000 home in the S.E. There's plenty of houses that would sell for more than that in the NE.
How is:







For all the people that consider the NE ghetto and not the SE have you ever heard of Dover? Forest Lawn? "International" ave?

for anyone that thinks the NE is bad go to Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto. Go and see a real ghetto. A $300,000 + home in NOWHERE near ghetto.

Originally posted by InRich

lol.... dude... I live in cranston estates... I dont live along 17th ave.
and the NE is a ghetto. a dirty one at that, fuck I avoid that place like the plague. I wont even send a salesman in there when we get leads from there...

My asian girlfriend lives in Temple... I've been dating her for 4 years, and I think I've driven to the NE, hmmm 20 maybe, 30 times.. heck everytime I've dropped her off I even lock the doors as a funny at the first red light. she laughs, cause she knows its junkie.

dirty ass people owned the shit outta that place

Wow :clap: an Asian girl? Must be the only one in the city. What dirty ass people? The people in Saddleridge? Coral Springs? If you're scared at a red light in Temple do yourself a favor and never leave this city. You'll be terrified anywhere else.

Originally posted by Spoons

If you seriously think that the NE isn't a ghetto, you need to get your head examined. It used to be pretty good, but most of it is shit. Don't get me wrong, there are still some nice communities and really nice houses... But they are starting to get swarmed with trailer parks and trash.

And NE in most people's opinions is anything east of Deerfoot. You could say I live in the north east, but I just cross the street and I'm in the NW lol.

What trailer parks in the NE? There's one on 17 which is SE. There's one BEHIND the NE. You're saying there's no trailer parks in the NW? Well than what's this?



05-01-2010, 04:51 PM
^^^ dude its ok to live in the NE. I'd rather you stay there anyway. its ok...

05-01-2010, 05:00 PM

05-01-2010, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by InRich
^^^ dude its ok to live in the NE. I'd rather you stay there anyway. its ok...

I don't live in the NE and never have. Don't reply with bullshit because you have nothing to say.

05-01-2010, 05:56 PM
Stay where you are, don't move, just stop being an asshole and you'll have great neighbours. But whatever you do stay where you are, at least until my neighbour sells her house, I don't want you beside me.

05-01-2010, 06:19 PM
NE = Little India.

I do not set foot in the place unless I absolutely have to.. *shutters*

05-01-2010, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by Dilmah
Stay where you are, don't move, just stop being an asshole and you'll have great neighbours. But whatever you do stay where you are, at least until my neighbour sells her house, I don't want you beside me.
LMAO - nice buddy... Funny, been called a lot of things, but generally asshole hasn't been one of em.

05-01-2010, 06:43 PM

05-01-2010, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by colt22
NE = Little India.

I do not set foot in the place unless I absolutely have to.. *shutters*

Shutters? You're acting all high and mighty with your "I'm too good for the N.E." bullshit yet your English vocabulary is total fail. Fucking idiot.


05-01-2010, 07:20 PM
^ exactly what I was gonna say :rofl:

05-01-2010, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by InRich
^^^ LOL this is one of the best threads ever...
NE is a dump... too bad all the dirty ethnics are now starting to move into my area... SE. hopefully they dont turn it into a dump aswell, I'm sure they will anyway, guess I'll just have to move. guess their all sick of the smell and shit up there.

It's all good, the deep SE around your new house area is still white and proud for a long time... Been living in the same house for 20 years in the SE, only 3 households are non-whites on my street.

But sometimes it's good to chill in the ghetto areas, the girls wear much skankier make-up, give you hornier, dirtier looks. :love:

05-01-2010, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by colt22
NE = Little India.

I do not set foot in the place unless I absolutely have to.. *shutters*

X2, hell ya X2. NE is a dump anyway you slice it. No spelling mistakes either. I AM too good for the NE. And props to all who feel the same way.

05-01-2010, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by TomcoPDR
It's all good, the deep SE around your new house area is still white and proud for a long time... Been living in the same house for 20 years in the SE, only 3 households are non-whites on my street.

yes, i hate how everyone thinks the SE is a ghetto moreso how those POS SE places are included in our quadrant, the NORTHERN part of the SE is junk, but you SW NW ppl have obviously never been to Mckenzie, douglasdale, Diamondcove, willowpark estates, Parkland, Cranston, Sundance, new brighton, chapparral how many more do i have to list off... the good areas in the SE far outnumber the 'ghetto' areas imo.

05-01-2010, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by AndyL

LMAO - nice buddy... Funny, been called a lot of things, but generally asshole hasn't been one of em.

I find that hard to believe judging from your complaining. Maybe you just know a lot of spinless people and nobody has told you that to your face?

05-01-2010, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by Integra10
What trailer parks in the NE? There's one on 17 which is SE. There's one BEHIND the NE. You're saying there's no trailer parks in the NW? Well than what's this?



Never said there wasn't any in the NW. And why are you defending NE so much if you don't live there?

Are you like Dre and Ice Cube where they moved outa tha hood but still cruise into Compton to roll with their brahs? Just saying G, but don't provoke me.

05-01-2010, 11:54 PM
Curious what your double car garage is so full of that you have to keep all cars outside plus what is on the side of the house? Many people in our neighborhood also have double garages filled with anything and everything except cars...

05-02-2010, 12:22 AM
Originally posted by Spoons

If you seriously think that the NE isn't a ghetto, you need to get your head examined. It used to be pretty good, but most of it is shit. Don't get me wrong, there are still some nice communities and really nice houses... But they are starting to get swarmed with trailer parks and trash

Calgary doesn't have anything approaching a ghetto. We've got it pretty damn good if the NE is the worse we have. This is a ghetto:



05-02-2010, 12:55 AM
^ Thats pretty ghetto,

OPs lawn doesn't look bad, hell the old truck on jackstands is hardly something to whine about unless it never moves but its in front of his house anyway.

I reside in Cougar Ridge and have had a few issues with the neighborino's myself.

-The first time someone left a note on my windshield for idling my car outside their house during winter.

-The second time a neighbor approached me and asked I not park in a certain spot on the street because his kids played there and he didn't want them to get hurt, or something along that line.

-The third time someone left a note on my windshield asking me to park in front of my house, which isn't possible unless I park my vehicle on top of either my aunt's car, one of my cousins two trucks, or my other cousins SUV. I have a company van as well as my daily driver and they haven't whined about the company rubbish.

EDIT: None of the places I parked were in front of a neighbors house.

05-02-2010, 01:21 AM
Originally posted by StreetRacerX

my aunt's car, one of my cousins two trucks, or my other cousins SUV. I have a company van as well as my daily driver and they haven't whined about the company rubbish.

So you got at least 6 vehicles coming from your household?

05-02-2010, 01:28 AM
Originally posted by n1zm0

yes, i hate how everyone thinks the SE is a ghetto moreso how those POS SE places are included in our quadrant, the NORTHERN part of the SE is junk, but you SW NW ppl have obviously never been to Mckenzie, douglasdale, Diamondcove, willowpark estates, Parkland, Cranston, Sundance, new brighton, chapparral how many more do i have to list off... the good areas in the SE far outnumber the 'ghetto' areas imo.

:dunno: The NW and SW have some very nice and pricey areas. I don't really think average cookie cutter locations like Cranston, Mckenzie, Douglas Dale would change most peoples opinions. When was the last time you took a walk through Elbow Park or Mount Royal?

05-02-2010, 01:31 AM
Originally posted by TomcoPDR

So you got at least 6 vehicles coming from your household?

That is correct, I'm not overly familiar with the bylaws but there isn't a limit on how many vehicles per household is there?

05-02-2010, 01:49 AM
Originally posted by StreetRacerX

That is correct, I'm not overly familiar with the bylaws but there isn't a limit on how many vehicles per household is there?

No, not that I know of... There also isn't laws against how many people a family tree can fit into a physical house neither, people do it, IMO it gets annoying for neighbours having 20-30 family members living in the same house.

Back to topic, I don't think OP's photo is that bad, not sure why neighbours would complain. Maybe excessive noise operating air tools? :dunno:

05-02-2010, 01:51 AM
Originally posted by TomcoPDR

No, not that I know of... There also isn't laws against how many people a family tree can fit into a physical house neither, people do it, IMO it gets annoying for neighbours having 20-30 family members living in the same house.

Back to topic, I don't think OP's photo is that bad, not sure why neighbours would complain. Maybe excessive noise operating air tools? :dunno:

Yea I couldn't find anything regarding that, but I did find that OP can't leave his truck on jackstands like that unattended hahaha

05-02-2010, 06:26 AM
Originally posted by bignerd
Curious what your double car garage is so full of that you have to keep all cars outside plus what is on the side of the house? Many people in our neighborhood also have double garages filled with anything and everything except cars...
My project truck, engine for it, tools, gear, beer fridge y'know the usual... It's only an 18x18 - with the project 4runner in there it doesn't leave much room, we can sneak the other 4runner or the car in if we have to - but then there's no room to work on the project - or breathe...

Originally posted by TomcoPDR

Back to topic, I don't think OP's photo is that bad, not sure why neighbours would complain. Maybe excessive noise operating air tools? :dunno:
Actually - don't own any air tools. No room for a decent size compressor, so I make do with manual or electric tools.

05-02-2010, 06:55 AM
Originally posted by StreetRacerX
^ Thats pretty ghetto,

OPs lawn doesn't look bad, hell the old truck on jackstands is hardly something to whine about unless it never moves but its in front of his house anyway.


Andy, I saw you working on your truck the last couple days, didn't seem like that much of a problem to me. :dunno: Before that I can say that I never noticed the truck.

I think its just because you are so close to scenic acres link, so tonnes of people are driving by, walking their pets etc.

05-02-2010, 07:26 AM
Yeah, but when pressed - 311/bylaw tells me that its 2 specific neighbours who keep complaining. I've got a good hunch its that nutty house across the park from me doing some of the complaining; not sure who the other could be...

05-02-2010, 07:37 AM
Technically you are 100% in the clear with your truck so long as all the work takes place on your private property and any excessive noise is confined to the allowed times.

This is the exact quote, IMO there is plenty of room for interpretation here. "Service work" and "minor repair" are not clearly defined and open to the end users interpretation, one could argue that a major repair for one person could be considered to be a minor repair for someone more comfortable with their vehicles.

Service work or minor repair of vehicles can only
take place on private property. The exception is
when emergency repairs are made on a city street to
enable the vehicle to be driven onto private property
or to a mechanic for repair.

When I got my first vehicle I loved to tinker on it, I have pictures of tools covering the driveway and my Jeep at a bizarre angle so I could work on it better. Now, I still love to mess around on it but all my crap stays in the garage with the door closed except for the tools Im using. Same thing for keeping it clean, I'd come back from wheeling and have it 90% covered in an inch of mud and just leave it for a few days. After realizing it looked retarded and made me look like a hick, I hit the carwash twice a week. I had one complaint from when I had to do my trans fluid and couldn't get in the garage to do it out of sight, so I did it on the driveway.

I have also been to every neighbor within two houses of me and told them that if anything I do to the truck doesn't agree with them, tell me first so we can come to a solution that benefits us both. After those conversations happened and my attitude changed a bit, no one said a word. I do think a few people were pissed about it before though and just didn't say anything.

05-02-2010, 07:43 AM
yeah I take mine back, that is nothing compared to what the people across the street from me are like.

Your neighbours are whiney bitches.

05-02-2010, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by Cos
yeah I take mine back, that is nothing compared to what the people across the street from me are like.

Your neighbours are whiney bitches.
Isn't that what I started this thread with? :)

Hrm, allowed to do emergency repairs - probably why parking control dropped it. Never did see him return to check if the truck had been moved.

And no, don't typically make a racket let alone outside of 'normal' hours - we have a 6yr old, 7pm-9am is quiet time because someone is sleeping.

05-02-2010, 09:03 AM
This thread is full of funny, lol.

Originally posted by Integra10

For all the people that consider the NE ghetto and not the SE have you ever heard of Dover? Forest Lawn? &quot;International&quot; ave?

What a coincidence that that's the 2 neighborhoods in the SE, that are as close to the NE as you can get, and still be in the SE :rofl:

AndyL, your neighbors sound like whiney cunts, just like mine (but I don't give them any reason to complain anymore). However, they're probably complaining of the junk at the side of your house, because between your next door neighbor and you, it does look trashy. I'd suggest you put up a gate there, just on your half. You don't even need a full length fence down the side of your house, just a gate so no one can see your stuff from the road.

apparently they think I should clean up the city park side of my fence.

You might actually be liable for this one. When you live on a corner lot, you're responsible for all the grass/clean up along the entire length of your property, so it MAY be the same for living against a City Park, but I don't know for sure.

05-02-2010, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by AndyL

Isn't that what I started this thread with? :)

Hrm, allowed to do emergency repairs - probably why parking control dropped it. Never did see him return to check if the truck had been moved.

And no, don't typically make a racket let alone outside of 'normal' hours - we have a 6yr old, 7pm-9am is quiet time because someone is sleeping.

Yeah but I didn't believe you :rofl:

05-02-2010, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

You might actually be liable for this one. When you live on a corner lot, you're responsible for all the grass/clean up along the entire length of your property, so it MAY be the same for living against a City Park, but I don't know for sure.
Nope, not responsible have confirmed that with bylaw and parks and 311, parks is supposed to take care of their side of the chainlink fence. Like I said, I clean up my side every week on wednesday.

Originally posted by Cos
Yeah but I didn't believe you :rofl:

05-02-2010, 09:51 AM
You need a kijiji ad to hand out to your neighbors

FS: scenic acres 4 bedroom 1800sq ft house. ect ect
$15 000 discount for motorcycle club members. (example Hells Angels) :D

05-02-2010, 10:07 AM
Something isn't right here, if you're working on one of your cars every day or once a week then your neighbours are probably thinking you're running a repair shop at home, and in that case I'd be shutting you down too. It starts with one guy and his _truck on stands, then the next guy can't afford stands so he uses cinder blocks and he's moving parts from the garage to the street in a shopping cart. When I "work on my car" it's to change a bulb, or wiper blade, maybe I'll change brake_pads, but that's like once a year something is being repaired and it might last a few hours. I think you need to clean up the garage and do repairs in there, out of sight out of mind. The only thing that should be repaired on the street is a flat tire or maybe a boost, otherwise get it towed to the shop or do the work in your own garage.

05-02-2010, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by 78si
You need a kijiji ad to hand out to your neighbors

FS: scenic acres 4 bedroom 1800sq ft house. ect ect
$15 000 discount for motorcycle club members. (example Hells Angels) :D

Funny, until a guy with a motorcycle makes an offer and wants/demands $15k discount...:thumbsup:

05-02-2010, 10:45 AM
Um, yeah - no when I whore myself out - it's as a garage door tech, not as a mechanic... Other than the wave, we have two older vehicles that are work trucks - there's always a todo list, and a few things to address...

The 1ton doesn't even come close to fitting in the garage; it'd stick out at least 6' - and yes I do need a truck this size.

You'll notice i'm on proper jack stands, and I can guarantee my neighbours can afford to go spend 40$ at princess auto if they ever felt the need to do some work :rofl: Or worst case I'd loan them out - got a few extra sets kicking around.

05-02-2010, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by AndyL
:banghead: I hate scenic acres.

Bunch of spineless people with nothing better to do than complain about every little thing the neighbours do...

Just had another visit from bylaw and parking control... Ok so yeah - fixing truck in the street, against the bylaws... Tow truck driver couldn't get the truck into the driveway - without blocking traffic for a significant period of time. So be it, parking control also had complaints because when I do park in my driveway - the bumper obstructs 6-8&quot; of the sidewalk?!?! So what, they don't want me to fix the truck on my driveway or the street...? Can we make up our minds?

Bylaw came by once again because neighbors are complained about:
- The &quot;Mess&quot; at the side of my house - a canoe and ladder rack for my truck.
- The unsightly yard - apparently they think I should clean up the city park side of my fence... And all that garbage that they keep throwing in my front hedge. (had just cleaned it out on wednesday - like I do every week to top up the bags for garbage day)
- Dog poop on front lawn (actually the boulevard) - not from my dogs (again right next to a park - mine aren't allowed in the front yard - I take them to the offleash down in bowness).

No tickets, warning, notices from either... Luckily I'm on a first name basis with these guys - they're here at least 2-3 times a month.

Anyone have ideas as to how to deal with these f*cking spineless SOBs? Right now I'm leaning towards a big sign that says &quot;Next visit from Bylaw, CPS or Parking authority = allowing my love of garden gnomes, Lawn furniture, and tacky k-mart lawn &amp; house adornments to be let loose - if you have a complaint grow a spine and come talk to me&quot;.

311 is of no help, as its apparently 2 neighbors who keep complaining - thus it isn't &quot;harassment&quot;. I'm absolutely fed up with these friggin people... Same answer came from my local alderman...

Spineless is complaining on the internet instead of talking to them about it.

I've had neighbors like you. When I do talk to you about your crappy cars all over the street or protruding over the sidewalk, and your ugly yard full of junk, you will most likely tell me to "F*** off, mind your business and relax!" So, calling bylaw services sometimes the only option.

edit: Just read the rest of the thread and saw picture...it's not that bad, I wouldn't complain about this. Ther dually is kind of an eye-sore though.

05-02-2010, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by AndyL
Um, yeah - no when I whore myself out - it's as a garage door tech, not as a mechanic... Other than the wave, we have two older vehicles that are work trucks - there's always a todo list, and a few things to address...

The 1ton doesn't even come close to fitting in the garage; it'd stick out at least 6' - and yes I do need a truck this size.

You'll notice i'm on proper jack stands, and I can guarantee my neighbours can afford to go spend 40$ at princess auto if they ever felt the need to do some work :rofl: Or worst case I'd loan them out - got a few extra sets kicking around.

I bet all your neighbours can afford to take their cars/_trucks to a proper mechanic too, so your the cheap bastard on the block that thinks he can save $20 by doing it himself. Great! So you are to blame for the neighbourhood going down hill I don't blame the neighbours for complaining.

1. Take you cars, trucks or whatever to the shop to get repaired.
2. leave the company vehicles at the company
3.clean up your act
Or move to a neighbourhood where it's acceptable to have a truck up on stands while on the street��

And didn't you say something about oil stains on the street? Maybe I'm wrong, but regardless. Dude look at the street! If I were the city you'd be paying big time for that mess!! Let me guess, "I didn't do it" "It was there when I moved in" "Timmy did it" "What? I don't see anything"

Dude you have a real problem and it's not the neighbours, it's you! Quit your crying and clean up your act. Start by cleaning up the street, then send every neighbour a thank you note with a small gift to show them that you care about your neighbours.

05-02-2010, 12:28 PM
Drive by and see what that looks like today - long ago addressed / cleaned up.

05-02-2010, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by AndyL
Drive by and see what that looks like today - long ago addressed / cleaned up.

Maybe true, but the neighbours have been dealing with this for a long time then, so there at the point to just call the city and let them deal with it, it's easier that way. Afterall, why confront someone when you don't have to, or to put it another way; if a neighbour confronted him would he have changed his ways? If the answer is no then the city would be involved anyway, and if the answer is yes then he's being an asshole for wasting city time for having them come out more than once.

A random picture from Google says a lot more then a staged one when the owner has time to clean it up to make a point.

05-02-2010, 12:49 PM
Did the complaining start about 5 years ago?

Just curious because the 311 service started in May 2005, and made it much easier to complain.

05-02-2010, 12:57 PM
Random picture from google doesn't say much; old truck blew an oil cooler line, made a hell of a mess. That did get cleaned up. Um - posted picture within minutes - if ya think one can cleanup a huge oil stain in a matter of minutes - your nuts. I was working on that stain with kitty litter, power washers and elbow grease for months.

No we haven't lived here for 5 years :)

05-02-2010, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by Dilmah

I bet all your neighbours can afford to take their cars/_trucks to a proper mechanic too, so your the cheap bastard on the block that thinks he can save $20 by doing it himself. Great! So you are to blame for the neighbourhood going down hill I don't blame the neighbours for complaining.

1. Take you cars, trucks or whatever to the shop to get repaired.
2. leave the company vehicles at the company
3.clean up your act
Or move to a neighbourhood where it's acceptable to have a truck up on stands while on the street��

And didn't you say something about oil stains on the street? Maybe I'm wrong, but regardless. Dude look at the street! If I were the city you'd be paying big time for that mess!! Let me guess, &quot;I didn't do it&quot; &quot;It was there when I moved in&quot; &quot;Timmy did it&quot; &quot;What? I don't see anything&quot;

Dude you have a real problem and it's not the neighbours, it's you! Quit your crying and clean up your act. Start by cleaning up the street, then send every neighbour a thank you note with a small gift to show them that you care about your neighbours.

If you noticed after seeing the picture majority of people have said it doesn't look bad at all, seems like your the one who has a big problem with it all.

1. I know/see a ton of people who work on there cars in higher end estate areas, typically its done in there garage but that doesn't change the fact some people love working on there vehicles, and they have the right to do so. It doesn't make you a cheapass because you like to have the work done yourself.

After all this is a car forum, for majority of us working on our cars is a hobby.

2. Its not always feasible, why would I drive my company vehicles 45 min everyday just to get it to the shop, then the extra time to bring my daily driver back.

3. Again I don't see what the big deal is, im in evergreen estates right now and on evergreen drive theres always a guy who has his truck on the street with proper jacks on and it doesn't seem like its ever bothered anyone.

05-02-2010, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by Dilmah

1. Take you cars, trucks or whatever to the shop to get repaired.

maybe some people like to work on their own vehicles rather than pay a shop 120$ an hour to do repairs..

I know i do work on my own vehicles because than i know who worked on it and how the work was done.

05-02-2010, 01:17 PM
I used to know someone who's father bought his sons a townhouse to live in after they graduated. They had issues with neighbors, and the father had a lot of money. He sold the townhouse for about $50,000 less than market value just to piss off the neighbors (one who I think was selling) and to lower the value of the others. How are you going to sell your house for $300K without discounting the price when the neighbor just sold his for $250 and it is the exact same home?

05-02-2010, 01:37 PM
Great work on your work car, not a problem. But do it in your garage not on the street. The truck is on stands in the street! The comment about being cheap was made to point out that neither I nor him know how cheap his neighbours are. And if you follow the trail I was originally saying that it starts with a truck on stands then some other neighbour can't afford stands so he uses cinder blocks... That's when he made the comment that he knows that his neighbours can afford stands. You kind of have to read all the posts related to the comments to be able to respond properly.

Like he said himself "I was working on that stain with kitty litter, power washers and elbow grease for months." So now that he has admitted to making the mess and he spent months trying to clean it up, I don't bam the neighbours at all. And he used power washers to do what? Push all the oil into the sewer? So we all have to pay for his truck/car dumping oil on the street. I don't know about anyone else but it looks like more then one oil stain on the street, and more in the driveway. He should have been fined for the mess and it should have been cleaned professionally and not power washed into the catch basin. Who knows maybe it's still possible to lay a charge now that he wants to admit it. Maybe a letter to his neighbours with a like to this thread is in order. Again, work on your own car is great, I do it myself, but not on the street.

05-02-2010, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by bignerd
I used to know someone who's father bought his sons a townhouse to live in after they graduated. They had issues with neighbors, and the father had a lot of money. He sold the townhouse for about $50,000 less than market value just to piss off the neighbors (one who I think was selling) and to lower the value of the others. How are you going to sell your house for $300K without discounting the price when the neighbor just sold his for $250 and it is the exact same home?

Yeah right! And one time in Band Camp there was this guy...

05-02-2010, 01:50 PM
ya i pretty much wanna punch dilmah in the vagina at this point. youre the douche in the thread, not the OP. youre on a fucking car forum buddy, people here usually like to work on their own cars.

1) you fucking pay his bill if you want him to go to a mechanic.

2) shut up and quit telling him what to do, you dont know his work situation, maybe hes supposed to keep work vehicles with him. would you drive across the city everyday if you didnt have to?no, you wouldnt, fuck off.

3)you clean up your shitty excuse of a personality and quit posting because youre the one who looks like an idiot.


5)PROFIT!!! for the op of course because he does his own mechanic work, while you pay for everyone to do shit for you. yay Mr. Smart Man :thumbsup:

05-02-2010, 02:27 PM
On the other hand, those oil stains are disgusting... I mean seriously. Dilmah has a right to be upset... if I had to look at those oil stains, and (sorry) buuut those shitty cars every time I walked out of my house, I'd be upset too.... big time upset.

05-02-2010, 02:42 PM
Dilmah has no right to be upset, hes a douche that thinks his shit dont stink. InRich, oil stains are inevitable. you cant get away from them. theres always gonna be a shitty car parked somewhere or even nice cars that will leak oil from time to time, it might even happen on your own driveway.

im not a fan of his truck either but who are we to tell him to get rid of his "POS" truck? people have certain cars for certain reasons, his happens to be that hes cheap and doesnt buy new vehicles. hey guess what, neither will i because they cost too much, made that mistake once, never again..

yes im also cheap, but to a point and i wouldnt have a truck like that, but thats not the point. this particular truck is what he needs for whatever he does and just because it leaked some oil doesnt actually mean its a POS. either way dilmah is flying off the handle for something that isnt even bad at all, so he must be the nazi that is calling bylaw on you Andy!

05-02-2010, 03:52 PM
Oil stains are one thing, having a large amount of oil like that is different. I'll say it again, work on your own car, no problem, just not on the street.
One thing people are forgetting is th OP asked what he should do. I'm giving him my ideas as to what to do, others are just posting to argue with me. Arguing with me doesn't help him become a better neighbour!

05-02-2010, 04:29 PM
I'm starting to think I found one of my bitching neighbours :)

No - oil wasn't sent into the sewer drains... I used oil absorbing booms when I cleaned with the pressure washer. There are such things you know - if you talk to 311 they'll pass you to city streets dept and they're most helpful at helping you clean up your own mess.

05-02-2010, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by AndyL
I'm starting to think I found one of my bitching neighbours :)

No - oil wasn't sent into the sewer drains... I used oil absorbing booms when I cleaned with the pressure washer. There are such things you know - if you talk to 311 they'll pass you to city streets dept and they're most helpful at helping you clean up your own mess.

and you're going to do what? Sit on the intrnet and complain or do something about it? Do you want to solve the problem or bitch. If it's bitch then you should have put that in the first post and I wouldn't have offered any ideas. Ask and you shall receive. It alway boggles my mind when people ask for something, someone gives it to them and they complain about what they get.

05-02-2010, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by Dilmah

and you're going to do what? Sit on the intrnet and complain or do something about it? Do you want to solve the problem or bitch. If it's bitch then you should have put that in the first post and I wouldn't have offered any ideas. Ask and you shall receive. It alway boggles my mind when people ask for something, someone gives it to them and they complain about what they get.

It always boggles my mind how some people can turn out to be complete and utter douche bags. It was some oil in the damn street that the op did a vigorous job of cleaning. I don't know who you are coming on here and talking condescending like your shit doesn't stink. You seem like one of those people that has nothing better to do in their lives than interfere with people living theirs.

You = Douche :poosie: :poosie:

05-02-2010, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by 03ozwhip
Dilmah has no right to be upset, hes a douche that thinks his shit dont stink. InRich, oil stains are inevitable. you cant get away from them. theres always gonna be a shitty car parked somewhere or even nice cars that will leak oil from time to time, it might even happen on your own driveway.

im not a fan of his truck either but who are we to tell him to get rid of his &quot;POS&quot; truck? people have certain cars for certain reasons, his happens to be that hes cheap and doesnt buy new vehicles. hey guess what, neither will i because they cost too much, made that mistake once, never again..

yes im also cheap, but to a point and i wouldnt have a truck like that, but thats not the point. this particular truck is what he needs for whatever he does and just because it leaked some oil doesnt actually mean its a POS. either way dilmah is flying off the handle for something that isnt even bad at all, so he must be the nazi that is calling bylaw on you Andy!

Agreed, Dilmah is just another forum bigmouth. Hey Dilmah, i bet you are one of those guys that just cant mind your own business on your street arent you. Got 311 on speed dial? you come off as one of those people. Sorry man, you need to get a life. I also have had times where i had to do an emergency repair, because i couldnt get it in the garage, so what are you supposed to do? Take it to a mechanic just because you cant get it in the garage? Whatever man, you just never have been and never will be in that situation, because i bet you take your car to mechanics and get raped, whatever, your choice.

Some arrogant prick called my crx in one night because it was on the side of deerfoot over night (distributor went). I left it at 9:00pm friday, it was gone saturday at 8:00am when i came back with a new distributor,and the impound told me they only tow them if theyve been there a long time, or somebody called it in. Some asshole had absolutely nothing better to do than call it in, and i bet you are the type of person to do that.

in closing, once again, get a life.

05-02-2010, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by AndyL
I'm starting to think I found one of my bitching neighbours :)

No - oil wasn't sent into the sewer drains... I used oil absorbing booms when I cleaned with the pressure washer. There are such things you know - if you talk to 311 they'll pass you to city streets dept and they're most helpful at helping you clean up your own mess.

I call bullshit! One minute it's "I was working on that stain with kitty litter, power washers and elbow grease for months." and now " oil absorbing booms". :bullshit: time to show your cards you lose.

05-02-2010, 05:26 PM
^^do you not know what booms are? do you not realize that he could have been using all of those things at the same time? dude, you lost, get over it.

05-02-2010, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by Dilmah

and you're going to do what? Sit on the intrnet and complain

Irony! :rofl:

05-02-2010, 06:52 PM
It's over, no matter what I say he'll add to the story. Next he'll say there was a vacuum truck, then...:closed:

05-02-2010, 07:07 PM
Here's what I'm thinking - Dillweed there is probably one of the two complainers... He made reference to something totally innocuous that happens extremely rarely (maybe 2-3 times in the past couple years) - but generated a complaint every time...

So either he's the person who complained or just can't read... :dunno:

E-thugs gotta love em :rofl:

05-02-2010, 07:37 PM

05-02-2010, 07:44 PM
As for adding to the story - do you want me to spell it out in detail step by step how I cleaned it up including all products used, MSDS datasheets and a minute by minute accounting of my time? :facepalm:

05-02-2010, 08:33 PM

05-02-2010, 08:35 PM
You know what, I just realized I drove by your house Friday. You live on the corner near the stop signs to the ring road. On Friday at 4 when I drove by after work I did think it was strange to see someone working on their truck on the road but it wasn't horrible I'll agree.

Big red f150 drove by as you were coming out from under it, don't know if you saw me go by but you looked right at me. Small world.

With where you live it could be ANYONE around there. You are on such a busy corner it doesn't suprise me you get crap for it.

Edit: just read that you think it is the nimby/tree huggers to the north of you. I would also bet on them.

05-02-2010, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by AndyL
As for adding to the story - do you want me to spell it out in detail step by step how I cleaned it up including all products used, MSDS datasheets and a minute by minute accounting of my time? :facepalm:

Some people just HAVE to complain, its boredome, or oversensitivity, or whatever. My friend lives in douglasdale, we regularly work on our cars there, he has cars on his pad with car covers, nice car covers, not ugly tarp pieces of shit. We keep the property clean, etc. One day we were trying to figure out a low rpm stutter on his car, so we were revving it up and down, we had been doing it for 5 minutes, and almost had the problem solved, and we see his neighbor walking from across the street. First he gives us shit for disturbing him on a saturday at 3:00 in the afternoon (god forbid there isnt absolute silence for 5 whole minutes right?) and then proceeds to ask me why im there because i dont live there, and therefore shouldnt be there. Long story short, he complains about EVERYTHING, calls parking patrol all the time for dumb shit, they never end up towing anything, etc....

bottom line is, some people honestly have nothing better to do at all, than make other people's lives miserable. They are miserable themselves and take it out on everybody else. Just keep your t's crossed and your i's dotted and youll be ok.

05-02-2010, 08:48 PM
Probably did look right at ya :) I gotta check out all the trucks that come by :D

But I can't say as I remember which one you were... Was getting rather pissed at the damn truck being broke and the repair not going easy.

05-02-2010, 09:19 PM
I've told my neighbors from the get go, if they have a problem with me - approach me DIRECTLY and tell me what the issue is. If they do this, I will extend that same courtesy towards them.

The problem these days seems to be that most people are fucking weasels and will avoid direct confrontation all at costs.

It's funny that the same people that complain about the ones that do their own car repairs in their driveway are the same people who will constantly quiz you about a problem with their car or ask you to look at their car. The minute you help them out they back off and you never get another complaint again!

And I gotta laugh about the whole NE being a ghetto posts. Whoever fears going or living there needs to see the world and discover what a REAL ghetto looks like (as someone posted earlier). Calgary residents have no idea how good they have it!

It seems to me that Calgary is slowly losing it's identity. Fear and xenophobia run rampant. Snooty yuppies hole up in their McMansions in neighborhood X looking down on anybody living in neighborhood Y or Z, terrified of areas that differ from their own. These yuppies (who are in reality a pseudo-middle class) don't even realize that they are looked down on in turn by high society who own their lush rolling estates - it doesn't even phase them. On top of that - inner city dwellers laugh at suburbanites for living in crappy housing while those living in the ' burbs consider the inner city to be a full fledged demilitarized zone. Some Calgarians pass judgement based only on where you live! Heaven help any non-caucasians, because generalizations are made based on ethnicity on top of that.

Oooh - the NE..... I don't want to be near them.... there's so much crime... all the gangs live there.... yada yada.... Crime occurs everywhere in this city - some places more than others and some more visible than others. This has NEVER prevented me from going somewhere I wanted to go. I've had very few problems no matter where I travel in this city and I have lived in Calgary most of my life. And the grow ops and the gang shootings happening in the 'burbs? No.... that would never happen where I live - so some think. Is Calgary that scary?!? Compared to other cities I have been/lived worldwide it is a paradise.

Some people just need to give their head a shake.

05-02-2010, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by AndyL
Probably did look right at ya :) I gotta check out all the trucks that come by :D

But I can't say as I remember which one you were... Was getting rather pissed at the damn truck being broke and the repair not going easy.

haha no worries. One of my green guys lives near Husky so I am up there at least every other week and then I take the ring road home. If you see this thing drive by you give a wave.


05-02-2010, 09:50 PM
I can see the oil being an issue, glad you cleaned it up.

To Dilmah; is it just the fact that he is working in the street that is bothering you or the fact he is working on his truck at his home? I don't see any problem as long as its on his property and he cleans up within a reasonable amount of time.

The point about cost is a good one. Why would I go blow $600 on brakes at a shop where I don't know who is doing the work when I can do it myself at home in just as much time for cheaper and know who did the work and all the bolts are good.

05-02-2010, 10:10 PM
I'm still chuckling over the 'staged picture' comment; christ i'm not an '010 noob (somehow '10 noob just doesn't play right). Posted a picture of my house willingly and told ya's where it was. I'm sure at least a dozen drive by daily, if I was covering up the neighbourhood eyesore as implied - it'd have come out in a the first two pages Beyond CSI is kinda like that :rofl:

05-02-2010, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by AndyL
I'm still chuckling over the 'staged picture' comment; christ i'm not an '010 noob (somehow '10 noob just doesn't play right). Posted a picture of my house willingly and told ya's where it was. I'm sure at least a dozen drive by daily, if I was covering up the neighbourhood eyesore as implied - it'd have come out in a the first two pages Beyond CSI is kinda like that :rofl:

Lol I wouldn't worry about it. Dilmah is just butt sore, no one else is getting on your case. I commend you for the effort you put in to cleaning up the oil, and really couldn't give a fuck if you washed it into the storm drain lol.

As far as I am concerned, you are not in the wrong at all here.... let your neighbours continue with their complaints. It sound like bylaw is on your side too, as there has been no mention of any type of ticket being issued.... good on bylaw for using common sense.

As for Dilmah........ please step in front of a bus

05-03-2010, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by nismodrifter

Shutters? You're acting all high and mighty with your &quot;I'm too good for the N.E.&quot; bullshit yet your English vocabulary is total fail. Fucking idiot.

Originally posted by adidas
Ill take you as a neighbor any day of the week compared to the villagers i have to live with in the NE.

I would seriously be on the phone with 311 every day complaining about someone/something.

The best one is the guy across the alley has distributed 10 bags of garbage for the past 8 months to all 3 neighbors surrounding him.

Fucking LOL. This and the "hedge trimmer as a lawn mower" thread are probably my favorites right now.