View Full Version : WTB: (hire actually) Landscape Designer

05-02-2010, 04:09 PM
If this is in the wrong section, can a mod say where it would go best.

We'd like to get some professional advice regarding design for our front yard.

Not looking for someone to actually do the work, more just for a consultation with a professional that could recommend or give some ideas.

Basically we have lawn with 2 mature spruce trees in the front yard. We'd like to make a new walk with paving stones, and possible put in a border of xeric scape plants between the street and the lawn.

Hoping to hire someone to take into account our ideas, add there professional judgment about vegetation that would work, what people would find attractive when we go to sell our house, and give us a designed diagram of our yard that we would implement.

Does anyone know a landscape designer for something like this?