View Full Version : Heartburn/Acid Reflux

05-18-2010, 11:45 PM
Does anyone get either of these? I think I have the latter, Acid reflux as indicated by the fact that my entire throat and esophogus feels like it is on fire at night when I am trying to sleep...

Just wondering if there are any quicker acting remedies out there besides Zantac, I have been popping the extra strength ones like they are candy, rolaids and tums do nothing except leave a bad taste in my mouth.

Will make a Dr's appt but that will take a few weeks to get in. Trying to avoid eating late as I think that is one of the causes for me however working nights it can be hard to avoid this.

05-19-2010, 12:15 AM
Push to see if you can get tested for the h.pilori bacteria.

I used to have badass ulcers. I was vomitting blood, which isn't indicitive of anything extremly serious, but I was in a world of hurt.

Nexium is good stuff, I went on a round of that and it helped a lot. Now I only have issues if I over eat, and eat too much spice. Find out what your particular triggers are - for me kraft frozen pizzas with meat destroy me.

05-19-2010, 12:53 AM
Originally posted by bignerd

Will make a Dr's appt but that will take a few weeks to get in. Trying to avoid eating late as I think that is one of the causes for me however working nights it can be hard to avoid this.

Tums, Zantax, and all that other over the counter stuff does nothing at all. you NEED to go see a doctor and get the good shit. I've been on two different meds. I had bad reflux a good 4 years ago and went on something called PREVACID, it made it ALL go away.The stuff is amazing.

However, I was diagnosed with cancer and the stress + treatment made my stomach acid go crazy again, so I'm on something called LOSEC, which works even better. Going from 15 tums a day to a single pill is pretty nice.

It doesn't matter which one you get, they have a variety of names and I think there are even generics now, you need a prescription for them. I would go to the first clinic you can. They are around $80 a bottle so benefits are nice, but they work super well. Seriously just go to a walk in clinic and explain the situation, you should be able to get the prescription right away.

EDIT: oh yeah, just like Blacura said, know your triggers after you're done. It'll keep you off the meds in the future. Mine are white icing, non paper-filtered coffee, and bananas.

05-19-2010, 12:59 AM
I used to get it a lot and zantac, tums etc does nothing IMO.

The one over the counter that DOES work is Pepcid Complete with the big red top....NOT pepcid ac.

05-19-2010, 12:58 PM
Well for me the Zantac seems to help some, I did buy the strongest one I could find. Even if I take the pill when I start to feel it I am still up at night 1-2 hours feeling ill/un-comfortable.

I have exams coming up also which does not help the situation any. I have not narrowed down a lot of triggers, except like I said eating late, sometimes I think onions, and in general any really strongly spiced food (had a really bad case after eating a falafel one night.....).

I did go to a walk in clinic one day after having heartburn and experiencing a lot of discomfort, the doctor suggested the Zantac but basically discounted me saying I was "too young" to be experiencing either of these issues.

05-19-2010, 01:06 PM
Mother fuckin banana's destroy me. If i have a single beer i get it until i have another. I have so many stomach problems haha i think it's from boozing too much, i cut down on that a little and it has helped. i had a prescription for a while, it helped and it stayed good for a bit, shoulda refilled it though...

Zantac is my life line.. some of my girlfriends i party with alot carry it just for me :D

05-19-2010, 01:15 PM
i have been taking prevacid for around 10 years.

works like a charm, i eat spicy food pretty much everyday. nothing bothers me except staying up super late and the medicine is wearing off.

and yea, bananas were the worst!!!

I use to drink a bottle of malox every day. zantac wouldn't even touch it.

05-19-2010, 02:20 PM
I'm going for a scope end of July I have been suffering for 15 and have been taking Pariet for just as many years. It's brutal. I have to avoid so many things it's not even funny, of course I love all the things that irritate it. It started when I was pregnant and I had Hyperemesis gravidarum (morning sickness 24/7 for entire pregnancy) both pregnancies. So we shall see what they discover. I am not looking forward to it.

But definitely get to the Dr, don't have to pop over the counter stuff when there are plenty of good options.

05-20-2010, 08:33 AM
i had the scope in both ends, not fun!!