View Full Version : Question about heating a home

05-24-2010, 10:46 AM
My wife and I are currently building a house. We are definitely moving up in size quite a bit. Our current place is 1500sq ft and the new one is going to be 2600 with a 700sqft developed basement. The furnace we are going with is a 97% efficient dual zone capable. One zone will be the upstairs on its own thermostat while the main level and basement will be on another. My question to those of you who have big places comparable in size, is how much your utilities bills are? I have water/gas/electric on the same bill and paid around $350 or so in our current place during the winter. I'm just wondering what the difference might be. Thanks for the help.

Masked Bandit
05-24-2010, 08:24 PM
For power, gas, water &sewer I probably average $300 a month. In the winter obviously it's more but it's also much less in the summer. Our place is 2400 sq ft with another 850 sq ft in the basement.

Skip the zone set up furnace and go with twin furnaces. I curse the day I let the sales guy talk me into a zone system.

05-24-2010, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by Masked Bandit

Skip the zone set up furnace and go with twin furnaces. I curse the day I let the sales guy talk me into a zone system.

care to elaborate? i'm intrigued.

05-24-2010, 08:44 PM
2400 sq ft, 850sqt ft basement, 600 sq ft of space with 17ft ceilings, single furnace.

Power, Sewer, Heat, waste etc all comes to $300 for summer months and up to $500 in bad winter months.

Having a dual furnace would not make much difference as basement isn't a walkout so it's quite well regulated temperature wise. Warm in winter, cool in summer. I had duct work to every room in basement but only 3 are opened at all time.

05-24-2010, 08:53 PM
good to know! thanks!

05-24-2010, 09:54 PM
That's kindof what I was expecting for costs. I don't understand how a dual zone furnace would be a bad thing. It's like the benefit of having a programable thermostat. What is the point in heating the downstairs/basement when you are sleeping and heating the upstairs if you have company? The house came standard with 2 furnaces but they worked together to heat the house. I dont see the advantage to heating a whole house if it's not necessary. So that's why we went dual zone. Oh and our place is a walkout.