View Full Version : WHO H1N1 Scientists influenced by pharma companies.

06-11-2010, 01:23 PM
"World Health Organization Scientists Linked to Swine Flu Vaccine Makers"


Business model:

1) Inflate the threat and make people beg for a solution.

2) Get governments to foot the bill for scared population.

3) Plofit!

06-11-2010, 01:35 PM
This should be prosecuted criminally. This is the equivilant of crying wolf.. Do this enough times and no one will believe you when the shit really hits the fan.

I knew this 'pandemic' was a bunch of horseshit from day one..

06-11-2010, 01:38 PM
Meh, disaster averted I say.

$1 Billion well spent, much better than $16 Billion for 65 F-35 fighter jets.

06-11-2010, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by ZenOps
Meh, made-up/manufactured disaster averted I say.


So you'd rather spend $1b on a fake non-incident then spend $16b on real assets that we need to replace our aging military aircraft?

16b$ for 65 aircraft is cheap as chips.

06-11-2010, 01:55 PM
I didn't buy that shit either. I am surprised by what actually transpired though. Criminal charges HAVE to be laid, there is no room for more fucking around.

06-11-2010, 01:56 PM

06-11-2010, 01:56 PM

Its estimated by the US that they spent $300 Billion developing the technology to put into the F-35 (which is actually a slower plane than the F-18, but easier to manufacture)

Amount of dollars Canada will get from developing technological innovation - Zero, we are buying the planes not designing or making them.

In a pissing contest (war) 65 fighters will do nothing on the global stage other than an expensive way to show a flag. If its meant for defense against Russian bombers, I'd think we should be more concerned about Ignatieff and Palin, as much as Putin, Stalin or Lenin.

06-11-2010, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by ZenOps

Its estimated by the US that they spent $300 Billion developing the technology to put into the F-35 (which is actually a slower plane than the F-18, but easier to manufacture)

Amount of dollars Canada will get from developing technological innovation - Zero, we are buying the planes not designing or making them.

In a pissing contest (war) 65 fighters will do nothing on the global stage other than an expensive way to show a flag. If its meant for defense against Russian bombers, I'd think we should be more concerned about Ignatieff and Palin, as much as Putin, Stalin or Lenin.

While your faster F-18s are getting shot down from 250 miles away from slow ass invisible to radar F-35s i think you might see the value.

RE: H1N1

This was all about corporate profits


It's all about engineering a worldwide pandemic and killing off the population because the smart people wo understand the exponential function know were almost at the limit of the system.

06-11-2010, 02:04 PM
^^ so you dont think we need to protect our arctic?

06-11-2010, 02:04 PM
wow ... that's fucked ... i totally knew it was a big fucking scheme...
and that's why i refused to get the H1N1 shot ... give it 5 or 10 years when everyone that DID get the shot starts getting deathly ill.......... then WHO and the pharmaceutical companies won't be so high up on their mighty pedestals ... rather getting sued and shut down due to this conspiracy.

06-11-2010, 02:10 PM
Lol, big surprise.

06-11-2010, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by dirtsniffer
^^ so you dont think we need to protect our arctic?

Nope, especially now with the BP spill.

Arctic sovereignty is only useful if we have the public will to allow oil exploration. I would not be surprised if there was a drilling moratorium placed in the arctic now... Which means there is nothing for the planes to protect but ice and sealskin that the EU and UK will not buy anymore.

That also means we can wait another couple decades to upgrade any military response, maybe even wait for the next gen of planes (F-70 maybe?)

06-11-2010, 03:40 PM
Gee... what a surprise! :rolleyes:

06-11-2010, 04:01 PM
Gawd, I remember this whole debate.... the sky was gonna fall, the human population was gonna be wiped out... death toll in the millions in Canada alone... yadda yadda :rofl:

Sure the scientist and WHO are to blame PARTIALLY, my solution is simpler....

Kill all the stupid people that believe everything they see and read, and are so easily scared.... Especially the MORONS that were all for ?mandatory" vaccinations.

Fuck you! I told you so! :poosie: :drool: :bigpimp:

06-11-2010, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by derran.m
wow ... that's fucked ... i totally knew it was a big fucking scheme...
and that's why i refused to get the H1N1 shot ... give it 5 or 10 years when everyone that DID get the shot starts getting deathly ill.......... then WHO and the pharmaceutical companies won't be so high up on their mighty pedestals ... rather getting sued and shut down due to this conspiracy.

The Calgary Flames will be the first to go! ;)

06-11-2010, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by Toma
Fuck you! I told you so! :poosie: :drool: :bigpimp:

:werd: - exactly my feelings.

06-11-2010, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by derran.m
... give it 5 or 10 years when everyone that DID get the shot starts getting deathly ill..........

I don't think longterm adverse effects will be either so acute, or so evident. Barring any proper studies (Which will never happen), we really won't know.

IMHO, I do think that those who have less vaccines will experience better health over the longer term than those who have more.

That should be enough.

06-11-2010, 05:07 PM
now if we could also agree that the global warming scare was exagerated too, we can start moving forward at last... i dont blame them, they used the exact same methods that worked so well for the other guys :thumbsup: :whipped: where are the 2m increases in shoreline water levels, bigger hurricanes, genetic mutations from chicken flu, the mutated superflus that threaten us every winter.... not saying there isnt some underlying truth to all this, just that its all turned into a big money making machine since there is no one to regulate them

06-11-2010, 06:32 PM
I didn't even for a second consider getting that fucking vaccine.

Sorry, and no offense, but if you did, you're retarded.

06-11-2010, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by CUG
I didn't even for a second consider getting that fucking vaccine.

Sorry, and no offense, but if you did, you're retarded.

Some of us didn't really have a choice, not like there was a gun to my head, but my work would have been in jeopardy.

06-11-2010, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by Cos

Some of us didn't really have a choice, not like there was a gun to my head, but my work would have been in jeopardy.

What job requires you to violate your rights and take a vaccine?

06-11-2010, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by Cos

Some of us didn't really have a choice, not like there was a gun to my head, but my work would have been in jeopardy. That's totally different. I'm more talking about the droves of overweight housewives with children falling off of them waiting in thousand + lineups with the worried look on their faces, while their husband is balls deep in some slutty secretary a downtown utility/mechanical room.

06-11-2010, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by CUG
I didn't even for a second consider getting that fucking vaccine.

Sorry, and no offense, but if you did, you're retarded.

Offense taken. A very close family friend of ours was among one of the 200 or so victims in Alberta that lost his life to H1N1. He was a healthy 16 year old with no pre-existing medical conditions. When he was on life support struggling for his life, it wasn't even a question that myself and my family get vaccinated. In fact, i think it is very immature of people to think that there will be long lasting health effects from the vaccination. I find it funny when people make decisions based on emotional hype. I trust experts that are medical doctors, and not just the opinion of someone on a web-based forum. In fact, I bet you that the majority of doctors in Canada were the first to line up with their families for this vaccine.

06-11-2010, 08:54 PM
^Nope. MY family MD recommended not to get it, but said its my choice. She said neither she or her family is getting it.

06-11-2010, 09:11 PM
71 people have died from h1n1 in alberta, inlcuding people who died from other illnesses while having h1n1. the median age of the deceased was 50.


06-11-2010, 10:10 PM
I'm all the happier for getting the shot. I typically do not get regular flu shots, just tough through those ones.

Who knows, maybe the 1918 will rear its head a decade from now. You can never ever be sure what year things like pox, measles, mumps, etc can hit hard. Sometimes you get one case of measles, and the next thing you know a dozen schools have infection rates over 50%, its unpredictable in that manner.

It is comforting to know that I've got limited protection against one of the nastiest viral strains known to man. The final tally seems to be just over 45% of Canadians who got the H1N1 shot. Those who say its a waste of money, are not speaking for those who got the shot (and of the 55% there are many who were just plain indifferent, not opposing the shot directly either)

06-11-2010, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by ZenOps

The final tally seems to be just over 45% of Canadians who got the H1N1 shot.


06-11-2010, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by DJ_NAV
^Nope. MY family MD recommended not to get it, but said its my choice. She said neither she or her family is getting it.

There is your problem in the first place.

06-12-2010, 02:52 AM
Originally posted by Mx6er

Offense taken. A very close family friend of ours was among one of the 200 or so victims in Alberta that lost his life to H1N1. He was a healthy 16 year old with no pre-existing medical conditions. When he was on life support struggling for his life, it wasn't even a question that myself and my family get vaccinated. In fact, i think it is very immature of people to think that there will be long lasting health effects from the vaccination. I find it funny when people make decisions based on emotional hype. I trust experts that are medical doctors, and not just the opinion of someone on a web-based forum. In fact, I bet you that the majority of doctors in Canada were the first to line up with their families for this vaccine. I'm truly sorry about your friend.

On your other point, out of the MD's I know, I don't recall one of them getting the shot. My dad included. None of them got the Hini

06-12-2010, 03:47 AM

whoa, no more posting drunk for me

06-12-2010, 04:26 AM
Wow. The ignorance in this thread is astounding. Your anecdotal evidence of whether or not you caught the H1N1 flu is completely irrelevant. How many of you have cancer right now? Does that mean we can start saying cancer is a big scheme too? Smarten up and stop being sheep. I'm guessing half of the people responding in this thread didn't bother to read the whole article, because most credible doctors are refuting the allegations of any wrong doing.

Most of the so-called "ties" to the pharmaceutical companies are speaker fees and the like. We're not talking about bribes here, we're talking about compensation for legitimate work that is carried out as standard practice in the industry. Doctors don't work for free, just like everyone else. They have to be paid by someone. This is an industry where collaboration and the sharing of information benefits everyone. The more you prevent this flow of information the more power you give back to the big pharma corporations.

The WHO had to make decisions BEFORE knowing how the virus would affect people on a global scale. They knew H1N1 affected healthy people more severely and had genetic resemblance to other flu viruses that were very lethal. But it was impossible to predict exactly how that would affect everyone. The WHO said this from day 1. Planning for the worst and hoping for the best was the only reasonable course of action.

The only people to blame for fear mongering are the media outlets. And they're up to the same thing again, and you people are falling for it all over again. Get your heads out of your asses.

Here are some quotes from the article the op posted that none of you bothered to read:

"I do find these investigations troubling, when the only way WHO could be exonerated is if there had been tens of millions dead," said John Barry, a distinguished scholar at Tulane University and author of The Great Influenza. "And then we'd have investigations about how ineffective they were."

[quote]"While I agree WHO should have disclosed any relationship between advisors and industry," he continued, "based on what WHO actually did, I find it absurd to accuse them of having been influenced by the drug industry. Antivirals, though hardly a magic bullet, are the only drug option. And a recommendation to stockpile them was the only option."

"I think even the authors [of the BMJ report] would have to agree that there really was no choice here but to prepare for a pandemic," he said. "If there had been a severe pandemic and there had been no preparations, the outcome (and the outcry) would have been far worse."

"if anything WHO was slow to make that call. And if you know anything about the history of the influenza virus, again it had no option. 1918 saw a very mild spring wave, quite comparable to what we experienced in 2009. It turned virulent months later."

"You can tweak the plans — how much antivirals, what kinds, where is the vaccine coming from, who should be vaccinated first, should you close schools, etc. — but the basic elements are going to be the same," he said. "So I don't see the argument here as whether WHO made the right recommendation at the time, regardless of who was advising them — they clearly did."

Arthur Reingold, MD, head of the division of epidemiology at the University of California Berkeley School of Public Health and head of the California Emerging Infections Program, said, "WHO would have received identical advice [regarding] the need to stockpile antiviral drugs and speed the development of vaccines from any competent expert in the field without industry ties."

"So, why is WHO singled out? Each national body and expert group is more comfortable ascribing mistakes in strategy or policy to someone else. WHO is a handy whipping post. I would characterize this focus on WHO as a 'cheap shot.'"

"In our current system of healthcare," Treanor said, "the responsibility for demonstrating that these interventions are safe and effective lies with the manufacturer. Hence, individuals with the greatest experience and insight into these interventions will almost always either be employees of industry or individuals paid by industry to conduct studies."