View Full Version : Do I have a parking ticket case?

06-22-2010, 03:27 PM
So I usually wouldn't bitch about parking tickets and just pay them, but this pissed me off..

1. I live in the building across the street from this house and have underground parking, but they were cleaning the underground parking today so i had to leave it outside..

Anyways when I got home last night it was dark out and the I noticed the first curb coming right up to the driveway so I thought nothing of it and parked on the other side of it not obstructing the driveway or stairs..


I go to my car this afternoon to find a ticket that says I am 0.8meters away from the driveway from the required 1.5Meters required..

Where the hell is the 0.8 meter measured from, since that curb keeps going for another meter prob?

Should I just pay it, or try and go in and fight this with the parking patrol, or go 2 court?

Did anyone else know its suppose to be 1.5meter from the parking lot?

06-22-2010, 03:30 PM
How much is the ticket? If it's <$50 I would say it's probably not worth your time, but they may toss it since it could be unclear as to how it should be measured... Depends on how nice the person is that you have to deal with.

06-22-2010, 03:32 PM
how does anyone need 1.5m to get into a driveway?

06-22-2010, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by Pahnda
How much is the ticket? If it's &lt;$50 I would say it's probably not worth your time, but they may toss it since it could be unclear as to how it should be measured... Depends on how nice the person is that you have to deal with.

Yup just $40, but it's more about the principle of the ticket not the $$, I just think its completely unclear how it is measured and how BS the ticket seems to me...

06-22-2010, 03:38 PM
That is a pretty unreasonable ticket. It is one of those ones where you know they are just looking to ticket someone just for the money. Because you left plenty of room for someone to use that driveway and even the stairs... I say fight it but i don't have any experience with this stuff so better take my advice with a grain of salt.

06-22-2010, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by Kobe
Did anyone else know its suppose to be 1.5meter from the parking lot?

I have no idea how he measured, but you're clearly parked illegally in that picture.

I know about the 1.5m rule. When I used to live in a condo on a busy street, I called CPA all the time to ticket vans and trucks parked too close to the entrance. They made it a bitch to see oncoming traffic when trying to turn left to get out.

06-22-2010, 03:46 PM
I just looked out the window and now someone is in the exact same spot (maybe .1-.3meter) closer to the driveway I was, and they are going to get ticketed for this now as well prob..

06-22-2010, 03:49 PM
I knew that rule but only because i received a ticket and was towed cause of a bitchy neighbor. The worst part was they had a big ass fur tree that covered there driveway so they couldnt park there anyways.

06-22-2010, 03:54 PM
yes, I know of the 1.5 m rule. It is hard to tell from the pic but it doesn't even look like you are 1.5m from the drive way and they might have measured from those stairs.

Either way you are in the wrong and I say don't fight it because you will probably lose and its not worth fighting even if you do win really.

The rule is there for safety reasons(entering exiting drive way).

All that being said, if your neighbor called CPA on you they are just being douches.

06-22-2010, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by Kobe
I just looked out the window and now someone is in the exact same spot (maybe .1-.3meter) closer to the driveway I was, and they are going to get ticketed for this now as well prob..

Actually, I bet you they don't unless the owners call to complain. (again?)

I guess I can see the purpose though.... in my neighborhood, many of the driveways have just been poured so there is a lot of people parking on the street, and I have to cut it pretty close when leaving. If someone doesn't have enough room to turn as soon as they exit their driveway, it *could* make things hard for them to get out.

06-22-2010, 04:34 PM
I wanna find the guy that busted out the tape measure and measured that, and slap him in the fucking face.

If you see the guy come to give another ticket, throw an anonymous shoe at him please.

06-22-2010, 04:42 PM
It's an asshole ticket, but you're parked illegally. imo.

06-22-2010, 05:00 PM
I think they measure from where the dip in the cement sidewalk ends... dip in the end of the sidewalk to back bumper of your car has to be 1.5 m.