View Full Version : Should I insist on a new Quarter Panel?

06-24-2010, 09:16 AM
Hi Guys,

Looking for a bit of guidance. A couple weeks ago my parked car was hit in a parking lot. Long story short got a hold of the chick and now going through insurance who told me to take it to one of their approved shops for an appraisal of the damage. The car hit my passenger rear quarter panel at low speed causing a pretty nice dent.

Took it to Arrow Carstar and dealt with a really good guy there who explained everything in close detail to me. On the quote he wrote he said that he wished to replace the quarter panel. Total bill around 5.2k. I hear back from the insurance agent (bitch), and she said that the appraiser who looked at the photos and the quote only approved damages for $3200, and requested the panel to be repaired instead of replaced.

I called back the appraiser at Carstar, and he said that he said that wanted to replace the quarter panel partially due to how perfect the car is otherwise, but it is ultimately up to the people at the insurance company to decide what gets approved.

My question is, should I just go with the flow with repairing the dent, or insist that the quarter panel is replaced?

06-24-2010, 09:20 AM
You can fight it, but it could be tricky. I mean, what obligation are they under to provide you with that level of repair?

You need to find some documentation somewhere that indicates they are *required* to return it to original condition.


06-24-2010, 09:21 AM
You can ask them to replace the quarter panel, but dealing with insurance adjusters is generally going to be like pulling teeth.

Do all you can to convince them to do it, but if they won't foot the bill, by then you would have exhausted all of your avenues and just go through with what they recommend.

06-24-2010, 09:24 AM
I'm guessing you are going solely through the other persons insurance? Take it to a few other shops and get their recommendations. If they all come to the same conclusion, take that to the insurance appraiser.

06-24-2010, 09:36 AM
Basically what has been said above, take it to at least 2 other shops and see what they think. If 3 shops say it needs to be replaced then they should cave and replace it.

This is typical insurance BS, first offers are always low. It is always up to the person making the claim to do the leg work and it always sucks.

06-24-2010, 09:55 AM
I might actually post a picture on here. I am going soley through the other persons insurance.

I initially took the care to screaming paintworks and Dave told me that the dent can be popped out carefully by going through the trunk.

I want to take the car to Maranellos for the repair further complicating this process.

I can feel this being a fight.. Thanks for the input guys!

Koublek: I might be misunderstanding your post but isn't it a given that they have to replace it to what it was like before? Otherwise I am worse off due to someone elses actions correct. They have to put me back to the place I was before.

06-24-2010, 09:59 AM
Yeah, I know what you're saying Neil. The problem is perception. If they view that the repaired panel would perform "just as well" as a new one, then (in their opinion), they ARE repairing it to the required level.

Consider someone who has an accident, and bends their frame. Technically, a bent frame is never as strong. Yet - if it is cost-effective - they would have the frame straightened, the panels repaired, and send you on your way. Are you "out" because some asshole hit you? Yup. Are they going to give you a new car because of it? Nope.

Insurance companies suck. They really do. They try to put out the least amount of money in any given situation. That's why it is always a fight to get more. I guess it just depends on how much effort and time you want to put into fighting - especially when results are not guaranteed.

But, as mentioned, if you get a bunch of quotes with all these shops saying they would rather replace the panel, then that would obviously work in your favour in regards to fighting them.

06-24-2010, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by Neil4Speed

Koublek: I might be misunderstanding your post but isn't it a given that they have to replace it to what it was like before? Otherwise I am worse off due to someone elses actions correct. They have to put me back to the place I was before.

They have to make it as it was before the accident, however if the fender is repairable, they can go that way.

06-24-2010, 10:17 AM
Thanks very much Kloubek (And Tik Tok) for the detailed post, I get what you guys are saying! Without sounding like a douche, I bought this car in particular last year because it was in like new condition, perfect through and through, and the best example of the rarer newer updated model out of all the of the ones that I could find in North America.

Panels were absolutely perfect, I am just worried if they try to "repair" the quarter that there will be waves in the paint when light hits it. Is this a reasonable concern? I am not to sure how good they are at fixing these kinds of things, but for me in my head, its like trying to repair a crinkled tin can.

Oh yeah, I am also bitter because it came really close to being a Hit and Run :devil: , The chick who hit me left a fake number on the windshield, thank god for witnesses.

06-24-2010, 10:42 AM
I think you would be very surprised how well a good repair shop can "repair" a panel. If Dan from Screamin says he can fix it by popping it out, I'm 99.9% sure he can.

It totally sucks though that you have to fight to get your car back in the same kind of condition as prior to the accident. But if I were you, I'd put in a little time to make that attempt... you never know.

06-25-2010, 01:40 PM
wait hang on, if the other person is at fault 100%, since when do you have to take it to the 3rd parties insurance companies approved shops?

ive been in two accidents that were 100% the other person fault, and once they admited fault, both times i was able to take my car to a shop of my choice.

it was my understanding that you only have to use the insurnace companies shop if its your fault and your collision policy is paying for it. then you have to go where they tell you.

06-25-2010, 10:02 PM
Its your car and not your fault, it is their customers fault that they hit you not yours so they are responsible for returning your car t you into the condition it was before the accident, why are they making you suffer because the person they represent is an idiot, maybe if they don't want to pay for it they shouldnt insure retards like the person that hit you, it is your car and you can take it where ever you want to get fixed
repeat, and repeat, talk to someone more senior, repeat, repeat etc until you get somewhere

You are not obligated to take your car to one of their approved shops, they say to bring it there because it saves them money, they trust the appraisle etc. you can bring it to a not approved shop then they have to send their appraiser to agree with the body shop of your choice.

I had a similar problem with my porsche in edmonton, Dougs place was one of few body shops that would work on my car, and that I actually trusted to do a proper repair. I fought the insurance company using the lines above and cc'ing them on emails I sent to consumer report, W5 etc basically any consumer thing for all news stations with global, ctv, City TV, CBC, the edmonton journal, edmonton sun. I argued on the first day and management said they would get back to me, day 2 after the first email was sent, I got a call about an hour later agreeing to my terms in turn for a retraction of my emails.

Doug's place is also known for having the owner doug, or appraiser adrian battle it out with insurance companies so you dont have to.

06-26-2010, 12:46 AM
You can pick your own shop where you want to get it fixed. Most of insurance companies wanna go to A1 but I take it to screaming paintworks. In the end the adjuster would also have a say if the dent just needs to be pulled or actually replaced.

Over years, I've found State Farm to be least hassle companies. I've never got less than great service and almost all claims were settled as I wanted or better.

07-02-2010, 09:12 PM
At fault or not, the reason to use a preferred shop is to have that insurance company guarantee the repairs.

If you go to a non preferred shop and are not happy with the repairs you're on your own.

Further, how nice the car is, or how new it has nothing to do with the decision to have a new panel vs. repairing the old one. If the panel can be repaired within industry standards at a cost saving over replacement that is what should be done.

The insurance company isn't suggesting the shop fix it poorly or plug a hole with bondo. The insurance company is merely expecting the shop to be able to perform their chosen trade and actually repair damage when its repairable.

EG) if a panel has 12 hours of damage that can be repaired why would you expect someone (insurance company) to pay for 16 hours and $1,000 for the new panel??

12 X 80 = $960 to repair.
16 X 80 + $1,000 = $2,280 to replace.

Does this seem logical to everyone else?